Does Tomcat support Unicode URL

2003-06-03 Thread John Z Yang
We still have not figure out a way to resolve doublebyte URL's with Tomcat. I.E. if we 
have an jsp or htm file name which is in Unicode, it seems that tomcat has no way to 
load that page. We tried to encode the characters with % URL encoding, but seems not 
Can anyone help?

RE: Does Tomcat support Unicode URL

2003-06-03 Thread Shawn
Well Java 1.4 does.

Did you try something like:

%=URLEncoder.encode(s, enc)%

s is your URL and enc is the java encoding such as Shift_JIS.  See 
URLEncoder for more info.

Will work from java 1.4 I believe.

Had the same problem and this seems to solve it just fine.  I had to set 
the correct encoding though. --

We tried to encode the characters with % URL encoding, but seems not 
Can anyone help?
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