Re: Topband: ARRL 160m Contest

2023-12-04 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG

I have the same opinion about propagation.

The first night I heard nothing about the SS North America.

Half an hour before my SR I had 4 qso NA, including one VE.

The next night there was perfect silence on the band.




W dniu 04.12.2023 o 19:59, Roger Kennedy pisze:

Such a shame conditions were so poor

I worked 2 NA stations on Friday night . . .

Didn't hear a single one on Saturday night !

Roger G3YRO

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Re: Topband: Topband cw - bugs rhythm, swing

2023-07-02 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG

With a tear in my eye, I read memories of old telegraph keys.
Does anyone remember a electronic key designed on two triodes and two 
stabilivolts (105 and 150 V).

This key was designed by W6DPU. Very popular in the 1950s and 1960s.

The VFOs commonly used in those years used a Colpitts and Clapp type 

With small feedback, you could get a beautiful ringing tone





W dniu 01.07.2023 o 19:29, pisze:

Got started in 1956 as a novice using a mil surplus straight key (J-47
if I recall correctly - its around here someplace. ) Then as a general
got a Lightning Bug for Christmas and used that for 2-3 decades. Then
purchased a new one about 20 years ago and still use it, but less
since I received a plug-in keyboard keyer (with memories) from a ham

Made many terrific bug qsos over the years, some lasting 1-2-3 hours.
One with a VE3 about 7-8 years ago that ran til 3:30am. We kept
hitting on new topics that we both had in common. Used to work F5IN
into his mid 90s. And a ZS and a 9J2 in their late 80s. Bugs attract

Im 90% cw ( no digital) these days, on 160-6m, and chasing the final 9
DX entities. now that we put 3Y0J in the log on 30m cw at 2:30 am a
few months ago.


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Topband: test

2022-02-04 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG

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Re: Topband: CW Activity

2020-04-07 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Hi Topbanders,
I have been taking part in SPDX Contest 160 / cw for many years.
I usually have no more than 5 qso  from North America stations in my log.
This weekend I broke my record in the number of all connections 311 qso and
in the 29 qso with W / VE,.
I have to thank many US / VE operators for their patience when I asked them
to repeat their control number again.
I live on a small plot and I can only afford one triangle K9AY.

Ham Radio Since 1959

-Original Message-
From: Topband []
On Behalf Of Thomas Hoyer via Topband
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2020 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: CW Activity

I don't know where those RBN's are but here in southeastern PA at my station
I have only heard two EU stations both during the SP contest.
I'm on every evening from about  to 0200.

-Original Message-
From: Roger Kennedy 
To: topband 
Sent: Tue, Apr 7, 2020 7:30 am
Subject: Topband: CW Activity

Well there are quite a few EU stations on CW, calling CQ DX every night . .
. but getting very few replies.

I had about a dozen NA QSOs on Saturday night . . . but I've been on every
night since, and no calls whatsoever! (although RBN reports were quite good,
so the band IS open)

Roger G3YRO

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Topband: QSL

2019-09-18 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
I would like to come back to the old topic.
Is there a chance to receive confirmation qso from VU2BGS (160m).
Maybe in the meantime something changed what I missed?
Kumar does not reply to e-mail and qsl sent to the address (QRZ.COM)

best regards



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Re: Topband: Summer Update & a Surprise

2019-08-01 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
In my humble opinion, FT8 should have nothing to do with the competitors of
DXCC Mix, CW, SSB or RTTY. RTTY emission was killed in short wavelengths,
expeditions in the increasing percentage use FT8 as the basic emission and
this is not due to the lack of propagation. I think, the issue of FT8 should
be treated as a separate competition not included in DXCC Mix, CW, SSB and
digital. Then we can talk about competition. Otherwise, it loses the value
of DXCC from before FT8. The discussions on this list about receiving
antennas, the fight against QRM, etc. will end.


-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of uy0zg
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:09 PM
To: Peter Sundberg
Subject: Re: Topband: Summer Update & a Surprise

Hi Topbanders !

Everything is easy to fix.

There should be a strict separation of achievements -

1. They are made only by man.

2. They are made only on the computer.

Delete Mixed Achievement Chart :

And then FT8 (and many future FTs ) will lose popularity.

Only children will play with them ...

