Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-24 Thread Harry Mantheakis
 I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
 it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
 I'm doing everything wrong.

I belong to the camp that thinks Java code in JSPs is evil. I happen to
think that tag libraries are wonderful.

JSPs are HTML documents that are empowered to retrieve information from Java
objects. At least that's how I think of them.

The focus in a JSP is HTML/CSS presentation and design - all the data should
be retrieved, validated and prepared for presentation before you call the

If you work on a large, complex project, you must approach it that way.

If you're working on something simple, quick and dirty, then by all means do
all your coding in JSPs - that's what makes them cool.

Debugging code in JSPs is very painful. Debugging tag libraries is the same
as debugging any ordinary Java object.


Harry Mantheakis

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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-24 Thread Dakota Jack
 Debugging code in JSPs is very painful. Debugging tag libraries is the same
 as debugging any ordinary Java object.

I pretty much agree with everything Harry says and I do so in spades
as they say.  You can, as a tip, make debugging JSP easier by putting
the whole page in a try/catch exception trap.



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What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Dola Woolfe
I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
I'm doing everything wrong.

Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
advising against?

%@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
Table table = new Table()
.pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
hello to my friend.)).pLN()
.pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()

MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
Actions, table);
Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new

%= pAgE %

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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I certainly wouldn't presume to speak for Craig, so this is just my own 

Scriplets, that is, code in JSPs inside % %, is generally considered a 
Bad Thing(tm) because it's too easy for business logic to sneak into the 

Now, there is I think room for debate about how far to push that idea. 
Some people think that a JSP should be absolutely nothing more than a 
template for display, so you should wind up with nothing but things like 
$=someVar%, or more correctly, something like bean:write 
name=myBean property=myVar /.

However, where there is room for debate is whether using any sort of 
logic whatsoever in a JSP is bad or not.  Taking the JSP as a template 
only idea to it's fullest extent seems to me to imply that logic in ANY 
form is to be avoided, and should not be done in a JSP, whether it's 
using taglibs or not to do it (i.e., logic:equal/ shouldn't even be 
used because it's logic).  I think this is too extreme and limits the 
types of applications you can do... try doing the kinds of apps I do for 
a living for example, which are webapps that look, feel and work like 
fat clients, and you'll be hard-pressed to pull off the kinds of things 
I do without some level of logic in JSPs.

That being said, good design dictates that you need to be careful what 
gets put in your JSPs, whether you use custom tags or not (I'm not a fan 
of custom tags myself in most cases).  Business logic does NOT belong in 
JSPs, and indeed anything other than trivial bits of code probably 
shouldn't be there either.

I'm not entirely sure what the code you posted is doing, but my gut 
feeling is that it's too much for a JSP.  I do things like this all the 

  boolean altRow = false;
  String  rowStyle = ;
  for (Iterator it = form.getTOAList().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (altRow) {
  rowStyle = cssListboxAltRow;
  altRow = false;
} else {
  rowStyle = ;
  altRow = true;
HashMap nextItem = (HashMap);
BigDecimal toaID = (BigDecimal)nextItem.get(toaID);
String status = (String)nextItem.get(status);
tr height=24 class=%=rowStyle%
...and some will say that's way too much... let's skip the this should 
be a custom tag! argument for the time being... This kind of code I see 
no problem with being in a JSP.  It's strictly presentation-oriented, 
and isn't extensive.

That being said, NOW we can get to the this shouldn't be there at all 
argument... it is a perfectly reasonable argument.  In an environment 
where you have page authors and Java coders, you don't want your page 
authors to have to see code like that.  In fact, in the perfect 
environment where it's split exactly right, they wouldn't even know what 
this code meant.  But, if you had a custom tag that encapsulated that 
functionality, they could just put showTOAList/ and be done with it. 
That's the argument for taglibs (the main one anyway).

However, you have to ask yourself what kind of environment your in... I 
dare say most environments are NOT set up that way... maybe they should 
be, but I don't think the majority are... most places, your page authors 
are your Java coders are your database developers are your business 
analysts, etc.  In that case, I think the argument doesn't carry as much 

Eh, I guess I'm off on a bit of a tangent.  Most people will tell you 
that code in JSPs is to be avoided, and I'm not going out of my way to 
debate that.  But, I think it's fair to say that if you do have code in 
JSPs, it should be (a) trivial and (b) strictly presentation-related. 
Breaking THOSE rules, which by extension breaks the higher rules, is to 
be avoided at all costs.  Just my opinions.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Dola Woolfe wrote:
I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
I'm doing everything wrong.
Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
advising against?
%@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
Table table = new Table()
.pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
hello to my friend.)).pLN()
.pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
Actions, table);
Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
%= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread David Johnson
The intent of JSP is that it is primarily HTML with just enough Java to
make things work.  Ideally, you can hand a JSP to a web designer who is
not a programmer and they can make a pretty web page that works.  In
some shops this works.  As a productivity booster, this works in some
shops.  But in others it is a miserable failure.

With that being said, my _personal_ experience is that programming in
HTML tags is a pain in the %taglib/.

I don't have a problem learning another language to do a job - I
regularly use COBOL, Pascal, Java, and SQL in any single project. 
Adding a JSP front end adds JavaScript, a couple of XML namespaces, and
HTML to the mix.

Using taglibs instead of code adds a level of obfuscation that, IMHO, 
makes it difficult to get work done.  I always end up taking the servlet
that was generated from the JSP and rewriting it so it works correctly,
performs adequately, and generates no side effects.

This is a battle that will never be resolved because both sides are
right, depending on the circumstances.

JSP purists will shoot me, but I'll take plain old Java code over HTML
taglibs any day.  Write JSP's in accordance with your shop's standards
and make them work in the time allotted to the task.  Ultimately, your
company pays the bills, so whatever gives your shop the best
productivity is the right choice.

On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 09:07, Dola Woolfe wrote:
 I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
 it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
 I'm doing everything wrong.
 Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
 following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
 advising against?
 %@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
 Table table = new Table()
 .pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
 hello to my friend.)).pLN()
 .pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
 Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
 MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
 Actions, table);
 Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
 %= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
David Johnson wrote:
Using taglibs instead of code adds a level of obfuscation that, IMHO, 
makes it difficult to get work done.  I always end up taking the servlet
that was generated from the JSP and rewriting it so it works correctly,
performs adequately, and generates no side effects.
This has always been my biggest problems with taglibs too, that and the 
fact that it's yet something else a new developer coming on to a project 
has to learn before they can be effective (or at least optimally 
effective).  I prefer all the code being right there in front of me, not 
having to go hunt down source somewhere.

Additionally, I don't like having to recompile a class to make a change 
and then redeploy the class (or worse yet, the whole app).  If it's just 
in a JSP, I can update the app on-the-fly (assuming JSP compilation is 
still active).

That being said, I actually like the idea of Tag Files.  It's not quite 
as bad, it's no worse than a JSP include, although the point about more 
to learn still stands.  But, then it's just usual JSP code, which they 
would already know, so it's still not quite as bad in that regard 
either.  It's kind of amazing that a lot of people don't even know about 
that capability.

Like you said though, what works in one environment may not work in 
another, and taking a hard stand either way is a bad idea.  Heck, I've 
used taglibs on plenty of occasions and it's worked out beautifully. 
Right tool for the job and all that jazz, right?!?

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Tim Funk
Essentially you have written a servlet but packaged it as a JSP. Anytime it 
becomes a trivial effort to hand transform a JSP into a servlet usually means 
some refactoring is in order.

Personally I do not mind java code in JSP's but only if its structured. I try 
not to rely on in-line java code - but I try to use methods or inner classes 
for most java coding in a JSP. By doing that - it becomes easier to rip the 
methods and inner classes from the JPS page and into an independent object. 
By doing this - I get rapid turnaround - but don't code myself in a hole for 
when new functionality might be needed that might overlap existing pages.

Dola Woolfe wrote:
I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
I'm doing everything wrong.
Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
advising against?
%@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
Table table = new Table()
.pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
hello to my friend.)).pLN()
.pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
Actions, table);
Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
%= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
That's a good point Tim... I have to admit I've only used methods a 
couple of times in JSPs, generally preferring all the code be inline 
(except where there would be a lot of duplication, then I tend to make 
utility classes).  You make a good point though, I may start getting 
into that habit myself :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Tim Funk wrote:
Essentially you have written a servlet but packaged it as a JSP. Anytime 
it becomes a trivial effort to hand transform a JSP into a servlet 
usually means some refactoring is in order.

