I'm having the same problem with a big news portal I'm developing
(goal.com, and a few of other sites - italian soccer team - that share
the same content management), and even if it is developed with .NET, the
concept is almost the same.

I don't know how your environment is set up, but u can cache the results
for 15 min or even forever, but u can force a cache reload whenever you
update a content in the adminstration application.

If the frontend is running in another context (or even another server)
then the admin site (and u don't have access to the same instance of the
CMS), you can call a webservice (or a simplier page) to do this.


Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
"Life is short, play hard"

> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Allistair Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Inviato: giovedì 8 aprile 2004 18.33
> Oggetto: RE: Tomcat configuration tuning
> Hey
> Yes our struts uses the tiles plugin also. And the page load 
> times are as a result of running on the server itself 
> unfortunately. I am using the JTDS driver which apparently is 
> one of the fastest SQL Server 2000 implementations for db 
> connectivity.
> One of the things about our system is that every click the 
> user makes is a search to the CMS for content that belongs to 
> that page. This could be considered sub-optimal. For 
> instance, I could cache results per 15 minutes or something, 
> but content changes often so I thought I would leave it dynamic. 
> I spent some time running JProfiler against the app. The 
> accumulated CPU and memory seemed to ultimately come down to 
> these search calls to the CMS especially under load. Per 
> request I have to instantiate the vendors' bean which is an 
> interface to the CMS server socket and is responsible for 
> giving back all the data from the calls. I then simply 
> package up what I need in data transfer objects and ship them 
> to the JSPs. The JSPs are highly configurable in terms of 
> skinning and so on and have calls to the file system to check 
> if images are present and so on. I think I could cache that 
> too. In fact looking at timings in the logs shows the page 
> start to end is sub 1 second, the rest (user click -> page 
> process start) I think is caught up at the search but even so 
> that is generally about 0.8s. Pages are taking about 0.1 and 
> my cached implementation of nav takes 0.06 or so to load. But 
> overall the pages under load feel like they take about 2 
> seconds and also I get the feeling tomcat is recompiling 
> something it really doesn't need to - that was why I was 
> interested in the development flag in server.conf and whether 
> I should turn that to false.
> A fair amount of CPU and memory was going to Log4J also. I 
> removed a lot of our unnecessary debugging statements and 
> this too helped. 
> I guess it comes down to the CMS load but any tips from 
> others on the list are so very welcome,
> Cheers, ADC
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 08 April 2004 17:22
> To: Allistair Crossley
> Subject: RE: Tomcat configuration tuning
> I have seen a couple postings regarding poor performance with 
> Tomcat recently and thought I'd respond because we are using 
> IIS5 with Tomcat 5 and SQL 2000 as well.
> We have a Struts site but our difference is that we are using 
> Tiles for our presentation... haven't really looked into the 
> performance differences between Tiles and non-Tiles display rates....
> As for our database connectivity... we are using an 
> internally developed connection pooling class (no JNDI), but 
> have recently started migrating to Hibernate.
> It is interesting hearing how long it is taking for the pages 
> to be displayed considering we are on a similar set-up and 
> have not noticed this type of problem. We have not made any 
> special optimization setting changes, we basically did an out 
> of the box set-up.... 
> Is this occurring when running the app locally or on the 
> server? I would be curious to know what is the resource load 
> on the box running the app, how is the connectivity 
> (bandwidth) to the box, has any sort of optimization tools 
> been run against the code to check for bottle-necks?
> Not sure that I can provide much value technically, but feel 
> free to ask....
> -Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Allistair Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 11:00 AM
> To:   Tomcat Users List
> Subject:      RE: Tomcat configuration tuning
> Hi Matt,
> Welcome to the list from me. It's funny because you have just 
> listed precisely the same server setup as we are launching 
> our new tomcat based app to this weekend and I have been 
> having nightmares about performance. 
> We have a system like this;
> user -> 
>   IIS -> 
>     JK2 ISAPI -> 
>       Tomcat 5.0.19 -> 
>         --> Content Management System Bean
>           --> SQL Server 2000
>         --> SQL Server 2000 via JNDI resource setup
> Our application is built on Struts. 
> We found performance to be very poor under a load of 20 users 
> of 3 iterators of 20 page requests (13 secs per page) avg 
> pages per secon 1.1!! Looking into it revealed too much XML, 
> too much database connectivity and too much dynamic rending 
> on the pages. 
> I came up with a caching strategy for our navigation as well 
> as removing all XML to database calls instead (you may have 
> seen my last post)
> Along with other things I have managed 10 pages per seconds 
> and 1.5 seconds per page under the same load test. I'm still 
> not entirely happy and wonder if I am missing any 
> confoguration type stuff to make my app run faster either in 
> tomcat, jk2, iis and so fourth. I run tomcat as a service 
> with -Xms128 -Xmx384.
> I would be very interested if you have time to hear of any 
> useful quick tips you found can optimise via configuration - 
> maybe even seeing your server.conf and anything else, perhaps 
> any ideas about code optimisation and also how complex your 
> system is (db accesses or other system integration). 
> What are your page response times under load and so on.
> It's a big ask but you have a very similar hardware setup and 
> I would like to maximise my use of it.
