RE: JSP and Connection Pooling

2001-08-09 Thread Reynir Hübner

I recomend you get your self something like poolman, or jdbcpool from because it must be better to use something like
this, it has been tested and is btw free of charge to use and even
distribute (bitmechanic). So I think you would be spending alot of time
into doing something that you dont need to spend it into (just get it
for free) if you would choose not to use a 3rd party connection pool.

answer to your question : 
1. you can use the jdbc/odbc bridge (jdbcdriver) from sun, it comes with
your jdk1.3 so you dont need a download anything, just find an example
on how to use it.  But this is not a very good product... but works in
most cases. you can also find a driver to your database (skip the odbc
part) from the jdbc drivers-database at  You dont need
JNDI (?).  just go to the and read all about
installing and useing the pool you can get there. It´s simple.

2-3. Explains it self when you understand JDBC.

hope it helps.

-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Donahoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:44 PM
Subject: JSP and Connection Pooling

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered, but
I couldn't find it in the archives.

I want the simplest way to use connection pooling from Tomcat in my JSP
pages.  I'm trying to avoid using add on products like PoolMan since it
seems like it should be easy enough without them.  (Tell me if this is
incorrect.)  A few specific questions:

1.  I would like instructions on making this work with ODBC on Win2K
(with SQL Server).  What do I name the driver?  How do I make the
connection to Tomcat's pool?  Do I need to mess with JNDI?  With Struts
connection pools, I can just ask for the default pool without specifying
a name.  Can I do that here?  What's a good source (book and/or web
site) on JNDI/Connection pool access?  Is there an example on the web?
Is this answered in an FAQ somewhere?
2.  Same question as #1 except on a Linux box without ODBC (obviously).
Where do I specify user ID and password?  Driver?
3.  Same question again using WebSphere.

Thanks in advance!

JSP and Connection Pooling

2001-08-08 Thread Michael J. Donahoo

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered, but
I couldn't find it in the archives.

I want the simplest way to use connection pooling from Tomcat in my JSP
pages.  I'm trying to avoid using add on products like PoolMan since it
seems like it should be easy enough without them.  (Tell me if this is
incorrect.)  A few specific questions:

1.  I would like instructions on making this work with ODBC on Win2K
(with SQL Server).  What do I name the driver?  How do I make the
connection to Tomcat's pool?  Do I need to mess with JNDI?  With Struts
connection pools, I can just ask for the default pool without specifying
a name.  Can I do that here?  What's a good source (book and/or web
site) on JNDI/Connection pool access?  Is there an example on the web?
Is this answered in an FAQ somewhere?
2.  Same question as #1 except on a Linux box without ODBC (obviously).
Where do I specify user ID and password?  Driver?
3.  Same question again using WebSphere.

Thanks in advance!