I'm trying to deploy a war based web application to tomcat 5.5.9 on
Windows XP JDK 1.4.2 and am experiencing problems with the deployment
when the application path includes a sub directory before the
application directory (e.g. /subdir/app instead of /app).

When deploying to /app (with the appropriate changes to context.xml) I
can access the application via http://myhost/app and also
start/stop/undeploy etc it via the http://myhost/manager.

When I try to deploy to /subdir/app it can deploy but then you can't
start/stop it or access it via http://myhost/subdir/app which returns a
400 No server error.

Has anyone else had any success in doing this in 5.5.9, I had it working
in 5.0 on Linux.

The host definition in server.xml is as follows:

<Host debug="99" name="myhost" unpackWARs="false"
  <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
          prefix="secure" timestamp="false"

The context.xml definition deployed in the app.war and also manually
copied to conf/Catalina/myhost/app.xml.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context debug="9" docBase="wars/myhost/app.war" path="/subdir/app"
  reloadable="true" workDir="work/Catalina/myhost/app"
  <ResourceLink global="jdbc/appDs" name="jdbc/appDs"

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