> Cheers! ADC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Woodings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 08 April 2004 16:50
> Subject: Tomcat configuration tuning
> Hi guys,
> I am at stage where I have all my various components talking 
> to one another (Apache http server 2.0.49 -> Mod JK2 -> 
> Tomcat 4.1.30) and running nicely with each other, but the 
> loads on the server are increasing rapidly in our production 
> environment ( ~2000 logins/day and peak concurrency of ~75 
> currently ) and I want to get the best possible configuration 
> for my server. (Dual 1GHz, 1GB Ram, Win 2k, SQL Server + 
> Web/Apps servers).  
> Now, ultimately this is up to me, but I am unsure of a few 
> relationships and variables used in the configuration files.  
> The settings I have work, but I want them to be optimal and 
> more importantly I want to understand them, so any help on 
> the following would be greatly appreciated.
> 1) server.xml/Connector/bufferSize.  Is this allocated for 
> every users session until it is terminated, or is it a peak 
> size that could be allocated?
> 2) workers2.properties/shm.slots. Does this equate to the 
> server.xml/Connector/maxProcessors? or are these 
> fundamentally different?
> I have attached my fully working configuration below for 
> those who are interested, as I noticed a lot of people in the 
> archives looking for working examples using JK2.
> Many thanks,
> Matt
> P.S. I am new to the list but I have been using Tomcat for 
> many years and love it, and if I can help with anyones 
> queries, from the trivial to complex,  I would be only too 
> happy to do so.
> workers2.properties
> [logger] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    LOGGER                                            ####
> ##############################################################
> # Log level. Supported: EMERG, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG
> level=ERROR
> # Log file. XXX you may be able to change this at runtime, to 
> # implement rolling. 
> file=${serverRoot}/logs/jk2_error.log
> [config] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    CONFIG                                            ####
> ##############################################################
> # Location of the workers2.properties file 
> file=${serverRoot}/conf/workers2.properties
> # Set the debug level of the config component
> debug=0
> # Set the debug level of the hidden env component
> debugEnv=0
> [shm] ##############################################################
> ####    SHARED MEMORY SETUP                               ####
> ##############################################################
> # Name of the file that will be mmapped to use as shared memory, 
> # If set to 'anonymous' use the anonymous shered memory 
> file=${serverRoot}/logs/shm.file # Number of shared memory 
> slots. Set to the number of child 
> # processes
> slots=378
> # Use process memory instead of shared memory. Useful for single 
> # child mpm's
> useMemory=0
> [lb:lb_group] 
> ##############################################################
> ##############################################################
> # If set, jk2 won't touch the headers in case of error and will 
> # let for example Apache present the 
> # ErrorDocument via mod_alias.
> noErrorHeader=1
> # 
> noWorkerMsg=No workers available
> # 
> noWorkerCode=503
> # 
> hwBalanceErr=
> # If all the workers are in the error state, probably by Tomcat 
> # refusing any new connections due to the overload, you can set 
> # the timeout forcing lb to wait that some worker becomes 
> # available, instead of immediately returning error to the 
> # client. This is very useful in situations with high peek 
> # load. The timeout should be set to the maximum application 
> # call time, but not less then 1 second. 
> timeout=5000
> # Number of attempts that lb will try on each worker before 
> # giving up. 
> attempts=6
> # Time to wait before retrying to see if the worker came out of 
> # the error state. Default = 60secs
> recovery=30
> # Sessions stick to the same worker, 1=true 0=false 
> stickySession=1
> [channel.socket:localhost:8009] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    CHANNEL SETUP, LINKED TO LOAD BALANCER            ####
> ##############################################################
> # Port where Tomcat is listening. It is automatically extracted 
> # from the name - you shouldn't have to specify it 
> explicitely. port=8009 # Remote host. You should use the 
> name, no need to override it host= # If 1, only 
> requests for existing sessions will be forwarded graceful=0 # 
> ? keepAlive=0 # Socket timeout for sending and receiving 
> (0=infinite) timeout=0 # Load balancing factor to use. At 
> this moment, it'll be set on # the worker, but in future it 
> should be possible to use lb on 
> # a channel level. 
> lb_factor=100
> # loadbalanced groups to which this channel and the associated 
> # worker will be added, multivalued. You need to set it only if 
> # you have an advanced setup with multiple clusters. 
> group=lb_group # Must match the JVM route on tomcat Engine, 
> for load balancing tomcatId=hsInstance
> [ajp13:localhost:8009] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    AJP1.3 WORKER CONFIG                              ####
> ##############################################################
> tomcatId=hsInstance
> group=lb_group
> channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009
> [uri:/hs/*] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    URI MAPPING, WHAT TO SEND TO TOMCAT               ####
> ##############################################################
> group=lb_group
> [status:jk_status] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    JK STATUS GROUP                                   ####
> ##############################################################
> info=Status worker, displays runtime information
> [uri:/jkstatus/*] 
> ##############################################################
> ####    JK STATUS CONFIG                                  ####
> ##############################################################
> info=The Tomcat /jkstatus handler
> group=status:jk_status
> -------------------------------------------------------
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