Topband: Test

2024-04-02 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Do not answer, this is a simple test as the list is quiet. 

F6FYA depuis son iPhone

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Lack of DX CW Activity

2024-01-05 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Right dear Roger,

I came a lot of times, calling CQ with no answer. Even with conséquent RBN 
reports. By now, I come only for contests ! And each time I got answers from 
What can I do more ?
Happy new Year. 

F6FYA depuis son iPhone

> Le 5 janv. 2024 à 18:16, Roger Kennedy  a 
> écrit :
> Well I've said it before . . . and no doubt I will say it again . . .
> But it's a real shame that there is so little CW activity on Top Band at the
> moment.
> Sure, conditions aren't always that good at the moment on 160m . . . but
> often the band IS open (as shown by RBN reports) . . . but there is nobody
> on the band to work !
> I know some of you only come on Top Band when there is a Contest, or when
> there is some DX-pedition to work . . . but given the resources many have
> put into a decent 160m Antenna System, it amazes me that's the only time
> many people come on the band.
> Some of us complain about FT8 reducing the amount of CW activity these days
> . . . but if you don't make the effort to come on the band, then all CW
> activity will completely disappear . . .
> Inactivity breeds Inactivity !
> There are several of us Europeans on Top Band most nights, calling CQ DX and
> getting no replies. . . I really hope more people will make the effort to
> come on Top Band, or else this side of the hobby (that I remain passionate
> about) will gradually die.
> 73 Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: testing

2022-08-06 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband

F6FYA depuis son iPhone

> Le 7 août 2022 à 06:35, Stephen Hawkins  a écrit :
> Dave,
> R ur 5nn tu k
> Steve
>> On 8/6/22 7:05 PM, David Raymond wrote:
>> testing
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
> -- 
> Stephen Hawkins NG0G
> 73 49 111 01001001
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Topband: Test

2021-05-02 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
For few days no mails received from the list. 



F6FYA depuis son iPhone
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Rotator Potentiometer shunt fed twr

2020-08-23 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi Andy, 

I had the same problem. Twice. 
The only thing to do is to reduce power. For me, 1500 to 500. 
I tried many isolations or protections, no chance. 

So I changed to a vertical

Best 73


F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 23 août 2020 à 21:15, Andree DL8LAS via Topband  a 
> écrit :
> Hey,
> how can I protect my rotator from HF in the shunt fed tower , so that the 
> poti or other electric doesn't burn in the rotator?
> 73 Andy DL8LAS 
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: 160m CW Activity

2020-04-16 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi Don,

You right, propagation was very poor last night. 
Now, I know what contest I heard. I heard some  stations, but the went to QRT 
just after the end. 
I met only 2 stations, NO3M and AI2N. With noice on my  beverage. 

Maybe tomorrow, depens of my sleep deprivation. 

take care. 


