Topband: Fwd: Re: VE1ZZ Nite

2018-10-20 Thread JL PFIRMAN
Tree looks like a lot of top banders are in favor,its your club.To bad his call 
can"t be retired like other sport numbers

thanks much, 
Jim W3TO

 Original Message --
From: Tree 
Cc: 160 
Date: October 20, 2018 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: VE1ZZ Nite

We could rename the PreStew (which starts in one minute).


On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 6:42 AM JL PFIRMAN < > wrote:

God rest your soul Jack,may His Perpetual Light Shine upon you.

  To All,we have the" Stew " ,how about the "Jack"on the yearly 
anniversary of his death?

  No logs to send in,just an evening on top band ,cw or ssb ,your 
choice."eh".  73 RIP Jack . Jim W3TO
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Topband: VE1ZZ Nite

2018-10-20 Thread JL PFIRMAN
God rest your soul Jack,may His Perpetual Light Shine upon you.

  To All,we have the" Stew " ,how about the "Jack"on the yearly 
anniversary of his death?

  No logs to send in,just an evening on top band ,cw or ssb ,your 
choice."eh".  73 RIP Jack . Jim W3TO
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Re: Topband: Leaving

2018-09-03 Thread JL PFIRMAN
To Nick,Cecil and all top banders
 I think think this is my first post.I remember a ham,Tom W8JI that used to 
be here also
73 Jim W3TO
> On September 3, 2018 at 12:54 AM Cecil Acuff  wrote:
> Well Nick,
> I’m not sure who has told you that but if they were any kind of men they 
> would stand up and be held accountable for their opinions and actions that 
> cause good people, that are the future of this hobby, to be dissuaded from 
> participation.
> Shame on you folks...and he’s rightyou don’t own this sandbox. You are 
> just given permission to play in it just like the rest of us.  Misbehave and 
> you have worn out your welcome and running folks off is misbehaving.
> Before you go jumping to “Millennial” conclusions...I’ll be 62 in a couple of 
> weeks and have been licensed since High School so that won’t wash...
> You need to do some serious soul searching about your opinions and if you 
> have decided you are too old to change then you shouldn’t be too old to know 
> when you should keep it to yourself.
> Enough said...
> Best of luck Nick...I hope you can find a place of joy in Ham Radio.
> Cecil
> K5DL
> Sent using recycled electrons.
> > On Sep 2, 2018, at 10:09 PM, Nick Maslon - K1NZ  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > While I have enjoyed many of the technical topics of the list, I have
> > become rather annoyed by the blame that has repeatedly come across the
> > reflector. From the FT8 arguments in addition to the "millennials causing
> > the WWV shutdown" argument, it appears that the parts of the hobby that I
> > enjoy do not cross paths with those on the topband reflector. Although I
> > wish you all many CW DX, it appears that I am no longer welcome and that I
> > must take my leave. I just wish that you guys would realize that your
> > sandbox is everyone's sandbox and that there is room for everyone in the
> > hobby and not just the "good ole boys" who have been around for 40+ years.
> > 73 from a 27 year old ham,
> > DE K1NZ
> > _
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Re: Topband: Working dupes on a band

2018-02-01 Thread JL PFIRMAN
My first post here,but read all the posts every day in fact look forward to it! 
My feelings exactly Pete and might I add ,there are still gentlemen on 
topband.This am at 1215z I was able to copy and have a good contact with HL5IVL 
for an ATNO on 160.
There were 3 or 4 others calling and Kim came back with W3T? after a few more 
times he copied my call correctly. I just wanted to thank those who stood by 
until I compleated my QSO,thanks again fellow 160 ops. PS it was a peak at my 
sunrise. Jim W3TO

