Re: Topband: W8JI is bailing out of this reflector?

2016-01-20 Thread Ed Sawyer
Personally, I did not observe commentary deserving of someone leaving a
reflector that they have enjoyed for 20 years.  I do believe that Tom got
tweaked by hearing opinions on RHR which questioned whether its ethically
used or potentially had liability for use of his station and didn't like it.
Sounds like he may be have some second thoughts about joining into that




Ed  N1UR

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Moderation

2016-01-20 Thread Tree
Definition: "the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's
behavior or political opinions."

Here are some words someone shared with me regarding moderation:

1) Moderating is hard. If you do your job you are
going to piss someone off. But the people you piss off are worth pissing
off - because they will either modify their behavior or they will go
away (desirable in some cases).

2) In order to get high S/N the list can't be open loop. Yes, it slows
things down a little - but people will appreciate the filtering.
Solution? Have multiple moderators. It doesn't need to be a single-op
job. That will help the throughput. But last I checked there was no
real-time requirement for any discussions on these reflectors. If there
is, it should be a different focus list - like something to do with DX
alerting regarding DXpeditions or whatever.

3) Some of the bad players are well known, and it's gotten really tiring
listening to their stupid, snarky comments. I could name names, but we
all know who they are. And their crap should just be stopped at the
door. It's giving ham radio a bad name and it doesn't help attracting
new people to this part of the hobby.

I wish things were different, and that everyone could have empathy,
intelligence, knowledge and perspective. That's what we wish for -
unfortunately we're stuck with the human condition, so we have to deal
with it. Let the bad posters berate the moderators - most of the
audience will applaud, however.

End of quote.

I have reviewed some of the recent activity and decided that a small number
of people need to be moderated.  They simply don't know when to exercise
judgment on their posts.

The rest of us can decide if we want to keep this a positive place or not.
If it does require all posts to be moderated - then so be it - but it will
be different.  I would like to think we can all work together to keep
things from blowing up.

Also - those who let the idiots get under their skin probably could have
been part of the solution and let me know about the situation before
getting to the point of taking their marbles and going home.  We can work
together to make this better.  Don't assume I always have the bandwidth to
read every post.

KL7RA was good at alerting me when the pot was about to boil over...  but
he is no longer with us.  I can still see him walking past the double doors
at the ER and seeing them swing shut behind him.  I miss him very much.

Who will step up and let me know when things need attention?

73 Tree N6TR
on a business trip in XE1 still - but will try to work VP8STI tonight
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: W8JI is bailing out of this reflector?

2016-01-20 Thread Tree
I think guessing why W8JI left is no longer really productive.

It also isn't the main purpose of this reflector.

Yes - Tom has a lot of value on this list.  It isn't the first time he left
the list - and it probably won't be the last.

73 Tree N6TR

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Ed Sawyer  wrote:

> Personally, I did not observe commentary deserving of someone leaving a
> reflector that they have enjoyed for 20 years.  I do believe that Tom got
> tweaked by hearing opinions on RHR which questioned whether its ethically
> used or potentially had liability for use of his station and didn't like
> it.
> Sounds like he may be have some second thoughts about joining into that
> fray.
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: W8JI is bailing out of this reflector?

2016-01-20 Thread Jerry (K3BZ)
Seemed to me Tom got annoyed at being quoted out of context, or 
misquoted entirely, or maybe both. People get careless about how they 
say things and end up questioning integrity of others.   The more one 
values integrity, the more important that can be.  I think Tom has a lot 
of integrity and it's damned important to him.  Got to be more careful 
in an email where intent is not always clear.  Everyone has a right to 
an opinion, but also are responsible for the consequences of how they 
express it.
We may have lost one of the very best.  Or maybe we'll get lucky and Tom 
will be back eventually.

Just my 2 cents, FWIW

73.Jerry K3BZ

On 1/20/2016 9:51 AM, Ed Sawyer wrote:

Personally, I did not observe commentary deserving of someone leaving a
reflector that they have enjoyed for 20 years.  I do believe that Tom got
tweaked by hearing opinions on RHR which questioned whether its ethically
used or potentially had liability for use of his station and didn't like it.
Sounds like he may be have some second thoughts about joining into that




Ed  N1UR

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: W8JI is bailing out of this reflector?