F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 16 avr. 2020 à 14:38, Don Kirk  a écrit :
> Hi Roger,
> I believe your having a big 40 dB S/N report from NH on the RBN is not as
> telling as what the RBN did not show for you.  If you look at the last 100
> RBN spots of you last night which was from 0107 UTC until 0317 UTC you were
> only picked up in the US by the RBN's in NH, and then one time by an RBN in
> very eastern PA (all very close to the Ocean).  You were not heard anywhere
> else in the US on the RBN network during the 0107 to 0317 UTC time slot
> even though the noise floor in most of the US was likely very low based on
> the lack of lightning activity (only lightning I saw over the US was over
> Florida).  The noise floor was very low at my location in the Midwest
> (Indiana).
> I was not on when you were on, but I was on slightly later from 0345 until
> 0515 UTC and conditions were very poor into Europe from the Midwest US
> which is why I suspect I don't see any RBN reports of you during the above
> 0107 UTC to 0317 UTC time slot into any areas except the very most Eastern
> part of the US (NH and Eastern PA).
> I heard EU stations ON7PQ and F6FYA when I was on slightly later than you
> and they were just barely above my noise floor which was very low last
> night.  F6FYA peaked about 2 db above my very low noise floor and Pat ON7PQ
> was always in the mud (right at my noise floor) which is unusual for him.
> The only other EU station I heard was John G3PQA when he answered my CQ
> right at his sunrise (I only run 100 watts), and he was right at my noise
> floor when he called but peaked 1 minute later to about 4 to 6 dB (most
> likely due to brief sunrise enhancement).
> I also called CQ numerous times but was not heard by any EU RBN stations,
> but that's not unusual for my 100 watts.
> P.S. there was a CWT (CW ops test) from 0300 to 0400 UTC which overlaps
> when you were on last night and I heard numerous stations in the US on 160
> meters taking part in the CWT and if you were not hearing many of them
> that's another indication that conditions were not very good from the
> Midwest US into Europe.
> Keep pounding away, and we will keep listening.
> 73,
> Don (wd8dsb)
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 5:48 AM Roger Kennedy 
>> wrote:
>> Yes, conditions seemed good last night (had several 35 - 40dB S/N reports
>> from NA stations on RBN)
>> During the night there were several EU stations calling CQ . . . but very
>> few NA stations on the band ! (I know a lot of you guys over there have
>> much
>> lightning and resultant static crashes now)
>> I did have a few QSOs . . . and a nice email from John N1PGA.
>> I guess I'm still surprised there isn't MORE activity, given that we're all
>> supposed to be staying home !
>> Hope you're all staying well in these crazy times . . .
>> Best 73
>> Roger G3YRO
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: haven't seen any post in several days?

2020-04-16 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Your post has arrived central west part of France. 
I was on top band this night, very few stations. 


F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 16 avr. 2020 à 09:28, terry burge  a écrit :
> Did I somehow get unsubscribed again? 
> Terry
> KI7M
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: ARRL CW Contest

2020-02-17 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi guy’s,

Right, we must adapt the cw speed to the Band conditions. 

Personnaly, I was at a speed of 26, and sometimes activing my bencher key... 
Faster, around 36, is a non sense on top band. 



F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 17 févr. 2020 à 19:10, Artek Manuals  a écrit :
> NR1DX:
> Equipment: 1400W + 60' (20M) high  "T" with 3 elevated radials + Bevs & BOGs
> Location: Near Tampa Florida
> Here in Florida, except for Africa and the Carib, we typically do not enjoy 
> the same good condx to EU that you fellows up north get the price we pay for 
> not having to use our amplifiers to heat the basement
> Friday Night: Very poor all EU just above the noise, very slow QSB
> Saturday AM: Hand full of Caribbean, NO ZL/VK/JA
> Saturday PM: Much better, band opened  45 minutes before our sunset,,tapered 
> off a bit after sunset then built up as the Evening wore on
> Sunday AM. one KH6 but otherwise still no Pacific stations heard here
> Sunday PM: poor condx again like Friday, no pre-sunset opening, only a few 
> weak EU's heard after sunset
> General: We were strictly search and pounce for a total of 98-Q's in 51 
> countries. Lots of good ops on both sides.
>  Why a few stations feel compelled to send at 50wpm on topband with the noise 
> levels as they are  is a mystery. 35wpm  is plenty fast enough for the 
> conditions. I guess they get to send a few more unanswered CQ's per hour 
> while we try and figure out is that an S or H? Did he bust my call ?...better 
> ask for fill.
> Sorry I missed you Roger
> Dave
>>> 73 Roger G3YRO
>>> _
>>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
> -- 
> Dave
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: ARRL CW Contest

2020-02-17 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hello Roger,

Yesterday night I heard you when you QSO AB8UL. 
Your receiving system works well, signals we re confortable but not too strong. 
I called you at the end, but you were gone. 

During all contest top band was not so quiet in the central west part of 
France, even on beverage. But, acceptable anyway. 

I met 45 us/ve with 12 hours of trafic. Signals, except big gun as ever, were 
strong enouph to be catch most of them. But, I din’t heard most of the W0 
states and VE4/5 and far west, as usual. 

