Topband: My Personal Thinking

2018-03-30 Thread Charles W. Shaw

Hello!  See Subject:  (above)

And there are those of us who just want our 9 Band DXCC 
using nothing but CW, and using just wire antennas and two Black 
Diamond poles.  I have the CW certificates, but had to use more than 
100 watts on 160, 80, and 40 meters.

Hobbs, NM

Ed, N1UR said:
-  If we continue to facilitate such nonsense, they we deserve what
we get in my opinion.  If we decide that the band counter is so important we
don't care how we have to get it, then its time to look in the mirror folks.
-  On the other hand, maybe some people are happier with the
computer doing the heavy lifting of digging out the QSO.  Personally, count
me out of that list.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Elevated Radials

2013-03-01 Thread Charles W. Shaw

I've been using a 85-foot high T-Top vertical with four 
elevated radials (about 19 feet high) sloped up from the ground level 
feed point, since the fall of 1994.  This antenna is supported by a 
wood pole for the radiator and with a pair of steel pipes for each of 
the radials; however the outer pipes are 60 feet from the end of the 
radial wires.  I offer these answers based only on my observations/experience.

(A) Is it true that a couple of elevated radials are just as 
effective as the "optimum" amount of buried ones...?

I very much doubt it.  More than 2 elevated radials--perhaps so.

(B) What is the "ideal" number of elevated radials that one should use...?

I have heard that some say about eight.

(C) How many elevated radials are "just enough"...?

Probably my four.  I wish I had eight!

(D) How high should these radials be...?

I believe higher is better--like most ground plane antennas.

(E) Would it be a requirement that I raise the feedpoints of my 
"L's" to the same height as the elevated radials, or can I simply 
leave the bases where they are now (at ground level) & simply slant 
the radials upward with no effect upon performance...?
You can slant them up (gull wing) as I do.  Mine are slanted 
at about 45 degrees.  I wish the slant was much more gradual, but it 
wasn't possible.  [Less interaction/cancellation with the radiating 
part.]  I think mine hurt the desired signal to a small(?) 
degree.  Some articles below indicate that performance can  be affected.

(F) Is it OK to bend the elevated radials to fit property allotments...?

No experience here.   I would guess it is largely a matter of degree.

(G) What is the desirable length of an elevated radial...?
According to an article by Al Christman [More on Elevated 
Radials, QST, March 1993, page 72]:  1/4 wave plus the height of the 
radial above ground.  This is what I have used.

(H) Should any existing connections to real earth at the base of the 
"L's" (i.e. a ground pipe) be completed severed with a system of 
elevated radials...?

I firmly believe that elevated radials should never be grounded.

Here are the references I used in designing my antenna:
1.  Arch Doty, CQ, April 1984, page 24.  Mainly for his 
bibliography which is extensive.
2.  Al Christman, QST, August 1988, page 35; and the correction 
notice in QST, October 1988, page 44.
3.  Al Christman, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 37. N0. 
3. September 1991.

4.  Al Christman, QST, March 1993, page 72.
5.  Paul Pagel, QST, July 1991, page 49.

See these more recent articles also:
1.  Don Nott, Radio Guide, August 2006, page 8.  Refers to 
experience with AM broadcast antennas.
2.  Rudy Severns, N6LF.  His excellent WWW 
pages  especially hisarticles for 
QEX on his Experiments No. 3 and No. 5.

Good luck and 73,
Charles Shaw - N5UL
Hobbs, NM


Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: CQ 160 Contest

2013-01-28 Thread Charles W. Shaw

Mike, W5UC, wrote:

The CQ 160 contest was a large disappointment this year here in EM21.
Mike, here in DM82jt also!  No EU heard in southeast New 
Mexico, and only two JA's (one each morning).  I worked one of them 
with difficulty on Saturday--JH4UYB.  I did find and work two east 
Asia Russian stations (also with a bit of difficulty) on Sunday morning.
It seemed that participation was down, probably as a result 
of the poor conditions.  Even VE's were pretty rare.  I did manage to 
work 49 US states and the DC, but no MS!

The weather has been very warm here for a few days 
also!  But QRN during the contest was only light to moderate (mostly 
on Friday night).

73, Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

At least at this location, Europe was weak or not heard. Please, I 
would like to know what others were hearing.  I saw few, if any EU 
postings on VE7CC from others in this area.

At least I am enjoying the winter.  It was a frigid 78 degrees F 
here in EM21pi today.

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Inverted L SWR Jumps ???

