Re: Topband: Common Mode RF Currents Disrupting JT Transmissions

2017-02-17 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
Read the information in the links from Jim Brown.  Once you understand what 
he is explaining, it becomes easier to fix.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Paul Kiesel via Topband

Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 2:40 PM
Subject: Topband: Common Mode RF Currents Disrupting JT Transmissions

Hello -

I'm not able to run more than 150 watts when using JT65 on 160. RF gets into 
the computer and disrupts the JT signal. I don't have this problem on 6m 
where I run QRO using JT65 on EME. I installed ferrite beads on all radio 
and computer leads, with multiple beads on coax cables. My antenna is an 
inverted-L hanging from a big douglas fir, and it's about 150 feet from the 
shack. The feed coax is RG-218 (same as RG-17), so there was no opportunity 
to coil it into a choke at both ends. Should I be more aggressive with the 

Respond directly, please. Thanks.

73, Paul K7CW
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Re: Topband: Preampm for 160 meter receive loop

2016-04-03 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)


Here is a link to a low cost preamp on ebay.  I have purchased one and it 
works as advertised.   Maybe this will do what you desire to accomplish.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: James Rodenkirch

Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2016 11:46 AM
To: topband
Subject: Topband: Preampm for 160 meter receive loop

OK - did a little listening yesterday evening and this A.M. on 160 with my 
loop and found band noise way down, relative to my transmitting antenna (an 
Inverted U).

So, I'd like to add a pre-amp at the base of the loop BUT when I google 160 
meter preamp for sale (or 160 meter preamp kit) the only items I find are a 
DXE product and an ARR 1 module.

Either is/are more than I care to spend (not 'cuz I am "cheap," but 'cuz 
it's a loop, not a Beveridge or a K9AY loop, and I don't expect this loop to 
be that competitive with more sophisticated receive antennas).

Any ideas or places to vector me to? I am disabled and can't operate any 
kind of tool BUT do have a friend who'll build a kit for me so a kit wud 
work. I saw the ICE pre-amps and wish they were still around - looks like 
that would be an excel "first start" kind pre-amp to purchase.

Off-line replies are totally ok - don't need any "nah, this unit is better 
than what 'he' just said" sort of replies - just some ideas...thank you, in 
advance, for you replies.

71.5/72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV
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Topband: 160m & 80m RFI issues requesting ideas for ANC4 sense antenna to cancell out local noise

2015-11-01 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
HI Guys,

I have an intermittent RFI issue that comes from a subdivision about a 1/4 mile 
away.   To combat the noise I have been trying to use my ANC4 and I built a 
sense antenna out of an 80m hamstick that I put 20 feet in the air yesterday 
for a trial to cancel the noise on 80m (cheap and easy experiment).   The 
location of the sense antenna is at the corner of my lot as close to the 
subdivision that I can get.  The design is the hamstick as a vertical element 
and two 102 inch whips as elevated radials.  

The noise is s9 on my 1/4 wave 80m vertical and 160m inverted L.  This is a 
multi band vertical with wires for 40m, 80m & 160m.   I also have other 
antennas such as a 160m 2wl long loop and a trapped dipole.  What is 
interesting is that the noise is significantly less on the loop and the dipole. 
  I attribute this to the noise being vertically polarized based on my research 
on the internet.  Also this sense antenna is roughly 150ft away from the 
vertical antenna.

The issue is the level of the sense antenna noise is significantly less than 
the vertical and I am not able to find a null point that makes a difference.   
I can however use the loop antenna and I have enough signal with the hamstick 
experiment to get a null as the received level of noise on the loop is 
significantly less.  So I believe I need more receive gain on the sense antenna.

So with the above in mind, is there a low cost pre-amp that I could use on the 
sense antenna to boost the signal?   Or what other ideas are there for a sense 
antenna.   I don’t want to put up another 1/4 wave antenna for sensing.   I 
have read where folks suggest putting 50 ft leg dipole at 5 ft above the ground 
for 80m & 40m but I think the noise is vertically polarized and this wont do 
much but I could be wrong and have been wrong before.   

I have room to try stuff on the property for antenna ideas so that’s not an 
issue.  However, I need the sense signal level close to the interference level 
or I have no chance to get a cancellation of the noise.

Again any and all ideas is greatly appreciated.  