To conclude, we need contests to have a lot of different stations on the 

Antenna is a 22 meters vertical and 220 meters beverage. 

So, cu son Roger at the greyline.

73 to the list. 

Jean-Paul / F6FYA 

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 17 févr. 2020 à 02:15, Roger Kennedy  a 
> écrit :
> I had forgotten it was a multiband contest, so I now appreciate that's why
> less NA stations are on calling CQ.
> Well I came on for a total of about 4 hours over the weekend . . . managed
> to work a total of 128 NA stations, so was pretty pleased with that.
> Apologies to any of you I couldn't copy . . . but bear in mind that - like
> many British stations - I only live in an ordinary street in a City, with a
> normal size garden (yard), with many houses within one wavelength.  So I
> have a high noise level, and no room for Beverages or anything (just my
> homebrew Receiving Loop in the loft.)
> 73 Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: Very little NA Activity

2020-02-09 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Yes, Life is beautiful, next week-end, ARRL CW contest...


Jean-Paul / F6FYA 

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad, stormy day so « at home »

> Le 9 févr. 2020 à 16:31, uy0zg  a écrit :
> Hi
> Not everything is sad, Roger.
> On the night and morning of February 7th,( 00:30 - 04:00 UTc) I had 15 CW 
> QSOs  -
> K1WHS, NN3Q, KC1I.
> Of course, I wanted more.
> But still life is beautiful :-))
> ---
> Nick, UY0ZG
> Roger Kennedy писал 2020-02-09 15:58:
>> Despite the band being open (as shown by RBN Reports) there sadly seems to
>> have been very little activity from North American stations over the past
>> week. (apart from a couple of good old stalwarts)
>> I've heard lots of Europeans calling endless CQ DX calls, and getting very
>> few replies.
>> It won't be long before this season will be over !
>> Roger G3YRO
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: CQ WW Contest

2020-01-28 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Each time we have a contest,  all bands are open...
Main problem, in daily trafic, only few stations are calling...
Watching cluster remains bands close. 

See you in the ARRL contest, on 160. 


F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 28 janv. 2020 à 21:27, Roger Kennedy  a 
> écrit :
> Well conditions were reasonable over the weekend . . .
> I spent a total of about 3 hours on the band, and managed to work 48 NA
> stations through all the European QRM.
> I'm sure I would have worked a lot more, as I heard many others calling
> stations that were calling CQ . . . but I'm reluctant to put out a CQ call
> in a contest, as I don't want to work hundreds of Europeans (I'm up in the
> middle of the night to work some DX !)
> As I say, I wouldn't say conditions were particularly good, but the band was
> open.
> Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: Topband resource

2020-01-15 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
I am, more or less, 5 days a week around 1730 GMT calling CQ around 1815. Never 
be called by NA. 
Too early. 
So, I agree with Roger. 

Have a nice day. 



F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 14 janv. 2020 à 23:49, Roger Kennedy  a 
> écrit :
> "However, 160 needs vertical polarization for consistent long DX."
> So how is it that I consistently work all over the world on 160m with my
> horizontal dipole at 50ft?!  (and my signals seem to often be pretty
> comparable with other Brits using verticals}
> You certainly need a Vertical to work DX on 80m . . . but in my experience
> 160m propagation is very different . . . I'm guessing it's often quite high
> angle due to multi-hop or ducting.
> Also, I don't understand why on the Web page they are talking about NA
> stations coming on Top Band at 1730 UTC to work Europe . . . I don't find
> the band opens to NA until at least 2200 . . . and for me signals are always
> much better after midnight.
> Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: New Modes, Systems, etc

2020-01-11 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Absoluty right Nick. 
And not only from east and not only on 160. 
But, how to stop it ?



