Re: Topband: KH8 from Manu-a -- Update

2023-11-02 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
 George, I hope you can get to reach the shore safely!!!
I need KH8 on CW, Which call would you be using? KH8/ your call?
Good luck with the attempt Eddie, LU2DKT 
On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 03:05:16 AM GMT-3, GEORGE WALLNER 
 We have dropped anchor at Manu-a this afternoon. We tried to get to the 
beach in the tender, but it was way too rocky and we could not even get 
close to the beach. I have swam out to the shore and have scouted out a 
channel that we will attempt tomorrow morning at high tide. Fingers crossed.
The location has a 1200' almost vertical mountain-side to the S, SE and SW. 
Open to the NE, N and NW.

(Google maps -14.164769 -169.621227.) I hope that a skewed path opening will 
get me to  W EU just after my SS, starting around 0530 Z. And then E EU 
maybe around my SR at 1630 Z.
I will post if we make is ashore in one piece and get the radio working.
You never know
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Re: Topband: KV4FZ from the eyes of the USVI

2020-05-04 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Many thanks Edd for sharing the linkI will miss Herb on the future 160m 
contests. He was a very good company specially when conditions were pretty 
closed he still had a good signal into Argentina. RIP Herb. Eddie. LU2DKT

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, May 4, 2020, 1:08 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV  wrote:

Thanks for the URL

73, Guy K2AV

On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 10:08 AM Edward Seeliger 

> For a perspective on Herb - KV4FZ - from the eyes of those who knew him in
> the USVI, see this link:
> Edd - KD5M
> _
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Re: Topband: WD1-A as radials

2018-10-10 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
 We has been using WD1-A since a few years, we split it in two and seal the 
remote end to minimize moisture or water entrance.
When the ground is under water (flooded) for some days, even being the plastic 
strong, it deteriorates faster.
If the terrain doesn't flood, it last some years
Regards to all Eddie, LU2DKT

On Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 10:34:10 AM GMT-3, Nathan Moreschi via 
Topband  wrote:  
  I've used it for radials with good success in the past. I have had some 
issues with it rusting as time progressed but nothing too bad.
And yes, it is very strong. I've used the twisted pair (doubled up) as guys for 
masts and small aluminum towers with light loads with no problems. 
    On Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 9:24:12 AM EDT, Roger Parsons via Topband 
 I think that WD1-A would be perfect for on-ground radials. (Note that WD1-A is 
not twisted although WD-1 is.)
It lays very flat on the ground, the critters don't like it, and it is 
immensely strong. I always use crimp terminals but YMMV. I don't think it 
matters either way whether you use one or both wires - for Beverages I always 
use both wires but connected separately. That way I can use a simple ohmeter 
test to confirm that the whole length is continuous.

73 RogerVE3ZI
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Topband: Inv Vee mod question

2018-04-04 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Dear Topbanders, I am planning to place and Inv Vee for 160 on the top of the 
building where I have no much space so the arms end will be a little closer, no 
more than 24 mts apart.

My question for those who can model it is: Could I get a better low angle or 
improve it performance to long distance if instead of just hanging it from a 
single point I run it horizontal from the center for 1m (3.3ft),  or 2m or up 
to 4 mts (2 m each side) and from there hanging each side as usual?The 
reasoning beyond my question is that placing the slopping wire a little apart 
where max current is, perhaps less cancellation take place at the center, that 
could produce an improvement of some kind like decreasing the shoot angle or 
increasing a little bit Rin.
If it doens`t work I could extend the top of the tower with PVC tube to gain up 
to 3 mts from 14 to 17m for the roof (from 46ft to 55ft)

Many thanks in advance.. Eddie, LU2DKT 

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Re: Topband: Some Operating Observations from JT5DX de K1ZM/VY2ZM (very long!)

