Re: [Toolserver-l] Redacted database content

2013-12-06 Thread Christian Thiele


Am 06.12.2013, 11:27 Uhr, schrieb Marlen Caemmerer  

It regards  fields in the  tables revision, logging, recentchanges,  
oldimage and filearchive.

is it possible to have a list of the effected fields?

Chris / apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Cron on nightshade not running since Nov 2nd?

2013-11-06 Thread Christian Thiele


Am 06.11.2013, 22:49 Uhr, schrieb Platonides :

On nightshade, crontab *is* cronie.

The cron server is running and -after a quick test- working. The problem  
seems to lie with emails, which are not sent.

I spoke about willow, and there crontab didn't work (I don't receive any  
mails from cron (everything goes to /dev/null), but I write log files). I  
don't know what's the case with nightshade. I didn't thought about it  
because I changed my cron and on another MMP project crontab never worked  
on willow (only cronie), so I thought it's some problem with crontab. So I  
thought it was only my problem and switched to cronie for my user account,  
too (and it worked again). But then a mail was written by Danny. So it  
seems to be a general problem with crontab on willow.

Chris / APPER

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Cron on nightshade not running since Nov 2nd?

2013-11-05 Thread Christian Thiele


Am 05.11.2013, 19:56 Uhr, schrieb Danny B. :

My cron stuff on nightshade ran on Nov 2nd at 6:05 UTC and since that
nothing, although I have daily period set.

Is that only issue on my account or global?

for me the same. I just switched to cronie instead of crontab, which works.

Christian / APPER

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Need Tool Labs migration support?

2013-10-10 Thread Christian Thiele


Am 09.10.2013, 14:55 Uhr, schrieb Magnus Manske  

There are some tools from e.g. apper that would probably move quite well.

I just started moving some simple tools a few days ago, but the  
availability seems very bad to me. Sometimes the tools work, sometimes not  
- at the moment nothing works for me, not only my tools but also e.g. or

It was told that the toolserver will die one year after "Tool Labs has all  
necessary features to replace the Toolserver.". One feature is  
availability - and for now it's impossible for me to move tools if they  
only work 50% of the day. So either the availability will be at nearly  
100% or the shutdown will be delayed.

Christian / APPER

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Cron on willow

2013-01-11 Thread Christian Thiele


Am 11.01.2013, 16:48 Uhr, schrieb :

>> fyi, cronie is working fine.

I'm using cronie, and some of my cron jobs didn't start last night.

the problem (don't know if it still exist) affected cronie and crontab. On  
my personal account I'm using crontab, on a MMP project I'm using cronie  
and both didn't execute most of the jobs the last day.

TS user apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Anyone else having TS trouble?

2012-11-25 Thread Christian Thiele
Am 25.11.2012, 16:42 Uhr, schrieb Magnus Manske  

Started a few minutes ago. getting alternating errors on reloading a  

500 (on a static HTML page, not CGI, mind you!), "This webpage is not
available: The connection to was interrupted.", 404.

same here...

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Re: [Toolserver-l] performance issues

2011-10-29 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 29.10.2011, 13:25 Uhr, schrieb Magnus Manske  

> In the last three hours, I got no less than 21 immensely useless mails
> from the query killer. The following query, apparently, was killed
> after running for a whooping 71 minutes:

> This queries, and others like it, have not caused problems for the
> last one (two? I can't remember) years they've been in place.
> Something has changed for the far, far worse.

for me the same. I didn't change anything, but most queries are much  
slower than before (I got the first mails from the query killer at around  
4 pm UTC yesterday).

Chris / apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] I10N and toolserver subdomains

2010-12-29 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 29.12.2010, 18:50 Uhr, schrieb DaB. :

> At Wednesday 29 December 2010 18:39:07 DaB. wrote:
>> The problem is that this header field is either impossible or
>> difficult to change, and even then only browser-wide, not site-wide.
> 4 clicks in FF, 3 clicks in IE, 5 clicks in chromium – very hard indeed.  
> And
> what's the advantage to look at 1 tool in german and 1 tool in french?

the problem is, that one wants to give consistent links to others. When  
you're not able to give a link, which points to the same page (in the same  
language), thats not very user friendly I think. Of course the header  
field should be used when or is the host  
and may redirect to or regarding to  
the language preferences.

Another point: I'm sure 99% of internet users don't know about this  
browser setting and of the rest a high percentage will not be able to  
change it. You know it, I know it, but my mother don't know.

Using this field gives you a a good standard language, but language  
switching is necessary too.

Christian Thiele / apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Tool to find out authors' percentage of participation?

2010-04-14 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 14.04.2010, 16:44 Uhr, schrieb Robin Fink  

> Is there any way to find out the main authors of an article? I found a
> German tool:

I wrote a standalone application some time ago, you'll find a description  

The description page is in german, but the tool itself is in english and  
works for the english wikipedia, too. I think the images on the  
description page will help. After the last step (analyzing the authors),  
you'll find percentage statistics at "user statistics" and you are able to  
export the article like in this sample:

It is really slow for many versions, but besides this it works relatively  
good. It's written in .NET but runs using Mono, too (but there even  

You can download it from

Christian Thiele / APPER

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Page view stats

2010-03-30 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 30.03.2010, 01:08 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell  

> If anyone else has a particular reason to need this
> data, it would help if they could describe it, so we can decide how to
> format the data, and how detailed it needs to be.

I think there are some tools, which could use this data as "how popular is  
an article" for sorting results. For this monthly data would be fine.  
Daily data is great, too - maybe the sum of the last 30 days or so could  
be cached somewhere. More detailed data (like hourly) seems too precise  
for me, but of course one could imagine even tools for per-minute data:  
e.g. the usage stats for articles relevant for a question at "who wants to  
be a millionaire" would be very interesting. But there are only few such  
things, so this could be done on raw data, if needed. So I would propose  
(if possible) daily data with a db view for either "last month" or better  
"last 30 days" (I don't know, if something like this could be cached... or  
maybe a cron for updating extra tables...)

Christian Thiele / user:apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] what's the best way to convert SVGs to PNGs on the toolserver?

2010-02-16 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 17.02.2010, 00:46 Uhr, schrieb Ryan Kaldari :

> it works fine from the command line. I tried to execute the following  
> from

if it works from command line, try shell_exec() instead of system().

Christian Thiele

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[Toolserver-l] Load article content from Wikipedia

2010-02-15 Thread Christian Thiele

does anyone know if there are changes to the wikimedia servers? I always  
got article fulltext using
$fulltext =  
Since yesterday this doesn't work and I get a 403. Using cURL this works  
again, but it's annoying to change all scripts...

Christian Thiele / apper

Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] what's the best way to convert SVGs to PNGs on the toolserver?

2010-02-15 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 16.02.2010, 00:53 Uhr, schrieb Ryan Kaldari :

> Has anyone else dealt with this problem on the toolserver? I've heard of 
> a couple other possible solutions:

I'm using rsvg on the toolserver for four years now and it produces good  
results. You could simply run it "rsvg source.svg dest.png". I don't know  
about security problems, but as I understood, you create the SVGs for your  
own, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Christian Thiele / apper

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Looking for utility to perform text search in dump

2009-07-25 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 25.07.2009, 18:20 Uhr, schrieb Osama KM :

> Well, C# and .NET in general are patented so they aren't free and
> they're bad choices.[1].
> [1]: <>

This post is outdated in my opinion. Microsoft reacted on it and is now  
applying the Microsoft Community Promise on the ECMA 334 and ECMA 335  
specs of .NET [2]. And this is not only a "promise" but legally binding.  
There will be a mono version only having the core parts [3]. So I don't  
see problems using mono on the toolserver. But of course I understand if  
you don't want to use it ;).


Christian Thiele

Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] Looking for utility to perform text search in dump

2009-07-25 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 25.07.2009, 17:13 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell  

> .NET is not, itself, non-free.  Microsoft's implementation (the most  
> common
> one) is, but Mono ( is not.  perhaps  
> the AWB
> developers could make whatever changes are needed to run it on a free
> implementation.

Mono works great, I'm using bots using the DotNetWikiBot framework on the  

For simple parsing of a pages-articles.xml file, you may test a script, I  
used some time ago - it is a very simple xml parser (for the  
pages-articles.xml structure) and calls a function called "test" with the  
article title and the text of the article. Its not the perfect solution  
but the solution implemented in five minutes ;)

   function test($title, $text)
 // do something here

   $filename = "enwiki-200X-pages-articles.xml";
   $dataFile = fopen($filename, "r");
   if ($dataFile)
 $status = 0;
 while (!feof($dataFile))
   $buffer = fgets($dataFile, 4096);
   if (($status == 0) && (stripos($buffer, "") !== false))
 $status = 1;
   elseif (($status == 1) && (stripos($buffer, "") !== false))
 $title = strip_tags($buffer);
   elseif (($status == 1) && (stripos($buffer, "") !== false))
 $status = 2;
   elseif (($status == 2) && (stripos($buffer, "") !== false) { $status = 2; }
   elseif (($status == 3) && (stripos($buffer, "") === false))
 $text .= strip_tags($buffer);
   elseif ($status == 3)
 $text .= strip_tags($buffer);
 $status = 2;
   elseif (($status == 2) && (stripos($buffer, "") !==  
 $status = 1;
   elseif (($status == 1) && (stripos($buffer, "") !== false))
 test(trim($title), trim($text));
 $title = ""; $text = "";
 $status = 0;
 die("File not found: $filename");

Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] [IMPORTANT] home directory cleanup; sql-s1 server change

2009-02-28 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 28.02.2009, 18:31 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell  

> if you have user databases on yarrow, these will *not* be copied
> over, and furthermore will be deleted when s3 is re-imported to yarrow.

sorry, I'm not into server details, so how do I know, if I have user  
databases on yarrow? For my user databases I connect to "sql" and I don't  
think this is yarrow. Am I right, if I think, I got user databases on  
yarrow, if I connected for example to "" and  
created a database there? Why is this possible at all? I thought that  
wasn't possible, but as you wrote about "user databases on yarrow" i'm  

Christian Thiele

Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] [Wikitech-l] Crawling deWP

2009-01-28 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 28.01.2009, 09:43 Uhr, schrieb Daniel Kinzler :

> Including the latest revision which is flagged "good" would be an obvious
> feature that should be implemented along with including the revision  
> flags. So
> the "current" dump would have 1-3 revisions per page.

going offtopic: this would really impact a lot of tools crawling the dump.  
So please do not change the current dumps, but maybe add another one with  
only the flagged versions.


Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] Switchboard/FastCGI on new webserver

2008-12-13 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 14.12.2008, 01:03 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell  

> this page is obsolete; PHP has been using FastCGI by default for the  
> last few
> months.  i removed the content of the page so it doesn't confuse people.

maybe you could scan the server for *.phpf files, because these are  
security risks now. If there are other people like me, who had *.phpf  
scripts and didn't change them, the source of these scripts is readable by  
everyone (including database passwords and so on) now.

Christian Thiele / APPER

Toolserver-l mailing list

[Toolserver-l] Switchboard/FastCGI on new webserver

2008-12-13 Thread Christian Thiele

I changed one of my scripts to use FastCGI PHP. Therefore I renamed it to  
*.phpf. This is described in [1]. Unfortunally, this now shows the user  
the PHP source code. Fortunally, there were no sql passwords in this  
Is FastCGI available on the new server?

Christian Thiele / APPER


Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] help test a new web server

2008-08-29 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 28.08.2008, 19:14 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> please, report any problems.

> PS: the new server does _not_ support RewriteRules in .htaccess;  
> however, it does support Alias and Redirect.

My tools work fine, but not having rewrite rules breaks some stuff. No big  
things, but annoying. I hope, that rewrite rules will be supported before  
using this server.


Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] new login server

2008-06-21 Thread Christian Thiele

at first: the command "faq" doesn't work on nightshade (but I'm told to  
use this command to find the documentation.

Am 19.06.2008, 01:41 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> after 1 week from today (June 19), we will start killing all tools which  
> run on hemlock.

I want to point at a problem with WikiSense. Some of my tools need access  
to the full text of some articles and they use the WikiProxy located at I think I'm not the  
only one using the WikiProxy. But this tool now isn't at "localhost"  
anymore and so some of my tools are broken... Maybe there is a possibility  
to fix this.

Christian Thiele / apper

Toolserver-l mailing list

Re: [Toolserver-l] Windows toolserver

2008-02-05 Thread Christian Thiele

Am 05.02.2008, 21:08 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> OK> I'm learning C# at the moment ,and I guess running my C# bot on  
> Windows is
> OK> too better (than Mono on Linux)
> no, this shouldn't make any difference as far as i know.  many people
> run .NET programs under mono with no problems. (that is, after all,
> one of the main purposes of .NET.)

I'm using C# and also Mono some time now (but I'm developing using Visual  
Studio and only test my programs under Mono) and Mono took a big step  
forward in the last years. All the things a normal Toolserver user do is  
really no problem with Mono. The most problems are with user interfaces,  
windows and so on, but there are a few command line tools that will make  
problems under Mono. So using C# (which is really a great language!) isn't  
a reason for Windows. In fact I don't really know a reason for using  
windows on the toolserver (and i'm personally a loyal Windows user ;)).

Christian Thiele / apper

Toolserver-l mailing list