Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-02 Thread Eddy Swynar
Good Day Again All,

Well, I've done my best to summarize all the respondents' comments in the 
matter of elevated vs. ground-mounted radials---and I'll try now to summarize 
these in a single-page format for benefit of all to see...

The results are certainly interesting, and some are as different from one 
another as we might be physically! 

In any event---and FWIW---here goes:

(A) Is it true that a couple of elevated radials are just as effective as the 
"optimum" amount of buried ones...?

-It depends.
-Don't know.
-Don't know.
-If 2 or more are used, maybe.
-It depends.

(B) What is the "ideal" number of elevated radials that one should use...?

-It depends upon their height.
-2 to 4.
-7 to 8.
-1 to 5.
-1 to 2.
-16 to 32.
-16 to 32.
-The more the better.
-Any amount, but use pairs (ex. 2 to 4, 6 to 8, etc.).

(C) How many elevated radials are "just enough"...?

-Enough to overcome ground losses & establish resonance.
-4 (8 is overkill).
-Depends upon soil quality

(D) How high should these radials be...?

-The higher the better to clear pedestrians, animals, etc.
-6' to 8'.-6' to 8'.
-12' to 14'.
-7' to 8'.
-6' to 15'.
-6' to 10'.
-10' to 12'.
-1' to 10' (but the higher the better).

(E) Would it be a requirement that I raise the feedpoints of my "L's" to the 
same height as the elevated radials, or can I simply leave the bases where they 
are now (at ground level) & simply slant the radials upward with no effect upon 

-"Gull wing" arrangement OK.
-Feed point should be 8' high.
-Not sure.
-Makes no difference.
-"Gull wing" OK.
-"Gull wing" OK.
-Not sure.
-Same height as radials (to minimize ground loss).
-Makes no difference.

(F) Is it OK to bend the elevated radials to fit property allotments...?

-Slight bends OK.
-Not sure.
-Not sure.
-OK, but gradual bends only.
-Best kept straight.

(G) What is the desirable length of an elevated radial...?

-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Quarter wave.
-Use short radials with a common coil.
-Quarter wave + height above ground.

(H) Should any existing connections to real earth at the base of the "L's" 
(i.e. a ground pipe) be completed severed with a system of elevated radials...?

-If radials one quarter wave long, makes no difference.
-No ground.
-No ground.
-With a ground, there'll be noise on receive.
-NEVER ground.
-No ground.
-No ground.
-No ground.
-No ground.
-No ground.

Additionally, four respondents recommended using a choke balun at the person avowed that a single elevated radial was the equivalent 
of 30 ground radials...another stated that 8 elevated radials were "super 
good", but that even 1 to 2 would be good...another affirms that one simply can 
not beat the optimal number of buried radials...

Several recommended this site as an excellent reference as well:

I personally haven't taken a look at it myself here, but it is most certainly 
on my "to do" list!

I hope my effort here might help dissipate some of the "fog" surrounding 
elevated radials, vs. ground-mounted ones---certainly there's stuff here that I 
wanna digest still...and again, I thank one & all for their feedback, & trust 
that I've done justice here to your many responses...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ 
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-02 Thread Paul Christensen
This white paper, written by Clarence Beverage may be of interest to the 

Paul, W9AC

- Original Message - 
From: "ZR" 
To: "Guy Olinger K2AV" ; "Eddy Swynar" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Elevated Radials


Elevated radials avoid a collection of lossy mistakes that one finds
in less than optimal buried/on ground radials.  If a full size radial
system is done properly, dense, uniform all around, you will not be
able to tell the difference.  If there were huge efficiency issues
with buried radials never seen with elevated, you would be seeing
elevated radials at AM BC stations all over the place.

24 radials on the ground is not optimal unless you are over midwest
USA flat-land black super-dirt.

73, Guy.

Ahh, but the BCB folks have been using elevated radials mostly in rebuilds 
of failed buried systems as new station construction is at a 
minimumthere aint no more room unless they get rid of one sideband or 
run real QRP at night high up the band. One of the locals here runs 2.5W 
at night but being in a salt water marsh they do cover their assigned in 
town area well.


Topband Reflector 

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-02 Thread Tom W8JI

Forgive me, please, if I'm re-hashing a bit of the "...same-old, same-old" 
here, but I am really curious as to any "real world" experiences that 
might be out there in the matter of elevated radials, vs. those that are 
simply laid atop the ground...

(A) Is it true that a couple of elevated radials are just as effective as 
the "optimum" amount of buried ones...?

Probably not a "couple", but almost certainly in small systems a few 
elevated radials are better than the same number of buried radials.

Everyone would like this to be a "cookie cutter" answer, but the actual 
results depend heavily on the soil and installation. Even N6LF warns over 
and over that his data only applies for conditions like his.

(B) What is the "ideal" number of elevated radials that one should use...?

As many as you can. More never hurts the signal, it just is more work.

(C) How many elevated radials are "just enough"...?

It depends on the soil, the height, the antenna, and what you want.

(D) How high should these radials be...?

It depends on the antenna, soil, and installation. Radial height takes away 
from the effective antenna height. Certainly the safest thing is about .05 
WL , unless the antenna is really short and that takes away significant 
radiator height.

(E) Would it be a requirement that I raise the feedpoints of my "L's" to 
the same height as the elevated radials, or can I simply leave the bases 
where they are now (at ground level) & simply slant the radials upward 
with no effect upon performance...?

It probably doesn't make much difference.

(F) Is it OK to bend the elevated radials to fit property allotments...?

It depends on where they are bent. The best practice is straight and 

(G) What is the desirable length of an elevated radial...?

1/4 wave resonant length.

(H) Should any existing connections to real earth at the base of the "L's" 
(i.e. a ground pipe) be completed severed with a system of elevated 

If the resonant radials are grounded to an earth ground, the system will 
lose efficiency. This much is always the case.

Pick the particular story you like Eddy, that's what most people do.  :) 
Read the fine print though. N6LF, whose study is one of the most 
comprehensive is a good source for that particular test condition. Most 
people seem to miss this:

What he writes isn't often what people actually paraphrase.

73 Tom 

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-02 Thread Eddy Swynar
Good Day All,


I received well over TWENTY responses from the Topband crowd in the matter of 
elevated radials vs. those simply laid atop the ground---many thanks to all for 
sharing your insight & personal experiences with me.

For benefit of the curious who asked, as well as for my own benefit here, I 
shall attempt later to summarize everyones' answers, and condense them in a 
presentable way that may (or may not!) be a good source of reference material 
for possible future use...

Stay tuned---and many thanks again to all who took the time to write...

~73!~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-02 Thread Richard Fry

(C) How many elevated radials are "just enough"...?

Depends on how many dB you want to throw away.  If you can, do 12 to

16. 32 is the kill-the-loss, never-look-back number.

The link below leads to a detailed post on this topic by William Culpepper, 
a broadcast consulting engineer.

Here is a relevant quote from W. Culppeper's post:

"The result was an RMS value of the eight radials of 302.7 mV/m/kW at one
kilometer.  This compares with the FCC Figure 8 value of 307.8 mV/m/kW for a
93 degree tower with 120 ninety degree buried radials, however, a tower 87.2
degrees (the height of the WPCI tower above the four horizontal radials) has
an FCC rated efficiency of 303.7 mV/m/kW, one mV/m more than our measured

The system using four elevated radials produced an accurately measured field 
that was 0.029 dB below the FCC theoretical field for the height of the 
monopole above the elevated radials.  Not much performance thrown away, 


Topband Reflector