Re: Topband: QRP on 160?

2024-07-01 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Interesting and at my old location and in my 60sI won a couple of 160m 
contesting QRP awards at5 watts CW for New England and NH.Thats not saying much 
because I won a certificatefor QRP SSB with only 5 contacts on 160m.
In my mid 80s now I need plenty of sleep and 
being in a condo the antenna has to be put up 
before and taken down right after any contest 
to avoid exciting the Condo board.
Whatever your passion is do it with enthusiasmfor self enjoyment..
Jim Fitton W1FMR, NH.


On Monday, July 1, 2024, 2:27:37 PM EDT, Jim Brown 
 On 7/1/2024 10:57 AM, Radio KH6O wrote:
> Is anyone regularly using say, 25W or less on 160?

Years ago, I ran 5W in pursuit of QRP WAS in 160 CW contests from my QTH 
near San Francisco, and was down to needing three states -- WV, SC, and 
VT. About 8 years ago, the explosion of RX noise caught up with that. 
About six years ago, I managed a sked with a WV station on JT65, and 
completed with him. An FT8 sked with W1UE remoting a VT station a few 
years later was unsuccessful.

Running QRP in those days, KL7RA, KH6LC, and NO3M nearly always heard my 
first call, and K1KI had pretty good ears.

I still will often call an Expedition running 5W, and often make the 
QSO. I'm guessing it's because they're in places that are remote enough 
that noise levels are low.

73, Jim K9YC

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Re: Topband: End of Season, Spring Cleaning

2024-05-10 Thread Jim F. via Topband
79 and 83 ?You guys ain't seen nothin yet !I turned 85 this week and oftensay - 
wish I was 80 again !

Absolutely amazed at what happens with age.If only I realized that I would have 
been more understanding with grandparents etc...



On Friday, May 10, 2024, 3:12:31 PM EDT, Tree  wrote:  
 K1WHS getting back on topband!!??!!

That's great news!!

Tree N6TR

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:52 AM Jim Brown 

> On 5/10/2024 10:27 AM, David Olean wrote:
> > At 79+ years I am hopeful that I can re assemble things before I give up
> > the ghost.
> Going 83, I'm now dependent on friends to help me deal with damage to
> antennas by winter storms. Branches (and even trees) fall on RX
> antennas. The 250 ft Douglas Fir holding one end of three dipoles hit
> the ground 18 months ago. We got the most important, an 80/40 fan
> broadside JA and SA, back up last fall. The other two have yet to be
> rebuilt.
> Last night, after dark, I went out to check the 160M TX antenna and
> found that the mechanical fuse,which  I use to protect it from damage
> when trees sway in the wind, had broken, so I didn't get to try to work
> George last night. I'll fix it today, and will try if George is still on
> tonight.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband
> Reflector
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Re: Topband: Stew Perry Topband Challenge this weekend

2023-06-16 Thread Jim F. via Topband
About S4 noise here which is great for a condo with a hidden wire in the trees. 
Hope to work across the pond with 5 watts.73,
Jim W1FMR. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 10:25 AM, Mike Waters wrote:   On 
Fri, Jun 16, 2023, 7:54 AM Roger Kennedy 

> But how are conditions in North America at the moment . . . are you getting
> a lot of QRN?  (we have hardly any over here)

Visit;37.27;3 to see the current thunderstorms in
North America.

Main site is

73 Mike
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Re: Topband: Unsubscribing

2021-09-18 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Good advice !

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:09 AM, wrote:   
Hi Greg,
I remember our QSO about decade ago. Always a thrill to work that end of 
the globe.  Sorry to hear you're QRT on TB. Have fun on the microwaves...
the VLF ops think of TB as microwave work!

73 & GL

On Sat, 18 Sep 2021, Greg - ZL3IX wrote:

> Hi all,
> It is with some sadness that I have to tell you that this will be my last 
> post on Topband, after a presence of 24 years, including my activity as ZS5K.
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Topband: Stew Perry and a condo challenge:

2017-03-10 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Condo QRP operation in the Stew:
Laid four 68' radials today on lawn and woodsaround the condo with brown Teflon 
wire which
is almost invisible on dead grass and leaves 
but unfortunately just received a light 
dusting of snow which makes the brown 
wire stand out like a sore thumb.
But not as bad as in the Winter Stew when 
laying down 132' radials received a visit from 
local police called by a neighbor for a 
strange man (me) doing something in the woods.

 All home owners with real real estate - Celebrate !!
73 / W1FMR

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: A big thank you to those participating in the Fox Hunt event last night!!

2016-11-23 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Excellent Jim,And thank you for "pushing" the event.
Got as far as WI (N9NE) from NH.
73, Jim W1FMR

  From: James Rodenkirch 
 To: Top Band Contesting  
Cc: Charles Moizeau W2SH ; Dale Putnam ; 
Paul Stroud ; Todd Fonstad N9NE 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 2:54 PM
 Subject: Topband: A big thank you to those participating in the Fox Hunt event 
last night!!
The loyal Fox hunters and hunted appreciated hearing and working those of you 
that aren't Fox hunters normally but jumped in to the fray yesterday evening.

We'll continue to promote the upcoming top band contests, especially the four 
Stews, with all of the Fox QRP "gang."

71.5/72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV 
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Re: Topband: VE3OSZ QRT on 160

2016-10-09 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Bob,Don't give up !  

Having no tree doesn't mean you have to give up 160m 
but may mean you have to give up something else likea great signal and be in 
the same boat as a lotof us who still manage to have fun on 160m.

Many 160m operators have great receiving systems and can pull almost any level 
signal out of the noise.
 Tie a rope to your chimney as one support and seewhat happens.
Best 73 to you Bob,

Jim / W1FMR/QRP  Operating out of an antenna restricted NH condo.

  From: Robert Kavanagh <>
 Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2016 4:59 PM
 Subject: Topband: VE3OSZ QRT on 160
The up-coming Pre-Stew contest prompts me to inform my top band friends 
that you will not hear me in that contest. In fact you will never hear 
me on any top band event in the future.

Unfortunately, the large and old tree which has supported my 160 
inverted L for years was blown down in a storm a few weeks ago. My 
inverted L crashed to the ground. There is no other suitable tree or 
support available and so VE3OSZ is QRT on top band.

I am sorry to miss the Pre-Stew because I have participated in every 
Stew contest since Tree and Lew started them.

My first QSO on 160 took place from New Brunswick in 1951 when I had the 
call VE1YW. My first DX QSOs on 160 were on January 11, 1953 with G5RI, 
EI9J and G3PU using 20 watts from a home made rig and an end-fed long wire.

Over the years since then I have been fortunate to have worked lots of 
DX and others from QTHs in New Brunswick and Ottawa. For example, I 
recall with pleasure working W1BB, VK3ZL, 4X4NJ, UA0KAG, N6TR, G3PQA, 
IV3PRK, ZE7JX, KH6CC, PY1RO, K6SE, VK6HD, KZ5AA and K7CA among many others.

Needless to say, I shall miss the pleasures and challenges of top band.

73 and good DX to all of you.


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Topband: Stew Perry

2016-03-13 Thread Jim F. via Topband
I now have enough points of time reference to correct the PC failure that 
changed the date and times in my QRP log.
You know who you are :-)
Thanks and 73, Jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

2016-03-13 Thread Jim F. via Topband
K9JWV... Good luck with that Inv U !   It worked great at my last location but 
not here.Totally different terrain and the vertical feed leg here is at an 
angle instead of being
perfectly vertical.
Eric, NO3M  Wonderful workmanship in that 1928 MOPA transmitter !  
Congratulations !
When this old PC was turned on this morning an error came up and the date and 
all timesin the log were changed to year 2004 !!!  Gulp ! 

I know what this year is but,
in order to correct all the log times at least one QSO time reference will be 
So if someone would send me the time of a QSO it would be greatly appreciated.  
I didn't work many but would like to make sure those who agonized through a 
    QRP QSO with me get the well deserved credit.
Thank you and 73, Jim / W1FMR  NH

  From: James Rodenkirch <>
 To: "" <>; "" 
<>; Jim F. <> 
 Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:48 AM
 Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry
Hearing very few CA ops this A.M. so don't expect to hear few JAs.oh well, 
my new antenna - an inverted U - did well for me (worked far more east 
coast/new England stns this time around)  ...just put it up yesterday80 Qs 
and 915 pts

LOVE Stew Perry events...72 to all de Jim R. K9JWV

From: Jim F. <>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:17 PM
To: James Rodenkirch;;
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

Eric...Mopa sounded great in NH !  Did not hear Jim

KV4FZ was loud about 0500 but no reply.
Worked NP2X about that time who was just above the noise.
 Out in the dark at 8 pm laying down radials  And will pull them in
before church in the morning.  Enjoying the condo challenge !


Jim / W1FMR / QRP / NH

From: James Rodenkirch <>
To: "" <>; "" 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

Will be lookin' for ya, Eric...have a new antenna up (just put it up this 
afternoon) and will be PUSING my 4.9 watts out into the ether72, Jim R. 

From: Topband 
<<>> on 
behalf of Eric NO3M <<>>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

I should be QRV this evening with my 1928 MOPA running about 19W input /
11W output.  Already worked some EU stations with it (Four Square TX),
so hoping to catch some west of Rockies guys tonight.

Not quite QRP

73 Eric NO3M

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Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

2016-03-12 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Eric...Mopa sounded great in NH !   Did not hear Jim
KV4FZ was loud about 0500 but no reply.  
Worked NP2X about that time who was just above the noise. Out in the dark at 8 
pm laying down radials  And will pull them inbefore church in the morning.  
 Enjoying the condo challenge !

Jim / W1FMR / QRP / NH

  From: James Rodenkirch 
 To: "" ; "" 
 Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry
Will be lookin' for ya, Eric...have a new antenna up (just put it up this 
afternoon) and will be PUSING my 4.9 watts out into the ether72, Jim R. 

From: Topband  on behalf of Eric NO3M 

Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

I should be QRV this evening with my 1928 MOPA running about 19W input /
11W output.  Already worked some EU stations with it (Four Square TX),
so hoping to catch some west of Rockies guys tonight.

Not quite QRP

73 Eric NO3M

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Re: Topband: PLEASE STOP!

2016-01-15 Thread Jim F. via Topband
I love it !Am learning more about history and technology and operating and 160m 
personalities that I have worked in contests than I ever could otherwiseand am 
awed by most of the well thought out arguments.
Am not tired of it yet and neither are many others by the looks of it.And has a nice Spam filter for when that time comes.
Jim / W1FMR


  From: Greg Chartrand via Topband 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:21 PM
 Subject: Topband: PLEASE STOP!
I agree with John K9DX, these stupid circular arguments about ethics has been 
vetted here more than any other useless topic.
Please moderator, stop this useless banter.

 - Greg Chartrand - 
W7MY Richland, WA. W7MY Home Page:

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Re: Topband: Stew's Beef

2016-01-05 Thread Jim F. via Topband
I am a QRPer and submit my anemic log but know of a pedestrian mobile QRP 
operatorwho does not and there may be others who do not submit a lousy log. 
However with all the vagaries of operators and contesters and contests 
fun is the ultimate name of the game for most.
Here on the frozen right coast we even enjoy QRP Fox hunts on 160m to extend 
theTop Band fun and learn something about it's propagation to boot.  

