Re: Topband: FW: The USA-CA Awards

2023-02-06 Thread AB2E Darrell
You point out what is really an inconsistent CQ rule for USA-CA (not allowing 
LotW QSOs and requiring paper QSLs).
Of course this was the traditional way to submit when the program began and 
they had the little blue booklet you filled in the details, and you get your 
friends to view your cards and sign saying they've seen them.
Fast forward to now, CQ uses LotW to track and issue the WPX awards simply 
using the LotW confirmations and you apply directly for their award via the 
LotW site.

I mistakenly applied for the initial USA-CA award partially using LotW QSOs 
(but had 2 friends verify) and was summarily rejected by CQ.
No big deal, but at this point I doubt I will sort through thousands of old 
cards to pull out potentials for counties.

So I don't really see the reasoning, but maybe the logistics of doing so are 
more than I am seeing.

73 Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of 
Jim Brown 
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: FW: The USA-CA Awards

On 2/6/2023 12:07 PM, uy0zg via Topband wrote:
> I must be missing something again.  The founder of the award creates the
> program. I enter my LotW password there and it sees all my USA-CA. Or is
> it wrong?

Perhaps I wrote poorly, Nick. Yes, the county information is there for
LOTW users who have entered their county. It is my understanding that
USA-CA does not accept LOTW confirmations. Am I wrong?

73, Jim K9YC
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Topband: RFI tripping GFI breaker on 160m

2022-12-29 Thread AB2E Darrell
I trip a GFI breaker sometimes on 160m, usually in a contest 1500W.
Never had a problem when GFI outlets were the norm, but I had some electrical 
work done in an added
 room and the new code calls for a GFI breaker.
Has anyone had a similar experience and located an RFI resistant GFI breaker?
73 and HNY,
Darrell AB2E

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Re: Topband: Inverted L in contact with leaves

2019-08-29 Thread AB2E Darrell
Hi Pete,
No effect noticed here for leaves with L wire running over tree.
I just reinstalled my 160m Inverted - L on a taller tree (fed 10ft off ground, 
80ft vertical , about 52ft horizontal). It's been up all summer with leaves, it 
goes over the top of 95ft oak. My vertical wire is #12 THHN, insulated solid 
copper. I have 5 tuned radials of the same wire, but thinner gauge is also OK. 
I feed it with a 1:1 Balun Designs balun. I trimmed it slightly but it 
resonates about 1845 and gives me all the CW band. Tested with Acom 2000A at 
1500W outseems very stable as before mounted on a  shorter tree at about 

Pete, even 1 tuned radial for your L, you should see it working and loading up 
OK if you want to test.

I used to easily find the tech supplement online from Butternut for tuned 
radials, but it looks like it's now gone.
Check this document out
 . N6LF did some modelling and looks very similar to ON4UN's conclusions in his 
lowband book that 4 tuned radials achieve 60% of the efficiency of 100+ radials 
on the ground. Some may dispute this, but I've never had enough real estate to 
put down a full ground radial field of 100+, but I do have room to put up 4 
elevated radials. They can slope, go up and down but if you can, mount them 
about 10ft above ground.
The tuned radials are about 3.5% shorter than the 1/4wave element (see the 
formula). I cut them all the same as the element, and then gradually shorten 
them to adjust for resonance, depending on how the SWR looks.

In the past, the L has worked great for me. I now have about 115 countries 
confirmed on 160, all with an L.

73 and best of luck with the project,
Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of N4ZR 

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 11:23 AM
To: topband reflector 
Subject: Topband: Inverted L in contact with leaves

My inverted L is taking shape - about 60 vertical, the rest horizontal.
For a couple of months anyway, it is touching a number of leaves in the
vertical section.  I assume that's not a concern, but thought I'd ask
before I get a lot of radials down. First short radial is down and
MFJ-259 results look promising.  It's just a problem of waiting for lawn
mowing to stop hi.


73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
at , now
spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
For spots, please use your favorite
"retail" DX cluster.

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Re: Topband: Ticks

2019-07-16 Thread AB2E Darrell
Hi Bruce,
Just remembered that Guinea hens eat thousands of ticks a day  quite a delicacy 
for them evidently. Just Google it.
73 Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Sam Josuweit 

Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:42:31 AM
To: 'FZ Bruce';
Subject: Re: Topband: Ticks

They are really hard to kill. Chickens will eat them as do Opossums.