2017-06-04 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Very interesting story and very well written.
Many thanks for sharing it Jeff and congratulation for your nice experience

Eddie, LU2DKT

  From: k1zm--- via Topband 
 Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 7:07 AM
 Subject: Topband: Some Operating Observations from JT5DX de K1ZM/VY2ZM (very 
Hi All

While it is still fresh in my mind and while I have a few moments this morning, 
I thought I might pass along a few OPERATING OBSERVATIONS that I made while 
over at JT5DX this past week.  I will organize these into GENERAL OBSERVATIONS, 

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS - & What it was like getting there...

First let me note that this was NOT a Topband Dx'pedition.  From a timing 
perspective, with no overlapping darkness to NA on either coast, the timing 
could not have been worse for NA.  What it WAS was an invitation to join a 
talented International team of old friends to operate the CQ WPX CW contest and 
to visit Hong Kong, China and Mongolia and JT1CO.  Despite the downside of 
SPRING conditions, there was still enough of an attraction there to say  - 
"HELL YES - I want to go!"  Plus it was a chance to visit CHAK and see his 
station up close and personal. And, even more important, it was a chance to 
help build some updated capability into the JT1CO lowband station for the 
upcoming Winter months.  While I was out at the farm, my wife and daughter 
accompanied K1LZ's wife on a wonderful tour of the Southern GOBI desert so they 
were totally cool with my going off on my own thing with the boys In some 
respects their experiences and what they got to see and do was as equally
  exciting to THEM as was my experience out on the farming steppes to the NW of 
Ulan Bator.

Getting there...

The farm is around 220 miles to the NW of the capital city.  That is about the 
the distance from New York to Boston - but there are few paved roads in JT 
land.  And what exists could HARDLY equate to the I-95 corridor along the East 
coast of the US.  There are two PRINCIPAL roads in Mongolia - one North South 
and one East west.  

Our route was on one of them for the first part of the trip - perhaps the first 
4 hours of what was about a 6.5 hour drive in total.  At about the 4 hour 
point, Chak headed LEFT out into the mountainous steppes along a dirt road and, 
from that point onwards, it was total dead-reckoning using "this hill" and 
"that hill over there" - plus many rock outcroppings which served as guideposts 
along the way.  THERE ARE NO ROAD SIGNS!  There were MANY dirt roads 
and Chak knew exactly which one was the road that would lead the last 45 miles 
or so out to the farm.  (Honestly - if you did not know where this place was 
located, you nor I would NEVER find it.  There was no GPS system I was told - I 
did not understand that - but I did understand that only Chak's expertise got 
us there!!!)

There are also few treed regions in JT.  We did pass through a few clusters of 
BIRCH - some evergreens now and then along the hillsides - but mainly sheep, 
goats, cows and the occasional hairy YAK.

I kept looking out for the station and finally, we dropped down out of the 
hills into a valley below and there in the distance I could see 6 tall towers 
way off in the distance.  There were wheat fields everywhere - many of which 
Chak owns as that is what he does for a living.  There are 3 million people in 
JT and Chak likes to say "I feed 300,000 of them every year!"

The farm is enormous with quite a few LARGE buildings about the size of 
aircraft hangers.  He employs a large number of staff - most of whom work the 
farm.  He works his tail off on the farm, and remember - he does NOT live there 
- and, with no home station back in UB any more, operating timeframes are 
hardly a top priority for him - he gets on when he has time.  He is hardly 

Some years ago, he bought the land and then built a compound on it - the MAIN 
structure has 4 main connected components:

The family residence

The business side of the operation where his accountants and office are located

The station component which has 4 rooms (one which is a HUGE workshop), two 
operating rooms, a full bathroom and a lounge at the rear.

The last connected component is what he calls the HOTEL - which has 4 upstairs 
guest bedrooms, a kitchen and a dining room where we took our meals.  Three 
ladies looked after us - and if you came into the dining room, within 30 
seconds you were handed a cup of coffee or tea and two minutes later a plate of 
food.  So we were well taken care of - that's for sure.