The season is short but the fun is long and old Stew would be tickled to 
deathto see such fun !
Jim / W1FMR


  From: Greg Chartrand via Topband 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 4:16 PM
 Subject: Topband: Stew's Beef

I asked Stew a very similar question. He said in effect-
"Contests are only good for working DX. I don't participate in contests but I 
work the DX that shows up for them".
So most likely Stew would operate his own contest, work DX but would not submit 
a log.
Without taking a particular position on this issue, I have to wonder if any 
consideration has been given to this contest's namesake.  How, exactly, would 
Stew Perry have felt about more contests (especially in his name) on Top Band?

Personally, I have no idea.  I pose the question merely for 


Mark -- WA9ETW
Topband Reflector Archives -

 - Greg Chartrand - 
W7MY Richland, WA. W7MY Home Page:

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Re: Topband: Stew's Beef

2016-01-05 Thread Jim F. via Topband
You are preaching to the choir !I  have offered to format and submit the logof 
one ham and would do the same 
for anyone that I know of.  My guess is 
that almost all enjoy contesting and do
turn in a log.

  From: Tree <>
 To: Jim F. <> 
Cc: Greg Chartrand <>; "" 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 5:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: Stew's Beef
One incentive for the QRPers (or even Low Power guys) to send in their log is 
to provide the full QSO points possible for the stations they work.
Without their logs - I have no choice but to score their QSOs at 1X - as if 
they were running high power.
Tree N6TR
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Jim F. via Topband <> 

I am a QRPer and submit my anemic log but know of a pedestrian mobile QRP 
operatorwho does not and there may be others who do not submit a lousy log. 
However with all the vagaries of operators and contesters and contests
fun is the ultimate name of the game for most.
Here on the frozen right coast we even enjoy QRP Fox hunts on 160m to extend 
theTop Band fun and learn something about it's propagation to boot. 

The season is short but the fun is long and old Stew would be tickled to 
deathto see such fun !
Jim / W1FMR

      From: Greg Chartrand via Topband <>
 To: "" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 4:16 PM
 Subject: Topband: Stew's Beef

I asked Stew a very similar question. He said in effect-
"Contests are only good for working DX. I don't participate in contests but I 
work the DX that shows up for them".
So most likely Stew would operate his own contest, work DX but would not submit 
a log.
Without taking a particular position on this issue, I have to wonder if any 
consideration has been given to this contest's namesake.  How, exactly, would 
Stew Perry have felt about more contests (especially in his name) on Top Band?

Personally, I have no idea.  I pose the question merely for 


Mark -- WA9ETW
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 - Greg Chartrand - 
W7MY Richland, WA. W7MY Home Page:

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Re: Topband: Best DX QRP contact in the SP - N5IA

2015-12-27 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Good for you Bob !!!
 That is really something !
I used the aluminum rain gutters as part of my counterpoisesystem which brought 
the SWR  from 3:1 to 1:7. You never know unless you try !
50 golden QRP condo SP contacts -  :-)
Jim / W1FMR


  From: Bob Cutter <>
 To: Jim F. <>; topband <> 
 Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 10:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Topband: Best DX QRP contact in the SP - N5IA
I managed 10 Q's with a MBDC from KD1JV. 100' of wire inside the condo with the 
end hanging from the 3rd floor window. 

A great time. 

72, Bob KI0g

> On Dec 27, 2015, at 6:09 AM, Jim F. via Topband <> 
> wrote:
> Couldn't believe hearing N5IA before dawn this morning and 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Best DX QRP contact in the SP - N5IA

2015-12-27 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Couldn't believe hearing N5IA before dawn this morning and 
got him in the log.
He was the furthest DX contact - by far - and to see whyLook him up on  His 160m antennas are ... Amazing !
He copied my 5 watts from a condo in NH on a hidden antenna.
 Thank you Milt !!!  You made my day !
I didn't  make many QSOs but had a Blast working some of myfavorite QRP club 
locals on 160m.

73, Jim  /  W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?

2015-12-24 Thread Jim F. via Topband
A QRPers secret !
An experienced QRPer is frequency agile and so can avoid QRMand makes calls 
usually + or -  QRM  from a stated frequency. 
We are used to high powered stations not hearing us and calling 
CQ on top of a QSO and learn to send a
  "U2"  or a "D2"  etc... and avoid the QRM.
Once while running a QRP net two booming stations came on 
frequency for their usual sked..One sent...  Don't worry, there is some sort of 
QRP activity going
on but you are 599 and they don't bother you a bit.
Great fun,
Jim / W1FMR


  From: Barry N1EU <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 2:45 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?
Realistically, 95%+ of the QRO guys hunting for a clear run frequency are
not going to have a clue that 1810 is anything other than totally available
to them.

73, Barry N1EU

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 6:47 PM, <>

> Well, it is---in that you don't want to be the 1.5KW elephant calling on
> top of it if you can help it :)  MX es HNY, John W6UQZ
> --
> *From:* Barry N1EU <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 24, 2015 10:31 AM
> *Subject:* Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?
> Rumor says that it's 1810KHz but I don't really see it being relevant in
> 73, Barry N1EU
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 1:23 PM, <
> wrote:
> > Me neither.  And Jim B is a QRPer (howdy from PG, Jim), so
> pray-tellde
> > W6UQZ
> >
> >
> >      From: Jim Brown <>
> >  To:
> >  Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 10:19 AM
> >  Subject: Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?
> >
> > On Thu,12/24/2015 10:03 AM, Jim F. via Topband wrote:
> > > Will try to make an attempt this year on the hour around the
> QRPwatering
> > hole. (QRPers know where that is ! )
> >
> > I don't. And why conceal it?
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> >
> >
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?

2015-12-24 Thread Jim F. via Topband
It is very difficult for me to work other QRP stations because of a 
strong reluctance to call CQ with such a weak signal.
Will try to make an attempt this year on the hour around the QRPwatering hole. 
(QRPers know where that is ! )

 Jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?

2015-12-24 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Guess that I didn't mention the QRP frequencies because of wanting to 
avoid a firestorm of criticism  :-)   But since Jim, K9YC asked... I know 
it is OK !

1.810 MHz is universally recognized as the QRP CW calling frequencyand 1.910 
for SSB.
72,  (Happy QRPing) Jim / W1FMR  NH


  From: Jim Brown <>
 Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 1:19 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?
On Thu,12/24/2015 10:03 AM, Jim F. via Topband wrote:
> Will try to make an attempt this year on the hour around the QRPwatering 
> hole. (QRPers know where that is ! )

I don't. And why conceal it?

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op

2015-12-23 Thread Jim F. via Topband
Amen brother Jim !  
Hope K4OWR catches the drift and gives it a try :-) Jim /  W1FMR


  From: Jim Brown 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op
On Wed,12/23/2015 10:38 AM, K4OWR wrote:
> "/162 contacts in the log, with 51 sections, including 8 countries/" 
> is terrible in any contest. 

Huh? For QRP with a completely portable operation, I'd call that pretty 

The late jazz saxophonist Gene Quill was sometimes criticized for being 
a poor imitation of the great Charlie Parker. At one point, he handed 
his horn to one of those critics, saying "Here -- YOU play Charlie 
Parker solos."

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: Topband: The Stew Perry is Coming. Are You Ready?

2015-12-23 Thread Jim F. via Topband
W1FMR will be QRP from this condo (double handicap) which gets 4X bonus points 
(but really should be worth x8, or more  :-)
Good Luck all,
Jim / W1FMR   NH


  From: Mike - W5JR 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:54 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: The Stew Perry is Coming. Are You Ready?
I plan to also be QRP from the K4PI 160 farm. 

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

> On Dec 23, 2015, at 12:21 PM, Jim Brown  wrote:
>> .snip,
> I'll be running 5W for the Stew, so everyone who works me gets the 4X bonus. 

Topband Reflector Archives -

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Topband: Happy Thanksgiving !

2014-11-27 Thread Jim F. via Topband

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all !
It was especially nice in the QRP ARCI 160m Sprint 
last night and then with the family at dinner today !  
Just a few of the many things to be thankful for. 

160m QRP Sprint:
Last night the 160m noise level was S5+ and hardly aQRPer could be picked out 
of the static.
W1PID emailed that I could not hear him calling me.
 And then then something amazing happened.  
One hour into the Sprint and a wild November snowstorm the condo complex 
suddenly went RF quiet !
A (14 hour) power failure dropped the noise level to S1and  QRPers were easily 
heard and worked using battery power  
What could be better ?  Thanks to all who heard andworked my 5 watt CW signal 
and to those who tried but just couldn't copy my call sign 
 (WA9ETW, W9CC, NN2V, W2NRA, and W8RE).

 Jim / W1FMR  Newmarket, NH.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Radial wire size ?

2014-02-25 Thread Jim F.
I use 3 raised radials ~ 135 feet long of #22 ga. solid wire.
 used for dog perimeter control and is un-tinned copper

 covered with green plastic. The wire is about 11 feet
high to keep it out of the way in the common property
woods area of multi building condos and will be taken 
down when the weather starts to warm.

The resistance of 135 feet of copper wire is:
#22 ga.   2.18  Ohms
#20 ga.  1.37   Ohms
#16 ga.   0.5    Ohms

Per the calculator at :

Measuring the current in each of the three 22 ga. radials
 with an old surplus RF ammeter while running 5 watts 
on  1.824 Mhz   (in the middle of the afternoon :-)
 they measure in turn: 240, 120, and 170 ma.

Would going to 16 ga. increase the radiated antenna
current X times ?

The wire held up very well in the many NH ice and snow 
storms this year but the green plastic coating reflects
 morning light and at dusk like a neon sign.  Very scary 
in this condo enviornment with restrictive covenants and
 regulations. Next year I will try dull brown #16 ga. like the
 inverted U, which is far less visible.


Jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Not so good last night ?

2014-02-23 Thread Jim F.
It must have been better on the East Coast
Sat. night as I had 42 Qs running a K2  QRP 

from a condo with few antenna options.

jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Coax issues

2014-02-19 Thread Jim F.
Google: Poor Man's Reflectometer  

If you have an Ocilloscope it makes finding the problem a snap.

Jim / W1FMR

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:16 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

 Is there is a way the information available in the LP-100A in the
 shack or the MFJ-259B can be used to locate the defective area?

The 259B, if used correctly, will get you within a couple feet of the 

Download the latest manual.

73 Tom 

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Re: Topband: Coax issues

2014-02-19 Thread Jim F.
I would try it on a spare length of coax first to get the hang of it.

I tried measuring a length of coax using a square wave generator
and a scope and was surprised at the accuracy.



On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:16 AM, Charlie Cunningham wrote:
Hi, Gary!

I hope you've measured the antenna directly with your MFJ 259B with the coax
disconnected to be sure that the antenna hasn't changed in some way. Think
I'd check that (if  you haven't already) before undertaking any heroic
fault-finding measures, After that, I'd probably bet on the connector at the
remote (antenna) end of the cable. GL and take care!  ( I also have a bad
right foot, so I can empathize!)
Charlie, K4OTV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Coax issues

Thank you all for the replies, I didn't know the 259B will do this. 

