Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-04 Thread Doug Parsons
This is how I handle mine modified for your application.
import java.sql.*;

public class DBUtil {

/** Retrieves results from query as a DBResults class.


public static DBResults getQueryResults(String query, String dBase) {

Connection connection = Conn.getConn(dBase);

Statement statement = null;

ResultSet resultSet = null;

DBResults dbResults = null;

boolean good = false;

try {

DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();

String productName = dbMetaData.getDatabaseProductName();

String productVersion = dbMetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion();

statement = connection.createStatement();

resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);

ResultSetMetaData resultsMetaData = resultSet.getMetaData();

int columnCount = resultsMetaData.getColumnCount();

String[] columnNames = new String[columnCount];

// Column index starts at 1 (a la SQL) not 0 (a la Java).

for (int i = 1; i  columnCount + 1; i++) {

columnNames[i - 1] = resultsMetaData.getColumnName(i).trim();


dbResults =

new DBResults(






while ( {

String[] row = new String[columnCount];

// Again, ResultSet index starts at 1, not 0.

for (int i = 1; i  columnCount + 1; i++) {

String entry = resultSet.getString(i);

if (entry != null) {

entry = entry.trim();


row[i - 1] = entry;




good = true;

} catch (SQLException sqle) {

System.err.println(Error connecting:  + sqle);

} finally {

// Always make sure result sets and statements are closed,

// and the connection is returned to the pool

if (resultSet != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {

System.err.println(DataBaseUtilities Error closing resultset:  + e);


resultSet = null;


if (statement != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {

System.err.println(DataBaseUtilities Error closing statement:  + e);


statement = null;


if (connection != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {

System.err.println(DataBaseUtilities Error closing connection:  + e);


connection = null;


if (good)

return (dbResults);


return (null);



/** Runs update query.


public static void setUpdate(String query, String dBase) {

Connection connection = Conn.getConn(dBase);

Statement statement = null;

boolean good = false;

try {

statement = connection.createStatement();


} catch (SQLException sqle) {

System.err.println(Error connecting:  + sqle);

} finally {

// Always make sure statements are closed,

// and the connection is returned to the pool

if (statement != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {

System.err.println(DataBaseUtilities Error closing statement:  + e);


statement = null;


if (connection != null) {

try {


} catch (SQLException e) {

System.err.println(DataBaseUtilities Error closing connection:  + e);


connection = null;





And to handle the data from the resultset that would otherwise be
unaccessable it is places in an DBResults object.

package srm;

import java.sql.*;

import java.util.*;

/** Class to store completed results of a JDBC Query.

* Differs from a ResultSet in several ways:

* UL

* LIResultSet doesn't necessarily have all the data;

* reconnection to database occurs as you ask for

* later rows.

* LIThis class stores results as strings, in arrays.

* LIThis class includes DatabaseMetaData (database product

* name and version) and ResultSetMetaData

* (the column names).

* LIThis class has a toHTMLTable method that turns

* the results into a long string corresponding to

* an HTML table.

* /UL

* P

* Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages

* from Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press,


* copy; 2000 Marty Hall; may be freely used or adapted.


public class DBResults {

private Connection connection;

private String productName;

private String productVersion;

private int columnCount;

private String[] columnNames;

private Vector queryResults;

String[] rowData;

public DBResults(Connection connection,

String productName,

String productVersion,

int columnCount,

String[] columnNames) {

this.connection = connection;

this.productName = productName;

this.productVersion = productVersion;

this.columnCount = columnCount;

this.columnNames = columnNames;

rowData = new String[columnCount];

queryResults = new Vector();


public void addRow(String[] row) {



public int getColumnCount() {



public String[] getColumnNames() {



public Connection getConnection() {



public String getProductName() {



public String getProductVersion() {



public String[] getRow(int index) {



public int 

Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-04 Thread Todd O'Bryan
Thanks, Doug. I'll have a look at this today and make sure I understand 


On Dec 3, 2003, at 11:30 PM, Doug Parsons wrote:

The whole class I need, apparently.

