RE: XML parser: Xerces documentation

2002-11-19 Thread Paul_Wallace
Hello and thanks for that. 
Attempting to install and Xerces parser, I downloaded In it I found the copious install and demos you 
talk of as an exact duplicate of the web site! I think to author the 
documentation someone simply went into his /her browser and and hit 
file-save as! (sorry author). 
The reason for my posting was to get installation help that I 
could not find from the site. Its 'installation' section does not describe 
too much in the way of installation - this section being duplicated in the 
documentation from the dowloaded ZIP file (above). 
Is it a question of simply extracting the xercesImpl.jar file directly into my 
/TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourWebApp/WEB-INF/lib (manually)? What about the rest of the 
22.2 MB?!

Thanks again in advance


 I would really appreciate what you can give me.. My posting hasn't 
generated the replies I was hoping!

Sometimes it takes a while.  You should make all replies back to the list 
though (rather than direct back to me). as it will guarantee a lot more 
people with a lot more knowledge will at least brush across it.  They may 
(indeed definitely will) spot the things I'll miss.
Xerces is downloaded from the link I gave you in the last email.  It will 
come with copious demos and instructions on install but basically what 
you'll be doing is taking its jar file (xercesImpl.jar) and placing it 
into the /TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourWebApp/WEB-INF/lib folder.
Once it's in there any class or jsp in your webapp which includes the 
necessary import statements will be able to access it.  From thereon in 
it's a case of trawling the demos provided to get the functionality you 
However, given that you seem to be focussing on JSP rather than 
servlets/beans, it may be more to your use to have a look at the XML tag 
libraries.  These are means of accessing the functionality provided by the 
various objects (in this case an XML parser) from a more simplified 
interface.  If you haven't had a look around that way yet I'd give it a 
Go to and see if that's 
what you're after.  It's still a bit XSLT oriented but 
without knowing more about what you're wanting to do with the stuff it may 
be a good place to start.
There are lots more tag libs available and a search on google for Taglibs 
jsp xml will return enough to keep you going through till Christmas.
Tref Gare
Development Consultant
Level 19/114 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000
phone: +61 3 9642 5553
fax: +61 3 9642 1335
This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named 
above and contains information that is confidential. No confidentiality is 
waived or lost by any mis-transmission. If you received this 
correspondence in error, please notify the sender and immediately delete 
it from your system. You must not disclose, copy or rely on any part of 
this correspondence if you are not the intended recipient. Any 
communication directed to clients via this message is subject to our 
Agreement and relevant Project Schedule. Any information that is 
transmitted via email which may offend may have been sent without 
knowledge or the consent of Areeba.
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 12:02 PM
To: Tref Gare
Subject: RE: XML parser

Hello and thank's for that. My needs are far simpler I think to 
necessitate XSLT. I'd simply like to parse an XML file in a JSP file 
(using Tomcat), pull the data from it where I may manipulate it. (I am a 
relative beginner to this idea as you may have guessed!). 
What must I do to acheive this? Do I need to install Xerces uder 
Tomcat? Is it bundled with Tomcat? (4.1.12) Where may I get syntax? 

I would really appreciate what you can give me.. My posting hasn't 
generated the replies I was hoping! 



19-11-2002 17:29 
Please respond to Tomcat Users List 

To:Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject:RE: XML parser

Sounds like you're after the Xerces (parser) , Xalan (XSLT) combo.
Examples abound at the following sites.

You might want to look at the commons Digester as well

Very useful for quick parsing of xml into Java beans... particularly
useful for parsing config files etc.

Tref Gare
Development Consultant
Level 19/114 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000
phone: +61 3 9642 

RE: XML parser: Xerces documentation

2002-11-19 Thread Tref Gare

Yep and yep

For usage in Tomcat the process of installation is just as you say..
manually copy the jar file into either your webapps lib folder or into
the global lib folder so that all your different webapps can access it.
Generally it's advisable to copy it into your webapp's lib folder as
this makes your webapp deployable as a standalone application (ie: no
external dependencies).

yep 2 the full download includes files documentation (yep, pretty much
the website docs but available offline), jar files and demos for a wide
range of applications. Mind you mine (2.2.0) is only 4.8 meg.. not 22 so
I can't say for sure that you haven't got hold of something extra as

It's then a case of finding out what to do with the thing you've now got
access to.  To look into that further, have a look at the different
demos provided and see if they give you what you want.

If you find yourself still struggling a more specific question about
what you're trying to achieve and where it's going wrong may evoke a
more useful response.


Tref Gare
Development Consultant
Level 19/114 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000
phone: +61 3 9642 5553
fax: +61 3 9642 1335
This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
named above and contains information that is confidential. No
confidentiality is waived or lost by any mis-transmission. If you
received this correspondence in error, please notify the sender and
immediately delete it from your system. You must not disclose, copy or
rely on any part of this correspondence if you are not the intended
recipient. Any communication directed to clients via this message is
subject to our Agreement and relevant Project Schedule. Any information
that is transmitted via email which may offend may have been sent
without knowledge or the consent of Areeba.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: XML parser: Xerces documentation

Hello and thanks for that. 
Attempting to install and Xerces parser, I downloaded In it I found the copious install and demos you 
talk of as an exact duplicate of the web site! I think to author the 
documentation someone simply went into his /her browser and and hit 
file-save as! (sorry author). 
The reason for my posting was to get installation help that I 
could not find from the site. Its 'installation' section does not
too much in the way of installation - this section being duplicated in
documentation from the dowloaded ZIP file (above). 
Is it a question of simply extracting the xercesImpl.jar file
directly into my /TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourWebApp/WEB-INF/lib (manually)?
What about the rest of the 22.2 MB?!

Thanks again in advance


 I would really appreciate what you can give me.. My posting hasn't 
generated the replies I was hoping!

Sometimes it takes a while.  You should make all replies back to the
though (rather than direct back to me). as it will guarantee a lot more 
people with a lot more knowledge will at least brush across it.  They
(indeed definitely will) spot the things I'll miss.
Xerces is downloaded from the link I gave you in the last email.  It
come with copious demos and instructions on install but basically what 
you'll be doing is taking its jar file (xercesImpl.jar) and placing it 
into the /TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourWebApp/WEB-INF/lib folder.
Once it's in there any class or jsp in your webapp which includes the 
necessary import statements will be able to access it.  From thereon in 
it's a case of trawling the demos provided to get the functionality you 
However, given that you seem to be focussing on JSP rather than 
servlets/beans, it may be more to your use to have a look at the XML tag

libraries.  These are means of accessing the functionality provided by
various objects (in this case an XML parser) from a more simplified 
interface.  If you haven't had a look around that way yet I'd give it a 
Go to and see
if that's what you're after.  It's still a bit XSLT oriented but 
without knowing more about what you're wanting to do with the stuff it
be a good place to start.
There are lots more tag libs available and a search on google for
jsp xml will return enough to keep you going through till Christmas.
Tref Gare
Development Consultant
Level 19/114 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000
phone: +61 3 9642 5553
fax: +61 3 9642 1335

RE: XML parser: Xerces documentation

2002-11-19 Thread Paul_Wallace
Thanks for your most comprehensive replies!