F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 11 janv. 2020 à 20:14, uy0zg  a écrit :
> Hi All
> FT8 is not a global issue. Two or three years and people will get tired of 
> this toy ..
> Serious problems for topband are the use of WEB.SDR. Especially in Eastern 
> Europe. The goal of such scammers is the highest places in popular contests 
> at 160 meters.
> This problem is N1.
> Unfortunately, no one solves this problem ...
> ---
> Nick, UY0ZG
> Peter Sundberg писал 2020-01-11 19:27:
>> Skills involved?? Achievements?? You've got to be kidding Mike...
>> Achievements in the WW Digi Contest were so dramatically poor that the
>> contest committee had to waive the NIL penalty because otherwise a
>> large number of final scores would have been negative!
>> "The amount of NILs is abnormally high" - the committees own words in
>> their article.
>> Does it sound attractive to bring such contest behavior Top Band?
>> Of course not.
>> 73
>> Peter SM2CEW
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: FT-8 Contest would be great for Topband

2020-01-10 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Humm, it should be fun...
You can be in the contest and same time behind barbecue...
Are remote stations allowed ?



F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 10 janv. 2020 à 21:40, W0MU Mike Fatchett  a écrit :
> The FT8 DMC   Digital Mode Club on Facebook has nearly 10,000 members.
>> On 1/10/2020 1:30 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
>> Curious. If it is not Ham Radio then why is my K3 transmitting and receiving 
>> the signals? Hmmm.  I guess RTTY is not ham radio either.
>>> On 1/10/2020 12:12 PM, Hans Hjelmström wrote:
>>> And its even not Ham  radio.Its fake PC Computer business.
>>> Sorry.Its the end of Ham radio
>>> Hans SM6CVX
 10 jan 2020 kl. 20:06 skrev W0MU Mike Fatchett :
 1.5 million hits for FT8? WOW!
 On 1/10/2020 11:38 AM, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:
> I know the purists will flame me for this but look at the
> frequency conservation this would present and look at the activity
> statistics for only the past couple of hours,
> AIf the contest was designed well sub-channels could be recommended for 
> the
> various continents as Stew Perry use to urge for intercontinental QSO's
> from 1825-1830.
> Here are the amazing stats for only two hours.
> Modes over last 2 hours
> Mode Count
> FT8 1549146
> FT4 41733
> JS8 7895
> CW 6894
> PSK31 433
> JT65 383
> OPERA 132
> JT9 65
> MSK144 37
> OLIVIA 8 22
> JT6M 18
> ROS 14
> PI4 12
> OLIVIA-8 9
> PSK63 9
> FSK441 8
> JT65B 7
> WSPR 6
> RTTY 5
> MT63-500 1
> SIM31 1
> THOR 1
> THOR22 1
> PSK 1
> What do you think?
> Herb, KV4FZ
> _._,_._,_
> --
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>>> _
>>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
>> _
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> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: Is there Any YB land station

2020-01-08 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hny to all,
> Sorry but NO YB heard for me on top band,  98 percent of my QSO’s are cw 
> mode. Any bands. 
> But, till hope for 2020. 
> Cu and 73´ 
> Jean-Paul / F6FYA 
> F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 
>> Le 8 janv. 2020 à 18:17, Anton Moehammad via Topband 
>>  a écrit :
>> Hi All,
>> Just wondering if any of You recently (2019) have heard any YB land station 
>> working in TB especially in CW mode.
>> Thank YouAnton
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: Is there Any YB land station

2020-01-08 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hny to all,

Sorry but YB heard for me, 98 percent of my QSO’s are cw mode. Any bands. 
But, till hope for 2020. 

Cu and 73´ 

Jean-Paul / F6FYA 

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 8 janv. 2020 à 18:17, Anton Moehammad via Topband  
> a écrit :
> Hi All,
> Just wondering if any of You recently (2019) have heard any YB land station 
> working in TB especially in CW mode.
> Thank YouAnton
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: VE6WZ at sunset in Ukraine

2019-12-06 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Me too. 
At the begining of recording. 
F6FYA / Jean-Paul 