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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-04 Thread Todd O'Bryan
On Dec 3, 2003, at 6:59 PM, Kwok Peng Tuck wrote:

But this means I still have to get a connection, create a statement, 
and execute a query or update on the statement in every servlet where 
I want to use the connection. Yes, it locates the connection details 
(i.e., the JDBC connection method, the database name, user and 
password) somewhere centrally so that I don't have to keep 
coding it, but all of the connection overhead still has to be dealt 
with in every servlet in a webapp.

The datasource solution that a few people in the list (including me :) 
)  have been asking you to look at provides a connection pool to your 
web application. In your code where you ask for a connection from 
JNDI, you are actually getting a connection from the pool, which is 
already setup.  When you call the close() method of this connection, 
it is not actually destoryed but returned to the connection pool, 
ready to be used.

I'm sorry. When I said connection overhead, I didn't mean the 
overhead of creating a Connection object, I meant the overhead of 
having to write all the code to create one. I understand that there's a 
connection pool in a central location, but getting a connection from 
that pool is no less complicated for the programmer than creating one 
from scratch.

I'm incredibly lazy. It seems that if I'm only going to be connecting 
to two or three databases in a webapp, it should be possible to 
maintain open connections to those databases somewhere so that anywhere 
in my webapp I can issue a statement that runs a SQL statement. In 
other words, I want to encapsulate the connection creation so that my 
other programs can just assume that it's done. This may not be 
possible, but it seems a reasonable OO thing to do.

Does that make more sense, or am I still just confused?


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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-04 Thread Todd O'Bryan
I hadn't noticed that ResultSets need to be closed. But why couldn't I 
close it after dealing with it in whichever servlet I call it from?

Also, if the Connection is a static variable in SQLUtils that all the 
servlets use, it won't ever get closed.

I'm just realizing that there's probably a major scalability issue here 
that I need to worry about, but I'm still thinking this has to be 


P.S. A little context, so you all don't tell me to get another job. I 
teach high school math and computer science, and in one of my advanced 
classes we decided to create a webapp. One group is working on the 
database backend and another group is writing Velocity templates to 
display the information. I'm learning as we go, because I've written 
about 5 or 6 total servlets since last summer. I've got the Java 
Servlets book and the JDBC book from O'Reilly, but I haven't had time 
to read them cover to cover, so there may be gaps in my knowledge. All 
my database knowledge has also been picked up since last summer, and I 
spend maybe an hour a day actually writing code.

My concern is that we set this up in a way that is sound, but perhaps 
more importantly, clean and easy to understand. Since it's me and a 
bunch of high school seniors who'll be messing up the code, something 
straightforward seems the way to go.

Thanks again for your patience.

On Dec 3, 2003, at 12:27 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


SQLUtils.executeQuery(a SQL statement);
SQLUtils.executeUpdate(another one);
Just out of curiosity, what do these methods return? If the former 
returns a ResultSet object, then you're in for a world of trouble. The 
ResultSet will never get closed, or you'll close the connection over 
which the ResultSet communicates, and then you're hosed, 'cause the 
calling code can't access the data.


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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Peter Harrison
On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 16:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

 How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
 globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability
 to access multiple databases easily.

The first point is to use a singleton to set up the database connection - or 
more correctly the connection pool. This way you can request a connection and 
return it to the pool easily. Of course every time you use one you will have 
to use try-catch blocks. Sorry no way around that.

However, if you are clever you will create data objects to hide all that 
stuff. Even better - why not get something to write all those horrid data 
objects - sql and trycatch blocks for you.

Last year we (another developer any myself) developed a project called sysmod, 
which essentially takes a xml description of a database schema and turns it 
into Java code and a real SQL schema. This is by no means a unique approach - 
tools like JBuilder allow you to use graphical UI's and UML to do something 
similar - and is even two way.

However, our approach is somewhat lighter. All we have is the XML model. The 
model generates the Java data objects. The code includes comments such that 
it creates nice JavaDoc as well, so in effect you have a self documenting 
business model from the XML. At this stage we have to write very little SQL, 
and no SQL at all for updating and adding records.

The actions (we use struts) become very simple because in addition to being 
able to load and save themselves from a database they can also load 
themselves from a request, therefore our code looks something like this:

Client client = ClientFactory.newClient();
client.loadFromRequest( client, request );

This code essentially loads all the fields from the request prefixed by 
client into the data object. Then the call to saveChanges() saves the 
record to the database. The data objects also handle their own SQL 
exceptions, although they throw their own exceptions.