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
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Re: Topband: 160m & 80m RFI issues requesting ideas for ANC4 sense antenna to cancell out local noise

2015-11-01 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

HI Rick

I have tried this idea also but again not enough gain on those antennas. 
The vertical has s9 noise the others are 1/2 that level same as the sense 
antenna I just built.   That is why I think I am able to  null the loop 
easily but not the vertical using the hamstick sense antenna.

For what its worth, I never was able to null the signal on any of my 
antennas until I did the trial hamstick yesterday.   It was my last attempt 
and now that I can null the loop I know its possible but it’s the equal 
signal problem.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Richard (Rick) Karlquist

Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 8:45 AM
To: Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) ; ; RFI ; ; topband
Subject: Re: Topband: 160m & 80m RFI issues requesting ideas for ANC4 sense 
antenna to cancell out local noise

On 11/1/2015 4:01 AM, Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) wrote:

HI Guys,

I have an intermittent RFI issue that comes from a subdivision about a 1/4 
mile away.

  To combat the noise I have been trying to use my ANC4 and I built a
sense antenna out


Connect the horizontal loop and the trapped dipole to the noise
canceller, using one of them as the sense antenna.

Rick N6RK 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: BOG antennas again

2015-05-18 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

What is a Loop On the Ground?  Or maybe what is required to make one and 
what is its advantage or disadvantages?

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Guy Olinger K2AV

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:10 PM
Cc: Topband
Subject: Re: Topband: BOG antennas again

One way to move up the sweet spot on a BOG that has been mushed down is
to go to the center of the BOG wire and carefully pull the wire up from its
mushed down position a few feet at a time. Pull up just a few feet at a
time and recheck the sweet spot each time until you move it back on
frequency. Increasing distance from ground increases velocity factor and
shifts performance spots up in frequency. Don't try to pull up a bunch at a
time, you'll overshoot the target frequency.

My loops-on-ground have to be pulled out from under the wet rotting leaves

73, Guy K2AV

On Monday, May 18, 2015, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:

I receive questions from those who try for direct comparisons to a
Beverage antenna. There are a few that have put the time in to find how 

BOG antenna works. K2AV, Guy also has taken time to get the facts.
Because of the closeness to the earth, the BOG velocity factor is often
below .5   This can result in  overall lengths of  ~ 200 feet.

My latest BOG is a two wire, two direction  with 200 feet of wire. the
best, (excellent), F/B  when first installed was at low end of 160 meters.

Now in the 2015 springtime, after a tough winter, the best front to back
is in the upper Broadcast Band. There is one frequencies where  I can get
two radio stations, out in the clear, just by switching to the opposite

The reason my BOG frequency went down in frequency is the large amount of
vegetation  packed down by the near record amount of snow, has lowered the
velocity factor.
The only question is now,   do I shorten the BOG  wire, or just pull up
200 feet up out of the vegetation ?


Also check
search BOG antennas, K2AV, and K1FZ

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Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

2015-02-07 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Contest it’s a no no and we all know that and it usually in the rules.

But I am not a power station or a highly wanted call unless you want to work 
me because I am 5 miles from downtown Hell Michigan.   Guess how that works 

There were times in the past that I called CQ got nothing and spotted myself 
with a note looking to WAS and I got some replies that way.   So what is the 
difference of spotting ones self to jump start activity or trying to 
schedule a sked to work a state or country.

Now the reverse beacon thing is something that I am going to have to learn 

Anyway it’s a hobby and if its not a contest I think its ok to spot yourself 
as its about fun.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Greg Zenger

Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:08 AM
To: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

I don't have a problem at all with self spotting, regardless of band, time
or mode. However, if you do self spot, you owe it to the community to stick
around for 15 mins or so, on or near that frequency (if you can hold it)
for people to come work you.  Not all of us can get to our radios at the
drop of the dime, and then we may need to wait for our tubes to warm up,
etc.  If you self spot, and then QSY or QRT before anyone gets a chance to
get to you, you have just inconvenienced anyone who may have gone out of
their way to get to their radio to work you.

The *Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur *by ON4UN et al.
as adopted by the IARU  section III.6.5 lists self Spotting as a No No.
Personally I think it may be time to update the ethics. Now that our
clusters have largely migrated to the internet, there is plenty of
bandwidth for information from self spotters. Our cluster/logging software
can filter out information that is unwanted, such as DX and DE calls that
are the same.  Now, self spotting in a contest (if prohibited by the rules
of the contest) earns you a disqualification. I don't think anyone will
argue with that.