> On February 1, 2018 at 1:16 PM Pete Rimmel N8PR  wrote:
> In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with working the same station on the
> same band more than once. We used to do it all the time to assure we had
> "insurance" contacts with someone we needed for DXCC or other award. Online
> logs and ClubLog has limited that need to some extent, but not everyone has
> a near-real time log we can check.
> Now, with the advent of the CQ Magazine's Annual DX Marathon, There is no
> choice but to work the same stations EVERY year to achieve the CQ zone and
> Country totals for the year long Marathon.
> I always hesitate to work the tough ones in a big pile-up if I have them
> confirmed for DXCC, because I do not want to take the opportunity away from
> someone who needs them for a new band country.
> HOWEVER, I do try to work them eventually, usually when the propagation
> favors my QTH, so I can add them to my totals for the year.
> If stations cannot understand that, they should get with the program... They
> could be in demand by everyone every year ! That should be something to
> look forward to - being in demand !
> I know this is different than thinking in the past, but that is the reality
> of today ! I already have 60+ DXCC on 160 in January 2018 alone 8^)
> 73, PeteR N8PR
> From: rayn6vr 
> In my mind, the station you are talking about is very inconsiderate and
> lacking poor judgement.
> It is a common thing to call and say hi to someone on TB when the condx are
> slow or poor propagation.?
> If I were to get such an email, I would never work thay stn on any band, any
> mode, contest or not!
> 73,Ray?N6VR?
> PS would like to know who it is so that I don't have the same experience.
> ...
> HI Roger,
> Thanks for the message, and interesting about the station you mention and
> his website saying "no dupes".? I was shocked when I was told not to work
> the European station again.? I just checked his clublog and in 6.5 years I
> had worked him a total of 3 times which to me does not sound too excessive
> for the topband.
> It's like these guys think they are on some rare dx-pedition or something.
> I just don't get it.
> I have received a few very nice e-mails from European stations since my
> posting this morning telling me to call them anytime I hear them (which is
> very nice).
> 73,
> Don
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 8:12 AM, Mark K3MSB  wrote:
> > Don
> >
> > I read your post with some interest and dismay as something similar
> > happened to me last November
> >
> > 160M Wasn?t producing anything at my SR so I dropped down to 80 CW.??? I
> > worked a few stations, one of which showed up as being worked a few years
> > earlier on 80 CW. At that time I was logged into the low band chat
> > room
> > and that same DX station was on and made a non-positive comment that he
> > had
> > ?two repeats? this morning.??? I checked his website and he clearly says
> > ?No Dupes?.
> >
> > A lot of times I do not have my PC up and running in the morning before
> > work;? if I make a contact I just enter it as memo on my phone and enter
> > it
> > into the actual log when I get back from work.?? Working these ?No Dupe?
> > guys really doesn?t worry me per se,? but if I?m trying to work them and
> > they decide not to respond as I?m a ?dupe?,? then it wastes my time to do
> > so.
> >
> >? Last night there were some nice EU sigs on TB and I worked several of
> > them (all ?repeats? but they didn?t seem to care).
> >
> > 73 Mark K3MSB
> >
> >
> >
> > I personally will come on tonight about Z . . . usually for about an
> > hour . . . and then again about 0300Z, to see if there's stations further
> > west. (there seems no point in coming on at our Sunrise, around 0730, as
> > there is actually NO peak in signal these days)
> >
> > Roger G3YRO
> >
> > _
> >
> > From: Mark K3MSB []
> > Subject: Re: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
> >
> >
> > So what's the accepted practice of working stations again and again on
> > 160M?
> >
> >
> > If I've worked you once or twice in the past I won't answer your CQ,
> > unless
> > you're CQing with no responses, but then probably not. I've found in the
> > past that ops don't want repeat customers, they want fresh fish.
> >
> >
> > I've been doing other thingsin the shack and have heard EU stations CQing
> > and CQing on TB but I don't answer as they're 

Re: Topband: cheating

2018-01-15 Thread JL PFIRMAN
well said Guy,you hit a home run with the bases loaded! thank you 73 Jim W3TO

