Re: Topband: Short receiving verticals question

2014-02-01 Thread Eric Tichansky
ON4UN describes a method of "over swamping" the base of the topless 
verticals used in his four-square receive array to acheive wider 
bandwidth.  On 80M, he switches in additional series resistance to 
arrive at a total feedpoint resistance of 300 ohm, then steps down to 75 
ohm using a split winding 4:1 (2T:1T ratio) transformer (also helps 
mitigate common-mode).  This effectively increases operating bandwidth. 
See section 1.28 "The Mini Receiving Four Square at ON4UN" in Chapter 7 
/ Receiving Antennas, Fifth Edition.

I am doing some experiments with a 630M BSEF (8-circle) and have a test 
element currently using the same concept (though it is top loaded).  
1.2:1 bandwidth was originally a mere 5 kHz.  With the additional 
swamping resitance and step-down, it is now around 20 kHz.

73 Eric NO3M
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Easy-to-learn 160 contest logging program?

2013-12-04 Thread Eric Tichansky

so2sdr by N4OGW:

Follow the compile instructions on the GIT page.  Build with QT 4 (ie. 
qmake-qt4 if you have other branches of QT installed).

I have been using it exclusively since switching the shack PC to Linux a 
couple months ago and also contribute code.  Much better than the other 
Linux contest loggers in my opinion.  It is actually quite ahead of all 
loggers in terms of SDR / bandmap integration.

73 Eric NO3M

On 12/04/2013 02:22 PM, DL4UNY - Andre wrote:


there are several linux contest loggers.
TRlog has a linux version ( ).
* supercheckpartial doesn't work 'on the fly', you need a key shortcut
* you need a X running

tlf ( ) is a nice and easy-to-understand 
logging software. Configuration is a bit tricky but since you're used 
to Linux it shouldn't be a problem to you. Everything (rig control, 
keying) works without problems!

YFKtest ( ) is nice logging program 
as well, easy to understand. The author (DJ1YFK) helps immediately if 
there are any problems / questions.

JL ( ) is a nice contest logbook. Easy to use 
and easy to understand with all the important features.

* based on Java
* you need a X running

QLE ( ) never tested, since 
it is pretty new. But it seems to be a simple contest logger.


DL4UNY - Andre

On 12/04/2013 07:12 PM, Mike Waters wrote:

Thanks for all the recommendations for N1MM, but I am just unable to
install it on my shack's Linux computer. Under WINE, I get a database
run-time error after I do the latest update. And there's something wrong
with my Virtualbox Windows XP installation on that machine that I don't
have time to fix.

How about Trlog for DOS? There is NO price or purchase info at, nor does it say what contests the free version

I'll look at the others soon.

73, Mike
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Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Spurious Signal on 1810.8

2012-10-02 Thread Eric Tichansky NO3M
East from near Erie, PA.  No SE antenna to try, so can't 
determine if the signal favors that direction from here or not.  
Freq. is 1810.53 when zero-beat in CW, but does not seem 
particularly stable, moving +/- several Hz in a short period of 
time.  Last check zeroed at 1810.57.

73 - Eric NO3M

On 10/02/12 18:19, Paul Ferguson wrote:

 From Raleigh, NC the 1810.8 buzzy signal comes from the Northeast direction.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: radial wire source

2012-06-05 Thread Eric Tichansky NO3M
Also check what might be available from the Wireman.  I picked up 
a 5000 ft spool of twin-lead (#18?) from them a couple years ago 
for $100.  It was a bit of a job splitting it, mainly from the 
tendency to twist when pulling the insulation apart in the 
middle.  However, cutting to the desired radial length and 
connecting one end to a pulley w/ a pivot took care of that.  
Having two people pulling it apart while walking out from center 
also helps to keep tension on both wires and avoid it balling up 
where it is splitting/twisting.  All said and done, 1+ ft of 
radials for about $0.01/ft and it's held up fine over the past 
two years.

73 - Eric NO3M

On 06/05/12 12:18, Jim Brown wrote:
> I've used a lot of #14 THHN solid because it's cheaper than stranded,
> and find it no more difficult to work with than stranded wire.  I would
> love to use #18, but have not been able to find a  source for it in
> quantity.  Either Lowe's or Home Depot (don't recall which) orffers a
> quantity discount for something like six 500 ft spools.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: RX antenna switch

2011-12-30 Thread Eric Tichansky NO3M
System similar to what you mentioned regarding the gain 
compensation/distribution, HPF/BPFs, RX overload, PTT, and 
additional signal path sources and output routing (incl. looping 

Has an on-board embedded MPU, but a header can be used w/ 
switches for manual control.

73/HNY - Eric NO3M

> If it were the 'ideal' thing, there'd be a box with a matrix of switches (A x 
> B), gain blocks that could be put in/out of the circuit, BPFs that could be 
> put in and out, 'muting' of any RX output that is connected to a transmitter 
> that is transmitting, RX overload protection, and some general purpose inputs 
> to select the 'configuration'. Probably a PIC to run it, with a nice GUI app 
> to configure it.  
> - Brian N9ADG

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: EY9 Beacon

2011-07-23 Thread Eric Tichansky
Anyone know anything about a beacon identifying as EY9 followed by a 3 
seconds keydown?  It's on 1812 since about 8 minutes ago...

73 - Eric NO3M
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK