Hi There,

A am pretty inexperienced with Tomcat, so this will (hopefully) be a fairly simple 
question (to the initiated). I have trawled through various FAQ / mailing lists etc, 
but I can't find a definitive answer, one way or the other, so I am hoping that 
someone here may be able to assist.

We are running Tomcat and Apache on an AIX box, with Tomcat serving a number or 
virtual domains. These are separately defined in Apache, using the <Host Virtual> 
directive. As part of the basic configuration, we wish to set a number of environment 
variables *within Apache*, both globally, and specifically to each virtual server, 
using the SetEnv VARIABLE_NAME value command in the appache httpd.conf. We then want 
to access these variables from TOMCAT, so that behaviours will be specific to each 
virtual domain. Using C++, and standard CGI, accessing these variables is trivial 
using the getenv command, however, this command is deprecated (doesn't even work now!) 
in Tomcat, and the getProperty command only returns the details of the Tomcat 
environment, and not the Apache Server environment (even though Tomcat is running 
under Apache). 

I believe that this is possible under JServe, but does anyone know if it is possible 
to get the Apache server environment variables from Tomcat, and if so, how can this be 
achieved. If this is NOT possible, can anyone explain whther this is just an 
oversight/bug in Tomcat, or whether this behaviour is by design, for security, or some 
other reason.

Thanks in advance.

Crispin Driver

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