Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread Charlie Cunningham
And another more important point, Kevin in the case of such a massive need as 
K1N. Several of the operators were complaining about the number of "dupes" in 
the logs. That's caused by guys not knowing if they  had a good QSO and just 
continuing to call. I Tune around in the CW pileups a LOT to find where the 
stations are calling that the DX is working and to find  a slot where I can 
insert my call. I have personally heard a number of guys that were worked by 
K1N and went right on calling in the pile because they simply didn't know they 
had worked them!! What's wrong with that picture?? In those cases the operators 
just weren’t adept enough to enact the simple procedures that I outlined, and 
they just continued to  add to the pandemonium in the pile-up and making things 
more difficult for everyone!  That just adds to the QRM and slows everyone 

Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

Charlie, I don't think many here  "didn't know" if they made a contact or not. 
The question was if  K1N had "lost" their QSO from the computer log. No matter 
how sure you are you made the contact, if it's not in their computer log, for 
whatever reason, it can't be confirmed. 

Kevin K3OX  

- Original Message -

From: "Charlie Cunningham"  
To: "Eddy Swynar" , 
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 12:46:02 AM 
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

Well, we did survive just fine, Eddy and lots of folks mad the Honor Roll, 
5BDXCC etc.. 

All this nonsense about the online logs is just so much Bull!!!  Can all be 
avoided if folks would do the following:\ 

1.0COPY your own call!!!  No guesswork, no fragments, no bluffing etc. 

2.0 Copy your report 

3.0Reply with your call, followed by an  acknowledgement  of DX Station 
Report (TU or thanks) and Send report to DX station followed (or preceded) 
by "Thanks" or TU 

4.0LISTEN for the DX operator to acknowledge your report 

5.0 Thanks or TU -or even dit-dit 

Do those things completely and there won't be much guessing or wondering if 
you had a legitimate QSO that's logged!! We may have to have some patience 
and perseverance  to work through the jammers, and QRM and the packet-rats 
tuning up on the DX QRG! 

It may be reassuring to see the online logs, but we should KNOW if we had a 
good contact or not!  WITHOUT  a computer to tell us we did!! 

I KNEW that my 7 QSOs with K1N were there BEFORE the logs came out! And NO 

Charlie, K4OTV 

-Original Message- 
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Eddy 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 3:17 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

How did we EVER collectively survive the dark ages of hardcopy QSL cards, 
s.a.s.e.'s, QSL bureaus, DX news sheets, and I.R.C.s, I wonder...? 

Is everyone that impatient while attempting to WORK a rare station, too...? 

All this angst and trepidation being displayed here...! I thought DX'ing, 
Ham radio, & Topband were all supposed to be FUN, and not a hand-wringing 
exercise in anger & worry management... 

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ 
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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Victor Goncharsky
In the good old days when I was learning the art of ham radio from Don Miller's 
DX and contest operations and my Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of the ham spirit 
that makes all of us equal under the Sun.
This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no matter how much one's 
paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated for a certain expedition.
You presume that although we are equal, the country which paid more is more 
equal then the others.
I think this is completely wrong.
In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams who paid and those who 
not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in accordance with your theory, have 
paid for their free lunch?
I was fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally expensive 
dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come.  

Пятница, 06 февраля 2015, 18:27 -08:00 от Garry Shapiro :
>When you go to see a film, do you expect your neighbor to buy your 
>ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the film?
>When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the dealer? Do 
>you complain when the car is not perfect?
>When you go to a restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you 
>dinner? Do you complain if you do not like the food?
>If you do, and get away with it, then you go right ahead and let your 
>fellow hams pay for your DXing. You are obviously an important person 
>and deserve such consideration. ;-)
>It therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you, 
>and thank you.
>Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very popular 
>bumper sticker in the US which said:
>"Gas, grass or a**: nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I 
>think you can figure it out.
>Garry, NI6T

73, Victor Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE (UW5W in VHF contests, ex UB5WE), P.E.
UARL Technical and VHF Committies
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Mixed, Phone)
DXCC card checker (160 meters).
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread Don Kirk
Hi Charlie and gang,

It is not that simple and I am a guilty party of early on dupes on 160
meters with K1N because of the following.

Early on 160 meters the jamming was horrible so it was impossible to hear
the confirmation.  Early on K1N was responding so fast that they were
beating my cw break in even though I have it just set so it does not drop
out when sending my call to prevent weak dots (I have a lot of dots), and
impossible to hear the front of my call so could not tell if they had it
right.  Early on sounded like they we using paddles going way too fast for
conditions (and making sending mistakes) and/or had amp keying problems
which made it sound like busted calls, and without clublog no way of
knowing you were good in the log (not a busted call).  I had discussions
early on with the pilot station (first time in 38 years I had ever
contacted a pilot station) about some of the above topics because I felt
horrible that I was going to attempt another contact on 160 meters due to
the above issues.

Things have since improved and they are doing great.

What I learned as a w1aw/9 op was that sending speed much above 26 to 28
wpm was not really much of a time saver, repeating a stations call twice
often helped the other station know I had his call good, and sending the
stations call twice also made the band go silent by others because they
could hear exactly who I was responding because folks with longer calls or
slower sending speeds would still be sending otherwise during my response
to a station and they were clueless about my sending/response status.

I again apologize for being a dupe in the K1N log (only on 160 meters), it
was just due to "perfect storm conditions" mentioned above and the fact
that my call is just so dang tough for folks to copy.