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 6 déc. 2019 à 14:53, S57AD  a écrit :
> I do have hearing issues, but I'm hearing VE6WZ clearly in the recording.
> 73  Mirko S57AD
> V V pet., 6. dec. 2019 ob 14:22 je oseba Doug Renwick 
> napisala:
>> Nick,
>> All I hear is a strong 'UT7NY'. If you hear VE6WZ in that recording you
>> have
>> exceptional hearing.
>> Doug, operating real ham radio
>> -Original Message-
>> From: uy0zg []
>> Sent: December-05-19 11:36 PM
>> To: Doug Renwick
>> Cc: 'Topband'
>> Subject: Re: Topband: VE6WZ at sunset in Ukraine
>> Hi
>> Doug !
>> Jokes are good for health :-))
>> I don't have perfect hearing (I'm 62 years old), but I perfectly hear
>> the VE6WZ signal on the recording.
>> See you at ARRL 160
>> ---
>> Nick, UY0ZG
>> Doug Renwick писал 2019-12-06 01:02:
>>> Nick,
>>> Let me take a guess. It had to be one of those 'make believe' inaudible
>>> FT8
>>> contacts. Am I right?
>>> BTW I did work UR5AS with CW last evening our time.
>>> Doug, operating real ham radio.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of
>>> uy0zg
>>> Sent: December-05-19 12:35 PM
>>> To: Topband
>>> Subject: Topband: VE6WZ at sunset in Ukraine
>>> Hi
>>> Alex, UR5AS conducted the first QSO with VE / W at sunset ( December
>>> 4th).
>>> How was heard :
>>> --
>>> Nick, UY0ZG
>>> _
>>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>>> Reflector
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
> -- 
> Mirko S57AD
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: video

2019-10-13 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
What a landscape !
Nice place for radio on top band. 

Jean-Paul F6FYA

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 12 oct. 2019 à 20:17, uy0zg  a écrit :
> Hi
> Yesterday I had a QSO in 160 m with  T30GC. I shot a video of the RX antenna 
> and nature near the Southern Bug River. Who wants to see:
> -- 
> Nick, UY0ZG
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: QSL Information

2019-02-19 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi Shelbi,

TO2T via F6HMQ


Jean-Paul F6FYA / TM4Q

F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 19 févr. 2019 à 22:02, ShelbyK4WW  a écrit :
> I'm trying to complete the ones I have worked, but not yet confirmed.
> Direct mailings, or email verification of being in the log have gone
> unanswered. Any assistance will be appreciated.
> TO2T 27Feb2010
> HG3DX 25Jan2004
> HP1/DJ7AA 24Nov2006
> LZ2TF 27Feb2000
> OH0E 24Jan2009
> PP5JR 02Dec2018
> S55M 25Jan2004
> 73, Shelby - K4WW
> As I don't have an iPad nor iPhone, sent from my PC
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: identifying noise source

2018-12-14 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi Mac, Hi Guy's,
Never heard that here.It could be an electric insulator problem, maybe some 
kilometers from your station.Or do you have agricultural activities (corn 
drying, steamer machine) working at night some where in this direction ?
Here, I have QRM problem with my East Bev due to town, TOURS 200 000 people, 
located 15 km far.
Good luck to resolve your problem.
See you tonight in the contest.
Jean-Paul F6FYA
73/88 de Jean Paul, F6FYA/TM4Q/TM3Q, REF 35400, UFT 559, CDXC 679, 10.10# 
36970./. (QSL info via 

Le ‎mercredi‎ ‎12‎ ‎décembre‎ ‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎41‎:‎56‎ ‎CET, Maciej Wieczorek 
 a écrit :  

I recently have some strange, pulsating noise on all 300 deg / NA beverages. 
Maybe someone have already experienced anything like this  - what kind of 
device it can be? Here is a recording on wide filters in AM, around 3,4MHz 
(maximum signal).

It's starts late in the evenings and can be heard till 8-9:00 AM. In 
daylight it gets stronger.

I actually have 2 different RX arrays for NA, the distance is abt 300m from 
each other, but the noise is abt the same level on both antennas. I guess it 
means the source can be even few km's away?

Mac SP2XF/ SN2M 

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Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters

2018-11-21 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Thanks Mike for your prompt answer. 
Rules are very clear about that situation. 
Thanks to all of YouTube for the great job you do checking QSO’s. 

