Re: Topband: Using 4 - 6 elevated radials in lieu of 120 buried wires

2024-01-05 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
"Joe Subich, W4TV"  wrote:

> On 1/5/2024 12:53 AM, Robin wrote:
> > One thing to bear in mind throughout any analysis of such designs for
> > 160M is that the total focus of the Broadcast designs and measurements
> > and proofs is energy at zero degrees elevation.  Our needs benefit from
> > low angle radiation, for certain,  but,  little attention is paid by the
> > broadcasters and by the modeling programs to position and shape of
> > elevated lobes, or for that matter, the shape of the main lobe above
> > zero elevation
> Not exactly true.  Many "modern" broadcast facilities are designed to
> minimize high angle lobes that cause destructive *self-interference* at
> the outer edges of the [night time] ground wave coverage.
At an MF broadcast station  station I worked at 50+ years ago a qsy of
200KHz HF had been made. Severe fading was then encountered at the edge of
the service area at night from a high skylobe. About 200 feet was lopped off
the top of the 550' tower, which restored the fringe area reception.  

Brian D 

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Radials, EZNEC and far field

2022-12-19 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
One other situation, above large quantities of dry ice, Antarctica or
perhaps Greenland.

Frank W3LPL  wrote:

> Radials have no useful effect in improving low angle radiation, low angle
> radiation from vertical antennas is determined almost entirely by highly
> conductive soil or salt water in the large reflection zone.

Brian D 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: PSK31 etc

2022-02-23 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Would it not make sense to move the QRP frequencies to above 1850 kHz into
the low power (for most of Europe) part of the band?


> I am strongly against your recommendations. 1836 kHz is the center of QRP
> activity! Use only IARU approved frequencies for digimodes!

Brian D 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: FST4

2021-02-03 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
I called cq for about half an hour around z last night on 1839 + 930  to
keep clear of FT8. 500w to inefficient ant. No takers and no reports from
PSKReporter. Plenty of FT8 about though. 

may try again tonight.


Jim Brown  wrote:

> On 2/2/2021 8:34 PM, Mark Lunday wrote:
> > What dial frequency, please?  My WSJT-X 2.3.0 doesn't have any
> > frequencies for 160..
> You get them if you go to the frequency list and do a reset. It's in the
> Quick Start Guide for FST4 and FST4W. On 160, dial frequency is 1839. I'm
> there now, was calling CQ for a while with 5W. The guide suggests 1500 Hz
> offset, but that puts you in the FT8 watering hole. I'm using 1050 Hz
> offset, because I have some kind of an intermod on 1840. I'm set for
> FST4-60. PSKReporter either doesn't know about FST4 or no one is there to
> hear me.
> I can lay on some more power if you like.  Email in the shack is
> 73, Jim K9YC
> _____ Searchable Archives:
> - Topband Reflector

Brian D 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: FST4

2021-02-02 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Anyone using this mode?

Brian D 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 2019 STEW PERRY

2019-12-31 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
I worked him in the SP (With difficulty) at 1643z so much too early for USA
into UK, perhaps he's using more than one site?

Larry via Topband  wrote:

> US1Q called me during the contest and was much too loud to be in the
> Ukraine. I am quite sure that he was using a remote TX station in the USA.
> This would be a question for the contest administrator to decide on.
> HNYn7dd
> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail Get the new AOL app:
>  On Tuesday, December 31, 2019, Mike Smith VE9AA 
> Hi Nick,
> I did not work US1Q during this years contest, so won't comment on that
> operator (but I understand 100% what you are saying, even though your
> English is not perfect, hi hi)
> I have in the past, "worked" an Italian station on 160m (I forget the
> call) at 5NN+30dB many hours after sunrise in Italy, so I know exactly
> what you are saying.
> Fortunately (I think) we 'hope' these fellows using USA remotes (and any
> remotes, actually) are the 1/1000 of true operators and not every other
> operator.
> I can only surmise they find satisfaction in trying to fool everyone, but
> personally I don't "get it" (don't understand)
> They are only really fooling themselves and it's themselves that stare
> back at them in the mirror every morning.
> 73 de Mike VE9AA FN66 (New Brunswick, Canada)
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
> _________ Searchable Archives:
> - Topband Reflector
> _ Searchable Archives:
> - Topband Reflector

Brian D 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: qro across 160m band during contests

2018-02-25 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
John Randall via Topband  wrote:

> Is it just me, but I am seeing many stations across the band,more or less
> at the same signal levels on my waterfall display, as those within the QRO
> section. I appreciate that other country's have different power levels on
> different band segments, but this is really insane. Last night I saw the
> same signal levels and it cannot be down to good conditions alone. 73John
> - M0ELS
I also noticed no difference in this weekend's contest. However in the
recent RSGB contest I saw a reduction above 1850.