Greg N2GZ

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Tim Duffy wrote:

Hello Mike,

Just a comment - the Reverse Beacon Network reported many W0BTU spots this
morning from the Skimmer receivers. Anyone watching the RBN knew you were
calling CQ.

I also heard you FB this AM while turning the big knob here!

Tim K3LR

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:31 AM
To: topband
Subject: Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does spotting one's own CQ DX do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted 

73, Mike
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Topband: 160m WAS need AK via LOTW

2015-01-24 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Was AK on last night?

I was still in bed with the flu and never got on the air.

I will be getting on tonight but my target is AK as I need that state 
confirmed in LOTW to get 160m WAS confirmed.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
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Re: Topband: 160 Worked All States

2015-01-09 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

I hope an AK contact that uses LOTW shows up and I can work them from MI. 
That would give me WAS on 160m CW.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: George

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 6:28 PM
To: Henk PA5KT ;
Subject: Re: Topband: 160 Worked All States

Hello Jim etal

This has probably been mentioned?   But CQ 160 CW Contest coming up in two
weeks is an excellent venue to finish those Topband WAS quests.

Also the ARRL CW DX contest in mid February.


73  George  W8UVZ

-Original Message- 
From: Henk PA5KT

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: 160 Worked All States


I completed WAS 160 in 2010 and worked most of the states during the
2008 and 2009 seasons.
Band was almost open to the full USA every night.

Working all states with the current propagation is a real challenge.
You might consider to wait some years till the sun calms down.

Good luck hunting.

73 Henk PA5KT

James Bennett schreef op 1/9/2015 om 6:50 PM:
Hi folks - I’m trying to complete my WAS on 160 and need a confirmed QSO 
with anyone in the following five states: LA, MS, SC, WV, VT.

I run an Elecraft K3/KPA500 into an Inverted L with a K2AV-designed FCP 
under it. Got a limited amount of real estate so I can’t lay out much in 
the line of radials of receiving antennas, but… I have been able to easily 
work into the Canadian Maritime provinces (plus the remainder of the New 
England states), so I know I can hit those states. Problem is that I’ve 
never heard anyone from there on Top Band!

So - if you can get on some evening while we have relatively good 
propagation, I’d love to arrange a schedule. If we connect I can QSL via 
LoTW or direct with my card and an SASE.


Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA
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Re: Topband: SP test - Awful condx

2014-12-28 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
I was driving all day to get home from holiday visits so I had a short SP 
for me.   I needed CA and AK to finish my WAS 160m for CW and I did manage 
two CA contacts so hopefully they will confirm on LOTW, but I never heard or 
saw a AK on the spots.

Anyway I made a few contacts before diner and the rest between 12:00 and 
1:00 AM EST for a total of 20.  Normally I can easily make over 100 contacts 
but just too beat after driving all day.

Someday I will get the elusive AK contact on 160m.

But I also did not hear much of anything on my inverted L like in years 
past.   So I would also say for my brief operating time the conditions were 
sub par.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Gary and Kathleen Pearse

Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 2:45 PM
To: topband List
Subject: Re: Topband: SP test - Awful condx

Poor also from Fairbanks, Ak. Listened both nights off and on. But in the 
end it was the burning end of my Inv-L that called timeout.

Apparently my coated stranded wire had a covering defect at the far end 
where it was suspended in a tree…the voltage node melted the pull-up rope 
and down it came/SWR shot up/amp went into safe mode (Alpha 8410).

And this was at -12F with everything covered with hoar frost. I’ve never had 
this happen before (I thought ice was a good insulator) but now I know what 
to look for at rebuild.

73, Gary NL7Y
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Re: Topband: Boradband noise on 160 meters tracked down toapartmentcomplex

2014-12-15 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Hi Tom

Thanks for your comments in the email below.

I have a 80m noise that is from a local house source and your comments below 
have me thinking about how to implement a vertical noise sense antenna.

I believe the noise to be vertically polarized as my horizontal loop does 
not have the same noise receive issue as my 80m vertical does.  Thus my plan 
was to set up a vertical antenna outside and connect it to my ANC-4 noise 
nulling system as the sense antenna.  I currently used the ANC-4 with a wire 
strung in the basement with the target to null out plasma tv noise and this 
was reasonably successful until the new noise showed up.  My current sense 
system does not hear the noise at all so something else needs to be set up. 
The vertical element I was going to use was a simple 102 inch whip, however 
based on your comment I am thinking a longer vertical element would be 
better but I am not sure how to pick a vertical length.

