Help with starting Tomcat

2001-05-06 Thread Ma17151
Hello.  Using Tomcat 3.2.1.  I've set the environment variable for 
TOMCAT_HOME (I think), but I'm not sure how to set the environment variable 
for JAVA_HOME.  My jdk's root directory is installed at the following 
directory on my W98SE platform:  c:\jdk1.3.0_02.  Therefore, this is what I 
did to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  At the DOS c:\ prompt, I 
typed:  "c:\set JAVA_HOME=jdk1.3.0_02" then pressed enter.  Then, when I go 
to execute "startup.bat" in the tomcat\bin directory, I get the message 
"invalid command or file".  But, when I'm in Windows Exployer and 
double-click on startup.bat, I get a DOS window message: "You must set 
JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation".  Any help with 
this is greatly appreciated.

Re: Help with starting Tomcat

2001-05-06 Thread Swamy

To set the JAVA_HOME golbally you should put the 
set in the autoexec.bat file.
Or you could do it in the command prompt as yopu 
were tring to do. Except add the 'c:\'
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3.0_02
And then to run the bat file from the command 
prompt just type startup - no '.bat'
Good luck,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 2:42 PM
  Subject: Help with starting Tomcat
  Hello.  Using 
  Tomcat 3.2.1.  I've set the environment variable for TOMCAT_HOME (I 
  think), but I'm not sure how to set the environment variable for 
  JAVA_HOME.  My jdk's root directory is installed at the following 
  directory on my W98SE platform:  c:\jdk1.3.0_02.  Therefore, 
  this is what I did to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  At the 
  DOS c:\ prompt, I typed:  "c:\set JAVA_HOME=jdk1.3.0_02" then pressed 
  enter.  Then, when I go to execute "startup.bat" in the tomcat\bin 
  directory, I get the message "invalid command or file".  But, when 
  I'm in Windows Exployer and double-click on startup.bat, I get a DOS 
  window message: "You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development 
  Kit installation".  Any help with this is greatly appreciated. 

Re: Help with starting Tomcat

2001-05-06 Thread MTiffany71

Try this:

set JAVA_HOME in the tomcat.bat file, not start.bat.

Add the line 
set JAVA_HOME = path\to\your\jdk

Add it immediately below the last of the "rem"'d statements so it's not 
caught in some subroutine.

save your changes to tomcat.bat, and then double click start.bat. that should 
do the trick, but as always, YMMV.

good luck,
Michael Tiffany

Hello.  Using Tomcat 3.2.1.  I've set the environment variable for 
TOMCAT_HOME (I think), but I'm not sure how to set the environment variable 
for JAVA_HOME.  My jdk's root directory is installed at the following 
directory on my W98SE platform:  c:\jdk1.3.0_02.  Therefore, this is what I 
did to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  At the DOS c:\ prompt, I 
typed:  "c:\set JAVA_HOME=jdk1.3.0_02" then pressed enter.  Then, when I go 
to execute "startup.bat" in the tomcat\bin directory, I get the message 
"invalid command or file".  But, when I'm in Windows Exployer and 
double-click on startup.bat, I get a DOS window message: "You must set 
JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation".  Any help 
this is greatly appreciated.