A fridge was stocked with BEER, COKE, COLD WATER and the coffee mess was ALWAYS 
there with a full pot of coffee.  I do not care if you came in at 0200AM local 
- someone had made a full pot of coffee - which I personally took full 
advantage of as I was up each night from about 0300 local until grayline 


Topband: Measuring a Beverage with an AIM4170 in TDR mode - Images

2016-11-12 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Even though I answered to all request for the images via direct mails, thanks 
to Steve N2IC and Sam N5FO both images are now uploaded for better sharing.
As a reminder of my previous update, the scans were done from the beginning of 
the coax and they show the coax, the transformer and the beverage itself up to 
the termination resistor, also it can be seen the 2.5/3 mts vertical wire going 
from the transformer at ground level to the horizontal beverage wire. The 
AIM4170 was calibrated to 50 ohms but we use 75 ohms coax.
The image named as "broken beverage" shows at least 3 problems in the antenna 
and feed-line
1 - There was water in the coax in the last meter close to the transformer2 - 
There were many leaves of fresh vegetation touching the beverage for the first 
32 mts approximately.3 - One of the beverage support had fallen and the antenna 
wire was touching the ground for many meters (broken beverage) (beverage fixed)

The second image represent the scan done when all 3 detected problems were fixed
I also have scans after each individual problem was fixed, but for simplicity I 
think the 2 images are representatives
Finally, If well it is true I did this with AIM4170 and TDR function, I think 
it could also be done with any other TDR tool.
Perhaps the pending question is: how much impact could have had this problems 
in beverage overall performance
'73. Eddie, LU2DKT
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Topband: AIM4170 in TDR mode - LU2DKT

2016-11-09 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Dear Topbanders,                             I would like to share with you an 
experience using AIM4170 to measure our beverages.
Prior to the last CQWW and to install our 6th beverage, instead of using the 
Autek or the MFJ to test the installed ones, I decided to play with the AIM4170 
in TDR mode as someone suggested here a few months ago.
We were greatly surprised about the information provided by the tool with just 
one pass.
We detected 3 problems in one of the beverage: 1 - Water in the last meter of 
coax which included an RF choke using a #31 material toroid.2 - Fresh 
vegetation leaves touching the beverage from the beginning and for about 32 
mts3 - One of the support poles had fallen and a portion of the beverage was 
touching the ground
The good thing about using the AIM instead of MFJ or Autek is that it clearly 
showed 3 simultaneous problems and also provided distances were anomalies were 
occurring. If I use VF=1 the distance to the problem in the beverage were very 
Besides of having the AIM data which can be viewed using the AIM SW (without 
having the instrument), I prepared 2 images to shared with you, one with the 3 
problems and the other one with all 3 problems solved.
I do not know how to upload the images to share it with you so if someone is 
interested, drop me a note and I can send it to you or if someone is willing to 
upload them for me will also be great.
Finally in a exchange with  Bob W5BIG he accepted my suggestion to include in a 
future SW version, the graphics overlay function, not available in TDR mode 
which in my opinion would be great for this purpose.
Surely it can be done using other instruments but perhaps it could be 
interesting for some members without having the tool or this experience
´73Eddie, LU2DKT and Mario LU8DPM 
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Topband: VP8STI and Propagation to LU2DKT Argentina

2016-01-22 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
I am rather confuse about how is working propagation to Argentina from VP8STI 
considering we are not far away and propagation to VP8ALJ from us just follows 
a more standard behavior. 
From the first night, 40 mts propagation to them was as it has to be. On 80 mts 
it is a little strange because US stations start hearing them a little before 
than us even though we are also in darkness but even more strange is that it is 
being heard in US much much louder than here.
On 160 it is a completely different animal. 
My observations is that hams in the US (both being in darkness) start working 
them when there is no trace in none of the beverages. After a couple of hour 
with US pileup, Brazil start hearing / working them.
 A couple of hours later than mid Brazil, they starts building up here but with 
a rather week signal considering the distance and comparing propagation and 
signal strength to VP8ALJ. It looks like propagation start to the north of 
America, then middle and then south but signal seems to be travelling longer 
distance to arrive here or going thru higher attenuation paths
Our SS is similar to Florida although stations much to east start before
RX direction from them to us is definitely direct, no tilt to other direction.
At the beginning I though that US was working them thru the North but many 
comments indicates it is happening from the south (except a couple of opposite).
This behavior has been consistent from day 1 to us.
Can we think in skip phenomenon on 160? and if so, why first US then Brazil and 
then us without echo?
Another comment, it is possible that yesterday night they could have high QRN. 
'73 Eddie, LU2DKT
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Re: Topband: K9AY antenna