I'm off to remove the antenna from the coax and will come back in try and
follow the directions in the manual I downloaded. I bought the 259B on
fleabay as a LCD replacement to the MFJ-207 SWR analyzer for pruning my
antenna wires and I've never used it for anything else. 

Silver lining: This is a perfect day a test of my Weller PSI100K Portasol
butane soldering iron I got last summer. I've got a couple hand warmers
started to keep the butane warm while I'm outside, the butane pressure drops
with cold temps. I don't have 350 feet of extension cord and could never
repair it outside without something portable.

Here's hoping it's not to hard to follow the instructions accurately, find
the bugger  then resolve. I've got a bad right foot so the less trips out
into the snow will make it easier on me.



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Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: 2 Top Band Christmas Gifts

2013-12-20 Thread Jim F.
Two special gifts this Christmas :

1. 9 year old g'son Elliot helped with my tree and colored lights.
    (and made sure all my umbrellas were working correctly  :-)
2. Rick, next door removed the blinker from his Christmas lights.

Last year I had to wait for lights out before hearing anything 
on 160m because of intense pulsing noise from Rick's blinker.  
The lights turned off (he went to bed?) and the noise stopped.

This year Rick is on the condo board and must have read the 
condo regs. about No Blinking Lights !!   -  Yahoo ! ! 

With wires and coax running  from my deck and through 
the common condo area woods I will not complain or do anything 
to bring notice to my radio activity. 
(The one exception being on snowshoes in the middle of winter 
 casting into the trees with a fishing pole. )


Jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: FCP Folded Counterpoise

2013-10-26 Thread Jim F.
It is amazing that a 66' long counterpoise can be effective on 160m.

I put one in the woods at this condo location in NH yesterday and 
heard an SM,  G6 and W9 and W0 stations on it last night and the 
SWR is low at 1.1:1 on 1.824 MHz.  Conditions were not good
enough to be heard with my K2 at 5 watt signal though.

It's an interesting way to get on 160m from a small lot
and I would say worth the effort thanks to designer
Guy,  K2AV.

Jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector

Topband: Raised radial question from NH

2013-10-19 Thread Jim F.
Nothing heard this morning in NH at 1530Z.

Am in a condo environment where invisibility is a factor.
Antenna is an Inverted L  fed through a series capacitor with 
two #22 ga. raised radials 136' long ~ 10 feet high running
through the woods which have stayed up 2 days so far.

One question :

Do you think that thin radials could cause an increase in receiver noise ?

Another question :

The 50 ohm feedline line is 25' long connected directly to the rig.
Is isolation needed to preserve the effectiveness of raised radials ?
If so, what would the isolation consist of ?


Jim / W1FMR / QRP
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Raised radial question from NH

2013-10-19 Thread Jim F.
Thank you Charlie,

In that case I may be able to get another raised radial up before the action 
later this afternoon.

A receiving antenna is a definite possibility also especially if one could be
rigged to go up and down easily. Good idea.

Thanks again Charlie.

Jim / W1FMR

On Saturday, October 19, 2013 12:38 PM, Charlie Cunningham wrote:
Hi, Jim

In my experience, the answer is no to both questions - although a full
size inverted L , while being a very effective transmit antenna can be a
really noisy receive antenna. Can you go out in the woods and hang a flag,
pennant or KAZ terminated loop for a receive antenna? Helped me a LOT o RX!

Good luck!


-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 12:28 PM
To: top Band; Jim Fitton
Subject: Topband: Raised radial question from NH

Nothing heard this morning in NH at 1530Z.

Am in a condo environment where invisibility is a factor.
Antenna is an Inverted L  fed through a series capacitor with two #22
ga. raised radials 136' long ~ 10 feet high running through the woods
which have stayed up 2 days so far.

One question :

Do you think that thin radials could cause an increase in receiver noise ?

Another question :

The 50 ohm feedline line is 25' long connected directly to the rig.
Is isolation needed to preserve the effectiveness of raised radials ?
If so, what would the isolation consist of ?


Jim / W1FMR / QRP
Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

Topband: Condo Owners 160m poem.

2013-08-09 Thread Jim F.
(1 slight change made with apologies to Joyce Kilmer)

Jim / W1FMR

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918 
119. Trees 
I THINK that I shall never see   
A tower lovely as a tree.   
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest   
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;   
A tree that looks at God all day,  5 
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;   
A tree that may in summer wear   
A nest of robins in her hair;   
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;   
Who intimately lives with rain.   10 
Poems are made by fools like me,   
But only God can make a tree.
Topband Reflector

Topband: Copious Thanks !! (From a QRPer)

2013-01-28 Thread Jim F.
Thanks to all who struggled to copy my QRP signal and especially
the many that waited patiently while that other station struggled.
I am continually amazed and humbled by the patience and gentlemanly
behavior of TB operators.
There were many weak DX stations heard calling CQ beneath loud W3 
and W4 running stations, and a UU7 and an FM7 station that had many
callers but could not hear them.
34 states plus DC for my effort but nothing heard west beyond CO and
10 stations in the 14 and 15 zone with an Inv. L off the deck of a CCR 
condo in NH.
Thanks -  Great Contest !
jim / W1FMR
Topband Reflector

Topband: QRP Question...

2012-12-31 Thread Jim F.
Had so much fun in the Stew with an Elecraft K1 but it overloaded / 
desensitized with 
many strong signals.  It uses a NE602 equiv. Gilbert Cell product detector.
Am thinking about a KX-3 or TenTec 539.  Anyone have comments about
either on 160m ?   Or some other choice ?
Jim / W1FMR
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Re: Topband: PE coated RG6

2012-12-14 Thread Jim F.
Hi Craig,
I bought a new roll of flooded quad shield RG-6  and packages of connectors from
5 sources because they are cheap until I found a package that worked.
Here is the one that worked great.   Note: this is for Quad Shield
and Flooded (with Poly.).  If you have Double shield it may not work.
Seller: fourpairteledata ( 44493  ) 

Item Title 


Shipping Price 


Item Total 

10 Pack Lot - F-Type Compression Connector Male Plug RG6 Quad Shield Coax Cable 
( 120796092561 ) 


Paid on Jul-31-12 





Shipped on Aug-01-12 

USPS First Class Package 

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information. 


--- On Fri, 12/14/12, Craig Clark wrote:

From: Craig Clark
Subject: Topband: PE coated RG6
Date: Friday, December 14, 2012, 10:20 AM

Anyone have any success installing compression F connectors on polyethylene
coated RG6?

I am having no luck with either double or quad shield compression or older
crimp F connectors.

Craig Clark K1QX

QX Electronics

PO Box 209

107 Fitzgerald Rd

Rindge NH 03461

(603) 899-6959 office

(603) 520 6577 cell

Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: PE coated RG6

2012-12-14 Thread Jim F.
Forgot to say these were purch. on eBay and the same company
sells Dual Shield Connectors:
RG6 Quad Shield Compression 
F-Type Connectors

Quantity: 10

For use with RG6 Quad Shield Cable (Not suitable for dual shield cable, look in 
our store for RG6 dual shield connectors) 




Same company sells Dual shield compression connectors
on eBay. Search for 'fourpairteledata'
--- On Fri, 12/14/12, Jim F. wrote:

From: Jim F.
Subject: Re: Topband: PE coated RG6
To: Craig Clark, Jim
Cc: top Band
Date: Friday, December 14, 2012, 6:49 PM

Hi Craig,
I bought a new roll of flooded quad shield RG-6  and packages of connectors from
5 sources because they are cheap until I found a package that worked.
Here is the one that worked great.   Note: this is for Quad Shield
and Flooded (with Poly.).  If you have Double shield it may not work.
Seller: fourpairteledata ( 44493  ) 

Item Title 


Shipping Price 


Item Total 

10 Pack Lot - F-Type Compression Connector Male Plug RG6 Quad Shield Coax Cable 
( 120796092561 ) 


Paid on Jul-31-12 





Shipped on Aug-01-12 

USPS First Class Package 

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information. 


--- On Fri, 12/14/12, Craig Clark wrote:

From: Craig Clark
Subject: Topband: PE coated RG6
Date: Friday, December 14, 2012, 10:20 AM

Anyone have any success installing compression F connectors on polyethylene
coated RG6?

I am having no luck with either double or quad shield compression or older
crimp F connectors.

Craig Clark K1QX

QX Electronics

PO Box 209

107 Fitzgerald Rd

Rindge NH 03461

(603) 899-6959 office

(603) 520 6577 cell

Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Topband: Two Day Band Opening

2012-12-09 Thread Jim F.
My first band opening experienced on Top Band was pretty exciting.
Saturday eve. was good but Sunday eve. even better from NH.
Could not make a QRP contact but still it was interesting to
hear Super Stations out west easily working Super Stations in EU..
Jim / W1FMR
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: DX Window-Redux

2012-12-07 Thread Jim F.
Thanks Tim...Very well said !

This expresses my feelings about TB radio contesting.

The challenges of competition can be stimulating and enjoyable.
But when beating the oponent takes precedence in the mind over 
performing as well as possible, enjoyment tends to disappear.
Competition is enjoyable only when it is a means to perfect one's
skills: when it becomes an end in itself, it ceases to be fun.
How else could a fairly sane QRPer look at life on Top Band ?
And my Swish Swish noise problem seems to appear and vanish 
in sync with my neighbor's outside Christmas lights even though they
don't appear to blink on and off. 
Merry Christmas Everybody !
jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 12/7/12, Shoppa, Tim wrote:

From: Shoppa, Tim
Subject: Re: Topband: DX Window-Redux
To: Tom W8JI,,
Date: Friday, December 7, 2012, 12:03 PM

 There is a person down here always complaining about contest life being 
 unfair, and wanting distance based multipliers in other contests. He wanted 
 support for that idea.
 The end result of distance based scoring or score by distance, power, and 
 number of QSO's is certainly very different, but it is far from level. It 
 simply tilts things in a different way.
 It winds up effectively being a northern polar path or southern polar 
 path, and unpopulated one-hop radial area penalty.

The concept of a completely level playing field contest is an interesting one.

There were several contests in the 1960's that attempted to level the playing
field for all participants worldwide.

These contests very often ended up with tables of multipliers based on CQ zones
that attempted to give bonus points/mults for the most difficult contacts, e.g.
over the pole. Check out for example page 57 of QST September 1967 issue for
a very large table of QSO scoring based on CQ zone matrix of correspondents.

What should be a lesson, is that these contests invariably ended up with bigger 
tables for correcting QSO's for difficulty, than they had entrants It will
be a stretch for anyone to remember the names of these contests although old 
of QST are a start. That's how successful the universal correction was.

This was before gridsquares of course. I think the TBDC hits a nice middle 
and best of all nobody has to compute their own score. In fact it is by
definition impossible to compute your own score (not knowing whether the other
guy is HP, LP, or QRP.) Even with these factors there are still some locations
and styles and stations that have advantages over others.

I would hazard a guess that few of us enter it with an eye purely on score. If
folks only entered contests they would win there would only ever be one 
in each contest, a great loss for us all. I enjoy contest activity even though
I've never won any :-)

Tim N3QE
Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Topband: RF noise

2012-12-03 Thread Jim F.
Around 5 pm here as it starts getting dark there is some kind of interference
and wonder if anyone recognizes it ?
It sounds like your mom's first washing machine...Swish  Swish  Swish etc...
at a 2 Swishes in less than 2 seconds rate.
It sounds like Swish modulated static but softer sounding than static peaking 
S-9 at mid Swish.
Thank you,
Jim / W1FMR.
Topband reflector -

Topband: From the QRP point of view.