Sorry and 73,
Don (wd8dsb)

On Saturday, February 7, 2015, Charlie Cunningham <> wrote:

> And another more important point, Kevin in the case of such a massive need
> as K1N. Several of the operators were complaining about the number of
> "dupes" in the logs. That's caused by guys not knowing if they  had a good
> QSO and just continuing to call. I Tune around in the CW pileups a LOT to
> find where the stations are calling that the DX is working and to find  a
> slot where I can insert my call. I have personally heard a number of guys
> that were worked by K1N and went right on calling in the pile because they
> simply didn't know they had worked them!! What's wrong with that picture??
> In those cases the operators just weren’t adept enough to enact the simple
> procedures that I outlined, and they just continued to  add to the
> pandemonium in the pile-up and making things more difficult for everyone!
> That just adds to the QRM and slows everyone down!!
> 73.l
> Charlie, K4OTV
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [ ] On
> Behalf Of 
> Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 1:36 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log
> Charlie, I don't think many here  "didn't know" if they made a contact or
> not. The question was if  K1N had "lost" their QSO from the computer log.
> No matter how sure you are you made the contact, if it's not in their
> computer log, for whatever reason, it can't be confirmed.
> Kevin K3OX
> - Original Message -
> From: "Charlie Cunningham" >
> To: "Eddy Swynar" >,
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 12:46:02 AM
> Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log
> Well, we did survive just fine, Eddy and lots of folks mad the Honor Roll,
> 5BDXCC etc..
> All this nonsense about the online logs is just so much Bull!!!  Can all be
> avoided if folks would do the following:\
> 1.0COPY your own call!!!  No guesswork, no fragments, no bluffing
> etc.
> 2.0 Copy your report
> 3.0Reply with your call, followed by an  acknowledgement  of DX
> Station
> Report (TU or thanks) and Send report to DX station followed (or preceded)
> by "Thanks" or TU
> 4.0LISTEN for the DX operator to acknowledge your report
> 5.0 Thanks or TU -or even dit-dit
> Do those things completely and there won't be much guessing or wondering if
> you had a legitimate QSO that's logged!! We may have to have some patience
> and perseverance  to work through the jammers, and QRM and the packet-rats
> tuning up on the DX QRG!
> It may be reassuring to see the online logs, but we should KNOW if we had a
> good contact or not!  WITHOUT  a computer to tell us we did!!
> I KNEW that my 7 QSOs with K1N were there BEFORE the logs came out! And NO
> DUPES or "INSURANCE CONTACTS"!Just my $0.02.
> 73,
> Charlie, K4OTV
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [ ] On
> Behalf Of Eddy
> Swynar
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 3:17 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log
> How did we

Re: Topband: K1N what time are they QRV on top?

2015-02-07 Thread Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
Thanks everyone for your advice on times. I had not been paying attn. at all 
this week due to work & home responsibilities.

I tried late last evening and although they were an honest S9 here, the p/u was 
fierce.  When they started calling for EU, I went to bed.

Tried @ 4am, but they were not QRV.


At 7am local, I was most fortunate to get them on 160-80 then 40 inside 10 
minutes.  Almost too easy (oops, did I say that?) I’ll pay for that I am 
sure….. ;-) hi


Awesome operators and honestly awesome signals on all bands I’ve heard them on. 
 Shame that QRM follows them around.




Mike VE9AA, dit dit


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


From: Tom Haavisto [] 
Sent: February 6, 2015 7:55 PM
To: Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N what time are they QRV on top?


Hi Mike

Good time to catch them is after EU sunrise - say around 3-4 A.M. your time.  I 
worked them the other morning - one call :-)

Tom - VE3CX


On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA  

OK, finally,  Friday has arrived and although I have a new one on 14MHz from
the car (on my way to work) , I don't yet have it on TOP.  My house radio
has been off since the SSB Sprint.

Are they following any kind of schedule for 160m?  What time would be a good
time to get on from the East Coast of NA?

Thanks all

GL in the fray.

Mike VE9AA

Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB

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Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Mike Waters
Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?

73, Mike
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Cqtestk4xs--- via Topband
I agree.  Many times when I was at KH6 at the bottom of the  cycle, I would 
self spot on 10 or 12 since the band was supposedly dead and no  one was 
listening.  The boys in EU would be very happy and more often than  not I'd be 
rewarded with a Q on a "dead band".
Many times that one Q would be followed by a string of more EU  Qs.  In 
fact, at the bottom of the cycle I managed over 50 or 60 Qs with EU  (a polar 
path) doing the self spot.  Now remember, that was a "dead  band".
Now as for self spotting on 15 at 1300Z, that is a no-no as far as  I am 
In a message dated 2/7/2015 12:31:13 P.M. Coordinated Universal Time, writes:

Pardon  my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does  spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never  understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and  no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a  VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the  DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered  me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I  did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the  cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have  self-spotted myself?

73,  Mike
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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Juha Rantanen
No one would be harmed. In the spot notes something like " cq dx band open
to AS" would be just fine.

It's only prohibited in contests.

Juha OH6XX
7.2.2015 14.31 kirjoitti "Mike Waters" :

> Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
> harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
> have never understood why.
> I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
> know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
> other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
> some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.
> Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
> AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.
> Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?
> 73, Mike
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Mike Waters
Thanks. And it goes without saying that self-spotting during a contest is a
no-no, too. :-)

73, Mike

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 6:42 AM, Cqtestk4xs--- via Topband <> wrote:

> I agree. ... Now as for self spotting on 15 at 1300Z, that is a no-no as
> far as  I am
> concerned.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Stan Stockton

You did "self spot" just by calling CQ, more than 15 times.  It's automatic.

73...Stan, K5GO

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 7, 2015, at 6:30 AM, Mike Waters  wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
> harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
> have never understood  why.
> I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
> know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
> other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
> some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.
> Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
> AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.
> Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?
> 73, Mike
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Tim Duffy
Hello Mike,

Just a comment - the Reverse Beacon Network reported many W0BTU spots this
morning from the Skimmer receivers. Anyone watching the RBN knew you were
calling CQ. 