2016-01-20 Thread Jerry (K3BZ)
Seemed to me Tom got annoyed at being quoted out of context, or 
misquoted entirely, or maybe both. People get careless about how they 
say things and end up questioning integrity of others.   The more one 
values integrity, the more important that can be.  I think Tom has a lot 
of integrity and it's damned important to him.  Got to be more careful 
in an email where intent is not always clear.  Everyone has a right to 
an opinion, but also are responsible for the consequences of how they 
express it.
We may have lost one of the very best.  Or maybe we'll get lucky and Tom 
will be back eventually.

Just my 2 cents, FWIW

73.Jerry K3BZ

On 1/20/2016 9:51 AM, Ed Sawyer wrote:

Personally, I did not observe commentary deserving of someone leaving a
reflector that they have enjoyed for 20 years.  I do believe that Tom got
tweaked by hearing opinions on RHR which questioned whether its ethically
used or potentially had liability for use of his station and didn't like it.
Sounds like he may be have some second thoughts about joining into that




Ed  N1UR

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Re: Topband: XW4ZW Update

2016-01-20 Thread larry pace via Topband
Hi Ken,

I started to hear your CQ at 1330z and called every time you stood by. I heard 
no other NA stations calling you. At around 1400z you mentioned on the chat 
room that you were plagued by local noise caused by a switching power supply 
being used for some lightning which you repaired. You heard me soon after that.

I think that in the hour that you were good copy here I only heard you work two 
NA stations. That is real devotion for which I commend you. It's got to be 
really frustrating to call CQ with no answers.

You were a new band country for me and certainly made my day. It ranks up there 
with unforgettable top band memories.

Thanks again.

73, Larry n7dd

On January 19, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Ken Claerbout  wrote:

I see now why my original post, from the 18th, didn't show up.  I sent it to 
the wrong address.  It's below.

I can report that the beverage is working very well!  Only thing I can figure 
is that it fills in a gap to the south, where the 4 square pattern falls off.  
Last night the band was rather noisy to the south.  The guys in Bangkok told me 
this morning they had rain so that may explain it.

Nothing left to do but keep plugging away.  I really hope things pick up on 
Topband but I know XW is very rare on 80 as well.  I have 330 plus countries on 
80 from home and still need it.

Hi Gang - quick update on things from Laos. Yesterday I added a few more 
radials to the TX antenna. It's a trapped wire vertical for 80 & 160, full 
size. It now has 32 quarter wave 160 meter radials. As most of you have 
observed, when propagation allows, it's working fine.

I continue to be a little confounded on the receive side of things. For example 
on 80 meters the TX signal is fine into the US but it's real work pulling out 
stations calling. Some of them with big arrays and full power. I don't have a 
high noise problem and there have been no storms in the area. I'm using a 
completely refurbished, by DX Engineering, W8JI 4 square array on receive. 
Maybe more of an RX system than some of the guys hearing me. The F/B on it is 
excellent, on the signals I can hear. That wasn't necessarily the case last 
year. Today I added a second ground rod at each element, not being sure what 
condition the existing ones were in. When I arrived I replaced ALL of the coax 
and control lines. We in effect have a new system now. 

Today I installed a beverage to the south. It's a little short for 160, about 
450'. But it will be interesting to compare it to the 4 square. The rig by the 
way is a Yaesu FT 5000 so I have good hardware. In fact there is a new one 
available and I guess I can always try swapping radios.

All I can say is if you hear me, keep plugging away. At times it feels like I'm 
in a big RF RX hole but one of these days things will break loose. I do have a 
favor to ask. If you worked me last year, please don't make a duplicate QSO. 
Too many people need XW. Sit back, listen, and enjoy knowing you already made 
it into the log. There is a log checker on my page. Logs are uploaded 
daily to K1SE and ARRL LOTW.

As of now, I'm scheduled to fly back to Bangkok on the 23rd. I do have some 
flexibility. Let's see how things go.
Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: VP8STI news

2016-01-20 Thread Tree

*January 20* –  Finally the 160 antenna system is ready so tonight they
will be QRV on Top Band. Also tonight plans include to be QRV on 80 meters
for JA. In addition, VP8STI will be on 60M later today using frequencies:
*USB* TX: 5403.5 RX: 5.371.5 // *CW* TX: 5405 RX: 5373. Operation schedule
was not confirmed but they will try during Thule Island darkness hours.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: VP8STI news

2016-01-20 Thread Barry N1EU
Great news Tree!