2012-12-02 Thread Jim F.
Wish I could thank all 140 stations that answered my call and 
wonder if the bone crushing signals like K8OO that didn't would 
care to know how many times I tried ?
I especially want to thank TM6M, my only EU contact for the
many, many repeats but most of all the US operators who 
patiently stood by moaning and groaning as this exercise
went on (and on).
Made some antenna changes Saturday in the snow and 
seemed to hear more but worked about the same.
Experimenting continues.
Thanks again, and looking forward to the Stew.
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: DX WINDOW

2012-12-01 Thread Jim F.
Hi Saulius,
I know (almost) exactly how you feel  :-)  
jim / W1FMR / QRP.

--- On Sat, 12/1/12, Saulius Zalnerauskas wrote:

From: Saulius Zalnerauskas
Subject: Re: Topband: DX WINDOW
To: Eddy Swynar
Cc:, Carol Richards
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2012, 10:37 AM

Spent whole night 2200z-0600z with 49 QSO's in the LOG.
Find one moment free frequence to call CQ. 1 call back to me from VE.
That's all. Full band 1800 KHz - 1880 kHz full of W/VE station's
making QSO's each-other, they are very LOUD, but don't hear EU :(
Maybe next night would be much more better!?

Sam LY5W will be ready at 2130z
49 QSO, 23 section's, long list of station's called but not worked,
called dozen of W5/W0 too with no luck

On 12/1/12, Eddy Swynar  wrote:

 On 2012-12-01, at 8:39 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

 I personally think that the notion of keeping 1825 - 1830-KHz clean of
 NA stations calling CQ is a good one...

 Hi All,

 Obviously this typo was a test meant to see if anyone was awake yet...! Hi

 Of course I MEANT to say 1830- to 1835-KHz---but fat fingers (and a skinny
 mind) got in the way.

 Thanks go to Bert for keeping things on an even keel here...

 ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Topband: QRP in CQWW from condo

2012-11-26 Thread Jim F.
Didn't do well from NH.   A new inverted 150' sloping inv. L with two 130' 
raised radials
heard many more EU than usual from the condo but very weak.  Did manage
a G4, F5, and C6.
Planning to change the sloping part of the inv. L to vertical (40') for the 
next contest
and hope for improvement.
With the two raised radials connected the SWR did not change when some on-ground
random radials were connected.
A question:  
Using the 2 above ground radials should the house/rig/A.C. grounds be isolated 
from them ?
It seems like the 2 above ground radials control antenna impedance and not much 
 when house ground and random on-ground radials are connected.
BTW on 20m worked P75T in Zone 25.  An Asian site posted a North Korean location
for that call.  Anyone have info on that ?   Apparent bootlegger ?
Fun contest with many tremendous 160m VE signals.  
Heard HK1NA pretty well but no QSO on 160. 
Jim / W1FMR
Topband reflector -

Topband: Thrashing around in the Stew

2012-10-21 Thread Jim F.
Friday afternoon was spent putting 140' of wire in the trees but
was not able to spend time operating until Saturday evening.
Thought there was no one on the band until accidentally tuning
up a ways and there they were.  Couldn't get beyond 900 miles
(needing many repeats) and about midnight decided to try an above
ground radial hoping for a boost, but no luck but did not get
arrested for crashing around in the woods at midnight either.
Even tried hastilly winding a choke balun around 1 am, but it only hung up
the keyer with RF feedback which forced me to quit N1MM and lose the 
dupe sheet. Still no luck, but 160m is sure a fun band. Had a few hours 
sleep then shortly after daybreak made a few more then reeled in the 
raised radial before someone in the condo complex walked into it.
Thanks to all who dug my 5 watts out of the noise and 
especially those who tried and tried but couldn't.  Maybe I will figure out 
how to get this FCP assembled and up before too long. My #1 goal is to
work Herb, KV4FZ from this location as he always has a good signal.
Nice to have worked K2AV and W0UCE - my FCP heroes last night !
Jim / W1FMR
Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th. for more 

Re: Topband: Thrashing around in the Stew

2012-10-21 Thread Jim F.
OK Jim...  worked nothing over 877 miles but will keep improving the antenna
system until I work you and Herb down in the islands.  I'm living on a big rock
here and it's granite, not copper.
Sounds like you are doing pretty well for QRP power. Keep it up, and see you
at Dayton in May.
Jim / W1FMR.

--- On Sun, 10/21/12, James Rodenkirch wrote:

From: James Rodenkirch
Subject: RE: Topband: Thrashing around in the Stew
To: Jim F. W1FMR,
Date: Sunday, October 21, 2012, 5:30 PM

Wish I woulda heard ya., Jim - would have been nice to have you in my log.

Ended up with 80 Qs with one KL7 and three KH6s in the mix. Longest stateside Q 
was either a fella in PA or a fella in NC (can't remember which).  Heard FM5CD 
Saturday evening but he wasn't hearing my peanut whistle as all I heard him 
replying to was east coast stations.

Condx were the pits here as well - rolling noise, growling noise - made my ears 

Congrats on getting your stealth antenna put up and taken down with no LEOs 
all over ya!

Hope to work ya someday!  72, Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV

 Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 13:37:32 -0700
 Subject: Topband: Thrashing around in the Stew
 Friday afternoon was spent putting 140' of wire in the trees but
 was not able to spend time operating until Saturday evening.
 Thought there was no one on the band until accidentally tuning
 up a ways and there they were.  Couldn't get beyond 900 miles
 (needing many repeats) and about midnight decided to try an above
 ground radial hoping for a boost, but no luck but did not get
 arrested for crashing around in the woods at midnight either.
 Even tried hastilly winding a choke balun around 1 am, but it only hung up
 the keyer with RF feedback which forced me to quit N1MM and lose the 
 dupe sheet. Still no luck, but 160m is sure a fun band. Had a few hours 
 sleep then shortly after daybreak made a few more then reeled in the 
 raised radial before someone in the condo complex walked into it.
 Thanks to all who dug my 5 watts out of the noise and 
 especially those who tried and tried but couldn't.  Maybe I will figure out 
 how to get this FCP assembled and up before too long. My #1 goal is to
 work Herb, KV4FZ from this location as he always has a good signal.
 Nice to have worked K2AV and W0UCE - my FCP heroes last night !
 Jim / W1FMR
 Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th. for more 
Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th. for more 

Re: Topband: Inv-L wire in contact with tree branches

2012-09-28 Thread Jim F.
Hi Gary,
I have had good luck with #14 ga. teflon coated, silver plated, stranded wire
from a flea market.  Would like to find more of this as it loves treetops.
I tie a supple branch or make a rope inverted T configuration between to 2 
branches at the antenna far end which acts as a shock absorber for the the 
endfed wire when the mighty wind blows and the heavy ice coats, as it frequently
does here in the hills of NH.
jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 9/28/12, Gary Smith wrote:

From: Gary Smith
Subject: Topband: Inv-L wire in contact with tree branches
Date: Friday, September 28, 2012, 11:45 AM

I'm fortunate to have a nice radial 
assembly of aprox 50 130' radials  half 
of them on a salt marsh with the rest over 
boggy ground. Unfortunately I have no way 
to put up a pulley system with relief on 
one end and the antenna in open air.

I use 6  8 strand ribbon CAT wire which 
was used indoors for running computer and 
phone wire. I got several miles of it at a 
cheap price on ebay. I used that for my 
radial wires, soldered at both ends and I 
also use it for my elements. I have an 
inv-L for 160, an almost full length 
vertical for 80, a 40M  30M vertical all 
using the same radial bed. I used to have 
a butternut for 20-10 meters but found I 
heard and transmitted better using one of 
the aforementioned wires instead for the 
higher bands. I use a PVC cannon to shoot 
a projectile over the tallest tree and 
raise the antennae that way. 

The verticals are no issue, they remain up 
and give no problem. The problem is on 160 
where the best I can do is aim for a hole 
in the tree tops and shoot the projectile 
through it  over the tallest tree I can 
get to. I tie down the distant end with 
the entirety of the wires elevation 
resting on tree branches. Being on the 
ocean's edge there is considerable tree 
movement all the time and yearly the wire 
frays and breaks close to midway. It came 
down this week. I'm guessing the plastic 
layer of the ribbon is not UV proof and 
that allows the outer insulation to peel 
off exposing the 24 gauge solid wires to 
the sun and their insulation to wear  
break off. The CAT wire is quite sturdy 
when first used but it is made of many 
fragile parts.

All that to say; since I have no choice 
but to run the wire over the tree tops, 
what would be a better wire? 

Copperclad would probably be more durable 
but the contact with the tree branches on 
exposed wire would be no good. Enamelled 
copperclad would soon have the enamel worn 
off  there would be direct metal contact 
to the branches. I can't find any of the 
old copperclad two element telephone 
wiring around here with UV proof  durable 
insulation as the phone company won't give 
it or sell it privately when they take it 
down. I looked at the wire Home Depot has 
and the stranded wire doesn't seem to have 
a tough insulation.

I'm putting another 8 element wire back up 
today as there's some pacific DX I need on 
160 that's coming to a close but I need to 
put something better up that I don't have 
to keep replacing 1-2 times a year.


UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: DXCC Fairness

2012-09-19 Thread Jim F.
Excellent observations on DXCC from the East Coast.
I think all Atlantic Coasters should operate QRP -  Just to make it fair.
jim / W1FMR  

--- On Wed, 9/19/12, wrote:

Subject: Re: Topband: DXCC Fairness
Cc: 'TopBand'
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 2:36 PM


You can't have your cake and eat it. The West coast has nicer weather than the 
East coast but the left coast ocean is larger...

Maybe there should be an award based on Grid Squares.

Mike N2MS

- Original Message -
From: Jim Brown
To: 'TopBand'
Sent: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:17:35 - (UTC)
Subject: Topband: DXCC Fairness

Talk about DXCC fairness -- it's FAR easier to work DXCC with a modest 
station anywhere around the Atlantic, or within 1000 km of it, than it 
is from the Pacific.  I've got a very nice antenna farm and have taken 
the time to become a competitive contester, but I am almost never able 
to work DXCC in a weekend contest, all bands combined. But guys on the 
east coast consider it trivially easy. The difference is especially 
striking on Topband -- there are often openings from EU to eastern NA, 
whereas we might HEAR a dozen signals a YEAR out here in California.  It 
took me four years to work 100 countries on 160, and two years later I'm 
at 125. I haven't heard EU for two years.

73, Jim K9YC
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Using the K2AV folded counterpoise at VK6VZ

2012-08-31 Thread Jim F.
I do not have the FCP up yet but an inv. L  has been up
in the treetops for 2+ years.
It is of #16 teflon silver plated stranded wire and I attribute long
life to the far end which is tied to a single rope which is tied to the 
center of a horizontal rope with ends tied to supple branches of opposing 
small trees that act as a shock absorber. 
(ropes are configured like an inverted T)
A more recent inv. L wire of the same material had the far end
single rope tied to a thicker branch and the wire abraded and 
broke at one spot.
And I wondered why tuning suddenly changed :-))
I run QRP power and get away with a wire in the treetops.
jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 8/31/12, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:

From: Guy Olinger K2AV
Subject: Re: Topband: Using the K2AV folded counterpoise at VK6VZ
Cc: TopBand List
Date: Friday, August 31, 2012, 11:25 AM

That part where you say keep a low profile is the real issue.