2015-10-15 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Hello Marco, If it is a home made system, we can separate 
it in various sections for debugging the problem, coax, transformer, relays, 
loops, terminating resistor and ground.
First be sure, your coax is ok, disconnect from antenna feed point, check with 
ohms meter for an open, at the receiver side, then short it at antenna side at 
check for a short indication at receiver side, then connect a resistor at the 
end, 50 100 or any low value and measure at receiver for that value plus 0 to 
10 more ohms.
If Ok, check for the transformer, Is it binocular ? right core? check for an 
open of primary winding or the secondary, check for a short between primary and 
secondary. (the previous test only works if you have primay and secondary 
 If ok, you would need an instrument like MFJ, Autek, VNA etc to check it at RF 
level, so use the same resistor (not another) you use for terminating your 
loops, connect it at secondary and measure the Z o SWR at transformer input. It 
should be between  50 to 75 ohms 1:1 1:5 SWR.
If Ok, transformer and resistor seems to be ok, so I would suggest you 
temporary disconnect one of the loops from the relays, then connect, the 
transformer primary to the coax, and one leg of the secondary to the ground 
pipe. The other secondary leg to one side of the loop. The other end of the 
loop to one end of the terminating resistor leg. The other end of the 
terminating resistor to the ground pipe.
The antenna should be receiving now. If it works, and you didn't find any 
problem in the debugging process, then you could have a wiring problem in the 
box, a relay problem, or both.
Good luck, Eddie, LU2DKT
Spanish version

Hola Marco,Si la K9AY es de construccion casera, podemos 
separarla en varias secciones para facilitar el diagnostico, tales como coaxil, 
transformador 9:1, reles, cada loop, resistor de terminación y la jabalina a 
Primero asegurate que el coaxil que va a la antena esta ok, desconecta el 
coaxil del receptor y de la antena. Mide del lado del receptor por cable 
abierto, luego haz un corto del lado de la antena y verifica el corto, del lado 
del receptor, finalmente colocale de terminacion algun valor que tengas 50 o 
100 ohms y verifica este valor midiendo del lado del receptor, es posible que 
mida de 5 a 10 ohms mas dependiendo del largo del cable.
Si todo indica normal, hay que verificar el uno binocular? 
si es asi, con el primario y secundario separados verifica que los bobinados 
del primario y secundario no estan abiertos y tampoco que esten en corto entre 
ellos. ( este test solo funciona si NO es un autotransformador)
Si esta Ok, necesitas un isntrumento del tipo MFJ, autek, VNA, etc para 
controlar el transformador a nivel de RF. Asi que utiliza el mismo resistor de 
terminacion que esta en la caja (no otro, el mismo) y mide con el instrumento 
que tengas por una impedancia de 50 a 75 ohms o una SWR de 1:1 a 1:5:1. 
Si esta ok, entonces parece que el transformador y el resistor estan bien, asi 
que te sugiero que temporariamente desconectes uno de los loops de los reles, 
luego conectes el primario del transformador al coaxil, una de la patas del 
secundario a la jabalina, la otra pata del secundario a un lado del loop que 
desconectastes de la caja, el otro lado del loop lo conectas a una de la patas 
de la resistencia de terminación y la otra pata de la resistencia a la jabalina 
cerrando el circuito.
 La antena debiera estar recibiendo ahora. Si lo esta y tu no encontrastes 
ningun problema en la mediciones hasta llegar hasta aqui, entonces debes tener 
un problema de conexionado en la caja, un problema en los reles o un problema 
en ambos.
Mucha suerte Eddie, LU2DKT  

" CB1H contest instaled a K9AY antenna. But no hear nothing. I
Follow the instruction step by step.
 We used FT 1000 MP.  I do not know what is wrong.  I need help  the
contest is coming soon. "

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Re: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage

2015-10-12 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
>> With these ferrites I ask the same question, should I put the choke close
>> to the 9:1 Balun or near the switching box and how many turns? some bevs
>> have the feed point at +- 60m away from the switching box.