I have concluded based on driving around this weekend with a simple 
direction loop that it is less than 1/2 mile away from me and its comes from 
a house.   It was active this Sunday morning and using the simple loop I am 
confident that it is from a specific house.  It is not power pole noise that 
is something that I recognize easily with my mobile operations.

So specifically noise is 80m and I want to null it so I can use 80m again. 
My thought is a vertical sense antenna, my first thought was a 102 inch whip 
but I can make something longer.   I know the direction of the noise so I 
can put the sense antenna where needed so I am open for suggestions.

This was the noise that showed up and then disappeared and now has returned 
intermittently so I need to attempt to try and null it out.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Tom W8JI

Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 10:08 AM
To: Don Kirk ; W2PM
Cc: ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Boradband noise on 160 meters tracked down 

Mfj Nuller will not work because the signal is in the same direction of my
300 deg pointing pennant.

There are a lot of popular misconceptions about this. The noise does always
not have to be a different direction, or even just one source.

The MFJ nuller and other similar systems will remove noise when:

1.) The sense antenna is much closer to the noise, or picks up the noise
much better compared to signals than the listening antenna does. This is
true no matter what the desired signal direction. In this case you are
eliminating a source by having a sense antenna hear the noise much stronger
than the sense antenna hears desired signals.

2.) The noise is one or multiple sources from the same direction and the
sense antenna is reasonably close to the RX antenna and the correct
direction from the RX antenna. The noise has to be a significantly different
direction than the RX direction. You are just eliminating the general noise
direction in this case.

3.) The noise can be from multiple sources radiating from the same point. A
long power line with multiple insulators arcing that is passing by close,
and conducting emissions to that point,  might be an example. You are
nulling the point of coupling, rather than the noise generator's location.

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Re: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

2014-11-10 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Well I made some progress tonight on the way home.

I used my mobile rig with hamsticks to listen while driving on the way home 
from work.  I tuned to 3.902 which is a very strong frequency that gets 
trashed at the home QTH and used a 40m hamstick as the receiving antenna. 
The idea for this setup was to be able to attenuate the signal as I got 
closer to it.

Anyway while driving home with the pre-amp on the IC-7000 when suddenly the 
noise was present and strong less than 1 mile from my house.I drove 
around until it got real loud and turned the pre-amp off and it went away. 
I then drove around with the pre-amp on until it was at about an s7 on the 
meter then turned the preamp off as I was close and then drove around until 
there was about 1 s-unit showing on the meter. I could hear the noise with 
the pre-amp off when close and the s meter small reading confirmed that I 
was real close.

The noise is clearly in one subdivision close to my house but I can not tell 
what is the source at this time.  I also know the noise does not show up on 
the AM radio in the car although bad power poles do show up.

So to me major progress has been made, now I need to identify where in the 
subdivision or maybe what house this trash is coming from.  Next short term 
step is to listen to the links several folks have sent to me to see if any 
of them match what I am hearing so I know what I am looking for.

I will keep the list updated as I learn more about the problem.

Cheers and thanks for the tips so far.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Jim Brown

Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

On Sat,11/8/2014 9:33 AM, Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) wrote:
I need to make a noise finding antenna that I can take in my vehicle to 
look for a source of noise on 160m and 80m bands.

Several useful tools. 1) Tecsun PL380 -- a nice AM/FM/Shortwave
portable, DSP IF, has built-in loopstick antenna. About $45.  2) A ham
talkie that has wideband RX. My Kenwood TH-F6A does that and has a
built-in loopstick antenna.

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: Topband: what happened to SP

2014-10-20 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
I was going to post something about my experience this weekend.   I logged a 
few short contacts and went to bed and got up at 1:00 AM Eastern time which 
was about 5:00 UTC.   I head only local guys and there were not even any 
good spots for anything out to the west coast.

After about an hour I just gave up as I just did not receive anything that I 
had not already worked.   I was really hoping to work some west coast but it 
was not in the cards I guess and now I know why.

2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: N7DF via Topband

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 7:52 PM
Subject: Topband: what happened to SP

The NASA solar observatory reported that an X1 class solar flare occurred at 
o500Z on October 19 resulting in a geomagnetic storm that lasted until 1100Z 
During this period earth's ionosphere was severely impacted and high 
frequency  radio propagation interrupted

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Topband: AlexLoop in South Lyon Michigan

2014-09-21 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
Dear Group

I know that there is an AlexLoop in the South Lyon MI area that is at someone’s 
contest station.

