I downloaded the mod_webapp Linux binary for Tomcat 4.0.1 (I'm actually
running 4.0.2 though, if that matters) and installed it.  When Apache starts
up, I get the warning about needing to re-compile mod_webapp with -DEAPI...

Is there a mod_webapp binary available somewhere that has been compiled with
the EAPI option?  I've tried building it myself...  (./support/buildconf.sh
followed by ./configure) but when I run configure, I'm getting an error:
"cannot find or execute './configure' in 'webapp-module-1.0.1-tc401/apr'".
Aparently, my Debian unstable system doesn't quite have everything that's
needed for this build...

So, if I could just download a prebuilt binary from somewhere, it would just
be a lot easier. <smile>


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