After a contest a couple of years ago when all europe appeared to be very
QRO above 1850 and I was peeved at Uk's low power of 32w above 1850 as
compared with other eu countries, I checked the power restrictions for some
of teh louder signals and found they were restricted to 10w. I beleive EI
has a higher power available in contests but don't know whether it applies
to 160.
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 qrm

2017-11-29 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
I shall be operating this weekend full legal limit *below* 1837.5 CW, and
also FT*/JT65/JT9 at up to the legal limit above 1838. There's no reason
both can't co-exist. It should be a rule in contests that all stations
deliberately operatimg out of the established band usage to be disqualified.
I refuse to work those stations which flaunt the band plans.

"Ed Sawyer"  wrote:

> I'm sorry but I don't buy the argument that the way to be a "gentleman" is
> to accept everyone else's interests above your own.  A "gentleman" is
> respectful of others and treats others as he/she wants to be treated.
> No one owns a frequency channel at least in the US - read your license.
> If I come on a frequency, hear nothing, ask QRL using a legal and accepted
> mode for the frequency and hear nothing, I am using the frequency.  By the
> way - even the ARRL admits there is no longer a "DX Window" on 160M.
> If FT8 is such a fragile mode to QRM that it needs a 2khz undisturbed
> window, then it is a flawed mode that will not stand the test of time in
> my opinion.  I am already starting to hear DX side people saying it's a
> complete waste of time and abandoning it.  I hear 3Y is going to try it -
> that should be hilarious.
> I think that most of the FT8 crowd is horribly misinformed with dribble
> they read on the internet and think that some "net authority" has granted
> exclusive access to said frequency band and that they have had such right
> since June.
> Look for me on 1840 in the ARRL 160 this weekend after listening, asking
> QRL, and seeing if I am disturbing anyone in my 400hz receiving window.
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Digital on 160M stats

2017-05-22 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Tim Shoppa  wrote:

> Does anyone on the topband list, have more than 54 entities on 160M
> digital?

I'm not in NA but currently am at 58 worked of which 50 are confirmed. This
compares with 73 worked/62 confirmed on CW.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Tim Shoppa  wrote:

> Maybe JT65 is too young to have good statistics, but how many DXCC
> entities have ever been activated on JT65 on 160M?

57 out of my total of 84 entities on 160 have been worked using JT modes.
I've heard quite a few more.

> Phone as an amateur mode had been around for what, half a century, before
> they introduced the CW-specific DXCC Certificate in the late 1970's.
> Before then it was just assumed that phone was so much harder.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
WSJT-X 1.7.0

Mike Waters  wrote:

> That's interesting. Thank you for sharing that with us.
> What software are you using, Brian? Joe Taylor's, or some other?

> I'm guessing you're only using the wide SSB filter. In any case, I'll have
> to try that and see, using CW and SSB filters.
> 73, Mike
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Brian D G3VGZ
>  > wrote:
> >
> > I find the better ability for JT65 to decode co-channel signals with its
> > two pass decoding makes up for any 2dB improvement in decoding JT9. I
> > also find a single static crash can take out JT9 decodes, more so than
> > JT65.
> >
> > > > Why not JT9? It has a 2 dB improvement in S/N ratio on 160, while
> > > > using only 1/10 of the bandwidth.
> > > >
> > > > I cannot understand why JT9 is used so little on 160 thru 20. JT65
> > > > is a VHF mode.
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-13 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Mike Waters  wrote:

> Maybe some do. But I usually turn the speakers off when operating digital
> modes.
> That extra 2 dB over JT65 --as well as freeing up large portions of the
> band-- ought to matter to more hams.

I find the better ability for JT65 to decode co-channel signals with its two
pass decoding makes up for any 2dB improvement in decoding JT9. I also find
a single static crash can take out JT9 decodes, more so than JT65.

> 73, Mike
> On May 13, 2017 3:32 PM, "Brian Pease"  wrote:
> This may sound strange, but my opinion is that hams like the musical tones
> of JT65.
> On 5/13/2017 3:27 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
> > Why not JT9? It has a 2 dB improvement in S/N ratio on 160, while using
> > only 1/10 of the bandwidth.
> >
> > I cannot understand why JT9 is used so little on 160 thru 20. JT65 is a
> > VHF mode.
> >
> >

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Sept 12 JT65 on 1838khz...nice opening to Eu.

2017-03-17 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Brian Pease  wrote:

> JT-65 is a QRP mode, like WSPR where I use10W.  High power can ruin it for
> everyone else.  Read the documentation.

It is NOT a QRP mode, it is a weak signal mode, not the same thing. On 160
often a QRO mode to give a weak signal at the other end.

I usually use 40w to an inefficient antenna on 160. If necessary I up the
power to legal maximum.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: DXing on teh Edge 2nd ed

2017-01-30 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
My replacement copy arrived today with a loud thud on the doormat, twice the
weight of the copy received last week. 

I ordered the replacement from BookDepository via Amazon (who were out of
stock) It was about $1 cheaper delivered than the price I had paid from
Amazon direct.

I may be missing from topband for a day or so whilst I read the book!

BTW tnx for points in contest.

""  wrote:

> Brian & Doug (EI2CN)
> I am contacting the publisher today to learn what happened here and to
> attempt to resolve this.
> Pls keep me posted - if all else fails, I will personally AIR MAIL you a
> complete copy at my expense to make this right.
> I am very sorry this happened - really - but I will get to the bottom of
> this for sure.
> Quirks do happen in publishing  - years ago, some copies of the FIRST
> EDITION had one chapter inserted with pages upside down -  we had to
> resolve that one as well.
> Kindly keep me posted.  Thanks.
> 73 Jeff K1ZM
>  Original Message  From: Brian D G3VGZ
>  To: topband  Sent:
> Tue, Jan 24, 2017 7:49 am Subject: Re: Topband: DXing on teh Edge 2nd ed
> "Doug Turnbull"  wrote:
> > Dear OMs and YLs,
> >  I received an e-mail from Jeff, K1ZM this morning questioning my
> > comments about missing materials in "DXing on the Edge" - all of the
> > first edition which is now out of print should be in the second edition.
> > Well the publisher has failed and my edition stops in Chapter 10 page
> > 10-24. Jeff did not short us but the publisher has made an error.
> I wonder if there is a batch faulty or if Amazon sent out to you the one I
> returned as faulty.
> I've re-ordered but it hasn't arrived yet, interestingly Amazon didn't
> have it in stock but it is coming from one of their sellers, unlike the
> first copy I received. It should arrive tomorrow or Thursday. I'll see
> what materialises.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: DXing on teh Edge 2nd ed

2017-01-24 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
"Doug Turnbull"  wrote:

> Dear OMs and YLs,
>  I received an e-mail from Jeff, K1ZM this morning questioning my
> comments about missing materials in "DXing on the Edge" - all of the first
> edition which is now out of print should be in the second edition.   Well
> the publisher has failed and my edition stops in Chapter 10 page 10-24.
> Jeff did not short us but the publisher has made an error.

I wonder if there is a batch faulty or if Amazon sent out to you the one I
returned as faulty.

I've re-ordered but it hasn't arrived yet, interestingly Amazon didn't have
it in stock but it is coming from one of their sellers, unlike the first
copy I received. It should arrive tomorrow or Thursday. I'll see what

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: DXing on the Edge - Ordering Information for International Amateurs

2017-01-14 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Just received (half) a copy from Amazon UK. 

It is now packaged up for return to amazon, I assume it is faulty. it ends
abruptly in chapter 10 and is about 7mm thick as against the 13mm advertised
by amazon.

Am I correct in my assumption? Is it safe re-ordering from Amazon UK or is
this just a one off?

