
Tomcat users will do request via HTTP. So, a user will _not_ keep a Tomcat
thread busy while his browser is open. You can set the threading settings in
the server.xml for your connector(s) (check

The default settings are suitable for 10-40 concurrent requests. If, for
example, your 'average' user does 1 request per 5 seconds, you can handle
about 200 max concurrent users. (but watch out with these kind of

So, it is not possible to limit the amount of concurrent users (well, you
can in your servlet, by counting the number of sessions....) via Tomcat
configuration, but you configure the amount of threads which will handle
user requests simultaneous users.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lars Nielsen Lind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: maandag 6 augustus 2001 22:32
> Subject: Number of Tomcat users ...
> Hi.
> Where and how do I specify the max number of simultaneous 
> users for Tomcat?
> Lars Nielsen Lind

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