Vedr.: Tomcat iis and ntlm

2004-03-22 Thread Thomas Nybro Bolding
Hi Warren,
assuming you have setup the ISAPI redirector correct and has IIS serving 
JSP/Servlets through port 80 make sure you have added 
request.tomcatAuthentication=false to your file.


21-03-2004 21:53
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Vedr.:  Tomcat iis and ntlm

I am trying to pass a users ntlm credentials from iis to tomcat but they
always appears as NULL. I believe there is a mod to tomcat to fix this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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Tomcat iis and ntlm

2004-03-21 Thread Warren Black
I am trying to pass a users ntlm credentials from iis to tomcat but they
always appears as NULL. I believe there is a mod to tomcat to fix this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



Okana Systems Limited
mobile: +44 (0)7958 706580

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