The Factory for each data object also provides lists of various kinds, ie you 
can call ClientFactory.findAll() and it will return a list of Client objects 
prefilled by a single query. You can also do a findByQuery with parameters to 
define the query.

The approach works very well, but is not without its drawbacks. It is quite 
easy to code things which look logical but create hundreds of queries and is 
inefficient. We are still working on ways to improve the system, such as 
caching data. It is also limiting - in that while it creates DataObjects it 
is not a trrue object hiracy. This is because the system is still based on a 
relational database. In other words this system is not a relational mapping 
tool. It is also not a object database.

However, it does provide a quick and easy way to prototype databases and the 
Java code to access it. Currently the system creates objects that are not JDO 
or EJB.

If you are interested I can provide it - 


Peter Harrison

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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Nikola Milutinovic
Peter Harrison wrote:
On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 16:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability
to access multiple databases easily.

The first point is to use a singleton to set up the database connection - or 
more correctly the connection pool. This way you can request a connection and 
return it to the pool easily. Of course every time you use one you will have 
to use try-catch blocks. Sorry no way around that.
Both Tomcat and J2EE specification support javax.sql.DataSource objects over 
JNDI. That is how we handle it elegantly.

A DataSource object is specified by the administrator and created by the 
container. Container then deploys it under specified JNDI name. A servlet (or 
EJB) can then lookup this object and use it, something like this:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import javax.naming.*;
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource );
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Doug Parsons
Based on the how-to and modified for your app:

package yourpackage;

import java.sql.*;

import javax.naming.*;

import javax.sql.*;

public class Conn {

/**Takes desired database as a string and returns a connection.


public static Connection getConn(String dBase) {

Connection connection = null;

String osName = System.getProperty(;

try {

//Start of Tomcat connect

Context ctx = new InitialContext();

if (ctx == null) {

System.err.println(Conn.getConn ctx is null);

throw new Exception(Boom - No Context);

DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/ + dBase);

if (ds != null)

connection = ds.getConnection();

//End of Tomcat connect

} catch (Exception e) {

System.err.println(Conn.getConn  + e);


return connection;



 I think this link over here, might give you a hand.

 There are samples there for databases like mysql, but I think you should
 be ok.

 Todd O'Bryan wrote:

  This may not be the right place to ask this, but if you can direct me
  to the right place, I'd appreciate it.
  I'm looking for a design pattern that someone must have already
  thought through so that my head can stop hurting. Here's the problem:
  I'm designing a webapp that has several servlets that all access a
  database (or a couple of databases, actually) to either update or
  retrieve information.
  Rather than initializing these connections multiple times, dealing
  with SQLExceptions in every class that uses JDBC queries, and
  generally doing things multiple times, I thought I'd put all the
  database stuff into a single class. I created a setUp() method that
  initialized the database connection and then used static methods so I
  could do something like
  SQLUtils.executeQuery(a SQL statement);
  SQLUtils.executeUpdate(another one);
  anywhere in my webapp. If the database connection had not been
  created, it got created before executing the SQL statement. If it was
  already created, it just got done. I handled all the nastiest
  exceptions in the SQLUtils class, so I didn't have to deal with them
  You can probably guess the next part. I've discovered I need to
  connect to more than one database, and this design does not support
  that. Creating instances of a SQLUtil class would be a big pain,
  because then I have to pass those around between my servlets and I
  lose one of the huge advantages of this approach, namely a single,
  globally visible interface to the database.
  I thought about multiple classes, one for each database I'm connecting
  to, but I know that can't be right on so many levels. Meanwhile, I'm a
  little stumped.
  How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
  globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability
  to access multiple databases easily.
  Thanks in advance for any ideas,
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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Todd O'Bryan
On Dec 3, 2003, at 2:59 AM, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Peter Harrison wrote:
On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 16:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability
to access multiple databases easily.
The first point is to use a singleton to set up the database 
connection - or more correctly the connection pool. This way you can 
request a connection and return it to the pool easily. Of course 
every time you use one you will have to use try-catch blocks. Sorry 
no way around that.
Both Tomcat and J2EE specification support javax.sql.DataSource 
objects over JNDI. That is how we handle it elegantly.