My two cents..It was interesting during the installation of the last 
beverage, we have only #31 core, so we placed it at the receiver side. 
Disconnecting the coax at the bev feed point and shorting the coax there, many 
AM broadcast stations could be heard and some of them strong, indicating that 
even though one choke was at the receiver side the coax was acting like an 
antenna. The coax was just lying on the ground and is 40/50 mts long. 
When we got more cores and placed one choke at that place close to the short, 
repeating the test before and after most broadcast vanished and only one could 
be heard very week.'73 Eddie, LU2DKT 

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Re: Topband: Zone 2 on 160m

2015-09-17 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Hi Steve, If you still need zone 13, I plan to be active during the week 
previous to CQWWSSB and also during the contest only on 160.
Also I plan to participate during CQWW CW and a few days prior to that in slow 
motion (10WPM)
If you still need it, drop me a note. 

BTW I also need zone 2. So many thanks for the friend that responded to your 
In case any other station need LU land, then you are also invited also drop me 
a note..

'73 & Regards. Eddie LU2DKT

  From: Steve Ireland 
 Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 8:31 AM
 Subject: Topband: Zone 2 on 160m

Over the last 20 years I’ve been slowly working my way towards 40 zone WAZ on 
the topband – 37 down and three to go – zones 2, 12 and 13.

Please, does anyone know if any lowbander is planning activity from zone 2 over 
this season, particularly from the VE2 part of the zone.  

In the past I’ve heard at least one zone 2 station from near the zone 4 and 5 
borders, but the stations that have operated from the VO2 coastline have been 
too far north for me too hear them. 

Any information about lowbanders who operate from zone 2 would be much 

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ

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Topband: Off-topic - LU2DKT - Visit to Praha, Czech Republic

2015-06-10 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Dear Topanders, I will be visiting the city of Praha during June Friday 12, Sat 
13 and Sun 14th. If any local or visitors is around and would like to share a 
beer (or two) during the afternoon/night, it will be my pleasure.
According to QRZ Jiri Ok1RF (CS2C) who I already contacted on TOP, live there 
but I could not find his e-mail address.
'73 to all, Eddie, LU2DKT
Ps: please answer to my e-mail directlytnks
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Re: Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles

2015-03-10 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband

A specific description from you about the ground used for radials would be 
very interesting.
73, Guy K2AV
Guy and all,   Unfortunately the only data about terrain is 
almost flat farm land conformed by humus and neutral PH.
Before having the tower and just for fun, I decided to play with Rudy N6LF 
measurements, against an inverted L, and to my surprise, I got extremely 
similar results about shortening radials and measuring the current of each of 
them at the antenna Base. Also, I did FS measurements at ground level at about 
300 mts which acompanied the increase in current at the base of the antenna.
Also I repeated the test of having 4 x 1/4 wave radials lying on the ground, 
measuring its current and FS. Then, raising them up in 3 step up to 85 cm from 
the ground and the change in FS measurement related directly with Rudy 
measurementsa huge change.
Finally a comment about lying on the ground that I shared with Rudy, if you 
have 20 or less radials (I didn´t do it with more) and shorten them for maximun 
current at the base, which in my case was accompanied by an increase in FS, 
they are quite sensitive to the distance from the ground specially the last 1 
or 2 mts. What I found was that if the grass move your radial up let say 5 cm 
in the last couple of meters, and the next one is just lying on the ground, 
even though equal physical length will have different currents ergo different 
length to both have the peak at the antenna base.
As the number of radials increase, the radial length increased and that 
sensitivity gets smaller.
Good dx to all Eddie, LU2DKT

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Re: Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles

2015-03-08 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Hello Richard, and all Topbanders, I am not going to discuss the accuracy of 
what Brown, Epstein and Lewis found, only I am just curious about one thing..
Everytime I measured my radials with a current probe (home made), the total 
current entering the vertical is not equal to the sum of each radial current. 
Besides each radial even though being equal in length and lying on the ground, 
has not the same current each other. That happened with 16, 32 64 and 120 
So, I thought that probable because of ground differences, the current 
distribution on each radial was different and if so, I could not be measuring 
at the same current phase point. What I tried to mean in my last sentence is 
like as I was measuring at different points of each 1/4 wave of the other half 
of the dipole or kind of.
When I read that they have measured the current in one radial and multiplied it 
by the number of radials, I wonder why even though I used simple instruments, 
got some different method, my instrument or both perhaps??
Greetings to all Eddie, LU2DKT

  From: Richard Fry
 Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2015 7:55 AM
 Subject: Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical 
For discussion...

R. Fry

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Topband: 160 mts try with LU2DKT

2014-10-17 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Hello topbanders, 

trying to be ready for CQWWSSB next weekend, I am 
planning to go to the station a few days before the contest to get the station 
in order, specially the new antennas.

So, in spite of conditions from here are horrible on low bands lately, anyone 
woud like a QSO try with LU land? If so, please drop me a note directly and If 
it would be on CW, It would be a very low speed, no more than 10wpm

I will be ready for the try starting probably on this Tuesday night, and once 
there, my access to internet will be highly limited to a few per day till the 
day of the contest where it will be none.

Regards to all.. Eddie, LU2DKT
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Re: Topband: VK3ZL SK today

2014-07-07 Thread Eduardo Araujo via Topband
Very sad news indeed.

We will miss you Bob. Rest In Peace

Eddie, LU2DKT

-Mensaje original-
De: Topband [] En nombre de LB3RE LJ3RE
Stein-Roar Brobakken
Enviado el: lunes, 07 de julio de 2014 11:12 p.m.
Para: David Raymond
CC:; SidShusterman; robert briggs; Jean Briggs;
K3JJG;; Bob Garrett; Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Asunto: Re: Topband: VK3ZL SK today

Sad to hear this.He was always on the topband and made it clear that the
band was open, he will be missed. 73s SK    

---Sent by iphoneLB3RE LJ3RE K3RAG ex: ~ Rag ~ Stein
Roar Brobakken

Bob was truly a remarkable person.  Not only did his homebrew skills far
surpass the vast majority of us but he also put out a remarkable signal with
a modest station.  A lot of topbanders may be unaware that Bob's signal came
from a homebrew 42' vertical (yes, forty two foot) .  Capped off with a
hefty top hat and a very good ground radial system, he was able to work the
world daily.  He and I had other shared interests and enjoyed exchanging
emails.  I will surely miss his friendship and his signal on 1824.5 on those
cold, winter morns.

73 Bob. . .rest in peace OM.

Dave, W0FLS

  - Original Message -  
  From: SidShusterman  
  To: ; Jean Briggs ; robert briggs ; Bernie
McClenny, W3UR ; Bob Garrett ; K3JJG ; David Raymond ;  
  Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 6:23 PM

  Subject: VK3ZL SK today

  I received an email from Jeannie this afternoon. Bob succumbed to the
effects of bladder cancer today. Bob was  many things. He was one heck of a
builder.  His amplifiers won the SERG homebrew competition so many times
that they finally gave him a lifetime achievement award.  He was a fixture
on TopBand and gave many their first VK QSO. He was also a beacon until
recently.  If there was any propagation at all Bob was there to work it.

  Over the years Bob and I and I am sure some others developed a
relationship that transcended ham radio. I found that Bob was a fire
communications officer who provided essential communications and control for
the intense fires that happen in that part of Australia amongst other

  Above all Bob was our friend.  
  Bob told Jeannie his wife  he wanted the following on his grave marker:

  Robert William Briggs..

  ..loving husband of Jeannie..

  ..17 Oct 1942 ---7 July 2014..

  ...vk3zl   s k..

  and that is what she will do.  
  Jeannie can receive your emails at both her email address: Jean Briggs

  and also she is keeping Bob's account open:

  Sid K3SX


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