Nick, UY0ZG

Peter Sundberg писал 2019-07-31 20:31:
> If we CW operators would all stay on a very tight frequency passband
> and call CQ every 15 seconds I bet there would be a lot of interesting
> things happening to us also. Especially if we do it 24/7 or at least
> every hour that we are not asleep.
> However, PC-automation has it's advantages, some are at work while
> working DX and others are gardening. Some even sit by the radio/PC and
> watch things happen :-)
> Bottom line is, we need to activate our transmitters more and not just
> listen for others. A perfect example is Bill KH7XS who opens up almost
> any seemingly "dead" band to Europe, at any time, just by calling CQ
> for a while.
> CW is not only great fun as you say Dave, CW is King!
> 73
> Peter SM2CEW
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Topband: zone 2

2016-11-17 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Dear colleagues, whether known about the activity in the near future with a
second zone WAZ?
It seems unbelievable but I have no QSO with the zone 2 on 80/30/20 meters





160 WAZ #333

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Re: Topband: VK0EK confirmation

2016-04-19 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Dear friendly Top Banders. Thank you very much for the explanation to me of
my doubts. 
I am of the opinion that anyone who asks, do not wander. 
My mistake was to request and not at the source.
 I think with me it will be forgiven I took yours time and place in this

Finally, last night I ordered QSL via OQRS and with great pleasure I saw
after one hour, among other things cfm VK0EK for 160 m band.
I am already old dinosaur but such moments give me great pleasure.
All's Well That Ends Well

Once again, thank you, friends, especially for the many very nice e mail
sent direct to my e-mail address.

Andrzej (Andy)

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 11:57 AM
Subject: Topband: VK0EK confirmation

Courtesy of my friend  Wlodzimierz Herej SP6EQZ paid a donation of $ 10  for
On the application was entered in my SP6AEG call sign and address in
accordance with QRZ.COM.
To this day I have not found confirmation of my QSO on LoTW?.
I sent the payment on April 12, 2016
Is the donation has been sent too late and the previous procedure does not
work, can I do something wrong?.
I guess I will have to again make fee to confirm my QSO using the form:
Thank you very much for having responded to my call, and especially to 160 m
what  gave me 263 entities to 160 DXCC.




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Topband: VK0EK confirmation

2016-04-18 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Courtesy of my friend  Wlodzimierz Herej SP6EQZ paid a donation of $ 10  for
On the application was entered in my SP6AEG call sign and address in
accordance with QRZ.COM.
To this day I have not found confirmation of my QSO on LoTW?.
I sent the payment on April 12, 2016
Is the donation has been sent too late and the previous procedure does not
work, can I do something wrong?.
I guess I will have to again make fee to confirm my QSO using the form:
Thank you very much for having responded to my call, and especially to 160 m
what  gave me 263 entities to 160 DXCC.




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Topband: VK6DXI

2015-04-19 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
 We are shocked and upset to hear the news of the death  of Mirek
Rozbicki's (ex SP5IXI, VK6DXI, 9V1XE, and others).

 Death occurred suddenly. 

 Funeral  will  be held on Tuesday 21/4/15 at St. Simon Peter  Parish,  20
Prendiville Avenue, Ocean Reef, WA, 6027.

 His viewing will be at 10 am and the ceremony will commence at 10:30 am.









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Topband: My new one

2015-02-15 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
At this moment, I hope that this season will end up not so bad for me. I
didn't manage to call-out for VK9DLX, 5R8M.

 I have tried K1N every night when they were active, more than 10 hours of
calling in total, but with no response.

 I've got over 260 entities cfm for TB. I hope that 8R and PQ0T  will be my
new ones for 160 and will turn the streak of bad luck from me. 

Running  below  800  wtts  into T  antenna.


73 de Andy


from the old school

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Topband: SP5QQ

2014-09-07 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Dear friends, if someone has a Ham radio amateur call book in 1960 and

 I'm interested in whether these editions is a sign SP5QQ?. 

Thank you for your help



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Topband: QSL 3E1AA

2014-08-07 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
If anyone has info on how to obtain the card from 3E1AA ??? N0JT silent key
and e-mail the address in are returned.


73 Andy


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Topband: K4OTV

2014-07-02 Thread Andrzej_SP6AEG
Anybody know seen anything recently  regarding the health of Charlie
Cunningham, K4OTV.

Normally he was very active on




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