Topband: The use of digital modes on 160 metres

2012-09-15 Thread George, VK5IT
Hi Topbanders,


I would like to bring up a topic which I suspect must be tantamount to
heresy among the diehard CW operators and that is the question of the use of
some of the digital modes on the Gentleman's Band.


It may be that CW can still hold its own by the speed and simplicity and use
of narrow bandwidths??


These dangerous thoughts have come about because a friend put me on to a
programme called Ham Radio Delux with its imbedded programme Digital Master
780 which supports a whole raft of digital modes. As we all know some of
these modes are capable of digging out intelligence from signals that are
undetectable because they are below the noise floor. 


As one who is very much in the little pistol league with a small suburban
back yard with a 10 metre height restriction and only enough space to
install a very meagre earth matt and the additional problem of electrical
noise - I see this as a  way to improve my chances of chasing the elusive
DX. I was thinking of resorting to the use of digital modes such as Olivia
and JT65.


I keep a reasonably close eye on the threads posted in the Top Band Archives
and this is a topic I do not remember seeing being discussed. 


I do, however, suspect that because going digital is such an obvious answer
that there must already be some activity among devotees so I would be
interested in hearing what frequencies and what modes are used on 160 meters
and any comments.




George, VK5IT





UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: The use of digital modes on 160 metres

2012-09-15 Thread Bill Cromwell
Hi George,

My own experience with those modes that can dig out signals from below
the noise is they are too slow to be any use for much beyond
propagation studies. I am doing a very little bit of that on the 600
meter band. The typical story is set the radio and the computer and let
it run all night (*ALL* night) to get a few words through IF propagation
cooperates. Look at your results in the morning after breakfast. Not my
cup of tea. YMMV.

Can the other stations hear you? If not..can you apply more power? (not
already doing the limit) There are some antennas talked about here that
might help you with receive. I have the small lot problem too but I am
slowly working my way toward better reception and I'll be increasing
power soon, too. Even with my puny station (25 watts!) I have worked
some other stations on Top Band. I can hear better than I can send.

Some people detest that there is digital activity on Top Band but it is
there. Somebody else will have to point you at it (1840 or so?) as I
don't use it. If you decide to join those guys let me wish you best of


Bill  KU8H

On Sat, 2012-09-15 at 20:59 +0930, George, VK5IT wrote:
 Hi Topbanders,
 I would like to bring up a topic which I suspect must be tantamount to
 heresy among the diehard CW operators and that is the question of the use of
 some of the digital modes on the Gentleman's Band.
 It may be that CW can still hold its own by the speed and simplicity and use
 of narrow bandwidths??
 These dangerous thoughts have come about because a friend put me on to a
 programme called Ham Radio Delux with its imbedded programme Digital Master
 780 which supports a whole raft of digital modes. As we all know some of
 these modes are capable of digging out intelligence from signals that are
 undetectable because they are below the noise floor. 
 As one who is very much in the little pistol league with a small suburban
 back yard with a 10 metre height restriction and only enough space to
 install a very meagre earth matt and the additional problem of electrical
 noise - I see this as a  way to improve my chances of chasing the elusive
 DX. I was thinking of resorting to the use of digital modes such as Olivia
 and JT65.
 I keep a reasonably close eye on the threads posted in the Top Band Archives
 and this is a topic I do not remember seeing being discussed. 
 I do, however, suspect that because going digital is such an obvious answer
 that there must already be some activity among devotees so I would be
 interested in hearing what frequencies and what modes are used on 160 meters
 and any comments.
 George, VK5IT

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: The use of digital modes on 160 metres

2012-09-15 Thread Jim Brown

On 9/15/2012 4:29 AM, George, VK5IT wrote:

I keep a reasonably close eye on the threads posted in the Top Band Archives
and this is a topic I do not remember seeing being discussed.

It has. Search for JT65.

so I would be interested in hearing what frequencies and what modes are used on 
160 meters and any comments.