2012-11-28 Thread Charles W. Shaw

You said, "I've replaced every component in the system 
except for the antenna wire."

Also, if the antenna wire is (or is partly) an insulated 
variety, it is possible to have an open fault inside a good exterior 

Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: K6STI low noise receive loop

2012-10-03 Thread Charles W. Shaw

I built one right after the article appeared in QST.  I live 
in the country with no close neighbors and had practically no noise 
to begin with.  So I didn't notice a difference in reception, and I 
didn't keep it long.  At that time the only RX antenna I had was a 
160M dipole a 50 feet.

Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

Art Delibert, KB3FJO wrote:

Maybe I'm the only guy on the list that actually built one of these antennas.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: ARRL 160

2011-12-04 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Yes, But,

 From southeast New Mexico, on my Saturday AM,  I found that 
JA stations were the loudest I have ever heard any of them in any 
contest for the past 24 years.  I was CQing and they answered 
me--loud.  Sunday morning, fewer JA's and not quite as loud.  Best DX 
to the NE was a couple of MAR.  To the South, CE1 and ZF;  Southeast, 
only VP2 and PJ2.  No central or south Pacific and no AK.  I was only 
on for a few short periods.

 So I suppose that disregarding the personal choices made by 
the DX, at least part of the propagation was pretty good 
sometimes.  Could have been better, but has been much 
worse!  Important:  our location and the 160 meter Spotlight.

 Thanks for the QSO's!

Charles Shaw - N5UL
Hobbs, NM
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Fwd: Re: Source for RG-6 flooded ?

2011-04-19 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Thanks Gus and Charlie,

 I have been "flooded" with suggestions all of which are 
really appreciated.  Yours make the 26th and 27th replies I 
believe.  Unfortunately, I deleted about ten this afternoon after 
reading them but before I had saved the originators' email 
addresses.  Thanks to a great bunch of people on the "Gentlemen's List".
 I have placed an order which will ship Wednesday.

Charles Shaw - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

>I replied to the list, but haven't seen any messages from the list 
>since yours appeared. So this is my reply to your request forwarded 
>directly to you.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Source for RG-6 flooded ?

2011-04-19 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Wow! What quick response.  Within 2 hours!   Thanks to W8FJR, N6TR, 
N4HT, W0UCE, S57AD, TF4M, W5PJR, N7RT and W0BTU !

I have the info I need.  As you can imagine, this is a major project 
for upgrading the Beverages for next season.  Looking forward to 
seeing you then.

Best Regards,
Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

Where can I order a good quality RG-6 flooded cable for outdoor use?
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Source for RG-6 flooded ?

2011-04-19 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Howdy from New Mexico,

Where can I order a good quality RG-6 flooded cable for outdoor 
use?  I need 1000 feet in one piece.  All the "home" stores in this 
area have indoor stuff which won't survive the weather, and that is 
only in 500' spools.  I see that manufacturers such a CommScope still 
make it, but I haven't found a place to buy it from.


73, Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: ICE 196 Receiver Protector

2011-04-06 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Hi Scott,
 I have been using the ICE 196 for about five years.  I was 
having problems with my Orion doing strange things (such as shutting 
down0 because some of my Beverages are under my 80 and 40 meter wire 
antennas.  The 196 has completely solved all those problems on all 
bands--no more problems at all with overload through the RX antenna 
input on any band with up to legal power in use.  I consider it very 

VY 73,
Charles (Chas) Shaw - N5UL
Hobbs, NM

>Excuse me if this has been asked.  I was wondering if anyone on here has
>ever used or is currently using the ICE 196 Receiver Protector?  What's your
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: "Grounds" for a Beverge

2011-01-17 Thread Charles W. Shaw
Howdy from NM,

 It appears to me that once more the term "ground" has led 
someone astray, and most likely it was some of us old time Topbanders 
that caused it.

 Mark, WD4ELG, recently said, "I thought bev worked with poor 
ground."  In one sense, most of us would agree--a Beverage over dry 
sand and rock can work OK and certainly better than if it's over salt 
water.  But Mark was discussing the "ground" stakes of his Beverage.

 I have often read that the terminating "ground" at the far 
end of a Beverage is not very critical.  However, I believe that we 
should strive for a good "ground" at the feeder end.  My reasoning is 
that unless we have a relatively low resistance "ground" on the 
antenna side of the impedance-matching transformer, the current 
through the transformer will be reduced so that little signal will 
reach the 50-Ohm primary going to the receiver.

 OK you antenna expert EE's, set this musician MusEd ham straight.

Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK