Topband: different propagation north vs south

2016-02-13 Thread N7DF via Topband
Some time ago there was a post about some research done on trans equatorial 
propagation that was done by a lady researcher in australiaFollowing up on her 
research in some of her published papers  she seemed to imply that the 
difference in polarity between the north pole and the south pole has a really 
significant effect on many aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum with regard 
to the incidence of coronal mass ejections, interaction between the terrestrial 
and the sun's magnetic field and cosmic ray impingement in the earth's 
atmosphere and geomagnetic field.With the  decrease in both terrestrial and 
solar magnetic field intensities detected in recent years some really strange 
things may be in the offing.I have lost the links that I once had to these 
references but a lot of the information is available from the website is a fascinating study to say the least and it seems like 
the topband is a good place to experience the weird effects that she was 
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Topband: What have I done?

2016-02-13 Thread Carl Braun

In the past, I've posted some questions related to making my 80 meter verticals 
(64' tall ground mounted) work on different bands.  The pair is spaced at ¼ wl 
on 80m and then I switch in base loading to resonate the same pair on 160m 
which are then effectively spaced at 1/8 wl.   Now I want to make them work on 
40m which would have them resonate as ½ or 5/16 or 3/8 wl and would have an 
effective spacing at ½ wl.

So this is what I did...I installed an L network off of the vertical 
effectively tuning a 64' stick of aluminum to 7.050.  It took me a couple of 
tries as the first 1500pF (monster) variable capacitor wouldn't get down low 
enough to get me flat.  I had another 50-150pF Johnson variable cap available 
so I tried that and got the antenna to tune to 46 ohms at j+0.Inside the 
shack I see 1.0:1 Vswr from 7.000 to!

I measured the cap and it came to 70pf.  My cheapie Chinese meter doesn't 
register anything on the L scale but I have 7 turns on a 3 ½" inductor. The 
full coil is 33 uH at 25 turns so I estimate 8-12 uH of inductance.

But what have I done? Have I resonated a ½ wl antenna or have I resonated 
something else like a 5/16 wl or even a 3/8 wl antenna with the added 

I plan on treating them as ½ wl spaced phased verticals on 40 and feeding them 
with equal lengths of ¾ wl feedlines for broadside phasing and then adding an 
additional 2/4 wl to get my 180 degree shift for end fire.

Please share your comments.


Carl de AG6X

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Re: Topband: What have I done?

2016-02-13 Thread Carl Braun
I have revised my question to correct the length of the antenna in question


In the past, I've posted some questions related to making my 80 meter verticals 
(64' tall ground mounted) work on different bands.  The pair is spaced at ¼ wl 
on 80m and then I switch in base loading to resonate the same pair on 160m 
which are then effectively spaced at 1/8 wl.   Now I want to make them work on 
40m which would have them resonate as ½ or 5/8 wl and would have an effective 
spacing at ½ wl.

So this is what I did...I installed an L network off of the vertical 
effectively tuning a 64' stick of aluminum to 7.050.  It took me a couple of 
tries as the first 1500pF (monster) variable capacitor wouldn't get down low 
enough to get me flat.  I had another 50-150pF Johnson variable cap available 
so I tried that and got the antenna to tune to 46 ohms at j+0.Inside the 
shack I see 1.0:1 Vswr from 7.000 to!

I measured the cap and it came to 70pf.  My cheapie Chinese meter doesn't 
register anything on the L scale but I have 7 turns on a 3 ½" inductor. The 
full coil is 33 uH at 25 turns so I estimate 8-12 uH of inductance.

But what have I done? Have I resonated a ½ wl antenna or have I resonated 
something else like a 5/8 wl antenna with the added inductance?

I plan on treating them as ½ wl spaced phased verticals on 40 and feeding them 
with equal lengths of ¾ wl feedlines for broadside phasing and then adding an 
additional 2/4 wl to get my 180 degree shift for end fire.

Please share your comments.


Carl de AG6X

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