Personally I do not mind java code in JSP's but only if its structured. 
I try not to rely on in-line java code - but I try to use methods or 
inner classes for most java coding in a JSP. By doing that - it becomes 
easier to rip the methods and inner classes from the JPS page and into 
an independent object. By doing this - I get rapid turnaround - but 
don't code myself in a hole for when new functionality might be needed 
that might overlap existing pages.

Dola Woolfe wrote:
I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
I'm doing everything wrong.
Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
advising against?
%@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
Table table = new Table()
.pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
hello to my friend.)).pLN()
.pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
Actions, table);
Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
%= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Don't ask to see my code. All I know is it works  most of the time.
Really, I think it is a matter of circumstance. Each case is different and 
allows for sway from one extreme to the other.

One word of caution to people just learning, is that as you move from 
company to company expect to see a wide variety of philosophy about how 
something is done. So it is wise to understand each approach and it's pros 
and cons. I work for myself and I am still trying to understand the approach 

So what you will most likely find is that people will take the most direct 
path that the environment and knowledge will allow. Of course there are 
always the exceptions.

Dola don't get too tied up in proper approaches as much as understanding 
the whys and why not to do it that way. As you code things you will always 
see a different or better way after you are almost done.

- Original Message - 
From: Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well 
designed JSP pages?

That's a good point Tim... I have to admit I've only used methods a couple 
of times in JSPs, generally preferring all the code be inline (except 
where there would be a lot of duplication, then I tend to make utility 
classes).  You make a good point though, I may start getting into that 
habit myself :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Tim Funk wrote:
Essentially you have written a servlet but packaged it as a JSP. Anytime 
it becomes a trivial effort to hand transform a JSP into a servlet 
usually means some refactoring is in order.

Personally I do not mind java code in JSP's but only if its structured. I 
try not to rely on in-line java code - but I try to use methods or inner 
classes for most java coding in a JSP. By doing that - it becomes easier 
to rip the methods and inner classes from the JPS page and into an 
independent object. By doing this - I get rapid turnaround - but don't 
code myself in a hole for when new functionality might be needed that 
might overlap existing pages.

Dola Woolfe wrote:
I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
I'm doing everything wrong.
Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
advising against?
%@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
Table table = new Table()
.pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
hello to my friend.)).pLN()
.pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
Actions, table);
Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
%= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Dakota Jack
There are lots of reasons why this is not the way to code JSPs, Dola. 
Let's start with one: REUSABILITY.

If I can read between the lines in your code, you are essentially
using these classes to write HTML in sort of a Tiles way.  This is
clearly a good thing and your ideas might be really worthwhile.  That
is not at issue in what I have to say.  I am also not, at the moment,
talking about the %= whatever % expression code, but rather only 
the % whatever % scriptlet code.  You don't use %! whatever %.
declaration code.

The only way to reuse the code you wrote is to copy and paste.  (Often
this is called cut and paste which makes no sense.)  If you
consolidated and generalized the code off the page in some, say,
Process class, then you could have something like %=
Process().process([whatever]) % where whatever represents what is
peculiar to this page alone and what is common to all like pages is
included in the off-JSP-page Process process method code.

If you only made this change, then your page person, which might be
the same person, would only have to write

%= Process.process([whatever]) %

on each page and would not have to write the code elsewhere either
because that would already have been abstracted and done.

If we cannot all agree this is progress, then we probably cannot agree
on the whole idea of getting code off the page at all.

I also like what Tim had to say because he recognizes that sometimes
we have to write the particular code and abstract later as a business
decision.  However, he does it in a way that recognizes that adhering
as close to the principles of OOP as possible will make the later
transition easy when duplicating code becomes an issue.

I hope this helps.  Let me say that I find that the principles of OOP
can be defended and need not be adhered to out of blind faith.  It is
better to find out what is up than to just follow the dictates of
whomever.  Once again, good question.  I hope this engenders a long
and useful thread.  If it did, we could save a lot of ink on the


On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 07:07:21 -0800 (PST), Dola Woolfe
 I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
 it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
 I'm doing everything wrong.
 Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
 following (basically 100% code). Is this what Craig is
 advising against?
 %@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp import=html.*%
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
 Table table = new Table()
 .pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
 hello to my friend.)).pLN()
 .pAddC(2).pAddL(new Anchor(GoodByePage.jsp,
 Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
 MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
 Actions, table);
 Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools), new
 %= pAgE %
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You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back.

~Dakota Jack~

You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

~Native Proverb~

Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~


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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Dola Woolfe
Thank you for the useful responses.