I also heard you FB this AM while turning the "big knob" here!

Tim K3LR

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:31 AM
To: topband
Subject: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?

73, Mike
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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Greg Zenger
I don't have a problem at all with self spotting, regardless of band, time
or mode. However, if you do self spot, you owe it to the community to stick
around for 15 mins or so, on or near that frequency (if you can hold it)
for people to come work you.  Not all of us can get to our radios at the
drop of the dime, and then we may need to wait for our tubes to warm up,
etc.  If you self spot, and then QSY or QRT before anyone gets a chance to
get to you, you have just inconvenienced anyone who may have gone out of
their way to get to their radio to work you.

The *Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur *by ON4UN et al.
 as adopted by the IARU  section III.6.5 lists self Spotting as a No No.
Personally I think it may be time to update the ethics. Now that our
clusters have largely migrated to the internet, there is plenty of
bandwidth for information from self spotters. Our cluster/logging software
can filter out information that is unwanted, such as DX and DE calls that
are the same.  Now, self spotting in a contest (if prohibited by the rules
of the contest) earns you a disqualification. I don't think anyone will
argue with that.

Greg N2GZ

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Tim Duffy  wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> Just a comment - the Reverse Beacon Network reported many W0BTU spots this
> morning from the Skimmer receivers. Anyone watching the RBN knew you were
> calling CQ.
> I also heard you FB this AM while turning the "big knob" here!
> 73,
> Tim K3LR
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Mike
> Waters
> Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:31 AM
> To: topband
> Subject: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?
> Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
> harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
> have never understood why.
> I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
> know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
> other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
> some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.
> Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
> AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.
> Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?
> 73, Mike
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Tim Shoppa
I mostly rely on reversebeacon skimmers to "spot me". I know for sure
whenever I issue a CQ, and I'm not specifically in a contest unassisted, I
am also watching reversebeacon. If I call CQ on 160M and get spotted by 2
EU skimmers, then conditions are OK. If I call CQ and get spotted by 10 EU
skimmers on 160M, then I know things are really good.

But you're right, many people do not watch skimmer reversebeacon spots, and
I sometimes stir up even more action by self-spotting.

Earlier this year I was having a blast with 40M being open in my late
afternoon to JA/VK/ZL/AS and would self-spot with the direction I was
looking for (because otherwise I get called by hordes of weak EU's loading
up their QRP rig into their bedsprings).

EP6T and K1N have been interesting curses. They were new ones for me, but
they really do "suck the life" out of casual CQ'ing for DX. Many times I
have been CQ'ing 10 kc below them on 160/80/40, and had, um, less than
complimentary responses from the DX cops. I heard SU9VB CQ'ing on 20M SSB,
and the DX cops were actually telling his callers "he's not K1N, go away".
OTOH going to 15M and CQ'ing 10kc below K1N when the band is open to JA
(and conditions have been just gangbusters to JA on 15M), has been a
reliable way to stir up JA activity.

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Mike Waters  wrote:

> Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
> harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
> have never understood why.
> I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
> know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
> other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
> some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.
> Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
> AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.
> Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?
> 73, Mike
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Doug Renwick
The point that Garry is making, he did it very well, is that EU as a group
should contribute more than what they are presently doing.  And he is right.


-Original Message-

In the good old days when I was learning the art of ham radio from Don
Miller's DX and contest operations and my Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of the
ham spirit that makes all of us equal under the Sun.
This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no matter how much
one's paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated for a certain
You presume that although we are equal, the country which paid more is more
equal then the others.
I think this is completely wrong.
In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams who paid and those
who not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in accordance with your theory,
have paid for their free lunch?
I was fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally
expensive dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come.  

Пятница, 06 февраля 2015, 18:27 -08:00 от Garry Shapiro :
>When you go to see a film, do you expect your neighbor to buy your 
>ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the film?
>When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the dealer? Do 
>you complain when the car is not perfect?
>When you go to a restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you 
>dinner? Do you complain if you do not like the food?
>If you do, and get away with it, then you go right ahead and let your 
>fellow hams pay for your DXing. You are obviously an important person 
>and deserve such consideration. ;-)
>It therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you, 
>and thank you.
>Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very popular 
>bumper sticker in the US which said:
>"Gas, grass or a**: nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I 
>think you can figure it out.
>Garry, NI6T

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Tim Shoppa
I turn on the news every day and hear about EU economic woes. What's wrong
with the "Marshall Plan for DX"? Just as NA (not just EU) benefited
economically from the real Marshall plan (I explain it to my kids using
their language as a "kickstarter" for EU-NA trade), NA guys benefit every
time an entity is activated even if they mostly work EU. Ham radio truly is
global, it is not a zero-sum game, we all get at least a couple Q's if not
all bands-all modes every time an entity is activated. And we should feel
good in our dumb-American smugness for donating the most (even though we
don't have to brag about it.)

