I think I need the help of outside eyes, because I must be not seeing
the forest for the trees. Under Tomcat 4.0.6 I was serving out XML which
had Unicode code points for Arabic characters and in all decent browsers
(Mozilla, Phoenix, Chimera, etc.) the Arabic displayed beautifully.
Yesterday we updated to Tomcat 4.1.17: none of the data files changed,
none of the XSL files changed, none of our server settings changed.
Under the new Tomcat everything seemed to be as before except ... the
beautiful Arabic has gone and in its place is that gobbledegook of
squares, "at-signs", etc. that browsers give when they don't know what
else to do. 

When I use Mozilla to look at the XML file that the JSP is importing I
can see that the Unicode is definitely there and displays fine, so the
problem must be occurring after Tomcat gets hold of it. After reading
Bill Barker's response to someone else's query yesterday I specifically
added "charset=UTF-8" to the <%@ page contentType="text/xml" %> that I
previously had, but still no Arabic. I couldn't find anything in the
RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt that looked relevant. Has something changed
between 4.0.6 and 4.1.17 that would explain my vanished Arabic?



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