A DataSource object is specified by the administrator and created by 
the container. Container then deploys it under specified JNDI name. A 
servlet (or EJB) can then lookup this object and use it, something 
like this:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import javax.naming.*;
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( 
java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource );
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

But this means I still have to get a connection, create a statement, 
and execute a query or update on the statement in every servlet where I 
want to use the connection. Yes, it locates the connection details 
(i.e., the JDBC connection method, the database name, user and 
password) somewhere centrally so that I don't have to keep coding it, 
but all of the connection overhead still has to be dealt with in every 
servlet in a webapp.

At least, I think that's what it's doing. Am I missing something?

Here's what I want. In every servlet in my webapp, I'm only going to be 
using one of a very few database connections. I'd like to be able to do 
something like:


without doing any setup because the Test class handles all the setup, 
initializes the connection the first time it's called, etc.

Basically, it's a singleton class that never gets an instance created 
because if I create an instance, I'd have to pass it around to all the 
servlets in the webapp, which would kill the convenience of having it 
be available with minimal overhead.

Oo, oo, oo...

As I've been sitting here writing this, I had a brainstorm. What if I 
create an abstract class that has all the database connectivity built 
into it as static methods, but is just waiting for a connection method, 
a username, and a password. Then creating a new JDBC connection which 
is visible to all my servlets is just a matter of making a concrete 
subclass that defines those three variables and inherits all the 
functionality from its abstract parent class.

Any reason this is a horrible idea?

Thanks for being patient,
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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Todd O'Bryan
On Dec 3, 2003, at 5:40 AM, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

On Dec 3, 2003, at 2:59 AM, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Peter Harrison wrote:
On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 16:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the 
to access multiple databases easily.
The first point is to use a singleton to set up the database 
connection - or more correctly the connection pool. This way you can 
request a connection and return it to the pool easily. Of course 
every time you use one you will have to use try-catch blocks. Sorry 
no way around that.
Both Tomcat and J2EE specification support javax.sql.DataSource 
objects over JNDI. That is how we handle it elegantly.

A DataSource object is specified by the administrator and created by 
the container. Container then deploys it under specified JNDI name. A 
servlet (or EJB) can then lookup this object and use it, something 
like this:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import javax.naming.*;
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( 
java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource );
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

But this means I still have to get a connection, create a statement, 
and execute a query or update on the statement in every servlet where 
I want to use the connection. Yes, it locates the connection details 
(i.e., the JDBC connection method, the database name, user and 
password) somewhere centrally so that I don't have to keep coding it, 
but all of the connection overhead still has to be dealt with in every 
servlet in a webapp.

At least, I think that's what it's doing. Am I missing something?

Here's what I want. In every servlet in my webapp, I'm only going to 
be using one of a very few database connections. I'd like to be able 
to do something like:


without doing any setup because the Test class handles all the setup, 
initializes the connection the first time it's called, etc.

Basically, it's a singleton class that never gets an instance created 
because if I create an instance, I'd have to pass it around to all the 
servlets in the webapp, which would kill the convenience of having it 
be available with minimal overhead.

Oo, oo, oo...

As I've been sitting here writing this, I had a brainstorm. What if I 
create an abstract class that has all the database connectivity built 
into it as static methods, but is just waiting for a connection 
method, a username, and a password. Then creating a new JDBC 
connection which is visible to all my servlets is just a matter of 
making a concrete subclass that defines those three variables and 
inherits all the functionality from its abstract parent class.

Any reason this is a horrible idea?

Thanks for being patient,
Never mind. The compiler just reminded me that abstract and static 
together are nonsensical. It must be too early in the morning.

I suppose I could write a constructor that initializes the database, 
user, and password settings, and then use the instance. Instead of

ProductionDB.executeUpdate(a SQL statement);

I'd have

ProductionDB prod = new ProductionDB();
prod.executeUpdate(a SQL statement);
slightly more complicated than what I envisioned, but I could create 
any connection I need in each servlet's constructor so it would only 
have to be done once.

Once more, any obvious (or, better for my self-esteem, non-obvious) 
reason this is a bad idea?

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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Christopher Schultz

SQLUtils.executeQuery(a SQL statement);
SQLUtils.executeUpdate(another one);
Just out of curiosity, what do these methods return? If the former 
returns a ResultSet object, then you're in for a world of trouble. The 
ResultSet will never get closed, or you'll close the connection over 
which the ResultSet communicates, and then you're hosed, 'cause the 
calling code can't access the data.


