Hello ,
I have wrote some Java Servlets, that works with Session Tracking.
I use the response.encodeURL Methode for it.
 when the client has disabled cookies, the jsessionID is suffixed. Thats

fine ;-)
 this will work with Tomcat , and Tomcat over Apache. Now, when I User
mod_ssl for the connection,  the jsessionID is gone, an no session
traking is possible without cookies.
My System is : Apache 1.3.17-10, jdk 1.3.0 ,mod_ssl-2.7.1-0,
jakarta-tomcat 3.2.1 and I've tried jakarta-Tomcat3.2.2b2

Has someone the same experience, some workaround or so ??

plz write brack, it's urgently and very important,

thank you for inconvenience,

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