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Doug Renwick  wrote:

> The point that Garry is making, he did it very well, is that EU as a group
> should contribute more than what they are presently doing.  And he is
> right.
> Doug
> -Original Message-
>  Garry,
> In the good old days when I was learning the art of ham radio from Don
> Miller's DX and contest operations and my Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of
> the
> ham spirit that makes all of us equal under the Sun.
> This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no matter how much
> one's paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated for a certain
> expedition.
> You presume that although we are equal, the country which paid more is more
> equal then the others.
> I think this is completely wrong.
> In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams who paid and those
> who not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in accordance with your
> theory,
> have paid for their free lunch?
> I was fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally
> expensive dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come.
> Пятница, 06 февраля 2015, 18:27 -08:00 от Garry Shapiro :
> >Dado,
> >
> >When you go to see a film, do you expect your neighbor to buy your
> >ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the film?
> >
> >When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the dealer? Do
> >you complain when the car is not perfect?
> >
> >When you go to a restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you
> >dinner? Do you complain if you do not like the food?
> >
> >If you do, and get away with it, then you go right ahead and let your
> >fellow hams pay for your DXing. You are obviously an important person
> >and deserve such consideration. ;-)
> >It therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you,
> >and thank you.
> >
> >Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very popular
> >bumper sticker in the US which said:
> >
> >"Gas, grass or a**: nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I
> >think you can figure it out.
> >
> >Garry, NI6T
> >
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Larry Burke
Agree, Tim. No need for bragging by contributors. The flip side is there should 
be no complaining by those who don't (or even those who do!). 

- Larry K5RK

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Tim Shoppa
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:44 AM
To: Doug Renwick
Cc: Victor Goncharsky; Garry Shapiro; topBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

I turn on the news every day and hear about EU economic woes. What's wrong with 
the "Marshall Plan for DX"? Just as NA (not just EU) benefited economically 
from the real Marshall plan (I explain it to my kids using their language as a 
"kickstarter" for EU-NA trade), NA guys benefit every time an entity is 
activated even if they mostly work EU. Ham radio truly is global, it is not a 
zero-sum game, we all get at least a couple Q's if not all bands-all modes 
every time an entity is activated. And we should feel good in our dumb-American 
smugness for donating the most (even though we don't have to brag about it.)

Tim N3QE

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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Contest it’s a no no and we all know that and it usually in the rules.

But I am not a power station or a highly wanted call unless you want to work 
me because I am 5 miles from downtown Hell Michigan.   Guess how that works 

There were times in the past that I called CQ got nothing and spotted myself 
with a note looking to WAS and I got some replies that way.   So what is the 
difference of spotting ones self to jump start activity or trying to 
schedule a sked to work a state or country.

Now the reverse beacon thing is something that I am going to have to learn 

Anyway it’s a hobby and if its not a contest I think its ok to spot yourself 
as its about fun.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Greg Zenger

Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:08 AM
To: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

I don't have a problem at all with self spotting, regardless of band, time
or mode. However, if you do self spot, you owe it to the community to stick
around for 15 mins or so, on or near that frequency (if you can hold it)
for people to come work you.  Not all of us can get to our radios at the
drop of the dime, and then we may need to wait for our tubes to warm up,
etc.  If you self spot, and then QSY or QRT before anyone gets a chance to
get to you, you have just inconvenienced anyone who may have gone out of
their way to get to their radio to work you.

The *Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur *by ON4UN et al.
as adopted by the IARU  section III.6.5 lists self Spotting as a No No.
Personally I think it may be time to update the ethics. Now that our
clusters have largely migrated to the internet, there is plenty of
bandwidth for information from self spotters. Our cluster/logging software
can filter out information that is unwanted, such as DX and DE calls that
are the same.  Now, self spotting in a contest (if prohibited by the rules
of the contest) earns you a disqualification. I don't think anyone will
argue with that.

Greg N2GZ

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Tim Duffy  wrote:

Hello Mike,

Just a comment - the Reverse Beacon Network reported many W0BTU spots this
morning from the Skimmer receivers. Anyone watching the RBN knew you were
calling CQ.

I also heard you FB this AM while turning the "big knob" here!

Tim K3LR

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:31 AM
To: topband
Subject: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted 

73, Mike
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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Larry
The last time I saw numbers several years ago the US had something like 
530,000 licensed hams which I think was more than all other countries 
together (or close to it). No way to know what percentage are DXers and 
possibly concerned with working a particular DXpedition. However, it might 
be more relevant if the percentages of financing were percentages of DXers 
that contributed. It may be still skewed of course.

The percentage of QSOs doesn't really account for propagation or distance to 
between the DXpedition site and DXer QTH. I have been on the radio at times 
where working the next county (let alone another country) was an amazing 
feat on HF but I have also been on at times where you could work just about 
any place in the world at the same time. When I have operated from XV 
openings to the East Coast of the US have not been very often and are 
usually of short duration. Openings to South America even fewer and more 
challenging. Openings to Europe are usually everyday. It certainly has an 
effect on where the QSOs are made.

73, Larry  W6NWS
-Original Message- 
From: Doug Renwick

Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:36 AM
To: 'Victor Goncharsky' ; ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

The point that Garry is making, he did it very well, is that EU as a group
should contribute more than what they are presently doing.  And he is right.


-Original Message-

In the good old days when I was learning the art of ham radio from Don
Miller's DX and contest operations and my Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of the
ham spirit that makes all of us equal under the Sun.
This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no matter how much
one's paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated for a certain
You presume that although we are equal, the country which paid more is more
equal then the others.
I think this is completely wrong.
In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams who paid and those
who not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in accordance with your theory,
have paid for their free lunch?
I was fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally
expensive dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come.

Пятница, 06 февраля 2015, 18:27 -08:00 от Garry Shapiro :


When you go to see a film, do you expect your neighbor to buy your
ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the film?

When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the dealer? Do
you complain when the car is not perfect?

When you go to a restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you
dinner? Do you complain if you do not like the food?

If you do, and get away with it, then you go right ahead and let your
fellow hams pay for your DXing. You are obviously an important person
and deserve such consideration. ;-)
It therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you,
and thank you.

Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very popular
bumper sticker in the US which said:

"Gas, grass or a**: nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I
think you can figure it out.

