I am very sad to hear this news. There are some things you count on in life. The sun rises every morning and then sets in the evening; and back when I was really active on topband and up every morning at some insanely early hour, it was just a given that Bobby was lurking there somewhere in the noise.

I just looked in my log and my first QSO with Bobby was on July 15, 2003. I had only been in this house for less than a year and I think my topband antenna was still an 80 meter inverted-V hung on a 40 foot Rohn push-up mast lashed to the side of the house with the coax shield and center conductor tied together and fed against a ground rod. On many an early morning in those days, I would listen to Tom W8JI keeping his daily sked with Bobby. Those were some really good times for me, so I am truly sad to know that Bobby will no longer part of my early morning topband landscape, except in fond memory.

Rest in peace, dear Bobby.

73, Mike W4EF/6
Tujunga, Ca

On 7/8/2014 6:56 AM, Dan Edward Dba East edwards wrote:
I too will surely miss bobby;  we had a lot of fun making contacts almost all 
summer long, for several
  seasons.  He nearly always heard my 'wet string' short tx marconi. His 
expertise with GS35b's was well  established,  and he shared freely all 
relevant technical advice.

RIP VK3ZL....W5XZ, dan

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 8:21 AM, W2PM via Topband <topband@contesting.com> 

RIP And 73 Bob.  Some of the best qsos on 160. Copied his top hat design.  Gone 
but not forgotten.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2014, at 1:15 PM, dl8yhrfrank--- via Topband <topband@contesting.com> 

Best wishes....you was a great operator...
vy 73

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: Eduardo Araujo via Topband &lt;topband@contesting.com&gt;
An: Topband List &lt;topband@contesting.com&gt;
Verschickt: Di, 8 Jul 2014 5:44 am
Betreff: Re: Topband: VK3ZL SK today

Very sad news indeed.

We will miss you Bob. Rest In Peace....

Eddie, LU2DKT


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Topband [mailto:topband-boun...@contesting.com] En nombre de LB3RE LJ3RE
Stein-Roar Brobakken
Enviado el: lunes, 07 de julio de 2014 11:12 p.m.
Para: David Raymond
CC: topband@contesting.com; SidShusterman; robert briggs; Jean Briggs;
K3JJG; t...@kkn.net; Bob Garrett; Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Asunto: Re: Topband: VK3ZL SK today

Sad to hear this.He was always on the topband and made it clear that the
band was open, he will be missed. 73s SK

---Sent by iphoneLB3RE LJ3RE K3RAG ex: LA6FJAwww.lb3re.com ~ Rag ~ Stein
Roar Brobakken

Bob was truly a remarkable person.  Not only did his homebrew skills far
surpass the vast majority of us but he also put out a remarkable signal with
a modest station.  A lot of topbanders may be unaware that Bob's signal came
from a homebrew 42' vertical (yes, forty two foot) .  Capped off with a
hefty top hat and a very good ground radial system, he was able to work the
world daily.  He and I had other shared interests and enjoyed exchanging
emails.  I will surely miss his friendship and his signal on 1824.5 on those
cold, winter morns.

73 Bob. . .rest in peace OM.

Dave, W0FLS

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: SidShusterman
    To: topband@contesting.com ; Jean Briggs ; robert briggs ; Bernie
McClenny, W3UR ; Bob Garrett ; K3JJG ; David Raymond ; t...@kkn.net
    Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 6:23 PM

    Subject: VK3ZL SK today

    I received an email from Jeannie this afternoon. Bob succumbed to the
effects of bladder cancer today. Bob was  many things. He was one heck of a
builder.  His amplifiers won the SERG homebrew competition so many times
that they finally gave him a lifetime achievement award.  He was a fixture
on TopBand and gave many their first VK QSO. He was also a beacon until
recently.  If there was any propagation at all Bob was there to work it.

    Over the years Bob and I and I am sure some others developed a
relationship that transcended ham radio. I found that Bob was a fire
communications officer who provided essential communications and control for
the intense fires that happen in that part of Australia amongst other

    Above all Bob was our friend.
    Bob told Jeannie his wife  he wanted the following on his grave marker:

    Robert William Briggs..

    ..loving husband of Jeannie..

    ..17 Oct 1942 ---7 July 2014..

    .......vk3zl   s k......

    and that is what she will do.
    Jeannie can receive your emails at both her email address: Jean Briggs

    and also she is keeping Bob's account open: vk...@bigpond.com

    Sid K3SX

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