Brian, G3VGZ.

k1zm--- via Topband  wrote:

> Hi Gang
> I have received quite a few emails from many overseas Topbanders seeking
> information regarding COST EFFICIENT ways to order Dx'ing on the Edge from
> an International country.  (I am talking now with the RSGB about a special
> deal in the UK - but this is not a 'go" at this point - if something
> happens I will be sure to let folks know.)
> Here is the BEST way to do it that exists at this time:
> 1) Check to see if there is an AMAZON outlet in your country.  AMAZON has
> local offices in many OECD countries.
> 2) IMPORTANT - When you go to a local AMAZON site in your country it will
> probably say "TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK".
> DO NOT  be alarmed at this message. - do not just go away if you really
> want a copy.!!
> 3) PLACE YOUR ORDER ANYWAY - and be patient.
> 4) The way AMAZON overseas works is they TAKE ORDERS, then STOCK THEIR
> LOCAL IN-COUNTRY INVENTORY based on demand - and your book is shipped to
> you from a LOCAL IN COUNTRY WAREHOUSE once their stock is on hand.
> CHARGE that avoids the usual $33USD shipping cost out of the USA.
> AMAZON deals directly with Bookbaby USA in some cases, and at other times
> gets their stock from INGRAM and/or  BAKER & TAYLOR who are US wholesale
> dealers.We amateurs cannot order directly from these big  wholesalers
> - sorry.  They only will deal with AMAZON and/or BARNES & NOBLE.type
> concerns.
> 5) BARNES & NOBLE operates differently from AMAZON - when B&N is out of
> stock - they take the book down completely from their websites and then
> bring it back up again when supplies are ON HAND.
> ++
> Your best way to secure a book is to order one from K3LR at DXE and/or
> WX0B at Array Solutions.  Both friends have supplies on hand and can ship
> immediately at local USA mailing rates to USA domestic addresses.
> You may also deal with Bookbaby by following the link on my website:
> Any of these ways will work - but if you would like to thank K3LR and WX0B
> for their important assistance with the book, kindly give them your
> business if possible.
> Many thanks for your support - we have sold over 500 copies since early
> December when the book was first announced.
> Thanks for the bandwidth and GOOD DX'ing on 160M this winter season!
> HNY 2017!
> 73 JEFF   K1ZM/VY2ZM
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

2016-03-12 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Seems to be some sort of Ukrainian contest on as well. serial No. etc. 

Any idea what it is? I can't find many in SP.

Eric NO3M  wrote:

> I should be QRV this evening with my 1928 MOPA running about 19W input /
> 11W output.  Already worked some EU stations with it (Four Square TX), so
> hoping to catch some west of Rockies guys tonight.
> Not quite QRP
> 73 Eric NO3M
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op

2015-12-27 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
I was running low power to an inefficient antenna due to planning
restrictions. I felt a lot of stations took their time to complete QSOs with
me, to only get a multiplier of 1.5 for the qso, when IMHO they deserves the
full 3 for a QRP station.

Perhaps have categories (for 160) based on maximum antenna height multiplied
by transmitter power, being easier to work out than ERP, and effectively
giving a bonus for stations who go for more efficient small antenna.

An estimate of my antenna efficiency is about 5% but have WAC on 160 with
200w max TX power (limited by auto ATU at base of antenna). I would reckon
that is equivalent to QRP WAC wit ha 1/4 wave vertical over a salt water
ground plane. wrote:

> What would be much more fair is to go by ERP. 5 watts from one of tho se
> sophisticated antenna farms may very well be stronger than 100w or even
> 600w from, let's say, a Butte rnut with a vestigial radial field. T he
> Butternut guy gets no consideration (in fact, generally he gets derision)
> but the (often louder) 5 watt guy is hailed as  a great big QRP hero (hi
> hi) . Somehow, r unning a compromise antenna marks us as not caring but
> running QRP is "noble".
> To me, the weird thing is that, at least for most of us running compromise
> antennas, our choice is made out of the necessities of real life, that is,
> we do what we can do from a small lot or an antenna restricted development
> or where zoning laws are especially hostile to amateur antennas. In some
> cases , it's may even be a concession to a neighbor that be insan e (don't
> ask me how I know). The decision to use 5 watts, on the other hand,  is
> basically whim. M ost of our radios output 100w out of the box, so one
> operates at 5 watts because he wants to, not because he has to.  A nd
> there are plenty of reasonably priced used  600w+ amps available if one
> wants even more power that basically only  take desk space, no zoning
> required.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: What IS troubling about this report....

2015-03-15 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
KE1F Lou  wrote:

> All what is said is true.
> Dx also should listen on his own TX frequency and when they hear a carrier
> QSY +-1 and let the DQRM-er QRM an unused frequency.
> Just a suggestion.

I saw one of the E30FB operators doing that by sliding up a few hundred Hz 
transmitting while the DQRM was on. Those listening could see it and follow.
That particular DQRM seemed to give up shortly afterwards.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: JT65 to EU?