I agree with the person (sorry, tough to both type and
look up names...) who said that I wrote enough code
for it to be a servlet. In fact, I would rather write
a servlet! This is because I prefer to work with
JBuilder and JBuilder does an OK job aligning and code
completing .java files (about 80% of what Emacs'
performance) and an outright lousy working with .jsp

But there are such tremendous barriers to entry with a
servlet. You need (or maybe things got better) to
modify web.xml and restart the app. Then every time
the code changes, the app needs to be restarted. The
project I work with takes 2 min to start up so this is
prohibitive. Sometimes for development purposes I dumb
it down so it takes 10 sec to start up but it is still
a pain. Am I saying anything that indicates that I'm
doing things wrong?

The one thing that I can't imagine being the right
thing to do (for me) is writing html code. Just
switching 2 rows in a table is enough to send me into
a panic. And you don't find out that you made a
mistake until you view the page. That's why I use an
html library with classes like Table, Page, Body,
Form.Button, Anchor, etc.

Again any comments? I truly enjoy reading the
dicussion that I started.

--- Parsons Technical Services

 Don't ask to see my code. All I know is it works
  most of the time.
 Really, I think it is a matter of circumstance. Each
 case is different and 
 allows for sway from one extreme to the other.
 One word of caution to people just learning, is that
 as you move from 
 company to company expect to see a wide variety of
 philosophy about how 
 something is done. So it is wise to understand each
 approach and it's pros 
 and cons. I work for myself and I am still trying to
 understand the approach 
 So what you will most likely find is that people
 will take the most direct 
 path that the environment and knowledge will allow.
 Of course there are 
 always the exceptions.
 Dola don't get too tied up in proper approaches as
 much as understanding 
 the whys and why not to do it that way. As you code
 things you will always 
 see a different or better way after you are almost
 - Original Message - 
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:22 PM
 Subject: Re: What is it mean that Java code does
 not belong in well 
 designed JSP pages?
  That's a good point Tim... I have to admit I've
 only used methods a couple 
  of times in JSPs, generally preferring all the
 code be inline (except 
  where there would be a lot of duplication, then I
 tend to make utility 
  classes).  You make a good point though, I may
 start getting into that 
  habit myself :)
  Frank W. Zammetti
  Founder and Chief Software Architect
  Omnytex Technologies
  Tim Funk wrote:
  Essentially you have written a servlet but
 packaged it as a JSP. Anytime 
  it becomes a trivial effort to hand transform a
 JSP into a servlet 
  usually means some refactoring is in order.
  Personally I do not mind java code in JSP's but
 only if its structured. I 
  try not to rely on in-line java code - but I try
 to use methods or inner 
  classes for most java coding in a JSP. By doing
 that - it becomes easier 
  to rip the methods and inner classes from the JPS
 page and into an 
  independent object. By doing this - I get rapid
 turnaround - but don't 
  code myself in a hole for when new functionality
 might be needed that 
  might overlap existing pages.
  Dola Woolfe wrote:
  I just read this thread and didn't quite
  it. If it means what it seems to mean on the
  I'm doing everything wrong.
  Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like
  following (basically 100% code). Is this what
 Craig is
  advising against?
  %@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
  Table table = new Table()
 Anchor(HelloPage.jsp, Say
  hello to my friend.)).pLN()
  Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
  MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
  Actions, table);
  Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data
 Tools), new
  %= pAgE %
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 Yahoo!? Read only the 
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Dola Woolfe
On the subject of your hope that this engenders a
long can the English be fixed in the subject before
this is archived? It's embarrassing.

--- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are lots of reasons why this is not the way to
 code JSPs, Dola. 
 Let's start with one: REUSABILITY.
 If I can read between the lines in your code, you
 are essentially
 using these classes to write HTML in sort of a Tiles
 way.  This is
 clearly a good thing and your ideas might be really
 worthwhile.  That
 is not at issue in what I have to say.  I am also
 not, at the moment,
 talking about the %= whatever % expression code,
 but rather only 
 the % whatever % scriptlet code.  You don't use
 %! whatever %.
 declaration code.
 The only way to reuse the code you wrote is to copy
 and paste.  (Often
 this is called cut and paste which makes no
 sense.)  If you
 consolidated and generalized the code off the page
 in some, say,
 Process class, then you could have something like
 Process().process([whatever]) % where whatever
 represents what is
 peculiar to this page alone and what is common to
 all like pages is
 included in the off-JSP-page Process process method
 If you only made this change, then your page person,
 which might be
 the same person, would only have to write
 %= Process.process([whatever]) %
 on each page and would not have to write the code
 elsewhere either
 because that would already have been abstracted and
 If we cannot all agree this is progress, then we
 probably cannot agree
 on the whole idea of getting code off the page at
 I also like what Tim had to say because he
 recognizes that sometimes
 we have to write the particular code and abstract
 later as a business
 decision.  However, he does it in a way that
 recognizes that adhering
 as close to the principles of OOP as possible will
 make the later
 transition easy when duplicating code becomes an
 I hope this helps.  Let me say that I find that the
 principles of OOP
 can be defended and need not be adhered to out of
 blind faith.  It is
 better to find out what is up than to just follow
 the dictates of
 whomever.  Once again, good question.  I hope this
 engenders a long
 and useful thread.  If it did, we could save a lot
 of ink on the
 On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 07:07:21 -0800 (PST), Dola
  I just read this thread and didn't quite
  it. If it means what it seems to mean on the
  I'm doing everything wrong.
  Schematically, my typical JSP page looks like the
  following (basically 100% code). Is this what
 Craig is
  advising against?
  %@ page errorPage=ErrorPage.jsp
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=InitializePage.jsp%
  Table table = new Table()
  .pAddC(1).pAddL(new Anchor(HelloPage.jsp,
  hello to my friend.)).pLN()
  Say good bye to my friend)).pLN()
  MyTemplate template = new MyTemplate (Main
  Actions, table);
  Page pAgE = new Page(new MyHead(Data Tools),
  %= pAgE %
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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread QM
I'm quite late to this thread, so I'll stick to answering the one
technical question:

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 12:03:36PM -0800, Dola Woolfe wrote:
: the code changes, the app needs to be restarted. The
: project I work with takes 2 min to start up so this is
: prohibitive

There's a reloadable attr on the Tomcat config's Context tag.  Set
this to true while you're in development mode to make the container
periodically check for changes in WEB-INF/classes and reload
accordingly.  It may also check under WEB-INF/lib, I don't recall...

:  Sometimes for development purposes I dumb
: it down so it takes 10 sec to start up but it is still
: a pain. Am I saying anything that indicates that I'm
: .doing things wrong?

Wrong is too strong a term here; but some would argue that you may not
have to tweak the servlets so much if you were to formally separate
calls to business logic (servlets, which require a container restart)
and formatting/presentation (JSPs, which are automatically rebuilt when

In my experience, the servlet layer is pretty thin and simple; it's
getting the final content *just right* that can require several edits to
a file.

I don't mean for this to sound flippant.  A lot of the good ideas and
best practices are based on starting an app from scratch.  When you're
migrating an existing app -- and in your case, across two servlet spec
revisions -- it can be tough.  You sometimes have to decide whether it's
worth a hefty refactoring effort or starting over from scratch.



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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Sean M. Duncan
I work in a shop similar to the one you describe where individuals are
forced to fill multiple roles.  I'm called upon to implement everything
from domain models to navigation menus.  However, I find that keeping
the Java code that appears in JSP to a minimum helps in this situation
as well.  Although I am completely capable of wearing multiple hats, I
do feel that we all benefit from practices that limit the amount of time
we have to wear all those hats at once.  I would also argue the quality
of our work benefits from the increased level of focus such discipline
provides.  Some logic does belong in JSP.  However, the logic that
appears within pages should be limited to display logic.  I've found
that Struts and JSTL are a great combination to accomplish such