None of the USA will be in mutual darkness with VP8STI without Europe also
being in darkness - we might be in for an interestingly challenging
pileup.  Good luck everyone!

73, Barry N1EU

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Tree  wrote:

> Yay!!
> *January 20* –  Finally the 160 antenna system is ready so tonight they
> will be QRV on Top Band. Also tonight plans include to be QRV on 80 meters
> for JA. In addition, VP8STI will be on 60M later today using frequencies:
> *USB* TX: 5403.5 RX: 5.371.5 // *CW* TX: 5405 RX: 5373. Operation schedule
> was not confirmed but they will try during Thule Island darkness hours.
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

2016-01-20 Thread john
congrats Paul,   one of the true pioneers of ham radio,,geeezzz I was 
not even born till 1941.

Many years to come :-) 73 john w8wej

On 1/20/2016 6:35 AM, Paul Elliott wrote:

My first ham license was dated January 19, 1937. I was 14 years old, a
sophomore in high school in Kingsville, Texas.  Parts from defunct Atwater
Kent AM receivers (all radios in those days were AM-no FM yet) to build a
two tube (types 57 and 56) regenerative receiver and a TNT (type 45 tube)
transmitter-all 40 meters. Key was a broken off piece of hacksaw blade
mounted on a piece of 1x4 pine board.  The Brandes earphones had external
connectors with the full plate voltage (about 100 vdc) of the receiver on
them.  Antenna was a piece of wire going out the window to a tree-highest
point about 15 feet. The ratio of QSOs to stations called was not very
great-but it was not zero.

My first ever DX contact was in August 1937 with VK2SS on 40m CW.  A WAG is
that I probably was running about 5 watts-was using a dial lamp to measure
(?) input current.  His QSL is in its own special frame hanging on my wall.

QTH for the past 25 years has been a 120x120 foot lot, electrically quite
noisy, in Hobbs NM.  Two wire transmitting antennas.. An inverted L, about
3/8 wavelength on 160m, fed against what radials I could put down. Feedline
is 100 feet or so of 1" hardline. Using a homebrew tuner in the shack this
antenna is used on all 9 HF bands. The other is a 60 foot slanted dipole,
with open wire feedline and its own tuner.  It is used on 40m thru 10m.
Receiving antennas are two Ewes and a 100 foot wire two feet off the ground
next to a concrete block fence.  This piece of wire is a surprisingly good
receiving antenna sometimes.

About 20 years ago I started working on a WAS on 160 m.  After that I
started chasing DX.  Most of my operation is on CW but will use phone when

Presently have 186 countries confirmed on 160 m, have 325 on160m thru 10m.

Time and life have taken their toll. It used to be CW at 35-40wpm.
Declining finger dexterity limits me to about 25 wpm while transmitting.
Time constants in the brain limit receiving to about the same range as
sending. At higher speeds I can still hear letters clearly-but they don't
melt together to make words.  Really simple, though-a man goes with what he

My thanks to those on this forum who have been very kind to me over the
years.  Your kindness and expertise are not forgotten.

73  Paul W5DM


Topband Reflector Archives -

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Re: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

2016-01-20 Thread Hugh Valentine

RE: Topband 79th anniversary.

What a great story and inspiration Paul.
Thank you for sharing.
Most of us can relate.

Enjoy your hobby and I wish you a New One to celebrate your 80th Anniversary 

I salute you.
73 and warm regards.


-Original Message- 
From: Paul Elliott

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 1:35 AM
Subject: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

My first ham license was dated January 19, 1937. I was 14 years old, a
sophomore in high school in Kingsville, Texas.  Parts from defunct Atwater
Kent AM receivers (all radios in those days were AM-no FM yet) to build a
two tube (types 57 and 56) regenerative receiver and a TNT (type 45 tube)
transmitter-all 40 meters. Key was a broken off piece of hacksaw blade
mounted on a piece of 1x4 pine board.  The Brandes earphones had external
connectors with the full plate voltage (about 100 vdc) of the receiver on
them.  Antenna was a piece of wire going out the window to a tree-highest
point about 15 feet. The ratio of QSOs to stations called was not very
great-but it was not zero.