Sam (N3XZ)

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of FZ Bruce
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:14 AM
To: ''
Subject: Topband: Ticks

Have a Beverage antenna that goes through a dense wooded area. Two
species of Ticks are everywherelately.
Anyone have information of a drone that could disperse tick poison
73Bruce - K1FZ
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Re: Topband: Ticks

2019-07-16 Thread AB2E Darrell
Hi Bruce,
How about a beekeeper suit?
Protects you from whatever you are spraying and keeps the ticks out too.
$70 at this site on google.

Saw industrial agriculture spray drones on Amazon, but are a whopping $13K.
73 Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Mike Waters 

Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:23:47 AM
To: FZ Bruce
Cc: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Ticks

H Bruce,

Not aware of a drone, but have you considered one of those industrial-style
heated foggers? You might even be able to rent one. You'd better be
downwind and wear proper gear for that. :-)

BTW, tick granules (the only type I have ever used) would only kill the
ticks near the ground.

73, Mike

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019, 8:14 AM FZ Bruce  wrote:

> Have a Beverage antenna that goes through a dense wooded area. Two
> species of Ticks are everywherelately.
> Anyone have information of a drone that could disperse tick poison
> 73Bruce - K1FZ
> _
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Re: Topband: FT-8

2019-01-31 Thread AB2E Darrell
Hi all,
I agree with Tony K4QE and the others. Need human interaction or it ain't ham 
radio any more,.

Prior to Stephen Hawking's death, he declared the greatest threat to human 
existence will be AI

"The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from 
strategic defense.
Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m." 
from Terminator 2

"FT-8 became self-aware at ..."

73 Darrell Ab2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Anthony Scandurra 
via Topband 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: FT-8


TBDXC Member #91 

73, Tony K4QE

> On Jan 31, 2019, at 5:36 PM, wrote:
> There is simply no substitute for the real, direct, visceral connection one 
> has with the person on the other end with either CW or SSB modes.  I'll be in 
> charge of the QSO, thank you.   Not my computer.
> 73. . . Dave, W0FLS
> -Original Message- From: cqtestk4xs--- via Topband
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 3:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Topband: FT-8
> This thread has been addressed on various reflectors.
> I've tried it, made around 400 contacts or so, and found the mode pretty 
> boring.  Even with my pileups on FT-8 the mode left me cold.  I felt the same 
> way with RTTY...tried it and found it boring.  Why?  With CW SSB/AM I felt a 
> connection with the other person, someone sending with a key or a person 
> speaking to me.  With RTTY and especially FT-8 my machine is decoding your 
> machine.  Oh yeah, I know my XCVR is a machine and so is yours, but for me 
> it's not the same.
> I understand why guys get all hot and bothered about the new mode, it gives 
> the guys who don't know CW a chance to work DX on a mode other than SSB and 
> gives the weaker signal guys a chance to work DX.  For the guys with bigger 
> stations it gives them a chance to work the rarer ones on tough bands like, 
> 160 or 6.  Maybe that's why I'm not into FT-8, I've got a big station, and 
> can work CW.  Also, I've never been really into putting the new one in the 
> log as much as many guys are...I'm more of a contester.
> If you want to work your pileups and/or work 300 countries on FT-8, that's 
> fine with me.  I'm not going to look down my nose at you but please don't 
> condescendingly  tell me I'm a dinosaur or refuse to accept new technology. 
> I'm accepting it, I just don't want to be part of it.  No hard feelings.
> Bill KH7XS/KH7B/K4XS
> _
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Re: Topband: CQ 160 Contest

2019-01-21 Thread AB2E Darrell
Greetings Andy,
Can you clarify what frequencies should be avoided so as not to be dq'd?
73 and cu in the contest,
Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Andy Blank 

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2019 1:44:44 PM
To: CQ-Contest Reflector; 160
Subject: Topband: CQ 160 Contest

Hi Everyone.

It's -10 deg F Wind Chill in NJ today (-23deg C) and that can mean only one
The CQ 160 CW Contest is here!

There are a few plaques that now need sponsorship. Please look at the list:
If you wish to sponsor any of the open ones, or have another category in
mind please contact me directly.

Please visit our web site at and check the latest rules.

We expect all the rules to be obeyed as usual, and please spread out as
much as possible.
We realize there will be some FT8 activity around 1840.
I am hoping most of them will plug in their CW key and work stations the
old fashioned way.