There is considerable JT65A activity between about 1838.5 kHz and 1840.5 
kHz, transmitted and received by using K1JT's WSJT9 software or W6CQZ's 
JT65-HF with a transceiver set for 1838 USB.  JT65-HF is the most 
user-friendly of the two programs, and includes multi-decode 
capability.  The bandwidth of a JT65A signal is about 225 Hz, and it is 
common to decode a half dozen different signals during each one-minute 
cycle.  There are times when I see more JT66A signals on Topband than CW 
or SSB!  You can see some of this activity on W6CQZ's Reverse Beacon web 

From my QTH near San Francisco, I watch stations on the east coast of 
North America working at least one station in VK.  Activity in North 
America slows down a lot during our summer.  It's been quiet here since 
early June, but I expect to see it pick up pretty soon. This spring, I 
heard and decoded both sides of a QSO between W1 and ZS, and called the 
ZS station several times without success.

I don't know of any other digital modes being used on Topband, but that 
doesn't mean that they're not there.

For best decoding, it helps to use a decent (but not expensive) USB 
sound card.  This winter, I bought and tested three low cost units from 
Numark, Tascam, and Byterunner. All three worked fine, and produced 
roughly twice as many decodes as the sound card built into my Thinkpad. 
The Numark and Tascam were well built.  The Byterunner was not. The 
Tascam I bought was a model 100 (about $70), which was recently 
discontinued, replaced by a model 122 (about $80).  The Numark doesn't 
have a model number, but is their lowest cost unit about $35.

73, Jim K9YC
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: The use of digital modes on 160 metres

2012-09-15 Thread wa3mej


 While there may be many that disagree with me I love digital modes on 160. I 
primarily use JT65 and it has been one of the reasons that I have worked Japan 
and New Zealand on TB.  I use it primarily when my hearing disabillity kicks in 
and my ears start ringing and I work CW the rest of the time. I can tell you 
that my ears do not like CW close to the noise floor.  The frequencies and 
modes most used (so far as I have heard) are 1.836 6 for WSPR, 1.838 for JT65 
and also 1.838 for PSK31.  There may be other modes but they must be on other 
frequencies because I have not heard them.  Simply put digital is the big 
equalizer you can gain 30+ db over SSB by using digital modes that effectively 
lets you compete with the Killowatts on the band (we dont use amplifiers on 
digital modes). Let me know how you make out and maybe you will run into me on 
JT65 as I leave it on freq most nights. 

Jim WA3MEJ  

p.s. Even digital contacts count for DXCC etc so go for it. 
- Original Message -
Message: 3 
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:59:57 +0930 
From: George, VK5IT 
To: Topband postings 
Subject: Topband: The use of digital modes on 160 metres 
Message-ID: 000501cd9335$6faef860$4f0ce920$@com 
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii 

Hi Topbanders, 

  I would like to bring up a topic which I suspect must be tantamount to 
heresy among the diehard CW operators and that is the question of the use of 
some of the digital modes on the Gentleman's Band. 

  It may be that CW can still hold its own by the speed and simplicity and use 
of narrow bandwidths?? 

These dangerous thoughts have come about because a friend put me on to a 
programme called Ham Radio Delux with its imbedded programme Digital Master 
780 which supports a whole raft of digital modes. As we all know some of 
these modes are capable of digging out intelligence from signals that are 
undetectable because they are below the noise floor. 

As one who is very much in the little pistol league with a small suburban 
back yard with a 10 metre height restriction and only enough space to 
install a very meagre earth matt and the additional problem of electrical 
noise - I see this as a  way to improve my chances of chasing the elusive 
DX. I was thinking of resorting to the use of digital modes such as Olivia 
and JT65. 

I keep a reasonably close eye on the threads posted in the Top Band Archives 
and this is a topic I do not remember seeing being discussed.  

I do, however, suspect that because going digital is such an obvious answer 
that there must already be some activity among devotees so I would be 
interested in hearing what frequencies and what modes are used on 160 meters 
and any comments. 


George, VK5IT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK