Merlijn van Deen <> wrote:

>> ssh'ing to yarrow gives:

>> | [tim@passepartout ~]$ ssh
>> | The RSA host key for has changed,
>> | and the key for the corresponding IP address
>> | is unknown.

>> | The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
>> | 59:3d:de:62:07:44:f2:f3:b0:e1:6d:a8:d2:7e:7e:af.

>> Was this intentional?

> Yarrow was used as name for at least one other server before the
> current login server. This one was installed recently (july), and your
> host keys might be older (and thus correspond to the wrong server).

No, I use yarrow regularly and the behaviour changed this
weekend.  After comparing backups, the only change was a
~/.ssh/known_hosts2 with the contents:

| ssh-dss [...]==

After removing this file, ssh ceased to complain.

I played around with Net::SSH::Perl & Co. this weekend, and
my assumption is that - as it doesn't work quote right :-) -
it dumped an invalid key to this file which caused ssh to

So: No RSA key changed on yarrow :-).


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