Remember you must obey the ITU Region rules regarding operational
If you are found to operate outside these limits, it may be grounds for DQ.
Also, we will be doing a lot of RBN analysis to find power violations. We
realize this is not a true measurement, but we can find outliers. Please
observe the power limits set in the rules.

Also pay close attention to the remote RX rules, we will be alerted to any
use of remote SDR etc using web based systems.
*For Single Op Assisted only *You are allowed one and only one remote RX
within 100KM.

We expect good conditions, no storms and plenty of DX.
CU on Topband!

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest
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Re: Topband: 30 Ja's worked today on 160

2019-01-12 Thread AB2E Darrell
Good observations and I agree with you.
CWops is growing, and overall CW contest activity seems to be up.

I would bring up another reason for declining JA participation in general. 
Their  population as a nation is declining due to plummeting birth rates and by 
2050 will drop to 92 million from the current 127 million . There are likely other 
reasons, but this could certainly be a factor.
73 Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Guy Olinger K2AV 

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019 10:03 AM
To: David Raymond
Cc: TopBand List; Herbert Schoenbohm
Subject: Re: Topband: 30 Ja's worked today on 160

"Nobody on CW" is probably answered better by few people listening and
most not having implemented an automated way to pick up on CW CQ's.
That's sort of built into the usual ham shack blend of FT8 and logging

In the contests, anyway, even RTTY tests and the recent RTTY roundup
with FT8 admitted to the fray, I see no diminution of participation,
the contests seem to be slowly growing.

The CWOPS weekly hour-long CW contests keep growing, with member ID
numbers well into the 2K range. It seems to have sharply caught on in
the last few years.

73, Guy K2AV

On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 9:32 AM  wrote:
> It's no wonder when I get on mornings with good conditions there are few, if
> any, JA friends to work on CW.
> 73. . .Dave, W0FLS
> -Original Message-
> From: Herbert Schoenbohm
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019 6:49 AM
> To: TopBand List
> Subject: Topband: 30 Ja's worked today on 160
> Using FT-8 with a split 1840/1908 I was able to work over 30 JA's via a
> skewed SW path today.
> Amazing conditions and less polar absorption this direction.
> Herb, KV4FZ
> _
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Re: Topband: Drone and pulley

2018-11-27 Thread AB2E Darrell
Hi Mike,
FB on the drone to string the line.  Best of luck with it.
In case the initial 3/16 line is too heavy for the drone, I have a suggestion 
that might help.
I too mostly use 3/16 line for tree antenna projects. I use an air cannon made 
by a local, which has a fishing reel, and I use Daiwa braided line initially 
over the tree (J-Braid
 ). Then I haul the 3/16 dacron rope over the tree with braided line. I've 
never had it break, and it's extremely light weight.

I would be interested in how you make out with the drone. The air cannon 
generally works well, but a few times the line has tangled on the way over the 
tree as the projective (6in pvc 1/4in) passes through the tiny branches.

73 Darrell AB2E : Daiwa J-Braid 300M 8-Strand Woven Round Braid Line : Sports  
Outdoors : Daiwa J-Braid 300M 8-Strand Woven Round Braid Line : Sports  

From: Topband  on behalf of Mike Waters 

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Drone and pulley

Hi Paul,

Happy to! That's my problem too, lots of trees too close together.

This is the drone I ordered:
Prices on drones have really come down.

My plan is to tie 3/16" braided nylon cord to the drone; take off
vertically from the S side of the tree about 50' away to at least twice the
tree's height, move straight N at that height, and then descend straight
down *at least* 50' past the tree. (I'm being overcautious.)

That line will then be used to pull a 1/4" or 3/8" nylon rope over the tree
and make a loop (tie the ends together). At those ends is where the metal
pulley will be, attached at that point with about 2 or 3 feet of rope to
keep it from touching the tree. The 14 AWG THHN wire for the inverted-L
will go through that pulley.

*This drone may or may not work. *It doesn't have features like GPS that
more expensive drones have.  I won't receive it until after the first week
in December.

73, Mike

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018, 1:12 PM [private] wrote:

> Sir : could you tell me what drone and accessories you 're going to use
> for that pulley - in - the - tree job?
> My QTH is almost all trees ... shooting fishing line gets hopelessly
> tangled in a number of trees . Sure would like to "drop" a line from a
> drone.
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Re: Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton

2018-04-01 Thread AB2E Darrell
Happy April Fool's Day folks!