Since trees routinely get to 100, and even up to 150 feet, objects of that
size unless close and directly in line with runways are not prohibited.
4000 feet is way past the point where trees have to be cut down in line
with runways.

K5AF has an L over FCP with the bend supported by his 40 foot tree.  K5ESW
shot a line over his trees and pulled insulated Wireman #531 through the
top of the trees with the line to get his roundish L over FCP.  He puts
1200 watts on it and I keep waiting for him to tell me it's burned through
to the wood somewhere, but not so far. The kazappy end of the wire is in
the clear.  Press at Wireman does not list an insulation rating for that
stuff.  But the insulation is PE, not the cheep PVC stuff you get on THHN,

The PE insulation on #531 is black, and it is very hard to see that stuff
up in a tree.  Most of ESW's wire I simply couldn't pick out of the
branches, even though I knew where it had to be.

If it if was ME doing a stunt like that, I would get teflon tubing big
enough but not too loose and put that over the #531.  Then I would pull the
combination through the trees.  But Paul has it up there, and so we have a
real life experiment in progress.

73, Guy.

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Bill Cromwell wrote:

 Lucky me there is no HOA where I live. Mention HOA and everybody says
 huh? No way. I am about 4000 feet from the nearest runway but that is
 for small aircraft and the 4000 feet is from my home to the *side* of
 runway. The tallest tree on my place is about 40 feet high and I don't
 want to go very much past that due to that runway AND to just keep a low

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Lightning Strike Chart

2012-08-22 Thread Jim F.
Saw this lightning strike chart today and wondered if  other
Top Bandeleros were aware of it.
Enjoyed the comments recently on the FCP !!
Mine is still in the works. 
A few weeks ago I put a rope across the trees where
the FCP will go and it's still there with nothing heard
from the condo assoc. which is a very good sign.
jim / W1FMR
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page

2012-08-17 Thread Jim F.
The address shown is too short.  Add VQ2DAA at the end of the address.

jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 8/17/12, Lloyd Berg wrote:

From: Lloyd Berg
Subject: Re: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband
Cc: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Date: Friday, August 17, 2012, 5:27 PM

Thanks Tony,
Thanks Jerry,

That link works, and I contributed, I hope others will too.


Lloyd - N9LB

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:15 PM
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband
Subject: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page

I believe the correct PayPal page for donations to send Sasha home is

73,  Jerry K3BZ
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UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Fw: Re: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page

2012-08-17 Thread Jim F.
Try this:

--- On Fri, 8/17/12, Jim F. wrote:

From: Jim F.
Subject: Re: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband, Lloyd Berg
Cc: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Date: Friday, August 17, 2012, 5:59 PM

The address shown is too short.  Add VQ2DAA at the end of the address.

jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 8/17/12, Lloyd Berg wrote:

From: Lloyd Berg
Subject: Re: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband
Cc: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Date: Friday, August 17, 2012, 5:27 PM

Thanks Tony,
Thanks Jerry,

That link works, and I contributed, I hope others will too.


Lloyd - N9LB

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:15 PM
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband
Subject: Topband: UA9YAB SK - PayPal Page

I believe the correct PayPal page for donations to send Sasha home is

73,  Jerry K3BZ
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Version: 9.0.930 / Virus Database: 2437.1.1/5204 - Release Date: 08/17/12

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UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP

2012-08-14 Thread Jim F.
That idea is so cool !
Do you think that the dogbone insulator is strong enough
if the wire end of the insulator was slotted on top so that the FCP
wire could be dropped into, instead of threaded through the hole ?
The FCP in my case will be on common property and may have to 
come down now and then   :-))
jim / W1FMR

--- On Tue, 8/14/12, Gregg Marco W6IZT wrote:

From: Gregg Marco W6IZT
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 1:37 PM

I use a plastic dog bone insulator. I use a bolt that has a machine screw
thread on one end and a wood screw thread on the other (available at HD). I
drill the end of the dog bone to accept the machine thread and thread the
wood screw into a post, tree or whatever. I have not had a single failure in
over 10 years


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP

I have used the plastic ones and still do on my beverage  antennas.  
However, I find that squirrels like to chew the ends off. They are good for
one or two yrs.

In a message dated 8/13/2012 22:57:59 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Electric  Fence Post Insulators do work but... Check every so often, as 
grow  the plastic insulators pop off the nails.  This has happened to  me
three times in the past three years.  Not every one of them but  this year
four popped.  Two of them were on adjacent trees and allowed  my double FCP
wires to twist together and  short.


Hi Rick,

My FCP will be in  the woods in trees with the 2 element leg visible and the
3 element  side in the trees to keep down visibility.

I will try  these electric fence insulators mounted in trees.  They allow  
FCP to be
lifted and removed because of an open slot in the top of  the insulator.
That is my plan anyway.  The insulators are not ceramic  but some kind of
but since I will be using low power hope that  will not be a problem.

Maybe you could hang your FCP in such a  way as to move it around and 
experiment to see which way works out best  for your lot.

I don't know how these details will come out on the  list but if anyone 
email  me.

Drill Tool for Screw in Insulators Electric  Fence ( 310118402943 ) 

Paid on  Aug-01-12 





Shipped on Aug-01-12 

UPS Ground 

Estimated  delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information.  


Wood Post Screw in Ring Insulator  Black Electric Fence ( 310261584779 )  

Paid on Aug-01-12 





Shipped on Aug-01-12  

UPS Ground 

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller  for more information. 


Wood Post 9 Screwin Ring Insulator  Rope Electric Fence ( 400164002002 ) 

jim  / W1FMR

Paid on Aug-01-12 





Shipped on Aug-01-12 

UPS Ground  

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more  information. 


--- On Sat, 8/11/12, Rick ve3mm  wrote:

From: Rick ve3mm
Subject: Topband: 160 M FCP Alternatives -  Comments Invited
Date: Saturday, August 11,  2012, 9:46 AM


I am planning a 160 M FCP and inverted L  installation for the upcoming
winter season.  The space available for  both the inverted L and FCP are
limited and I have to make the installation  neat to please the XYL.

I have a pressure treated board fence that can  be used to support the FCP.
The fence runs along the back side of my lot  (60 feet) and down the two
sides.  I intend to manufacture pvc  standoffs for the FCP that will be
mounted on the fence approximately 5  feet above ground.

As I see it, my FCP alternatives are as  follows:

1) Mount the centre of FCP at a 90 degree intersection of two  sides of the
fence.  Each side of the FCP will be straight, but they  will be oriented at
90 degrees to each other.

2) The FCP mounted on  the 60 foot length of fence on the back side of my
lot with the last three  feet of each side of the FCP wrapped on to the
adjacent sides of the fence,  90 degree bends at each end.

3) The FCP mounted on the same 60 foot  length of fence but offset so that
one side of the FCP is in a straight  plane and the end of the other is
folded at 90 degrees for the last 6  feet.

I would appreciate any comments from the group on which of  these
alternatives will offer the best FCP performance.

Thanks and  73

Rick ve3mm

Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP

2012-08-14 Thread Jim F.
Thanks Carl,   Great idea.
I enjoy reading your posts.
Jim / W1FMR

--- On Tue, 8/14/12, ZR wrote:

From: ZR
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP
To: Jim F., Gregg Marco W6IZT
Cc: top Band
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 5:36 PM

The black fence insulators are about $4 for a package of 25 at a local feed and 
grain store. I get mine at Dodge Grain in Salem.

In days of old I used old dogbones that had way too many years outdoors and 
showed some UV or maybe RF damage during rain, etc.  Cut in half, drill into 
both, cut the head off a #6 or 8 self tapping screw, use pliers to hold to 
thread the insulator on and then screw into a tree trunk. Before they had 
affordable cordless drills I used a nail to start the hole in a tree.still 
do when the damn battery is dead!

Hacksaw a slot wherever you want it before or after its in place.


- Original Message - From: Jim F.
To: Gregg Marco W6IZT
Cc: top Band
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP

That idea is so cool !

Do you think that the dogbone insulator is strong enough
if the wire end of the insulator was slotted on top so that the FCP
wire could be dropped into, instead of threaded through the hole ?

The FCP in my case will be on common property and may have to
come down now and then :-))

jim / W1FMR

--- On Tue, 8/14/12, Gregg Marco W6IZT wrote:

From: Gregg Marco W6IZT
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 1:37 PM

I use a plastic dog bone insulator. I use a bolt that has a machine screw
thread on one end and a wood screw thread on the other (available at HD). I
drill the end of the dog bone to accept the machine thread and thread the
wood screw into a post, tree or whatever. I have not had a single failure in
over 10 years


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Electric Fence Post Insulators for FCP

I have used the plastic ones and still do on my beverage antennas.
However, I find that squirrels like to chew the ends off. They are good for
one or two yrs.

In a message dated 8/13/2012 22:57:59 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Electric Fence Post Insulators do work but... Check every so often, as
grow the plastic insulators pop off the nails. This has happened to me
three times in the past three years. Not every one of them but this year
four popped. Two of them were on adjacent trees and allowed my double FCP
wires to twist together and short.


Hi Rick,

My FCP will be in the woods in trees with the 2 element leg visible and the
3 element side in the trees to keep down visibility.

I will try these electric fence insulators mounted in trees. They allow
FCP to be
lifted and removed because of an open slot in the top of the insulator.
That is my plan anyway. The insulators are not ceramic but some kind of
but since I will be using low power hope that will not be a problem.

Maybe you could hang your FCP in such a way as to move it around and
experiment to see which way works out best for your lot.

I don't know how these details will come out on the list but if anyone
email me.

Drill Tool for Screw in Insulators Electric Fence ( 310118402943 )

Paid on Aug-01-12





Shipped on Aug-01-12

UPS Ground

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information.


Wood Post Screw in Ring Insulator Black Electric Fence ( 310261584779 )

Paid on Aug-01-12





Shipped on Aug-01-12

UPS Ground

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information.


Wood Post 9 Screwin Ring Insulator Rope Electric Fence ( 400164002002 )

jim / W1FMR

Paid on Aug-01-12





Shipped on Aug-01-12

UPS Ground

Estimated delivery: Varies* You can contact seller for more information.


--- On Sat, 8/11/12, Rick ve3mm wrote:

From: Rick ve3mm
Subject: Topband: 160 M FCP Alternatives - Comments Invited
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2012, 9:46 AM


I am planning a 160 M FCP and inverted L installation for the upcoming
winter season. The space available for both the inverted L and FCP are
limited and I have

Topband: Fw: Re: Radials over a stone wall

2012-08-10 Thread Jim F.

Just an out of the box thought...  
Anyone guess what would happen if the radials going over
the wall were coax shielded  ?
Anonymous  :-))

--- On Fri, 8/10/12, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

From: Herb Schoenbohm
Subject: Re: Topband: Radials over a stone wall
To: N2TK, Tony
Cc: 'topband'
Date: Friday, August 10, 2012, 3:32 PM

Tony, no need to fret about drilling. I would say than going under is 
better than going over.  The crews who do direct burial for cable TV and 
fiber have special directional drill attachments that you should try to 
borrow. the will go straight down along the wall until they get to the 
dirt under the wall, find their way under the wall and come up on the 
other side.  You just a need a few of these connector and for them it is 
something they do all the time under highways, concrete drainage and 
sidewalks, as a matter of their work.