See u on top band. 


Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 21 nov. 2018 à 16:32, Mike Cizek W0VTT  a écrit :
> Hello Jean-Paul,
> From the current DXCC Rules:
> 9.  Station Location and Boundary:
> a) All stations used to make contacts for a specific DXCC award must be 
> located within the same DXCC entity.
> b) All transmitters and receivers comprising a station used for a specific 
> contact must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle.
> c) QSOs made with legally licensed, remotely controlled stations are allowed 
> to be used for DXCC credit.
> This means it is legal to use a remote station to work DX, but it is NOT 
> legal to transmit from home and use a remote receive site.  I know we all 
> have our own opinions on this, but this is what the rules say.
> Card checkers really have no way of knowing what the applicant was doing, but 
> we are told to note the time of the QSO on the application for all 160m QSOs. 
>  If a W0 or W9 presents me with a card for a 160m QSO with JA at 1400z, which 
> is long after our sunrise, I will certainly make note of it on the 
> application.
> --
> 73,
> Mike Cizek WØVTT
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Jean-Paul 
> Albert via Topband
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 07:16
> To:
> Cc: Greg; topband;
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters
> Hi guys,
> What about remote stations (to transmit, to receive or both) for any awards ?
> Is any recommandations for checkers ?
> Best 73
> Jean-Paul F6FYA / TM4Q
> Envoyé de mon iPad
> > Le 20 nov. 2018 à 18:55,   a écrit :
> >
> > Hi Guys
> >
> > Here what I think is the problem. DXCC records and link accounts. This is a
> > problem with CQ WAZ as well. Here some examples, Back in late 80's a PY1
> > send 40 cards to claim CQ WAZ 40 zones on 160m, just after HB9AMO  Plaque #
> > 1  -  13 June 1987 . K1MEM sent a letter to PY1RO to check the cards, and
> > several cards was just impossible QSO's, like China during daytime and the
> > Chinese station never worked on 160m.  The certificate was canceled, however
> > 10 to 20 years later the same guy apply again and get his WAZ original
> > certificate number validate using old credits. The certificate was canceled
> > but the filed credits not.
> >
> > Same thing on DXCC, after 10 years you can apply again, using link accounts,
> > and using old credits on file. I've seen this with others PY, LZ and why not
> > this OK. This is fixable.
> >
> > I understand the ARRL wants to be very discreate when someone is caught
> > doing creative things, no moral or ethical help on publicity.
> >
> > So I believe it is just an internal broken process that allow linked
> > accounts and old records to be used again without verification.
> >
> > The issue I see on LOTW is a lack of card check at the same level we have
> > with paper QSL cards.
> >
> > Here some examples. PY3CEJ posted on his website a QSL card with a SSB QSO
> > 11:30 am local noon time, and with only 100w.  I call PY3CEJ and challenged
> > him about this impossible QSO, few days latter the 4W guy uploaded on Club
> > Log this fantastic QSO. If you look on the statistics there is only one
> > single QSO on 160, 2 QSO's on 80m and 100's of QSO on 40m SSB, most with
> > JA's. I cannot say that this QSO was uploaded to LOTW, but there is nothing
> > to prevent it.
> >
> > In the last six years we've seen a large number of QSO during day time on
> > 160m from several " groups club" , like the ongoing strong between PY, LZ
> > and YB. QSO's on 160m on broad day sun light. Ongoing means last week with
> > new impossible QSO's on Club Log and credits on the DXCC list latter for
> > sure.
> >
> > The explanation from ARRL was that there is no way to stop "them". I don't
> > agree with it, a simple code on LOTW DXCC validation can flag those daytime
> > 160m QSO's for late "card check".
> >
> > The real thing here is the most dangerous behavior for our hobby.
> >
> > if you don't care I don' t mind, and I don't mind if you don't care.
> >
> > Please!  we do care,   and we do mint!   Do something too!...
> >
> > 73's
> > JC
> > N4IS
> >
> >
> >
> > _
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Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters

2018-11-21 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Hi guys,

What about remote stations (to transmit, to receive or both) for any awards ?

Is any recommandations for checkers ?

Best 73

Jean-Paul F6FYA / TM4Q

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 20 nov. 2018 à 18:55,   a écrit :
> Hi Guys
> Here what I think is the problem. DXCC records and link accounts. This is a
> problem with CQ WAZ as well. Here some examples, Back in late 80's a PY1
> send 40 cards to claim CQ WAZ 40 zones on 160m, just after HB9AMO  Plaque #
> 1  -  13 June 1987 . K1MEM sent a letter to PY1RO to check the cards, and
> several cards was just impossible QSO's, like China during daytime and the
> Chinese station never worked on 160m.  The certificate was canceled, however
> 10 to 20 years later the same guy apply again and get his WAZ original
> certificate number validate using old credits. The certificate was canceled
> but the filed credits not.
> Same thing on DXCC, after 10 years you can apply again, using link accounts,
> and using old credits on file. I've seen this with others PY, LZ and why not
> this OK. This is fixable.
> I understand the ARRL wants to be very discreate when someone is caught
> doing creative things, no moral or ethical help on publicity. 
> So I believe it is just an internal broken process that allow linked
> accounts and old records to be used again without verification.
> The issue I see on LOTW is a lack of card check at the same level we have
> with paper QSL cards.
> Here some examples. PY3CEJ posted on his website a QSL card with a SSB QSO
> 11:30 am local noon time, and with only 100w.  I call PY3CEJ and challenged
> him about this impossible QSO, few days latter the 4W guy uploaded on Club
> Log this fantastic QSO. If you look on the statistics there is only one
> single QSO on 160, 2 QSO's on 80m and 100's of QSO on 40m SSB, most with
> JA's. I cannot say that this QSO was uploaded to LOTW, but there is nothing
> to prevent it.
> In the last six years we've seen a large number of QSO during day time on
> 160m from several " groups club" , like the ongoing strong between PY, LZ
> and YB. QSO's on 160m on broad day sun light. Ongoing means last week with
> new impossible QSO's on Club Log and credits on the DXCC list latter for
> sure.
> The explanation from ARRL was that there is no way to stop "them". I don't
> agree with it, a simple code on LOTW DXCC validation can flag those daytime
> 160m QSO's for late "card check".
> The real thing here is the most dangerous behavior for our hobby.
> if you don't care I don' t mind, and I don't mind if you don't care.
> Please!  we do care,   and we do mint!   Do something too!...
> 73's
> JC
> N4IS
> _
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Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters

2018-11-17 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Anywhere, nothing about this station. 
Wrong call ?

Jean-Paul F6FYA/TM4Q

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 17 nov. 2018 à 01:06, a écrit :
> JC, 
> I have well over a million QSOs in my computer log but not even a single QSO 
> with OK1YQ 
> 73 
> Frank 
> W3LPL 
>> On 2018-11-16 13:32, wrote: 
>> I never heard him on any band but he must be very active on EME 
>> ARRL DXCC - 2 Meters -151 OK1YQ 
>> 73's JC 
>> N4IS 
>> -Original Message- 
>> From: Topband  On Behalf Of uy0zg 
>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 1:41 PM 
>> To: 
>> Subject: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters 
>> ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters -339 OK1YQ . 
>> Who is it ?? 
>> uto,-12,848 
> _ 
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Re: Topband: VP6D

2018-10-24 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
ZL3CW, aka F2CW was, maybe,the operator. 
congrat’s for ur QSO. 