73 Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Steve Babcock 

Sent: Sunday, April 1, 2018 1:03 PM
Cc: topBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at 

And in a related story…..Laser Comm is teaming up with Auto Comm Ltd. of Palo 
Alto California to market to the Amateur radio Community the new Auto-Q radio 

This new "radio station in a box" will utilize the best of Laser Comms new 
antenna system together with a completely stand alone Ham radio transmitter 
which will utilize the latest in a new digital technology called FT-8. The 
complete radio package is contained in a box less than 1 sq. foot and runs on 
the latest Elon Musk battery packs. These radios will make fully automated 
QSOs, and with a cell internet connection will upload all QSOs to the users 
DXCC and WAS. Head of computer development at Auto Comm. Jim Q Contact said 
“the new Auto QSO radio package can be deployed anywhere in the world. It can 
be set up at very rare DXCC countries, wanted counties or states and be left to 
run for months to make QSOs”. For those Hams that need a new country that has 
been difficult to get, they can deploy one of our units and then go home to 
their base QTH and work the Auto-Q Unit.”

Early testing has shown that the unit has been able to make over 2,000 QSO’s 
per month while left unattended. The Li-Ion batteries have a long life because 
of the very efficient radiation from the Laser Comm antenna. There has been 
some skepticism in the Ham community about the need for a ground radial system, 
but Auto Comm has done extensive field testing to proven that their antenna can 
radiate even better than a dipole at 300 feet.

When asked about the concern in the Ham community about un-attended QSOs being 
used for ARRL awards, Jim Contact said “our studies have shown that Hams these 
days are far too busy to spend the time at their radios to make QSOs. In todays 
society there are too many other demands on our time than to be stuck sitting 
at the radio using the old modes. Times have changed, and our studies have 
shown that today most Hams are more concerned about just getting the award 
counters rather than spending time trying to copy signals using the old 
outdated CW and SSB modes."

Auto-Q will have a table setup beside Laser Comm at Dayton this year so that 
customers don't need to walk too far through the mud.

> On Apr 1, 2018, at 10:01 AM, wrote:
> Laser Com Announces New Topband Antenna System
> Reported by Woody K3YV
> Laser Com, Inc. of Titusville, Florida recently announced their
> development of a revolutionary new 160 meter antenna system
> based on their proprietary laser communications system.
> Dr. Benjamin Dover, Laser Com’s chief engineer, cited their research
> into laser-based space communications as providing the “happy
> accident” that led to the discovery of the laser based 160 meter
> antenna system.
> Dr. Dover said that an accidental connection of the wrong cable
> led to the discovery. A cable that had been carrying 1.8 MHz
> signals was inadvertently connected to the modulation input of the
> laser transmitter that that Ben was testing. “Imagine our surprise,”
> said Dr. Dover, “when we noticed that 1.8 MHz radio frequencies
> were being radiated all along the laser beam. This is something we
> never expected. The possibilities are endless.”
> Laser Com plans to market the laser antenna not only as a commercial
> product, but also as a low cost 160 meter amateur radio antenna.
> Dr. Dover set up the prototype as a demonstration of the product’s
> simplicity.
> The secret to the 160 meter laser antenna is in the base unit’s
> modulation transformer that directly modulates the Plesseo-Dyminium
> laser crystal. The user simply places the laser box on the ground and
> adjusts the laser beam straight up into the air. As the laser beam rises
> into the sky, the 160 meter signal travels up the laser beam and is
> radiated all along the length of the optical beam.
> The laser beam shines nearly a mile into the atmosphere. However,
> due to path losses along the beam, the actual 160 meter radiation is
> only transmitted by the first few hundred feet of the laser’s beam. The
> result is an omni-directional vertical 160 meter antenna that is several
> hundred feet high.
> Acting like a co-linear antenna array, the over all antenna gain is
> approximately 10 to 15 dB in the 160 meter band.
> Dr. Dover said, “We're really excited about this product. There are no
> antenna restrictions on an invisible light beam, no lightning risks, and
> no damage from wind storms. The only down side is s ignal attenuation
> due to heavy fog, which can attenuate the 160 meter signal by as much
> as 6 dB. Otherwise, this is as near to a 

Re: Topband: 80 meter 4-Square verticals

2018-02-12 Thread AB2E Darrell
Is your 80m 4square like the ON4UN with the L pointing towards each other. I 
was reading his book the other night. Great stuff.
Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Mike Smith VE9AA 

Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 6:02:30 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: 80 meter 4-Square verticals


I think Bill KH7XS just went through this exercise.