If you want to DIY you could also excavate as much as possible on both 
sides, take some 8 foot ground rods and drive them at an angle drive 
with a sledge on each side and see if you can establish contact.  Fill 
both sides of the pilot holes with rock salt, the water them for several 
days.  Eventually you should have a fairly low resistance connection 
from one rod to the other, even if they do not touch. Connect you 
radials to both ground rods. Only problem with the rock salt is it will 
eventually each away at the copper covered steel rod.  But you should be 
good for a year or two.

Before I get royally flamed here and subjected to humiliation by not 
having this advice peer reviewed, let me suggest that this method has 
never been tested by me and probably not by anyone else.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 8/10/2012 2:21 PM, N2TK, Tony wrote:
 Thanks Bill and Herb about drilling a hole through the wall. That could be
 tough. It is a stone wall with no mortar. It is about 20-28 thick. It is
 well constructed with large field stones. It would be rough to drill through
 all of that. I had thought about taking portion of the wall apart but
 figured I would never get it back to looking as good as it does now. The
 stones go fairly deep so not much chance of going under the wall.

 N2TK, Tony

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Wichers []
 Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:26 PM
 To: N2TK, Tony; topband
 Subject: RE: Topband: Radials over a stone wall

 I would expect an up and over to clear the wall would result in a
 choke-like effect on the radial and would, at best, reduce the radial's

 It should be easy to just drill some small (maybe 1/4?) holes through the
 wall in a few places to pass the radials through. With a decent hammer drill
 and a carbide bit a small hole like that is pretty quick and easy to
 complete -- even in concrete or stone. Then just use a piece of coathanger
 wire as a wire fishing tool to run the radials through the hole.

 I use a wire pulling tool called a creep-zit to pull radials under fallen
 trees and logs in the woods. It works great. I basically just take one of
 the 6 foot long fiberglass rods (each of which is a little over 1/8
 diameter), tape the radial to one end, and then I can push it under fallen
 debris easily. With a little practice you can even get around hidden
 obstructions in the ground this way.


 I shunt feed my tower for topband. I use variable vacuum caps and a
 relay at the base to switch between the low end and the high end of
 band. It seems to work okay. I have 100' buried radials spaced 10' at
 ends from o degrees going clockwise through about 220 degrees. I have
 a 4'
 high stone wall that runs about 20/200 degrees that is about 35' at
 closest point to the tower. So the radials are progressively shorter
 West side of the tower.

 I am making an assumption that going up over the wall will distort any
 benefits of extending the radials on the West side? Is that a true

 I can't really have the radials go from the tower base up at an angle
 clear the stone wall and continue on. If I am to extend them the
 would have to go on the ground to the wall then up and over and back
 the ground.


 N2TK, Tony

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2012-08-02 Thread Jim F.
Knowing where you are going would be a big help.

So would 70' palm trees over the ocean in KH8 land.

I think you may have to tailor your tenna to your terrain.


jim / W1FMR

--- On Thu, 8/2/12, wrote:

 Subject: Re: Topband: ITINERANT 160 M ANTENNA PROJECT
 To: bills stuff
 Date: Thursday, August 2, 2012, 11:47 AM
 Since this is a temporary installation you do you get some
 thin insulated wire and lay 30 to 60 radials on the ground.
 You have to carry more wire but you won't have to worry
 about supporting elevated radials.
 I use 16 conductor surplus ribbon cable for this purpose.
 Mike N2MS
 - Original Message -
 From: bills stuff
 Sent: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 18:00:15 - (UTC)
 The plan is to develop a simple, relatively inexpensive,
 light weight and shippable/airline transportable 160 antenna
 kit for one 
 man quick deployment for modest DXpeditions or contributed
 for use by 
 resident hams in rare-ish (for 160 m) locations. The ability
 to make 
 adjustments to actual deployments to provide matching is
 important since 
 such antennas are famously variable due to soil and local
 environment and there should not be a need for antenna
 hardware, especially at the planned higher powers.
 Inv L top wire end was at ~ 2.5 m height with a support of
 (e.g., a tree) ~ 25 m from base
 I am looking for collaborators to contribute ideas to help
 improve, and 
 potentially, test design issues. Check out the website at
 for the Itinerant 160 m antenna project expanded discussion
 toward the 
 The immediate target is designing and assembling a
 respectable 160 m 
 antenna that might go to KH8 on a DXpedition.
 Bill, N6MW
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: The FCP is buildable..

2012-08-01 Thread Jim F.
Better to have a buildable, well thought out design for a condo
dweller or small garden owner than some perfect antenna that
 exists solely in theory or in the imagination of experts.

I am enjoying this discussion and am energized and excited
from recent readings on this reflector. Have even cleared a 
70' path in the common property woods behind my condo with 
the distinct possibility of reasonable 160m QRP operation 
with an FCP in the near future.

Thanks for the stimulating discussions !!!
And hope to CU in the Stew.


jim / W1FMRNH

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Reducing Noise in the Shack

2012-06-24 Thread Jim F.
Hi Jose,
You had no problem hearing my 5W signal in the Summer Stew and you were
the farthest contact made during my limited operating time. Some loud signals 
not hear me at all so I figured you probably had an excellent receive system.
I enjoyed reading the description of your interference filters.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Jim / W1FMR

--- On Sun, 6/24/12, N4IS wrote:

From: N4IS
Subject: Re: Topband: Reducing Noise in the Shack
To: 'Guy Olinger K2AV', 'DAVID CUTHBERT'
Cc:, 'Wayne Willenberg'
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:43 AM

Hi guys

Let me share what I've done about reducing noise in the Shack, not all
station has this kind of configuration, you may not need it.

1- Tom is 100% right about common mode noise. I killed all common mode noise
outside the Shack. My desk is in the corner of the house and I'm using two
steel galvanized box, one for AC with a huge common mode filters made with
wire #10 and FT270-31. The second 24x24x8 for the RX and TX cables, all
grounded inside. The RX cables have also FT240-31 chokes with RG142 cables.

2- The 220Vac enters the wall and is connect to another filter with very
large surge protectors and feed my amplifier. After the filter connected to
a large aluminum bar 8x 1/4x 72  followed by  an 1 KW isolation steep
down transformer to 110Vac. It is important to avoid ground loop using only
one point of grounding. 

3- EMI/RFI has two components, electrical and magnetic field must be
blocked. My RX antennas has low gain and they work near RX noise floor ,that
requires a high gain preamp, my preamp has  40 db gain. Aluminum boxes are
not enough to kill the magnetic field noise from the PC and from my 2 LDC
screen monitors, the solution was steel tinplated  24x36galvanized steel
plate bellow the desk and to build a large box 20 x 30  x 3 to install
all preamps and the RX switches inside.

4- Also there is a long ground #00 cable around the corner of the house with
ground rods each 10 FT, one leg is 40Ft log and the other is 60 FT long and
connected to the house power meter ground rod. at the end, like NEC
requires. That builds a huge low impedance ground protecting the house and
the shack. It is a good ground but for protection it is never good enough.
If my station has a big secret it is the ground system for sure, one for RF
and another for lightening connected together in one point by a large
galvanized 4steel pipe between the box in the house and the box in ta the
base of the TX tower 70 FT apart. All my cable runs inside a galvanized
steel pipes to cut the magnetic field.

I know it is overkill the problem but I'm glad I did it that way.

Jose Carlos

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Summer Stew Results...

2012-06-17 Thread Jim F.
I operated about 2 hours in the Stew but enjoyed it to the max.
Congratulations to the very patient operators ( esp. N4IS) who copied 
I was impressed with the N4IS receiving antenna seen on and his 1/4 
Stations that copied my 5w. signal:
K2TTT    234.4 mi 
W6XR    277.7 mi 
K1GQ    38.7 mi 
NO3M    452.5 mi 
VE3TA    465.5 mi 
K1ZO  71.0 mi 
K2CBI    192.0 mi 
VE9HF    292.7 mi 
W2XL 180.2 mi 
AB1OD  118.5 mi 
W3GH    477.1 mi 
N4IS     1287.8 mi 
N4PN    986.7 mi 
VE3OSZ    284.2 mi 
K1LT      650.0 mi 
N3QE    427.0 mi 
K7CS    438.5 mi 
  TX/RX antenna is an inv. L with misc. length radials
and progressing slowly on a (K2AV and W0UCE) FCP.
Jim / W1FMR - NH
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-27 Thread Jim F.
The Home Depot $9.99 lamps do not emit a lot of radiation but cause
noise when located near my FM and 160m radios.
And the large heatsink located above the base gets quite hot to the touch. 
I bought a new LED lamp in original packing,  and had it delivered to
 Ed Hare (RFI guru) at ARRL headquarters as an inexpensive ($10)  
white noise generator, but have heard nothing back yet.  
jim / W1FMR

--- On Thu, 4/5/12, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

From: Herb Schoenbohm
Subject: Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 5:16 PM

I just don't understand physics it seemsas how can there be that 
much energy savings if so much heat is produced and must be dissipated?  
Here in the VI when the power company increased the rates to over $40 
per KWH everyone bought the cheap CFL bulbs after the energy office made 
a big promotion on radio and TV about how much money would be saved in 
the process.  Well there was less consumption and people bills were 
slightly lower with this and other energy saving moves like turning of 
the electric water heater, going to gas stoves, and unplugging the 
freezer part of the day.  OK fine but when the power company noticed a 
reduction on accounts receivables, and found it difficult to make bond 
payment on debt service...guess what?  They just increased the per KWH 
charge to about 50 cents per KWH!

So whats the point in saving a few watts anyway if these LED beasties 
cause RFI?  in fact i like the old incandescent bulbs that haven't 
changed much since Thomas Edison and others in UK and Russia invented 
them.  plus i like the fact that when I key my rig on TB the outside 
lights at night go off and on.  (Just kidding of course)

Herb, KV4FZ

Wayne.. Good info...Thanks

Hmmm..  the heatsink base of this 40 watt bulb also gets too hot to touch
and feels like more than 40 watts also.

--- On Thu, 4/5/12, Wayne  wrote:

From: Wayne
Subject: RE: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
To: 'Jim F.', 'top Band'
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 12:32 PM

FWIW: for the last six weeks, I've been experimenting with three LED
40, 60 and 75 watts, Sylvania and UtilitechPro from Lowes and so far
noticed anything on Topband. I even disconnected the shield on the RX
this morning and still don't hear anything.

Wayne, N7NG

p.s. That 75 watt equivalent lamp seems to put out MORE than 60 watts of
heat. It really gets hot.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:22 AM
To: top Band
Subject: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

I bought two  LED  40 watt equivalent 110V. light bulbs from Home Depot
only 9 watts of power, for $9.99 ea.

They seemed like a good deal but cause noise interference on 160m and the
radio band.
(I did not try other bands.)