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 22 oct. 2018 à 19:55, David Olean  a écrit :
> I am not an expert on DX peditions, coming late to HF and 160 meters in my 
> life, but I could not get over the operator at VP6D this morning on 1.826.  
> Whoever it was, he was flying and getting the call correct the first time 
> every time.  I was amazed at how well they were doing racking up the Qs.  
> There was plenty of QSB here in Maine with the signal going from S 0.2 to 
> about S6  on the S meter. At minimum, they were barely copyable.  At best, 
> they were loud. I used my Europe beverage and found that it was a tad better 
> than my SW beverage. I am not sure what was going on there. The Europe wires 
> is a pair of 1150 ft bevs, and the SW wire is shorter at about 800 ft. After 
> making a contact, I experimented with diversity on the K3 and had the SW wire 
> in my right ear and the 45 degree wire in my left ear.  Copy was better with 
> diversity, but I think I need to check my beverage terminations!! Maybe it 
> was an arrival angle situation that favored the longer wire's pattern.  I 
> learn something every day.
> Dave K1WHS
> _
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Re: Topband: Toploaded vertical - SWR

2018-09-19 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband and then « tuning short vertical » , menu left side. 

It could help you to match your antenna.

73 to all. 

F6FYA / Jean-Paul 

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 19 sept. 2018 à 20:41, Tim Shoppa  a écrit :
> Your suggestion of a hairpin is a high-pass. Herb's suggestion for a
> series-L shunt-C L-network is a low-pass. Sometimes you might prefer one
> over the other.
> Or choice might be entirely driven by parts on hand.
> I happen to have some big old variable capacitors so all my tuners use them.
> But a younger ham probably wouldn't and might rediscover the variometer or
> other solution.
> Tim N3QE
>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 1:46 PM Clive GM3POI  wrote:
>> What I don't understand is why would you use more components than needed.
>> Why a capacitor (possibly vacuum). What is wrong in using a hairpin which
>> also DC shorts the vertical to ground.  A combination of hairpin size and
>> top loading will give you 1:1 at your favourite 1.825 or anywhere else.
>> Perhaps WX0B's article needs a reprint in the NCJ. It really is simple just
>> a few microhenries of inductance and you are done.
>> 73 Clive GM3POI
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Don
>> Kirk
>> Sent: 19 September 2018 17:29
>> To: Herbert Schoenbohm
>> Cc: topband;
>> Subject: Re: Topband: Toploaded vertical - SWR
>>> Herb (KV4FZ) mentioned an L network, and that is what I always use.  Very
>>> simple, and you just plug you're measured complex impedance values (at
>> the
>>> frequency you want to be resonant) into one of the many online L network
>>> calculators to determine the amount of inductance and capacitance
>> required
>>> for the L network.  I normally just wind my own coil for the inductance,
>>> and use high voltage silver mica caps for the capacitor.
>> _
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Re: Topband: Bottom End Beacons

2018-02-20 Thread Jean-Paul Albert via Topband
Yes Mark , around 6 pm GMT time louder than the days before. 
Shorter propagation by the moment I suppose because no eastern station at the 
grey line today. 

Jean Paul

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 20 févr. 2018 à 21:29, Mark van Wijk  a écrit :
> And just tonight they are loud again: 
> Signal level:  25dB above bandnoise
> RX antenna: 60mtr  BOG in a ditch QTF 30
> 73
> Mark, PA5MW
>> On 2/20/2018 10:41 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
>> Yes, upon searching, I came across Alan Cordwell's web pages that he wrote
>> about the old Decca HiFix navigation beacons that used to be VERY strong
>> here in Britain, but closed down during the 90s.
>> I emailed him about these, as they sound very similar.
>> He confirmed that they are a Russian system that works in much the same way,
>> and have low power transmitter around the Baltic.
>> As Mark posted, here's a link to Alan's webpage which shows you how they
>> sound:
>> They are used by fishermen to pinpoint their position so they can locate
>> fish stocks - that's why I referred to them as fishing beacons.
>> I'm amazed some of you can hear them in the US, as they're rarely very
>> strong here - typically between S2 and S9, but generally around S5.
>> But the thing to remember is that there are about 15 of them spaced evenly
>> between 1800 and 1820 kHz . . and they are quite wide.  So these will often
>> block out weak DX signals here in Europe.  So worth avoiding that part of
>> the band.
>> Hopefully they will turn them off soon, and just use GPS !
>> 73 Roger G3YRO
>> _
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