Garry, NI6T

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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Doug Renwick
Tim those are kind thoughts.
But let me ask 'how much do you contribute in $".  As those who watch our
governments see it is easy for them to give away other people's money.
EU economic woes are self inflicted!  How many times does EU need to be
bailed out?  Forever?
I am not American but I appreciate a lot, not all, of the sacrifices they
have made.


-Original Message-

I turn on the news every day and hear about EU economic woes. What's wrong
with the "Marshall Plan for DX"? Just as NA (not just EU) benefited
economically from the real Marshall plan (I explain it to my kids using
their language as a "kickstarter" for EU-NA trade), NA guys benefit every
time an entity is activated even if they mostly work EU. Ham radio truly is
global, it is not a zero-sum game, we all get at least a couple Q's if not
all bands-all modes every time an entity is activated. And we should feel
good in our dumb-American smugness for donating the most (even though we
don't have to brag about it.)

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Doug Renwick  wrote:

> The point that Garry is making, he did it very well, is that EU as a group
> should contribute more than what they are presently doing.  And he is
> right.
> Doug
> -Original Message-
>  Garry,
> In the good old days when I was learning the art of ham radio from Don
> Miller's DX and contest operations and my Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of
> the
> ham spirit that makes all of us equal under the Sun.
> This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no matter how much
> one's paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated for a certain
> expedition.
> You presume that although we are equal, the country which paid more is
> equal then the others.
> I think this is completely wrong.
> In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams who paid and those
> who not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in accordance with your
> theory,
> have paid for their free lunch?
> I was fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally
> expensive dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come.
> Пятница, 06 февраля 2015, 18:27 -08:00 от Garry Shapiro :
> >Dado,
> >
> >When you go to see a film, do you expect your neighbor to buy your
> >ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the film?
> >
> >When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the dealer? Do
> >you complain when the car is not perfect?
> >
> >When you go to a restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you
> >dinner? Do you complain if you do not like the food?
> >
> >If you do, and get away with it, then you go right ahead and let your
> >fellow hams pay for your DXing. You are obviously an important person
> >and deserve such consideration. ;-)
> >It therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you,
> >and thank you.
> >
> >Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very popular
> >bumper sticker in the US which said:
> >
> >"Gas, grass or a**: nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I
> >think you can figure it out.
> >
> >Garry, NI6T

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Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread Steve London
The only thing that was temporarily "lost" was the information on 
Clublog. That was done intentionally by the team to fix an issue with 10 
MHz RTTY QSO's not being sent correctly to Clublog. The team cleared out 
Clublog, and then re-uploaded all of the QSO's to Clublog with the 
correct band/mode. There was never any danger of losing the actual log, 
which is being stored in multiple different formats and media on the island.

The overreaction here on Topband was unbelievable. Very sad for a bunch 
of folks I used to think had some intelligence.

Steve, N2IC

On 02/07/2015 12:51 AM, Charlie Cunningham wrote:

By the way, Kevin it's one thing, if, as happened with K1N, that QSOs appeared in the log 
and then disappeared! - THAT's DATA-LOSS!  But an awful lot of guys were waiting 
anxiously to see if they had a "good" QSO that never appeared in the online 
logs!  That's another matter entirely, that depends on the operator. That's the one I had 
intended to address!

Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

Charlie, I don't think many here  "didn't know" if they made a contact or not. The 
question was if  K1N had "lost" their QSO from the computer log. No matter how sure you 
are you made the contact, if it's not in their computer log, for whatever reason, it can't be 

Kevin K3OX

- Original Message -

From: "Charlie Cunningham" 
To: "Eddy Swynar" ,
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 12:46:02 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

Well, we did survive just fine, Eddy and lots of folks mad the Honor Roll, 
5BDXCC etc..

All this nonsense about the online logs is just so much Bull!!!  Can all be 
avoided if folks would do the following:\

1.0COPY your own call!!!  No guesswork, no fragments, no bluffing etc.

2.0 Copy your report

3.0Reply with your call, followed by an  acknowledgement  of DX Station Report 
(TU or thanks) and Send report to DX station followed (or preceded) by "Thanks" 
or TU

4.0LISTEN for the DX operator to acknowledge your report

5.0 Thanks or TU -or even dit-dit

Do those things completely and there won't be much guessing or wondering if you 
had a legitimate QSO that's logged!! We may have to have some patience and 
perseverance  to work through the jammers, and QRM and the packet-rats tuning 
up on the DX QRG!

It may be reassuring to see the online logs, but we should KNOW if we had a 
good contact or not!  WITHOUT  a computer to tell us we did!!

I KNEW that my 7 QSOs with K1N were there BEFORE the logs came out! And NO DUPES or 

Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Eddy Swynar
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

How did we EVER collectively survive the dark ages of hardcopy QSL cards, 
s.a.s.e.'s, QSL bureaus, DX news sheets, and I.R.C.s, I wonder...?

Is everyone that impatient while attempting to WORK a rare station, too...?

All this angst and trepidation being displayed here...! I thought DX'ing, Ham radio, 
& Topband were all supposed to be FUN, and not a hand-wringing exercise in anger 
& worry management...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-07 Thread Don Greenbaum


The number of US hams isn't the issue, it's the number of DXers working 
each DXpedition.   And the better number to look at is uniques.

My Dayton presentation is here:

My NCDXF article is here on pages 5 through 7 :

Since I did the research, NCDXF has received updated information from its 
grantees that has not changed the results presented.


