
I have Tomcat4-4.0.3 configured to run with Apache. I am trying to deploy my
own simple web application but have had no success.

My application (actually copied from a book) consists of a bean called
(JSPCal/Cal.class) and a jsp page to display a Calendar by calling the
bean's methods.

I am running RedHat Linux version 7.3 on my tomcat server.

What steps do I have to do to install my own web app?
I did the following:

1. Created an alias for the directory in httpd.conf
Alias "/baz-jsp/" "/var/tomcat4/webapps/baz-jsp/"

2. I copied the same information for the <Directory> entry that I had down
for the "examples" application.

3. I created /var/tomcat4/webapps/baz-jsp with the subdirectories jsp and
WEB-INF. I copied the web.xml from the /var/tomcat4/webapps/examples
directory. I didn't change much. I don't understand web.xml, but most of it
looked like system-y stuff (like the "filter" entries). The there were the
names of some servlets but nothing about JSP's. So I did not add information
about my Cal.jsp or my bean JSPCal.class in the web.xml.

4. I created a classes subdirectory of WEB-INF and put Cal.class (the bean)
there. I put Cal.jsp in the jsp subdirectory of

5. Back in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, I created an entry for "baz-jsp"
using the same WarpConnection as for examples.

6. Basically I tried to get "baz-jsp" looking like examples, as configured.

By the way, I have never been successful in getting the opening page for
tomcat to display...the famous one that shows the in the upper left corner.
I get to the examples by pointing my browser at
(This should be inaccessible from outside my firewall.)

This gives my an index of three directories. When I tried the same thing as I got an error message in the browser,
"Resource not available."

Can anyone tell me the basics of setting up a web application, or point me
to any good resources on the subject?

Thanks for your time.

Bryan Zimmer

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