That said, my (Comtek) 80m 4-square is made 100% from wire and hung in the
woods as inverted L's.

Raised radials.

Seems to work.  Electrons don't (really) care if you use $1000 worth of
aluminum or $100 of used wire.

Mike VE9AA

Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB

Hi  Folks,

I've decided to get serious and try to put up an 80 meter 4-Square around my

117' tower of Rohn 55. Getting into my place can be a VERY SERIOUS CHALLENGE

any tandem rig so that may make getting 40' long 3" and 2" irrigation tubing

difficult to deliver. I've got new steel racks on my 3/4 ton Dodge pickup
but I

think the best I can do in length is about 25' or so. Has anyone come up
with a

better method to build some 80 meter 1/4 wavelength verticals that won't
cost a

ton of bucks?  There is also the problem of going from 3" to 2" tubing with

conductive joint. Probably will just see if the local supplier can deliver

and let them deal with that busy narrow road.

I'm going to be elevating the verticals about 10' up  with elevated radials

some of the info in 'Low Band DXing'. Thought  about using wire verticals

would like something a bit more substantial. Do need something that can give

some serious help on that band.

Any help?


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Re: Topband: 80m rotatable dipole load coil questions

2016-10-11 Thread AB2E Darrell

There is a lot of interesting info (possibly useful to you) at VE6WZ's website

In his case, he designed a short boom 2 el 80m yagi, and designed his own 
coils. He used the Brian Beezley design program.

73 and best of luck with your antenna project,

Darrell AB2E

From: Topband  on behalf of Bob K6UJ 

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: 80m rotatable dipole load coil questions


I made a 40M rotary dipole and followed Force 12's Tornado loading coil
design.  They issued a study
on the evolution of their loading coils from Tom Schiller's original
design. They first went to  a smaller diameter (less efficient) coil and
later back to a larger diameter final version they call their Tornado
coil.  It is interesting
to note that with their new Tornado coil they went back to the larger
diameter coil as Tom Schiller used.
The Tornado design coils are now used on all their coil loaded antennas.
  I thought this might be interesting to you on designing the 80M coils.
APPLICATION NOTE - Force 12 / InnovAntennas 
APPLICATION NOTE 40 Meter Delta Coil Overview Including Tip Dimensions For 
Using 3rd Generation 'Tornado Delta' Coils Introduced In 2014


On 10/10/16 9:03 PM, Ray Benny wrote:
> I am building a 90 ft, 80m rotatable dipole. I am near the point of 
> fabricating the inductors/coils that will go about 23 ft out on the element. 
> I am guying the element just before the inductor. I have several questions:
> 1. Does the size of the gap between the center element and element tip make 
> much difference? Is one inch enough, or should it be almost the same size as 
> the coil length?
> 2. Is there advantage of winding the coils of copper vs. aluminum? Is it 
> worth silver plating the copper windings? I'm most likely planning to use 
> 1/4" tubing either way.
> 3. Once I figure out the total length of the element, a friend is going to 
> run EZNEC and tell me the inductor valve I need. I will use a calculator to 
> compute the physical dimensions of the coils. What is the advantage of 
> building the coils on either 3 inch vs. a 4 inch form?
> Is there anything else to consider in the construction of this antenna?
> Tnx for your thoughts,
> Ray,N6VRLocated in central AZ
> _
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Re: Topband: Where was everyone last night

2014-06-22 Thread AB2E Darrell
HI Dick,
I wondered the same thing.
I could hear a number of stations who were very loud but apparently had 
difficulty hearing me (I worked KV4FZ after a few calls...thanks Herb).
Thanks to those who worked me.
After 2 hours and only 25 stations in the log and numerous unanswered CQs I 
went to bed (0300-0500 op time).

Anyone get an error from the robot about the log date format?
I used N1MM and it seems in order. I emailed Tree.

73 Darrell AB2E

 Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 10:20:12 -0700
 Subject: Topband: Where was everyone last night
 160 was almost as quiet as a graveyard last night.
 I heard and repeatedly called N7GP, NO3M and KV4FZ but received no answers.
 After an hour I went to bed.
 73 - Dick/w7wkr CN98pi
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