> On January 15, 2018 at 7:28 PM Guy Olinger K2AV  wrote:
> With apologies to Tree, who has asked that this subject be dropped...
> The question of the effect of a remote receiver or receivers has
> already been dealt with by some contest organizers needing clarity and
> consistency using current actual technical possibilities while
> retaining the flavor and character of a contest. Probably the best
> (IMHO) adjustment on remotes is that from Tree and Lew and the
> inimitable BARC in the Stew Perry TBDC.
> The first part of their answer simply says remote RX *and* TX is fine,
> and is treated like a very long electronic line from key and headset
> to the station wherever it is. Grid square and possible required
> xxn/callsign signing are from the remote location, which is the point
> of record for scoring, standing, awards, etc.
> The second part is that using a local TX the receiver(s) may be
> *entirely* co-located with the TX, or the RX facility may be
> *entirely* sited at a single location 75 km or less from the TX
> location. Using this provision, listening on the TX antenna is not
> permitted during the contest. Although the rule uses the word
> "receiver" in the singular, in their mind it does not preclude use of
> a remote diversity RX, eg, K3 equipped with phase-locked diversity
> subRX.
> Please remember that "cheating" with respect to ARRL DXCC has to do
> with *ARRL* rules for same. Arguably some DXCC rules are so lax as to
> be meaningless, but they are the ARRL's rules. It has nothing to do
> with our being irritated or angered by someone who using modern
> technical extensions claims the same status as ourselves when we have
> gotten those numbers the HARD way, digging out countries through the
> urban noise never heard up on those mountain or off-continent remotes.
> In the end someone whose status self-image depends on what others do
> is inevitably doomed to anger. There will always, always be a cheat
> among us somewhere. If we must compare, compare ourselves only to the
> most noble examples. Or better yet BE that most noble example, knowing
> God knows even if no one else does, and sleep well at night.
> 73, Guy K2AV
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 2:32 PM, Steve Daniel  wrote:
> > John, is the use of a remote receiver not allowed for DXCC? I don’t believe 
> > it is prohibited. I ask because your use of the word “cheating” suggests 
> > that it is. Is that what you are saying? Steve Daniel NN4T
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >> On Jan 15, 2018, at 12:31 PM, John Randall via Topband 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> Although I have never chased awards, I too am shocked at how easy it has 
> >> become for those so inclined to cheat the system, but not only the system 
> >> ,but themselves as well. Ofcourse not everyone will cheat but perhaps what 
> >> we should be discussing is how to detect those who do cheat. Perhaps a DIY 
> >> written document on how to to do this and what to look out for. This would 
> >> be of tremendous help for the new comers to the hobby and also us old 
> >> fogeys who have been around for a long time.Technology is a blessing and 
> >> also a curse. Perhaps one way to try and get back some control is force 
> >> all websdr's to enforce a full amateur call sign to its subscribers and 
> >> then to make the dbases available for scrutinity sothat the logs can be 
> >> compared to say the DXCC mechanisms. This is just a thought and worth 
> >> chewing over or other methods used.
> >> Talking of which, has anyone noticed that the imfamous amaeteur in Spain 
> >> has been absent on the bands incl topband.
> >>
> >> 73John - M0ELS
> >> _
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> >
> > _
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Re: Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak

2018-01-12 Thread JL PFIRMAN
W3TA Tom search,Log antenna on ground.Simple and only 15 ft on a side.It just 
might work for you  Jim W3TO

> On January 12, 2018 at 12:51 PM Thomas Hoyer  wrote:
> I'm using a Battle Creek Special. I had plans to make some form of compact RX 
> antenna - no room for long wire antennas here - this fall, but other things 
> got in the way
> Tom
> W3TA
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Duffy 
> To: 'Thomas Hoyer' ; roger 
> ; topband 
> Sent: Fri, Jan 12, 2018 9:36 am
> Subject: RE: Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
> Hello Tom:
> I am curious what your topband RX antenna is?
> 73
> Tim K3LR
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Thomas
> Hoyer
> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 7:35 AM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
> I must be in a black hole as I have listened every night this week and heard
> no EU. Probably doesn't help I have an S7 to S9 noise level
> though
> Tom
> W3TA
> -Original Message-
> From: Roger Kennedy 
> To: topband 
> Sent: Fri, Jan 12, 2018 4:57 am
> Subject: Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
> The band has been open for DX from Europe almost every night this week . . .
> so let's hear some more activity from you North American guys! (I'm
> usually on from around 23.30 Z)
> However . . . I'm still amazed that there seems to be no peak in signals
> around our Sunrise
> (in the old days, when conditions were much better, signals would usually
> increase by at least 10 to 20dB, both ways)
> Roger G3YRO
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