You can search the archives on the use of symlinks or the tldScanJar
exception for more information: this comes up a lot.

What I suggest is to stick with your current system: have a central
location for your tools, preferably under version control, and copy jars
out of it into the WEB-INF/lib directories when deploying (this copy is
done by an Ant script I assume).  Yes, this means two hard copies rather
than a link, but it keeps your webapp self-contained and helps ensure
portability for  platforms/servers that don't support symbolic links.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sarika Inamdar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:31 AM
>Subject: Help with Tomcat 4.1.24
>Hi All,
>We have migrated to tomcat 4.1.24 from tomcat 3.2.23. Thanks to the
>tomcat-user list, we were able to deploy the tomcat successfully :-)
>We have one issue however !!!
>The tomcat 4.1.24, requires that we place all the jars which is used by
>the jsp's under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/WEB-INF/lib directory.
>In our deployment, we use lot of 3rd party software like AdventSNMP
>tibco jar and our own application jar.
>These jars are already present under our "tools" directory. But with
>4.1.24 migration, we have to place all these jars under WEB-INF/lib.
>This will destroy our directory structure in case we want to mv all of
>To avoid this, we created soft links for the required jars under
>The problem is tomcat server is able to DEPLOY some of the jars, and is
>cribbing for some jars.
>For Example, for AdventNetSNMP jar, tomcat throws the following error :
>2003-07-31 16:07:25 ContextConfig[] Exception processing JAR at
>path /WE
>javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception processing JAR at resource
>path /WEB-IN
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>Is it possible that some jars get deployed and some don't ?
>Please lend me your inputs and suggesstions.
>Thanks in Advance,
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