Re: Topband: Grimeton VLF Christmas Eve Txmsn

2022-12-27 Thread Eric Rosenberg
If you have the opportunity, take the time to visit the Grimeton site. I was 
there a couple of years ago. It was well worth the visit! 


There’s a lot to see, indoors and out. You can even climb one of the towers, 
assuming you’re daring (they are *very* tall!).



Eric W3DQ



Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 20:58:05 -0800

From: Chris Maness 


Subject: Topband: Grimeton VLF Christmas Eve Txmsn


Any of you guys copy this or get a recording?  I would love to copy the message 
even if by recording.




Chris Maness


Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 Receiving Loops source?

2021-02-04 Thread Eric Rosenberg
With my antenna supports gone and living on a small city lot 
(Washington, DC), I'd like to try an 80/160 loop.

I have some physical limitations that make mechanical skills mediocre at 
best for building one, and am looking for an affordable source for a 
built one.

Spencer Ritchie, KC2TX, has them listed on his website 
(, but in correspondence from 
November, he said no, he doesn't make them anymore.

Does anyone else make an affordable one?

Thanks & 73,
Eric W3DQ
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: FT-8 My Recent Experience

2019-05-29 Thread Eric Rosenberg
As one who has operated from obscure locatons (including 9L, J2, and YJ)
with gear that I carried on an airplane, I find your comments both naive
and snobbish.

As I write this, I'm sitting in a room on small island (PJ7) running QRP
FT8 into a loop antenna on the balcony. Although I made a couple of Q's on
CW, my intent was to use FT8. All keyboarding... no mic or paddle.

It's been lots of fun, and that's what ham radio is all about. TheFT8 UI
has lots of fascinating information, much of which I can use for future

I'm not here to win any prizes or awards. I do have the extreme
satisfaction of giving 25 stations this rare mult during the WPX contest,
and making many more FT8 contacts as I've been on nightly for short periods
of time over the last couple of nights.

And yes, they will all get paper QSL cads (remember them?). No computers
running in your shack? No need for LoTW!

Remember when folks said SSB would kill ham radio? how about PSK vs RTTY?
AM vs FM on the VHF bands? The list goes on: packet clusters, the reverse
beacon network, LoTW, panadapters. Add FT8 as the latest cause of the
demise and/or death of CW, contesting, and ham radio (any or all of them).
What's next?

So get off your high horse. It's not about you, it's about the guy on the
other end... the one *without* a tower, *without* a yagi, *without* an
amplifier and all the gizmos you may have. The guy who worked hard to work
you and then sent you a card via the bureau. Don't forget him!

Eric W3DQ
At the moment PJ7/W3DQ

On Tue, 28 May 2019, Mark K3MSB  wrote:

I spent 9 days in Haiti as HH6/K3MSB a few weeks ago on a missions trip to
Les Cayes, which is in the remote southwestern part of the island.  As the
fellow I was traveling with was a ham,  we of course hung some wires at our
guest house and had some on-the-air fun.   This was good as there really
isn't much to do in the evenings down there.   Actually, aside from
reading,  there isn't anything to do in the evenings down there.But I

To protect the innocent (or the guilty)  I'll call my friend “John”.

I did CW and John did some CW but mainly FT-8.John wanted me to do some
FT-8, but after watching him for a bit I said to “wake me when it's time
for some real radio”.   I've seen FT-8 before and I just can't get into
it.  I can't get into any computer mode, mainly because I've been a software
engineer for almost 40 year and dealing with computers at home is a
non-starter with me.I like ARC-5s, BC-348s,  and Navy RBB's
myself..But again, I digress..

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW

2013-11-01 Thread Eric Rosenberg
Funny that this should come up. My daughter Lina is part of the crew on the
SSV Corwith Cramer, sailing (135ft, 2-master) that left Woods Hole, MA on
October 13, sailing due south to Bequia (the Grenadines) and finishing up
in St. Croix.

This is a scientific (i.e., research)  vessel --Lina's and environmental
sciences student). While ship has lots of electronics, I haven't been able
to find any specifics other than that they have Inmarsat phone and data,
and an Argos satellite transmitter (beacon) on a buoy.

We'll be meeting her in St.Crox in 3 weeks. I'll I'll look around and find
out what they have.

The latest position I have for them is

Thursday 31 October 2013
Position: 20° 33.4’ N x 058° 45.4’ W
Heading: 174° True
Speed: 5.5 knots, motor sailing under the two staysy ls
Weather: Wind ESE Force 4, cumulous and cirrus cloud cover, air temperature


Wednesday 30 October 2013
Position: 22° 30.5’ W x 58° 39.2 ‘W
Heading: 174° True
Speed: 3 knots, sailing under all fore and aft sail
Weather: Wind SE Force 3, Swell 6 feet

Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 22:45:14 -0400
From: "Tim Duffy" 
Subject: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW

I know this is the TopBand reflector - but there has been a carrier on
3501.4 for the past few days - that needs some DF work.

It peaks at 150 degrees from K3LR so South South East. It is S9 this evening

Any ideas on what it is and where it is coming from?

Tim K3LR


Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 23:37:57 -0400
From: "Tim Duffy" 
Subject: Re: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW

There appears to be a second carrier coming from the same direction on
3503.1. It is not as strong as the one on 3501.4. So whatever is going on -
two steady carriers are on the low end of 80 CW.

Tim K3LR
Topband Reflector