At 09:11 AM 2/7/2015, Larry wrote:
The last time I saw numbers several years ago the US had something like 
530,000 licensed hams which I think was more than all other countries 
together (or close to it). No way to know what percentage are DXers and 
possibly concerned with working a particular DXpedition. However, it might 
be more relevant if the percentages of financing were percentages of DXers 
that contributed. It may be still skewed of course. The percentage of QSOs 
doesn't really account for propagation or distance to between the 
DXpedition site and DXer QTH. I have been on the radio at times where 
working the next county (let alone another country) was an amazing feat on 
HF but I have also been on at times where you could work just about any 
place in the world at the same time. When I have operated from XV openings 
to the East Coast of the US have not been very often and are usually of 
short duration. Openings to South America even fewer and more challenging. 
Openings to Europe are usually everyday. It certainly has an effect on 
where the QSOs are made. 73, Larry  W6NWS -Original Message- From: 
Doug Renwick Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:36 AM To: 'Victor 
Goncharsky' ; ; Subject: Re: 
Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances The point that Garry 
is making, he did it very well, is that EU as a group should contribute 
more than what they are presently doing.  And he is right. Doug 
-Original Message- Garry, In the good old days when I was learning 
the art of ham radio from Don Miller's DX and contest operations and my 
Dad UB5WF, I've got an idea of the ham spirit that makes all of us equal 
under the Sun. This is the corner stone of our hobby - the equality, no 
matter how much one's paid for the hardware and antennae or has donated 
for a certain expedition. You presume that although we are equal, the 
country which paid more is more equal then the others. I think this is 
completely wrong. In fact, how can you distinguish between those US hams 
who paid and those who not? Does it mean that their countrymen, in 
accordance with your theory, have paid for their free lunch? I was 
fortunate to have them all before the era of unproportionally expensive 
dxpeditions and accompanying aggressive fundraising has come. ðÑÔÎÉÃÁ, 06 
ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 2015, 18:27 -08:00 ÏÔ Garry Shapiro 
: >Dado, > >When you go to see a film, do you expect your 
neighbor to buy your >ticket? Do you complain when you do not like the 
film? > >When you buy a car, do you expect your neighbor to pay the 
dealer? Do >you complain when the car is not perfect? > >When you go to a 
restaurant, do you expect your neighbor to buy you >dinner? Do you 
complain if you do not like the food? > >If you do, and get away with it, 
then you go right ahead and let your >fellow hams pay for your DXing. You 
are obviously an important person >and deserve such consideration. ;-) >It 
therefore must be a privilege for me to support your hobby for you, >and 
thank you. > >Back during the Arab oil embargo in 1973, there was a very 
popular >bumper sticker in the US which said: > >"Gas, grass or a**: 
nobody rides free."  That is American slang, but I >think you can figure 
it out. > >Garry, NI6T > --- This email has been checked for viruses by 
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N1DG--Licensed since 1962
EX-WB2DND, A61AD (GUEST OP, QSL MGR), A52DG, C92DG, /VP8O, /KH4,  / KH9, 
/BV, /VS6, /4X, /9V /A7
Webmaster:  VP8O, K4M, BS7H, 3Y0X, K5K, A52A, VK0IR, 9M0C, ZK1XXP, 

2006 inductee into the CQ Magazine DX Hall of Fame

AIM SKYPE:  aurumtel

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Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread kolson

Charlie, that's my point. The people who keep calling in the pile are AWARE 
that they may not have a QSO, that's why they keep calling. With all the 
intentional QRM on K1N, it's possible they were never even aware that K1N 
returned to them! And that can lead to "accidental" dupes not the fault of K1N 
or the calling station. But the original subject (see subject line in header) 
was people thinking they had to re-work them because they were not or at least 
no longer in the Clublog ummm... errr... log. 
Personally, I took it on faith that if the pilots said the log on the island 
was fine and never in jeopardy and it was just a Clublog issue, I need not 
worry and I certainly didn't rework them. Some didn't feel as confident and 
decided upon "safety contacts". But from what I saw here, no one questioned 
whether their contact was good in the first place, just whether it was still in 
the K1N log. 
BTW, with all due respect, the "simple procedures" you mentioned below are fine 
for casual DXing, but in DXpedition pileups, its: 
(K1N): K3OX 5NN (K3OX): 5NN (K1N): TU 
You would make mucho people (including possibly the op on the Dxpedition) very 
unhappy if everyone went: 
(K3OX): TU Dit Dit 
It's a trade off between absolute certainty and speed, getting more calls in 
the log. Maybe an unacceptable trade-off to you, but I suspect not to the 
majority of ops  in Contest/DXpedition scenarios.  
Best, Kevin K3OX 

- Original Message -

From: "Charlie Cunningham"  
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 3:06:46 AM 
Subject: RE: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

And another more important point, Kevin in the case of such a massive need as 
K1N. Several of the operators were complaining about the number of "dupes" in 
the logs. That's caused by guys not knowing if they  had a good QSO and just 
continuing to call. I Tune around in the CW pileups a LOT to find where the 
stations are calling that the DX is working and to find  a slot where I can 
insert my call. I have personally heard a number of guys that were worked by 
K1N and went right on calling in the pile because they simply didn't know they 
had worked them!! What's wrong with that picture?? In those cases the operators 
just weren’t adept enough to enact the simple procedures that I outlined, and 
they just continued to  add to the pandemonium in the pile-up and making things 
more difficult for everyone!  That just adds to the QRM and slows everyone 

Charlie, K4OTV 

-Original Message- 
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 1:36 AM 
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

Charlie, I don't think many here  "didn't know" if they made a contact or not. 
The question was if  K1N had "lost" their QSO from the computer log. No matter 
how sure you are you made the contact, if it's not in their computer log, for 
whatever reason, it can't be confirmed. 

Kevin K3OX   

- Original Message - 

From: "Charlie Cunningham"  
To: "Eddy Swynar" , 
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 12:46:02 AM 
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

Well, we did survive just fine, Eddy and lots of folks mad the Honor Roll, 
5BDXCC etc.. 