On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 10:45 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
 I certainly wouldn't presume to speak for Craig, so this is just my own 
 Scriplets, that is, code in JSPs inside % %, is generally considered a 
 Bad Thing(tm) because it's too easy for business logic to sneak into the 
 Now, there is I think room for debate about how far to push that idea. 
 Some people think that a JSP should be absolutely nothing more than a 
 template for display, so you should wind up with nothing but things like 
 $=someVar%, or more correctly, something like bean:write 
 name=myBean property=myVar /.
 However, where there is room for debate is whether using any sort of 
 logic whatsoever in a JSP is bad or not.  Taking the JSP as a template 
 only idea to it's fullest extent seems to me to imply that logic in ANY 
 form is to be avoided, and should not be done in a JSP, whether it's 
 using taglibs or not to do it (i.e., logic:equal/ shouldn't even be 
 used because it's logic).  I think this is too extreme and limits the 
 types of applications you can do... try doing the kinds of apps I do for 
 a living for example, which are webapps that look, feel and work like 
 fat clients, and you'll be hard-pressed to pull off the kinds of things 
 I do without some level of logic in JSPs.
 That being said, good design dictates that you need to be careful what 
 gets put in your JSPs, whether you use custom tags or not (I'm not a fan 
 of custom tags myself in most cases).  Business logic does NOT belong in 
 JSPs, and indeed anything other than trivial bits of code probably 
 shouldn't be there either.
 I'm not entirely sure what the code you posted is doing, but my gut 
 feeling is that it's too much for a JSP.  I do things like this all the 
boolean altRow = false;
String  rowStyle = ;
for (Iterator it = form.getTOAList().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
  if (altRow) {
rowStyle = cssListboxAltRow;
altRow = false;
  } else {
rowStyle = ;
altRow = true;
  HashMap nextItem = (HashMap);
  BigDecimal toaID = (BigDecimal)nextItem.get(toaID);
  String status = (String)nextItem.get(status);
  tr height=24 class=%=rowStyle%
 ...and some will say that's way too much... let's skip the this should 
 be a custom tag! argument for the time being... This kind of code I see 
 no problem with being in a JSP.  It's strictly presentation-oriented, 
 and isn't extensive.
 That being said, NOW we can get to the this shouldn't be there at all 
 argument... it is a perfectly reasonable argument.  In an environment 
 where you have page authors and Java coders, you don't want your page 
 authors to have to see code like that.  In fact, in the perfect 
 environment where it's split exactly right, they wouldn't even know what 
 this code meant.  But, if you had a custom tag that encapsulated that 
 functionality, they could just put showTOAList/ and be done with it. 
 That's the argument for taglibs (the main one anyway).
 However, you have to ask yourself what kind of environment your in... I 
 dare say most environments are NOT set up that way... maybe they should 
 be, but I don't think the majority are... most places, your page authors 
 are your Java coders are your database developers are your business 
 analysts, etc.  In that case, I think the argument doesn't carry as much 
 Eh, I guess I'm off on a bit of a tangent.  Most people will tell you 
 that code in JSPs is to be avoided, and I'm not going out of my way to 
 debate that.  But, I think it's fair to say that if you do have code in 
 JSPs, it should be (a) trivial and (b) strictly presentation-related. 
 Breaking THOSE rules, which by extension breaks the higher rules, is to 
 be avoided at all costs.  Just my opinions.
 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies
 Dola Woolfe wrote:
  I just read this thread and didn't quite understand
  it. If it means what it seems to mean on the surface,
  I'm doing everything wrong.

Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Michael Echerer
provides.  Some logic does belong in JSP.  However, the logic that
appears within pages should be limited to display logic.  I've found
that Struts and JSTL are a great combination to accomplish such
IMHO this is basically the essence of Java code does no belong in well 
designed JSP pages

Keep the MVC separation in order not to clutter your view (e.g. JSP) 
with business logic. That can be achieved with various frameworks like 
Struts. Whenever you need code, think of Struts Taglibs or JSTL first. 
Usually this is sufficient for all the legal code in JSPs.
That is display logic like reformating values for displayment that 
were calculated in your business logic elsewhere. E.g. iteration over 
lists, colorize things, whatever. This will reduce your JSP's Java code 
to snippets of just a few lines. Of course, with custom taglibs even 
that could be reduced to zero, but that's usually not worth the effort 
(if not reusable).

Or don't use JSP at all (but if so, bundle with Struts)... Tapestry is 
also good to separate view and business logic, at least if you don't put 
to much OGNL in your html templates ;-) That's as worse as too much Java 
code and EL in JSPs.

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Re: What is it mean that Java code does not belong in well designed JSP pages?

2005-01-23 Thread Dakota Jack
On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 12:09:39 -0800 (PST), Dola Woolfe
 On the subject of your hope that this engenders a
 long can the English be fixed in the subject before
 this is archived? It's embarrassing.

Too late.  Don't worry about it.  What we type in here rarely has much
to do with our real understanding of English.  I don't bother to
change a lot and assume the regular corrections for others as well.



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~Dakota Jack~

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Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

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