Using Tomcat 4.1.17 to upload a servlet I get a Class not found error
when the class is there.

If I put the class into jakarta/common/classes it works fine.

Notice that the error stems from my driver in jakarta/common/lib while
the class it can not find is loaded from a jar in my app's WEB-INF/lib

ERROR [Thread-4] ( - ::logSqlExceptionSQL - exception
> java.sql.SQLException: Class not found:
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.dbforms.util.FileHolder while
> reading serialized object
>       at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.getObject(Unknown Source)
>       at org.dbforms.util.ResultSetVector.<init>(

A <code>FileHolder</code> holds data saved from a
com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart as byteArray 

I would think this is not by design or it would be documented.

I realize this mail might best go to the developers list but ...what's
that address...I don't subscribe...could someone forward this...

..maybe this has already been solved?!?...

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