All this nonsense about the online logs is just so much Bull!!!  Can all be 
avoided if folks would do the following:\ 

1.0        COPY your own call!!!  No guesswork, no fragments, no bluffing etc. 

2.0         Copy your report 

3.0        Reply with your call, followed by an  acknowledgement  of DX Station 
Report (TU or thanks) and Send report to DX station followed (or preceded) 
by "Thanks" or TU 

4.0        LISTEN for the DX operator to acknowledge your report 

5.0         Thanks or TU -or even dit-dit 

Do those things completely and there won't be much guessing or wondering if 
you had a legitimate QSO that's logged!! We may have to have some patience 
and perseverance  to work through the jammers, and QRM and the packet-rats 
tuning up on the DX QRG! 

It may be reassuring to see the online logs, but we should KNOW if we had a 
good contact or not!  WITHOUT  a computer to tell us we did!! 

I KNEW that my 7 QSOs with K1N were there BEFORE the logs came out! And NO 
DUPES or "INSURANCE CONTACTS"!    Just my $0.02. 

Charlie, K4OTV 

-Original Message- 
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Eddy 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 3:17 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log 

How did we EVER collectively survive the dark ages of hardcopy QSL cards, 
s.a.s.e.'s, QSL bureaus, DX news sheets, and I.R.C.s, I wonder...? 

Is everyone that impatient while attempting to WORK a rare station, too...? 

All this angst and trepidation being displayed here...! I thought DX

Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread Doug Renwick

I am surprised no one has replied.  Maybe they are all in shock with

No, the very sad thing is that someone would publically post such a
condescending remark about his fellow amateurs, calling them all stupid.


-Original Message-

The overreaction here on Topband was unbelievable. Very sad for a bunch 
of folks I used to think had some intelligence.

Steve, N2IC

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Topband: Tensioning of RG58 coax for 2-way Beverage

2015-02-07 Thread Tracey Gardner

Many thanks to all those who replied to my query regarding the tensioning of 
RG58 coax for a 2-way Beverage.

I managed to find some suitably sized Kellums grips over on this side of the 
pond, so that's the way that I'll be going.

73s Tracey G5VU

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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Gary Smith
I don't think it's wrong, it says you're QRV & here's where to find 
me. Sounds good to me.


Gary KA1J

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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Charlie Cunningham
I agree, Gary. Over the years I've seem a number of DX stations do that -
especially on quiet bands or if they  have more modest stations, or are in
really far-away places. It's never bothered me and I've always just viewed
as an invitation and an announcement that they are QRV. Of course, alerting
the "packlet-rats",  is likely to get a lot of action!

Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

I don't think it's wrong, it says you're QRV & here's where to find me.
Sounds good to me.


Gary KA1J

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Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

2015-02-07 Thread Doug Renwick
Is anyone using this DQRM Tracking Project report?  They want reports of
deliberate QRM like 'tuner uppers' and other types, but not QRMers like cops
or 'no splitters'.  I don't know how accurate they can be to identify the
guilty station on any band especially 160m with or without a directional
See below:

THE DQRM TRACKING PROJECT ---> Recently, the amount and  intensity  of  DQRM
(Deliberate QRM) has been  growing  logarithmically,  targeting  DXpeditions
all over the world. DQRMers attempt to spoil communications and disrupt  the
joy of chasing DX. Without going into the  motivation  of  DQRMers,  the  DX
Community is taking steps to eliminate this practice.
The KP1-5 Project, which is producing the 2015 K1N Navassa  DXpedition,  has
been  working  with  tele-communications  agencies  around  the  world.  The
objective is to identify stations who are acting as DQRMers  and  use  legal
means to stop this behaviour. The  technology  is  in  hand  to  solve  this
problem and, with your assistance, we can stop this blight that  is  hurting
hams worldwide.
HOW IT WORKS: Locating  the  stations  engaging  in  DQRM  is  a  matter  of
triangulation. When the DQRMer is 60db over S9 at your location, you can  be
pretty  sure  that  station  is  nearby.  If  you  fill  out   the  form  at, the data will be collected and  analyzed  to  produce  a
reasonably accurate map of the DQRMer's location. This  data  will  allow  a
close-in search in the DQRMer's area and, using  local  transmitter  hunting
devices, the offender will be identified. This is a real-time system  that's
been in development for several years; its first  major  test  will  be  the
2015 K1N Navassa DXpedition.
WHAT YOU DO: Fill out the form with as much information as you can  provide.
All information will remain confidential. The form will go into  a  database
and the DQRM Project software will do the rest. We can stop DQRM -  and  you
can help!


"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual or lawyer could
believe them." - George Orwell, 1984

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Topband: W9WBL V2L paddle

2015-02-07 Thread James Rodenkirch
Well, I was fortunate to stumble in to a W9WBL V2L paddle, serial # 84.  Still 
in great condition and going to "put it through its paces" over the coming week.
Anyone ever owned one? If you have, contact me off line as I have a couple of 
questions - if you have a copy of the 3 page instruction paperwork that came 
with it, I'd like a copy - scanned and e-mailed is fine.
Thank you, in advance, for any info you  can proffer.  72, Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV 
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Re: Topband: K1N what time are they QRV on top?