My first ever DX contact was in August 1937 with VK2SS on 40m CW.  A WAG is
that I probably was running about 5 watts-was using a dial lamp to measure
(?) input current.  His QSL is in its own special frame hanging on my wall.

QTH for the past 25 years has been a 120x120 foot lot, electrically quite
noisy, in Hobbs NM.  Two wire transmitting antennas.. An inverted L, about
3/8 wavelength on 160m, fed against what radials I could put down. Feedline
is 100 feet or so of 1" hardline. Using a homebrew tuner in the shack this
antenna is used on all 9 HF bands. The other is a 60 foot slanted dipole,
with open wire feedline and its own tuner.  It is used on 40m thru 10m.
Receiving antennas are two Ewes and a 100 foot wire two feet off the ground
next to a concrete block fence.  This piece of wire is a surprisingly good
receiving antenna sometimes.

About 20 years ago I started working on a WAS on 160 m.  After that I
started chasing DX.  Most of my operation is on CW but will use phone when

Presently have 186 countries confirmed on 160 m, have 325 on160m thru 10m.

Time and life have taken their toll. It used to be CW at 35-40wpm.
Declining finger dexterity limits me to about 25 wpm while transmitting.
Time constants in the brain limit receiving to about the same range as
sending. At higher speeds I can still hear letters clearly-but they don't
melt together to make words.  Really simple, though-a man goes with what he

My thanks to those on this forum who have been very kind to me over the
years.  Your kindness and expertise are not forgotten.

73  Paul W5DM

Topband Reflector Archives - 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Top band: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

2016-01-20 Thread Franco -PY1EPU

What to speak of its history ??


A lesson of love for amateur radio


73, Franco
PY1EPU - GG87kd  
PY4EPU - GG88p0

FISTS CW Club   -  The International Morse Preservation Society
Collins Collectors Association - Drake Collectors Association.
North American QRP CW Club  (NAQCC)-  New England QRP Club ( NEQRP)
Vibroplex Collectors Association -   Essex CW Amateur Radio Club
Amateur Radio Moonbounce Communications - 144 Mhz (Earth - Moon - Earth)

-Mensagem original-
De: Topband [] Em nome de john
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2016 09:49
Assunto: Re: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

congrats Paul,   one of the true pioneers of ham radio,,geeezzz I was 
not even born till 1941.
Many years to come :-) 73 john w8wej

On 1/20/2016 6:35 AM, Paul Elliott wrote:
> My first ham license was dated January 19, 1937. I was 14 years old, a 
> sophomore in high school in Kingsville, Texas.  Parts from defunct 
> Atwater Kent AM receivers (all radios in those days were AM-no FM yet) 
> to build a two tube (types 57 and 56) regenerative receiver and a TNT 
> (type 45 tube) transmitter-all 40 meters. Key was a broken off piece 
> of hacksaw blade mounted on a piece of 1x4 pine board.  The Brandes 
> earphones had external connectors with the full plate voltage (about 
> 100 vdc) of the receiver on them.  Antenna was a piece of wire going 
> out the window to a tree-highest point about 15 feet. The ratio of 
> QSOs to stations called was not very great-but it was not zero.
> My first ever DX contact was in August 1937 with VK2SS on 40m CW.  A 
> WAG is that I probably was running about 5 watts-was using a dial lamp 
> to measure
> (?) input current.  His QSL is in its own special frame hanging on my
> QTH for the past 25 years has been a 120x120 foot lot, electrically 
> quite noisy, in Hobbs NM.  Two wire transmitting antennas.. An 
> inverted L, about
> 3/8 wavelength on 160m, fed against what radials I could put down. 
> Feedline is 100 feet or so of 1" hardline. Using a homebrew tuner in 
> the shack this antenna is used on all 9 HF bands. The other is a 60 
> foot slanted dipole, with open wire feedline and its own tuner.  It is
used on 40m thru 10m.
> Receiving antennas are two Ewes and a 100 foot wire two feet off the 
> ground next to a concrete block fence.  This piece of wire is a 
> surprisingly good receiving antenna sometimes.
> About 20 years ago I started working on a WAS on 160 m.  After that I 
> started chasing DX.  Most of my operation is on CW but will use phone 
> when necessary.
> Presently have 186 countries confirmed on 160 m, have 325 on160m thru 10m.
> Time and life have taken their toll. It used to be CW at 35-40wpm.
> Declining finger dexterity limits me to about 25 wpm while transmitting.
> Time constants in the brain limit receiving to about the same range as 
> sending. At higher speeds I can still hear letters clearly-but they 
> don't melt together to make words.  Really simple, though-a man goes 
> with what he has.
> My thanks to those on this forum who have been very kind to me over 
> the years.  Your kindness and expertise are not forgotten.
> 73  Paul W5DM
ves -

Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: K5P good job !