I lost the contact information for the person who has the station. (deleted a 
folder in my email)   If I remember correctly his name was Bruce.   I want to 
attempt to contact him and ask to see the system.  He offered to show it in the 
past but like I said I messed up on a delete button.

I am pretty sure that he is part of this reflector which is part of the reason 
for this email

Thanks for the bandwidth.


2014 Top Gun :-)
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Re: Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions

2013-08-12 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)

Thanks everyone for all the replies.

I guess that I will work on several things now for the next winter season.

First is the standby length of wire to use as an inverted L which I used as 
a fan vertical last winter.

Second I will also play with the coil loading on the 80m vertical and do 
some reverse beacon testing to see what happens with the belief that it will 
not be as good as the L

Third I will study my options with the trees to see if I can figure out an 
inverted T arraignment as this may be the best of all.   Now I have to study 
on how to calculate the length of such an antenna.

Also when the lawn mowing season is done I will add some more radial wires 
to the radial field.

Thanks for all the comments, now I have more options to play with and may I 
work you all on the air this year.

-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Chortek, Robert L

Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 5:38 PM
To: Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
Cc: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions


Others are far more knowledgable than I, but top loading has less loss than 
base loading so the L should perform better, all else being equal.

That said, I have been using a 60' base loaded vertical with 8 elevated 
radials and have 136 countries from a 1/4 acre city lot in the black hole of 
California,  I suspect the total would be a lot better with an L!

Good luck,



Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 10, 2013, at 11:10 AM, Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) 

I am requesting opinions on what would work best for 160m based on a 
bottom loaded vertical or inverted L.

I have in the past used and inverted L for 160m using a common feed with 
my 80m vertical.   The 80m vertical has parallel wires for 40m and 20m 
also and it works real well with 38 radials laid down in the grass.  I 
like to compare it to a fan dipole but only the vertical section is the 
multi wire part as the radials are buried.

Anyway I am starting to plan for the winter season and I am wondering if a 
loading coil on the bottom of the vertical would yield better results than 
the inverted L.   The L is limited to at best 50ft vertical section and 
the rest on trees.My thoughts are if I use the 80m vertical section I 
will have 68 ft of height which may be better than the L.The vertical 
is not structurally strong enough to add a wire or a cap hat to the top of 

Clearly I have the ability to try both and play around but I have time to 
make alternate plans so I am fishing for opinions and or suggestions.

-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
Topband Reflector

Topband Reflector

Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions

2013-08-10 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
I am requesting opinions on what would work best for 160m based on a bottom 
loaded vertical or inverted L.

I have in the past used and inverted L for 160m using a common feed with my 80m 
vertical.   The 80m vertical has parallel wires for 40m and 20m also and it 
works real well with 38 radials laid down in the grass.  I like to compare it 
to a fan dipole but only the vertical section is the multi wire part as the 
radials are buried.

Anyway I am starting to plan for the winter season and I am wondering if a 
loading coil on the bottom of the vertical would yield better results than the 
inverted L.   The L is limited to at best 50ft vertical section and the rest on 
trees.My thoughts are if I use the 80m vertical section I will have 68 ft 
of height which may be better than the L.The vertical is not structurally 
strong enough to add a wire or a cap hat to the top of it.

Clearly I have the ability to try both and play around but I have time to make 
alternate plans so I am fishing for opinions and or suggestions.   

-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Stew Perry 160 meter contest

2013-06-09 Thread Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
Please lets send reminders for this contest next weekend.If I remember 
it I will play with a loading coil to get my 1/4 wave 80m vertical resonant 
on the top band.

-.- -.. ---.. -. -. ..-
-Original Message- 
From: Mike Waters

Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 2:18 PM
To: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Stew Perry 160 meter contest

And so far, no one here has mentioned the Summer Stew, either. And it's
approaching fast! :-)

The XYL (KD0LAJ) and I are going to spend part of our 37th wedding
anniversary weekend having fun there (she's the logger). See you in the
contest. :-)

73, Mike

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Mike Waters wrote:

... a significant 160 meter contest is missing there. ...

All good topband ops know how to put up a beverage at night.
Topband Reflector 

All good topband ops know how to put up a beverage at night.
Topband Reflector