Re: How to increase debug reporting?

2001-07-25 Thread Boris Niyazov

in server.xml modify Logger elements. To specify log file use path attribute:

this will redirect tomcat msgs to file $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/tomcat.log.

Also in "Context" element you can specify different debug levels for your 
paticular webapp using debug=number. Somebody already posted the levels on the 
mailing list:

Level 0
   Errors and states that cause a significant change in program flow.  
   => Anything that causes a Discon+Retry or a "giveup" message.

Level 1
   Important or inaccessible state information.
   => Connection start, Idle disconnection.

Level 2
   Rare things that cause a minor program flow adjustment.
   => No REST, No PASV, etc.

Level 3
   Errors and useful messages that are slightly too verbose or common
   for 0-2 or don't quite fit in the classifications.
   => Login banner

Level 4
   All remote responses or major results. (Trace results)
   => All "999 Xyzzy" responses received.

Level 5
   All remote commands or major tasks. (Trace jobs)
   => All commands sent to server.

Level 6
   General information that will not be too verbose but is normally a
   little less important. (Trace state)

Level 7
   Similar to level 3 but verbose or not as useful.

Level 8
   Very verbose information that'll probably be useful sometime.

Level 9
   Anything and everything else, debugs that probably won't be useful
   ever again.(unclassified)

  - Boris

>I know there are 3 "main" logs that I can set "verbositylevel="debug"" to
>squeeze more info from tomcat...
>What else can i do?  I see "debug="0"" all over the XML configuration files but
>I don't know which ones i should change, or where the info would go, or even
>what values to use.
>On a related topic, I cannot redirect stdout and stderr to files... all the
>directions seem to have disapeared... can someone point me in the right
>(p.s. i'm running tc3.2.3 on solaris 2.6)

How to increase debug reporting?

2001-07-25 Thread grant . quail

I know there are 3 "main" logs that I can set "verbositylevel="debug"" to
squeeze more info from tomcat...

What else can i do?  I see "debug="0"" all over the XML configuration files but
I don't know which ones i should change, or where the info would go, or even
what values to use.

On a related topic, I cannot redirect stdout and stderr to files... all the
directions seem to have disapeared... can someone point me in the right

(p.s. i'm running tc3.2.3 on solaris 2.6)