2016-01-20 Thread Wayne Kline
I finally  bite and responded... 
My .02  ... IMO  and we all have one and they all don't agree  and  
things start spiraling out of control  FAST
IT's one thing to state an Opinion but if the Opinion takes on a tone of 
personal   attacks ...   HU
Have no place on a message boardPERIOUD 
 Back to my hole. 
 Wayne W3EA 
PS  no K5P this  am the 20th in EPA 

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 23:21:37 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: K5P good job !
> I agree and if that happens to me, then it's my stupidity that got me 
> there.
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
> > For what it's worth, I would be in favor of a little less tolerance of bad 
> > behavior. I'm talking about folks who repeatedly make personal attacks.  
> > There is a point at which it should not be tolerated. If folks can't behave 
> > like "gentlemen" on the Gentlemen's Band Reflector" they should be banned.  
> > 
> > 73,
> > 
> > Bob/AA6VB
> > 
> > 
> > From: Topband  on behalf of Cecil Acuff 
> > 
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:14 AM
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: Topband: K5P good job !
> > 
> > Hate to say it but when he left the Amps group he never looked back...I 
> > expect the same here.
> > 
> > There is a dedicated group of haters here...small but they are here.  I 
> > would imagine their contributions to the group otherwise are insignificant 
> > (as are mine) and will now probably find little joy in being here without 
> > Tom to focus their hate upon.
> > 
> > And no I'm not a Tom groupie or cheerleader.  But he did bring great value 
> > with his accurate technical insight and interest in advancing the technical 
> > state of the art of 160/80m antennas and radio sport in general.
> > 
> > But he's not the only brain on this group...there are several others and 
> > the group will go on in one form or another until they get tired of the 
> > crap and move on as well. (Some no doubt may have already exited quietly)
> > 
> > I personally think discussion of RHR or any commercial look a like should 
> > be banned from this groupstrictly!  It's a toxic subject best fought 
> > over someplace else.  As has already been demonstrated, it's not going to 
> > be solved here and only causes damage and pain.
> > 
> > I'm not driving the bus but if I were it would be straight to the penalty 
> > box with you if you brought it up or participated in it...second 
> > offense..ejectionbut that's just my personal opinion...that and a buck 
> > (inflation) will get you a cheap cup of coffee or maybe a QSL direct.
> > 
> > Cecil
> > K5DL
> > 
> > 
> > Sent using recycled electrons.
> > 
> > On Jan 19, 2016, at 7:22 AM, Gary Smith  wrote:
> > 
> > >> Hoping to see more posts from W8JI.  I'm not remotely qualified to
> > >> rank his substantial expertise and contributions to this group.
> > >>
> > >> 73
> > >> Joe VO1NA
> > >
> > > As am I. Tom leaving will be part of the end of learning about Ham
> > > Radio as I've always known it to be. When the knowledge bases are
> > > available no more, what is left?
> > >
> > > 73,
> > >
> > > Gary
> > > KA1J
> > > _
> > > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > 
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

2016-01-20 Thread mstangelo

Congratulations on the milestone. 

It is good to see you are still active.

Your setup makes good use of a small lot and should be an inspiration to others.

73 Mike N2MS

- Original Message -
From: Paul Elliott 
Sent: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 06:35:24 - (UTC)
Subject: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

My first ham license was dated January 19, 1937. I was 14 years old, a
sophomore in high school in Kingsville, Texas.  Parts from defunct Atwater
Kent AM receivers (all radios in those days were AM-no FM yet) to build a
two tube (types 57 and 56) regenerative receiver and a TNT (type 45 tube)
transmitter-all 40 meters. Key was a broken off piece of hacksaw blade
mounted on a piece of 1x4 pine board.  The Brandes earphones had external
connectors with the full plate voltage (about 100 vdc) of the receiver on
them.  Antenna was a piece of wire going out the window to a tree-highest
point about 15 feet. The ratio of QSOs to stations called was not very
great-but it was not zero.