2014-11-11 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Of my 55 dxccs on topband, 48 are cw, 34 JT65 and only 11 are JT9. There
seems little JT9 activity on 160 here. JT9 tends to overlap the JT65 segment
as phone is often using the higher end. Quite a few europeans are calling CQ
most evenings with few takers. W tends to start coming in around z in
the winter months peaking around 0300 after which I'm rarely around, but I
was surprised to get W1AW/4 in VA at 2220z cw last month. 

Jim Miller  wrote:

> Hi Brian
> Thanks for the quick reply! Has it been mostly JT65 or have you seen JT9
> in use?
> Thanks again
> Jim ab3cv
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 5:33 AM, Brian Duffell
>  > wrote:
> > I'm similarly half way to DXCC and in Europe. WSJT has been exclusively
> > in the 1838 segment and accounts for at least half of my DXCC total.
> >
> > We cannot use 1800-1810 here.
> >
> >
> >
> > Jim Miller  wrote:
> >
> > > I'm about half way to DXCC on 160 and looking for any way to move the
> > > needle. Most of my EU 160 has been CW but I've been wondering if any
> > > have had luck using WSJT modes either JT65 or JT9. If so is the 1838
> > > segment where this occurs or do EU DX call in the DX window?
> > >
> > > 73
> > >
> > > jim ab3cv _ Topband Reflector Archives -
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > -- Brian D G3VGZ Yarm England Europe
> >
> >
> _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: anybody in Eu using JT-9 or JT-65

2014-08-12 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Dan Edward Dba East edwards  wrote:

> greetings
> to pass the time through the summer doldrums, I've been playing with weak
> signal digi-modes.  Near sunrise, am having fair luck to VK, w jt-65...
> VK3XQ comes through almost every day..
> but, at Eu sunrise, my cq's go un-answered, even with kw power.  Is the
> band really THAT bad to Eu, still?
> from a noisy suburban location, WSJT-x seems to help...

I'm a late night person so sunrise is unlikely for me but the band has been
very quiet late evening/early morning of late, apart from the S9++ static
from summer storms. CQs on JT9/65 have only registered at most two or three
eu stations on the RB sites but no replies.

80m has been quite good but few new DX stations to work! VK/ZL coming
through grey line, and Namibia/ZS most evenings.

> 73, W5XZ, Dan _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 1810.8 carrier found.

2014-03-31 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Tree  wrote:

> I would say that the band is big enough for all of us.  We just need some
> coordination so we can get along.  There are some open issues on 160 that
> have not been totally resolved (like the activity on 1838 kHz for
> example).  I guess my first comment would be to try to move this out of
> the 15 kHz JA window.  I would not have a problem with it below 1810 kHz.
We are not allowed below 1810 in Europe.  Apart from contest weekends most
activity on 1838 kHz is fine where it is.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 1810.8 carrier found.

2014-03-31 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Jim Bennett  wrote:

> Your points are well taken, and I agree. However, on HF, when the vast
> majority of ops simply do the TX=RX thing, if you happen to be the guy
> running 5 watts and there are a lot of stations on the band, your chances
> of being answered diminish greatly. If there aren't many stations on, you
> have a much better chance. Of course, running that 5 watts to a stacked
> set of yagis improves your chances dramatically!

I am now finding it much harder to work JT modes on HF QRP. A couple of
years ago yes, but so many stations are using QRO and netted frequencies it
is more difficult. If I deliberately ofset my frequency it often helps.

On the quieter (apart from last week end when QRO SSB stations were
everywhere!) top band I often hear DX stations already worked on JT65
calling CQ endlessly. The trouble is few others are listening, more do so on
Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 1810.8 carrier found.

2014-03-31 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Jim Bennett  wrote:

> Anyway, to answer your question - no, I most certainly have NOT seen any
> distance gain (on HF) by using the JT-modes as compared to CW.

>From my experience, I have seen gains, but the rarity of the JT mode makes
the gain appear to be less. I feel I need to be able to clearly see a CW
station on the waterfall for it to be workable, but I have worked JT65
stations that are almost invisible.
Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Contest in progress - few signals

2014-02-16 Thread Brian D G3VGZ
Gary and Kathleen Pearse  wrote:

> Still poor in central KL7. Maybe later. Aurora’s heating up, so maybe
> never:

It was absolutely dead here in the UK last night. I had expected to bag a
couple more US states. Other bands were showing signs of auroral flutter.

Brian D 
Topband Reflector Archives -