2015-02-07 Thread GALE STEWARD via Topband
They were very loud at 0100Z here today (last night). They were on 1817.5, QSX 

GL to all...
73, Stew K3ND

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Re: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

2015-02-07 Thread Charlie Cunningham
I haven't bothered with it, Doug. I see it mostly as an "exercise in
futility". The "cops" never ID, and the MOST TROUBLESOME QRM  is from
"packet-rats" seeing the spots and then tuning up interminably on to he DX
QRG - of course they never ID either - and they are too lazy and
inconsiderate to move off the DX QRG to tune up!! :(

Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 6:05 PM
Subject: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

Is anyone using this DQRM Tracking Project report?  They want reports of
deliberate QRM like 'tuner uppers' and other types, but not QRMers like cops
or 'no splitters'.  I don't know how accurate they can be to identify the
guilty station on any band especially 160m with or without a directional
See below:

THE DQRM TRACKING PROJECT ---> Recently, the amount and  intensity  of  DQRM
(Deliberate QRM) has been  growing  logarithmically,  targeting  DXpeditions
all over the world. DQRMers attempt to spoil communications and disrupt  the
joy of chasing DX. Without going into the  motivation  of  DQRMers,  the  DX
Community is taking steps to eliminate this practice.
The KP1-5 Project, which is producing the 2015 K1N Navassa  DXpedition,  has
been  working  with  tele-communications  agencies  around  the  world.  The
objective is to identify stations who are acting as DQRMers  and  use  legal
means to stop this behaviour. The  technology  is  in  hand  to  solve  this
problem and, with your assistance, we can stop this blight that  is  hurting
hams worldwide.
HOW IT WORKS: Locating  the  stations  engaging  in  DQRM  is  a  matter  of
triangulation. When the DQRMer is 60db over S9 at your location, you can  be
pretty  sure  that  station  is  nearby.  If  you  fill  out   the  form  at, the data will be collected and  analyzed  to  produce  a
reasonably accurate map of the DQRMer's location. This  data  will  allow  a
close-in search in the DQRMer's area and, using  local  transmitter  hunting
devices, the offender will be identified. This is a real-time system  that's
been in development for several years; its first  major  test  will  be  the
2015 K1N Navassa DXpedition.
WHAT YOU DO: Fill out the form with as much information as you can  provide.
All information will remain confidential. The form will go into  a  database
and the DQRM Project software will do the rest. We can stop DQRM -  and  you
can help!


"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual or lawyer could
believe them." - George Orwell, 1984

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Re: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

2015-02-07 Thread Tod
I am waiting for the reverse DQRM project; the one that will deal guys who are 
deliberately QRM'ing MY signal when I am trying to call the DX station ! They 
know that is my frequency to use and they call him anyway.

Tod, K0TO 

Sent from my iPad air

> On Feb 7, 2015, at 4:34 PM, Charlie Cunningham  
> wrote:
> I haven't bothered with it, Doug. I see it mostly as an "exercise in
> futility". The "cops" never ID, and the MOST TROUBLESOME QRM  is from
> "packet-rats" seeing the spots and then tuning up interminably on to he DX
> QRG - of course they never ID either - and they are too lazy and
> inconsiderate to move off the DX QRG to tune up!! :(
> 73,
> Charlie, K4OTV
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Doug
> Renwick
> Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 6:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project
> Is anyone using this DQRM Tracking Project report?  They want reports of
> deliberate QRM like 'tuner uppers' and other types, but not QRMers like cops
> or 'no splitters'.  I don't know how accurate they can be to identify the
> guilty station on any band especially 160m with or without a directional
> antenna.
> See below:
> THE DQRM TRACKING PROJECT ---> Recently, the amount and  intensity  of  DQRM
> (Deliberate QRM) has been  growing  logarithmically,  targeting  DXpeditions
> all over the world. DQRMers attempt to spoil communications and disrupt  the
> joy of chasing DX. Without going into the  motivation  of  DQRMers,  the  DX
> Community is taking steps to eliminate this practice.
> The KP1-5 Project, which is producing the 2015 K1N Navassa  DXpedition,  has
> been  working  with  tele-communications  agencies  around  the  world.  The
> objective is to identify stations who are acting as DQRMers  and  use  legal
> means to stop this behaviour. The  technology  is  in  hand  to  solve  this
> problem and, with your assistance, we can stop this blight that  is  hurting
> hams worldwide.
> HOW IT WORKS: Locating  the  stations  engaging  in  DQRM  is  a  matter  of
> triangulation. When the DQRMer is 60db over S9 at your location, you can  be
> pretty  sure  that  station  is  nearby.  If  you  fill  out   the  form  at
>, the data will be collected and  analyzed  to  produce  a
> reasonably accurate map of the DQRMer's location. This  data  will  allow  a
> close-in search in the DQRMer's area and, using  local  transmitter  hunting
> devices, the offender will be identified. This is a real-time system  that's
> been in development for several years; its first  major  test  will  be  the
> 2015 K1N Navassa DXpedition.
> WHAT YOU DO: Fill out the form with as much information as you can  provide.
> All information will remain confidential. The form will go into  a  database
> and the DQRM Project software will do the rest. We can stop DQRM -  and  you
> can help!
> Doug
> "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual or lawyer could
> believe them." - George Orwell, 1984
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

2015-02-07 Thread Tom W8JI
It would be nice to set something like this up that works, but it would take 
more than just how loud someone is.

Strength alone is pretty much useless. 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: K1N DQRM Tracking Project

2015-02-07 Thread Art Snapper
Strength is useless unless he is a local.
We have been dealing with one for years, but he preferred to harass SSB ops
on 20. The FCC issued a $22,000 NAL last year. Maybe that will shut him up.

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 11:58 PM, Tom W8JI  wrote:

> It would be nice to set something like this up that works, but it would
> take more than just how loud someone is.
> Strength alone is pretty much useless.
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-07 Thread Jim Brown

On Sat,2/7/2015 11:01 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:

No, the very sad thing is that someone would publically post such a
condescending remark about his fellow amateurs, calling them all stupid.

Steve's comments are right on.

Jim, K9YC
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