the official HP-UX apache 1.3.27 with mod_jk can be download from

While this come with tomcat 3.3 you can just rm it if you so choose


or you could just use the mod_jk with your current installation.

If you would still like to install from scratch you can find the files you
are missing at:, search on gnu or the file you are missing

the main software site is:


-----Original Message-----
From: Insley, Simon (Contractor) (DSIO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Creating from src for HP-UX

My goal is to have a working version of Apache 1.3.27 that invokes Tomcat
4.1.24 using mod_jk, so that the application's JSP files are invoked
correctly from the Apache server.  At this point, I have Apache installed
and working, Tomcat installed and working, independently, but not the
mod_jk.  I can't get a file compiled from the source file,
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.4-src.tar.gz, provided on the Tomcat web

I have tried to read all available documentation on the installation of
mod_jk for Tomcat 4.1.24 and Apache 1.3.27 and earlier releases of both.  I
understand that mod_jk is now in the connectors download.  I am working on
HP-UX, so don't believe any of the binaries with work for me.  So I am
trying to build from source.  I have searched  the information in
the mail archive, read the John Turner's Howto, and all of the howto's
provided by Apache and Jakarta projects.  The instructions don't apply
because the files aren't in the distribution that I can find. 

The instructions state that I should run configure.  However, there is no
configure.  Other information indicates that I should make
executable and run it.  I have tried that.  I have libtools installed from
apr-0.9.3, but it can't find libtoolize in that.  I have put this path to
libtool on both the path and the classpath, still no luck.  I error on each
statement in the script.  Exact error:

$ ./
libtoolize --force --automake --copy
./[4]: libtoolize:  not found.
./[8]: aclocal:  not found.
automake -a --foreign -i --copy
./[10]: automake:  not found.
./[12]: autoconf:  not found.

Other instructions state that I should run ant on the entire connector
directory.  After correcting the file names on many files (java or
properties was cut off because of length), I was able to successfully run
ant.  However, this does not yield a, nor does it yield a working
configure file anywhere in the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src

Just so that you know I am not a complete idiot, I was able to follow the
instructions to create the file using Tomcat 3.3.1a final.  Since
mod_jk is now separated and there is no configure file among the source,
those instructions and experience don't apply.  

What next?  What are working instructions for building the library
on HP -UX that use the available software in the source bundle?


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