I like the bulbs but best use them away from your radio station and have
someone turn them off and on while monitoring your favorite


jim / W1FMR
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Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-07 Thread Jim F.
Thank you Mike Great advice, 
and another good reason to support the ARRL.
jim  / W1FMR

--- On Sat, 4/7/12, Mike Waters wrote:

From: Mike Waters
Subject: Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
To: topband
Date: Saturday, April 7, 2012, 6:00 AM

Right now, the FCC is actively seeking input concerning impediments to
amateur radio communications. IMO, if there was ever an impediment
--especially to weak-signal Topband communications-- it is RFI like this.

There is a narrow window of opportunity (until May 17, I think) before the
FCC will stop accepting input about this.

73, Mike
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-06 Thread Jim F.
Excellent advice Jim, 
And another thought...Since this bulb complies with
part 15 of FCC rules our only hope may be with the ARRL.
My QRP club is visiting ARRL on the 21st. of this month and the topic
 will be brought up.
Top Band is a great forum / list !

--- On Fri, 4/6/12, Jim Brown wrote:

From: Jim Brown
Subject: Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
To:, Jim F.
Date: Friday, April 6, 2012, 1:56 PM

On 4/5/2012 9:45 AM, Jim F. wrote:
 I will continue to use one upstairs well away from my operating
 table turned off while operating because I like the bulb and the

That's a very bad move -- by buying an RF-noisy product, we cause RFI to 
ourselves and our neighbors, and we cause more RF-noisy products to be sold.

Take it back and demand a refund. Tell them why -- but don't say ham radio, say 
that it interferes with your AM and/or FM radios.  If you hear it on 160M, 
chances are it will also be be killing an AM or FM table radio near the lamp.

73, Jim Brown K9YC
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-05 Thread Jim F.
OK Sam,
The RF noisy LED bulbs were purchased at Home Depot 
in a special display near the door.
Ecosmart™  LED bright white A19  #864 680 for $9.99 ea., 
40 watt equivalent, dimmable bulbs using 9 watts of energy.
I will continue to use one upstairs well away from my operating 
table turned off while operating because I like the bulb and the
 I cannot tell while running up and down the stairs myself 
if the lamp affects the radio at a distance. 
But if company, or a delivery man, or whoever shows up next 
I will put them to work turning the lamp off and on whilst I listen
to 160m.
jim / W1FMR

 From: Sam Morgan
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
brand name and model numbers would be helpful please

GB  73
Sam Morgan

On 4/5/2012 10:21 AM, Jim F. wrote:

 I bought two  LED  40 watt equivalent 110V. light bulbs from Home Depot that
 use only 9 watts of power, for $9.99 ea.

 They seemed like a good deal but cause noise interference on 160m and the FM
 radio band. (I did not try other bands.)

 I like the bulbs but best use them away from your radio station and have
 someone turn them off and on while monitoring your favorite


 jim / W1FMR

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Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-05 Thread Jim F.
Wayne.. Good info...Thanks
Hmmm..  the heatsink base of this 40 watt bulb also gets too hot to touch
and feels like more than 40 watts also.

--- On Thu, 4/5/12, Wayne Mills wrote:

From: Wayne Mills
Subject: RE: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
To: 'Jim F.', 'top Band'
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 12:32 PM

FWIW: for the last six weeks, I've been experimenting with three LED lamps,
40, 60 and 75 watts, Sylvania and UtilitechPro from Lowes and so far haven't
noticed anything on Topband. I even disconnected the shield on the RX input
this morning and still don't hear anything.

Wayne, N7NG

p.s. That 75 watt equivalent lamp seems to put out MORE than 60 watts of
heat. It really gets hot.

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:22 AM
To: top Band
Subject: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

I bought two  LED  40 watt equivalent 110V. light bulbs from Home Depot that
only 9 watts of power, for $9.99 ea. 
They seemed like a good deal but cause noise interference on 160m and the FM
radio band.
(I did not try other bands.)
I like the bulbs but best use them away from your radio station and have
someone turn them off and on while monitoring your favorite
jim / W1FMR
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Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-05 Thread Jim F.
Hi George,
I first noticed the problem as a hiss on my favorite FM radio station.

Tod, K0TO had a very good thought, that it may be the dimmable feature.
To answer your question  George, : Yes... Marked Clearly on the box.

I am wondering the if the LED 
bulbs bought from Home Depot meet FCC Part 15 specs. Were 
they marked so?

George, AA7JV
jim / W1FMR

--- On Thu, 4/5/12, GeorgeWallner wrote:

From: GeorgeWallner
Subject: Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 7:10 PM

On Thu, 5 Apr 2012 16:01:12 -0400
  Mike Greenway wrote:
 I wondered how long it would take before they started 
selling some RFI 
 generating lighting.  Soon we can have a complete 
neighborhood of RFI 

I have tested compact fluorescent bulbs a couple of years 
ago and found that they were noisy. I have not tried to 
quantify the level of noise emitted, but it was about S5 
on my K3 at a distance of about 4 feet using a one foot 
wire for antenna. I have stayed with incandescent, but my 
neighbor has installed over 50 of them on his house. The 
noise coming from that direction (NW) is significantly 
stronger than what I get from any other direction. Since 
he has installed the CF (and many LED) bulbs, I have not 
made one JA QSO! Fortunately, my DHDL, which looks towards 
EU (NE) completely blocks the noise and I am still able to 
work Europe.

On the other hand, I have LED lights installed on my dock, 
which is only about 20 feet to the East of the RX antenna, 
but these LED lights are driven by well filtered drivers 
in metal boxes. No noise from these lights can be 

It seems to me that we have a very serious threat from 
noisy switched light sources (and other digital noise 
generators, like Variable Frequency Drives) that have not 
been properly filtered. I am wondering the if the LED 
bulbs bought from Home Depot meet FCC Part 15 specs. Were 
they marked so?

George, AA7JV

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Re: Topband: QRP Politically Correctness Concern

2012-03-19 Thread Jim F.
I am a diehard QRPer and an originator of the New England QRP club
plus other stints in QRP officialdom and I really enjoyed your email
especially the very clever 72, 73, and 74.
I try to lurk on the lists as a beginner on 160m but cannot help
jumping in and posting sometimes.
Keep up the humor and know you are understood and appreciated by 
the mostly silent,  majority.
72 means Happy QRPing and was started by the ancient (and honorable)
G-QRP club, one of the oldest QRP organizations around.
jim / W1FMR

--- On Sun, 3/18/12, W0UCE wrote:

From: W0UCE
Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Politically Correctness Concern
To: 'James Rodenkirch',,
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 7:20 PM

To All:

If I offended anyone with what was simply having fun, as a muse about
72, 73 and 74 I apologize. 

My post was not in any way intended to be negative toward anyone that cares
to  operate QRP or any other power level or if they have the desire or feel
the need to let everyone know their power level by adding /QRP, /QLP, /QRO
or sending 72, 73, 74, 88 or even 73s.

Freedom of speech still prevails  so if / Something or 72 is important
just have at it.



-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of James Rodenkirch
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Politically Correctness Concern

Dangcan we GET away from an over-indulgence/concern over what's said
or typed?

72 is a form of radio shorthand that roughly translates as meaning Best
wishes QRP!  

Been that way for a loong time, I do believe!  

Sheesh!  Does all of this PC ever END



 Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 17:56:29 -0400

 Subject: Topband: QRP Politically Correctness Concern


 I notice people using 72 on the reflector which I assume to be a

 substitution for 73. 


 By chance does 72 indicate not so best wishes?


 In observance of proper etiquette on Gentleman's Band and also be 

 Properly Politically Correct in today's troubled times perhaps 

 the numbers and meanings listed below should be considered appropriate:


 QRP - 72

 Low Power - 73

 QRO: 74


 73  sometimes 74,





 Great discussion on power and low power and QRP power and the affects Top

 Band have on 'em all - appreciate the various views and discussions. 72 to

 all, Jim R. K9JWV





  Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 14:14:26 -0700



  Subject: Re: Topband: July Stew Perry Please


  On 3/18/2012 2:01 PM, James Rodenkirch wrote:

   Sounds like you and others might not be so keen on burying your ears

 noise just to work a QRP puke like me, 'eh?


  I'm not keen on listening for hours and hours with no activity. I have 

  recently taken up a new challenge -- working JT65A on 160M. There's JT65

  activity almost every night at a dial frequency of 1838 kHz, which puts 

  signals between about 1838.5 and 1840.5. The bandwidth of a signal is 

  about 200 Hz, and stations spread out in that 2kHz bandwidth. It's not 

  uncommon for me to decode five or six signals in that bandwidth when the

  band is hopping. The last couple of nights ZR1ADI has been on, and I 

  heard a W1 work him. I heard him one of those nights and called him 

  several times.


  JT65 is pretty easy to use with W6CQZ's JT65-HF software. The interface 

  is just like RTTY AFSK or PSK, and W6CQZ maintains a reverse beacon 

  server that you can set his software to send spots for everything you 

  hear. If I call CQ around 0500Z or later I'll usually see between 

  three and six spots of my signal from the east coast on every



  73, Jim K9YC CM87


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Re: Topband: TB season

2012-03-16 Thread Jim F.
S   Please don't encourage those trememdous US stations with
their fantastic operators to stay on 160m after the season !!
Us QRPers need to gain any possible advantage   :-))
Jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 3/16/12, Bill Cromwell wrote:

From: Bill Cromwell
Subject: Re: Topband: TB season
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012, 8:06 AM


I sent a private email to one of the first hams to post about this.
Apparently there is a lot of interest on the list about this. I am new
to 160 meters and struggling to get my radios and antennas up to par. I
was dismayed to see that there is a season. I surely expect
propagation to change but I expected to be more or less able to find
some QSOs most of the time. I was pleased to see hams respond favorably
about staying on the air. I do participate in some of the contests but I
am more interested in rag chewing. As I make improvements in my station
equipment I hope I'll be working more and more Top Band hams.


Bill  KU8H

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Re: Topband: LOTW

2012-02-17 Thread Jim F.
Don't forget,
Most libraries have PCs (paid for by the taxpayer- You)
and coffee shops, even McDonalds has free internet  
available to upload logs using that old used flea market 
laptop you bought :-))
jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 2/17/12, Jim Brown wrote:

From: Jim Brown
Subject: Re: Topband: LOTW
Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 12:16 PM

 It's simple why some don't use LOTH it's called $ $ $ $

What are you possibly talking about?  LOTW is FREE for all users. So is 
logging software that makes is very easy to use.  I use DXKeeper for my 
main log, which uploads to LOTW and eQSL at the push of a couple of 
buttons. DXKeeper is free and easy to use.  After a contest, you can 
export your contest log from your contest logger to DXKeeper, and let 
DXKeeper send it to LOTW and eQSL. Or, you can have the LOTW program 
sign an ADIF from your logging program and send that to LOTW attached to 
an email. Either method is very easy, and FREE.

The only possible cost for anyone with an internet connection is the 
postage for a single letter to ARRL to get signed up if you're outside 
the US. That's the cost of a single QSL send  through the mail. And even 
without an internet connection, you can generate the LOTW file once a 
year, burn it to a CD, and mail that to ARRL. That's no more than the 
cost of mailing two or three cards to the US, and it can be your entire 
log for as many years as you have in your logging program!

So $ $ $ $  is no excuse for not using LOTW.  Indeed, $  $  $  $ is one 
of the best reasons for using LOTW. The other great reason is TIME -- 
the time it takes to send QSLs.

