ODP: Format of log files - Again

2001-03-13 Thread Herchel Wojciech

from server.xml:


 By default, logs print a timestamp in the form "-MM-dd
 hh:mm:ss" in front of each message.  To disable timestamps
 completely, set 'timestamp="no"'. To use the raw
 msec-since-epoch, which is more efficient, set
 'timestampFormat="msec"'.  If you want a custom format, you
 can use 'timestampFormat="hh:mm:ss"' following the syntax of
 java.text.SimpleDateFormat (see Javadoc API).  For a
 production environment, we recommend turning timestamps off,
 or setting the format to "msec".
hope it helps.


> I asked it yesterday, but nobody could answer it. (anyway, I 
> got a letter
> back, but it was unreadable...)
> I'd like to ask if there is any possibilities to change the 
> format of the
> log entries. Now it is set to log the event, but not the 
> date&time& event. I
> need all of imformations (I mean what happened and when 
> happened). Any idea
> how to change it?

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Format of log files - Again

2001-03-12 Thread Jenõ Fórizs

I asked it yesterday, but nobody could answer it. (anyway, I got a letter
back, but it was unreadable...)

I'd like to ask if there is any possibilities to change the format of the
log entries. Now it is set to log the event, but not the date&time& event. I
need all of imformations (I mean what happened and when happened). Any idea
how to change it?

Thanks a lot,


Hermes Softlab
Hungarian Team

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