My first ever DX contact was in August 1937 with VK2SS on 40m CW.  A WAG is
that I probably was running about 5 watts-was using a dial lamp to measure
(?) input current.  His QSL is in its own special frame hanging on my wall. 

QTH for the past 25 years has been a 120x120 foot lot, electrically quite
noisy, in Hobbs NM.  Two wire transmitting antennas.. An inverted L, about
3/8 wavelength on 160m, fed against what radials I could put down. Feedline
is 100 feet or so of 1" hardline. Using a homebrew tuner in the shack this
antenna is used on all 9 HF bands. The other is a 60 foot slanted dipole,
with open wire feedline and its own tuner.  It is used on 40m thru 10m.
Receiving antennas are two Ewes and a 100 foot wire two feet off the ground
next to a concrete block fence.  This piece of wire is a surprisingly good
receiving antenna sometimes.

About 20 years ago I started working on a WAS on 160 m.  After that I
started chasing DX.  Most of my operation is on CW but will use phone when

Presently have 186 countries confirmed on 160 m, have 325 on160m thru 10m.

Time and life have taken their toll. It used to be CW at 35-40wpm.
Declining finger dexterity limits me to about 25 wpm while transmitting.
Time constants in the brain limit receiving to about the same range as
sending. At higher speeds I can still hear letters clearly-but they don't
melt together to make words.  Really simple, though-a man goes with what he

My thanks to those on this forum who have been very kind to me over the
years.  Your kindness and expertise are not forgotten.

73  Paul W5DM


Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 79th Anniversary of my 1st Ham License

2016-01-20 Thread Gene Smar

Congrats on the milestone! You've seen much of the evolution of 
electrotechnology that has occurred in the 20th Century. Pretty amazing, that.

I'm a newbie compared to you. I celebrated fifty years of Ham licensure in 
November of last year. Here's a link to my own posting on that auspicious 
occasion: .  
73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

On 01/20/16, Paul Elliott wrote:

My first ham license was dated January 19, 1937. I was 14 years old, a
sophomore in high school in Kingsville, Texas. Parts from defunct Atwater
Kent AM receivers (all radios in those days were AM-no FM yet) to build a
two tube (types 57 and 56) regenerative receiver and a TNT (type 45 tube)
transmitter-all 40 meters. Key was a broken off piece of hacksaw blade
mounted on a piece of 1x4 pine board. The Brandes earphones had external
connectors with the full plate voltage (about 100 vdc) of the receiver on
them. Antenna was a piece of wire going out the window to a tree-highest
point about 15 feet. The ratio of QSOs to stations called was not very
great-but it was not zero.

My first ever DX contact was in August 1937 with VK2SS on 40m CW. A WAG is
that I probably was running about 5 watts-was using a dial lamp to measure
(?) input current. His QSL is in its own special frame hanging on my wall. 

QTH for the past 25 years has been a 120x120 foot lot, electrically quite
noisy, in Hobbs NM. Two wire transmitting antennas.. An inverted L, about
3/8 wavelength on 160m, fed against what radials I could put down. Feedline
is 100 feet or so of 1" hardline. Using a homebrew tuner in the shack this
antenna is used on all 9 HF bands. The other is a 60 foot slanted dipole,
with open wire feedline and its own tuner. It is used on 40m thru 10m.
Receiving antennas are two Ewes and a 100 foot wire two feet off the ground
next to a concrete block fence. This piece of wire is a surprisingly good
receiving antenna sometimes.

About 20 years ago I started working on a WAS on 160 m. After that I
started chasing DX. Most of my operation is on CW but will use phone when

Presently have 186 countries confirmed on 160 m, have 325 on160m thru 10m.

Time and life have taken their toll. It used to be CW at 35-40wpm.
Declining finger dexterity limits me to about 25 wpm while transmitting.
Time constants in the brain limit receiving to about the same range as
sending. At higher speeds I can still hear letters clearly-but they don't
melt together to make words. Really simple, though-a man goes with what he

My thanks to those on this forum who have been very kind to me over the
years. Your kindness and expertise are not forgotten.

73 Paul W5DM

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