HTTP/1.0 vs HTTP/1.1?

2004-08-25 Thread Robert Brown

In my server.xml file I have multiple hosts defined and for the most part they
work correctly. WORKS DOES NOT Error 400 bad-request

They both are in the server.xml as:

  Host appBase=/home/dlounge/public_html/certipost
  Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
fileDateFormat=-MM-dd prefix=certi_access_log. suffix=.txt/

  Host appBase=/home/dlounge/public_html/smb
  Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
fileDateFormat=-MM-dd prefix=smb_access_log. suffix=.txt/

Both subdomains have the same dns config, I have reversed the order in
server.xml file, both directories do exist.

Let me guess I have to download the tomcat src, reconfigure my kernel, add gcc
option for handling subdomains, re-compile jk_2 and apache, etc...?

WILL THERE EVER BE A mod_jsp for apache? Why oh evil people of Sun Micro. Why do
you have to make everything so darn hard non pluggeable OR how come diagnositic
tools for tomcat to say why something doesn't work the log files show nothing


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Re: HTTP/1.0 vs HTTP/1.1?

2004-08-25 Thread QM
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 05:31:41PM +0200, Robert Brown wrote:
: DOES NOT Error 400 bad-request

What happens if you comment out the first vhost (certipost)?
Does smb work then?

: Let me guess I have to download the tomcat src, reconfigure my kernel, add gcc
: option for handling subdomains, re-compile jk_2 and apache, etc...?
: WILL THERE EVER BE A mod_jsp for apache? Why oh evil people of Sun Micro. Why do
: you have to make everything so darn hard non pluggeable OR how come diagnositic
: tools for tomcat to say why something doesn't work the log files show nothing
: usefull.

Keep it technical, please. It's easier to help you when we don't have to
wade through your rants.



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