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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-03 Thread Kwok Peng Tuck
But this means I still have to get a connection, create a statement, 
and execute a query or update on the statement in every servlet where I 
want to use the connection. Yes, it locates the connection details 
(i.e., the JDBC connection method, the database name, user and 
password) somewhere centrally so that I don't have to keep 
coding it, but all of the connection overhead still has to be dealt with 
in every servlet in a webapp.

The datasource solution that a few people in the list (including me :) 
)  have been asking you to look at provides a connection pool to your 
web application. In your code where you ask for a connection from JNDI, 
you are actually getting a connection from the pool, which is already 
setup.  When you call the close() method of this connection, it is not 
actually destoryed but returned to the connection pool, ready to be used. 

Todd O'Bryan wrote:

On Dec 3, 2003, at 2:59 AM, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Peter Harrison wrote:

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 16:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single,
globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability
to access multiple databases easily.
The first point is to use a singleton to set up the database 
connection - or more correctly the connection pool. This way you can 
request a connection and return it to the pool easily. Of course 
every time you use one you will have to use try-catch blocks. Sorry 
no way around that.

Both Tomcat and J2EE specification support javax.sql.DataSource 
objects over JNDI. That is how we handle it elegantly.

A DataSource object is specified by the administrator and created by 
the container. Container then deploys it under specified JNDI name. A 
servlet (or EJB) can then lookup this object and use it, something 
like this:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import javax.naming.*;
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( 
java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource );
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

At least, I think that's what it's doing. Am I missing something?

Here's what I want. In every servlet in my webapp, I'm only going to 
be using one of a very few database connections. I'd like to be able 
to do something like:


without doing any setup because the Test class handles all the setup, 
initializes the connection the first time it's called, etc.

Basically, it's a singleton class that never gets an instance created 
because if I create an instance, I'd have to pass it around to all the 
servlets in the webapp, which would kill the convenience of having it 
be available with minimal overhead.

Oo, oo, oo...

As I've been sitting here writing this, I had a brainstorm. What if I 
create an abstract class that has all the database connectivity built 
into it as static methods, but is just waiting for a connection 
method, a username, and a password. Then creating a new JDBC 
connection which is visible to all my servlets is just a matter of 
making a concrete subclass that defines those three variables and 
inherits all the functionality from its abstract parent class.

Any reason this is a horrible idea?

Thanks for being patient,
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Re: Servlets with JDBC connectivity

2003-12-02 Thread Kwok Peng Tuck
I think this link over here, might give you a hand.

There are samples there for databases like mysql, but I think you should 
be ok.

Todd O'Bryan wrote:

This may not be the right place to ask this, but if you can direct me 
to the right place, I'd appreciate it.

I'm looking for a design pattern that someone must have already 
thought through so that my head can stop hurting. Here's the problem:

I'm designing a webapp that has several servlets that all access a 
database (or a couple of databases, actually) to either update or 
retrieve information.

Rather than initializing these connections multiple times, dealing 
with SQLExceptions in every class that uses JDBC queries, and 
generally doing things multiple times, I thought I'd put all the 
database stuff into a single class. I created a setUp() method that 
initialized the database connection and then used static methods so I 
could do something like

SQLUtils.executeQuery(a SQL statement);
SQLUtils.executeUpdate(another one);
anywhere in my webapp. If the database connection had not been 
created, it got created before executing the SQL statement. If it was 
already created, it just got done. I handled all the nastiest 
exceptions in the SQLUtils class, so I didn't have to deal with them 

You can probably guess the next part. I've discovered I need to 
connect to more than one database, and this design does not support 
that. Creating instances of a SQLUtil class would be a big pain, 
because then I have to pass those around between my servlets and I 
lose one of the huge advantages of this approach, namely a single, 
globally visible interface to the database.

I thought about multiple classes, one for each database I'm connecting 
to, but I know that can't be right on so many levels. Meanwhile, I'm a 
little stumped.

How do people handle this elegantly? The requirements are: a single, 
globally visible (within a webapp) database interface and the ability 
to access multiple databases easily.

Thanks in advance for any ideas,
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