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: Topband: LOTW Responses

2012-02-17 Thread Jim F.
I am lucky (?) with a condo antenna and QRP on 160m there is
not much of a demand for my QSL  :-(
But interesting to note that I received an LOTW confirmation 
for a contact made back in 1982.
jim / W1FMR

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Re: Topband: Radials help (Mark van Wijk) At-a-go Herb !!

2012-02-11 Thread Jim F.
I'm with you !
The delete key on the keyboard is for deleting.
But I use the mouse button (open) on this list,
and devour every bit of information.
I assume I am in the majority here.  To often we
bow to minority opinion, being the gentlemen that we
BTW, yesterday morning I called CQ/QRP with my new radials
and nine (9)  stations returned with a signal report !!!   Thank you !
jim / W1FMR

--- On Sat, 2/11/12, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

From: Herb Schoenbohm
Subject: Re: Topband: Radials help (Mark van Wijk)
Date: Saturday, February 11, 2012, 4:04 PM

I disagree completely!  I can quote a Chinese sage and author, his name 
escapes me..A person can earn more talking to an intelligent man 
for an hour than by reading volumes for decades.   I learn something 
with most of the posts and hope they continue because this is what this 
reflector is all about I thought, the sharing of ideas and opinions 
about TB related issues..

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 2/11/2012 4:47 PM, Panos Dalakos wrote:
 Dear moderator

 Mark PA5MW said:
 ...It is time to stop talking

 I agree absolutely.
 Maybe it's hard but all of us have a copy of ARRL Antenna Book or Low
 Band DXing. I think that it's enough for the 50% of us.Read, study and
 Let's help the reflector to be helpful for everyone. There are many
 other channels to communicate each-other as yahoo/skype/ovo/hamsphere
 Today I received 7 issues of TB Digest. I don't open/read none issue. I
 read this topic accidentally looking the preview.
 I don't want to attack to anyone, so please don't bring out my post.

 With respect
 73 de Panos SV1GRD

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Topband: 4 new radials...

2012-02-09 Thread Jim F.
I just measured the length of 4 two conductor cables  the water Co.
 abandoned when they went to walk-by metering. 
My basement has access to cables running to 3 other 
condo basements which I will use.
Using measured capacitance between the two conductors
 of my cable ( 24pf / ft.) it was easy to calculate the lengths of 
cables going to the other 3 condos.
The lengths of 4 radials professionally installed and 
donated by the water company are : 
Condo 1 (me)  27 feet
Condo 2  55.2 feet
Condo 3  93.2 feet
Condo 4    125.1 feet
 I called the water co. and verified that all condo's are on the new system.
The cables were just cut from the inside water meters and left there.
Hey, they might not help but. 160m QRP from a condo requires much optimism.
I am very excited...but please do not call the condo police. 
jim / W1FMR 
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Topband: Radial idea ?

2012-01-26 Thread Jim F.
The condo here has limited opportunity for radials so I am 
investigating possibilities.
Has anyone thought of flushing a very flexible wire down the toilet
ie... tied to a bar of soap or something that would eventually disappear   ?
I have a spare bathroom.
Or is this insane ?
Adding an indoor radial and coupling into my neighbors
defunct water metering lines tonight managed to produce 
a contact with CU2AT at 5 watts.
jim / W1FMR  (Everything is possible to those who believe)
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Re: Topband: My First DX

2012-01-23 Thread Jim F.
300 !  Awesome !
Frank -  That takes amazing dedication, effort, knowledge and application.
Congratulations !
Jim / W1FMR

--- On Mon, 1/23/12, wrote:

Subject: Re: Topband: My First DX
Date: Monday, January 23, 2012, 7:26 PM

Topband,   addictive?    

By far my most memorable QSO was my first topband DX: a QSO through the LORAN 
QRM with Armin DL1FF from my college station W1KMV in 1965 using a Viking 
Valiant, a Hallicrafters SX-101 and an 80 meter dipole with the feedline center 
conductor and shield shorted together.

Hmm...  I wonder if I remembered to set that Valiant to 50 watts DC input 
power, the nighttime power limit in 1965?

Last night I had another memorable QSO, but much easier than that first QSO:  
TN2T for Topband DXCC #300.


 Original message 
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:03:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Jim F.  
Subject: Re: Topband: My First DX  
To: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Cc: (REFLECTOR) Topband

Yes it is indeed addictive.  The other morning I called NH7O in HI and he came 
and I am still on an amazing high.
You never know.  
I was running a K1 at 5 watts CW with a clandestine wire in the woods
from my condo here in NH, and almost fell over.  The addiction began here :-)
An old(er) timer once said to drink lots of water before going to bed
as an aid to waking up often during the night.
I don't need any extra water to get up often at my age, and this 160m 
compulsion may be ruining my health.  And not only that, I almost wore 
out my old keyboard checking LOTW so often until the KH7O QSL arrived.
I am now winding this huge toroid transformer and wondering how to plant 
an FCP discretely in the woods in back of the condo.  Total madness.
The excitement is building !
Congratulations and good luck !  
jim / W1FMR

From: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
Subject: Re: Topband: My First DX
To: Raoul Coetzee
Cc: (REFLECTOR) Topband
Date: Monday, January 23, 2012, 6:26 PM

Heartfelt thanks to Raoul and all the many other topbanders that have emailed 
me their congrats and best wishes here on the reflector (you know who you 
are). I’m surprised and touched by the generous welcome you’ve given me. Now I 
see why 160M is called the “gentleman’s band”. Me even more happy now.

73,  Jerry K3BZ

From: Raoul Coetzee 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:16 AM
To: Jerry Keller (K3BZ) 
Subject: Re: Topband: My First DX

Congrtas but Be warned: its addictive!! 

Be prepared for waking up at all hours to look for dx on 160m, to build better 
and worse antennas, to read up on 160m while it is light outside,
arranging your habits to sync with sunrise and sunset.
From now on when you see a sunrise and you do not have a radio on, you will 
always wonder what rare dx my be on 160m that you are missing!
Enjoy, its a wonderfull journey!
Kind regards,
Raoul ZS1REC
CWops 338

From: Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
To: (REFLECTOR) Topband 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 6:44 AM
Subject: Topband: My First DX

Pardon my exuberance, but I worked my very first Topband DX this evening... 
PJ4C on Bonaire. Me happy.

73, Jerry K3BZ
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Re: Topband: Ticked over intentional interference on top band

2012-01-20 Thread Jim F.
As an avid QRPer I find that QRM is a fact of life
almost never intentional, but frequently occuring.
Also a fact of life is that there are so many considerate 
and patient operators willing to stand by and
to listen for and try to copy weak signals..
VE1ZZ here in NH has an absolutely outstanding signal.
jim / W1FMR

--- On Fri, 1/20/12, Larry wrote:

From: Larry
Subject: Re: Topband: Ticked over intentional interference on top band
Date: Friday, January 20, 2012, 10:42 PM

Unfortunately 160 is not immune to that kind of behavior. I have run into
it before (including from an A1 Op member). Some would argue they were
agressively pursuing a DX QSO. Most of us would classify the operation
as just plain QRM.

73, Larry  W6NWS
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:01 PM
Subject: Topband: Ticked over intentional interference on top band

 I have been a ham for almost 46 years now and having been on 160 off an on 
 for much of that time. Tonight I saw something that I had not really seen 
 on 160 and kinda ticked me off big time; some idiot intentiionally trying 
 to jam VE1ZZ while he was trying to work a DX station that I didnt even 
 hear (I'M Jealous obviously). This kind of thing happens a lot on 80 what 
 with all the idiots directly challenging the FCC and all but I have not 
 really run into it on the gentlemens band. Everyone is for the most part 
 so pleasant on this band. I mean if why not just turn it into a contest 
 for who can work the station first? but to intentionally be a spoiler for 
 another station just doesnt cut it.

 It would be nice to find this joker and poke pins in his coax. Whats the 
 saying  I'm mad as hell and not going to put up with this ???


 P.S. VE1ZZ hope you got the contact anyhow.
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Re: Topband: Xtal Filter

2012-01-04 Thread Jim F.
The Rockmite QRPp transceiver kit by Small Wonder Labs is crystal controlled on 
a single frequency and uses a single crystal ahead of the receiver for 

Many thousands have been sold and are on the air and there is also a  Rockmite 
group.   Google Rockmite.
jim / W1FMR

--- On Tue, 1/3/12, Tim Duffy K3LR wrote:

From: Tim Duffy K3LR
Subject: Re: Topband: Xtal Filter
To: 'Anton Moehammad',
Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2012, 9:16 PM

Hello Anton!

Here is a link to a 5 KHz 160 meter RX filter y INRAD. This may be what you are 
asking about?

73 and Happy New Year,
Tim K3LR

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Anton Moehammad
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 7:39 PM
Subject: Topband: Xtal Filter

Hi everybody,

I believe there is a 1825 KHZ xtal filter sell somewhere, can any body share 
their experience about put a narrow XTAL filter in front of their recv ? (CW 
works only)

Ir Moeh AntonHendra
Jambon Tengah no 290 RT1/RW3
Magelang 56121
Mobile : +6285292611160
email   :
Get a signature like this.  CLICK HERE.    
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Re: Topband: 160M Condx 29 Dec 2011

2011-12-30 Thread Jim F.
Ha !  Ray,
From NH I heard EU stations but with a stealth condo endfed and K1 QRP rig
I may as well have been in W6 land :-)
However, hope springs eternal, 
and for some totally unexplainable reason, I made 
a (confirmed) contact with NH7O the other night
and am still on a tremendous high from that !
You never know...
jim  /  W1FMR  (NH)

--- On Thu, 12/29/11, Ray Benny wrote:

From: Ray Benny
Subject: Re: Topband: 160M Condx 29 Dec 2011
To: Steve Sacco NN4X
Date: Thursday, December 29, 2011, 1:40 PM

You guys are lucky. Two evening ago we worked EU, last night, nothing. A
few of the big guns W6/7 were hearing EU, not me.


Near Prescott, AZ

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Steve Sacco NN4X n...@embarqmail.comwrote:

 I wandered into the shack overnight to discover excellent conditions
 into EU.

 The overall noise level was very low, and I was able to work LY, LA, SM,
 HA, G, F and PA with only 100 watts around their sunrise (between 05:57Z
 and 07:06Z).

 Interestingly everyone was about 559, and I received the similar reports
 in return.

 As previously noted, it's been a poor season for 160M; I'm glad I was
 able to get on the band for the first time last year, when the pickings
 were better.

 73 and HNY to all,


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Topband: Jerry Sevik's Book -

2011-12-11 Thread Jim F.
Just ordered the W2FMI book (~$20) and a T300A-2 core (~$14) from Amidon.
(Minimum order $20) lists the W2FMI book for ~$300 new and ~$178 used...   Unbelievable 
Thanks Guy / K2AV for your technical insight and extreme patience...
jim / W1FMR
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Topband: K2AV 160m Folded Counterpoise - Questions ?

2011-12-09 Thread Jim F.
Great reflector !
I am a new list member, condo dweller, Top Band lover, QRPer, and contester.
And strangely enough these present a challenge for others and maximum 
enjoyment for me :-)
1.  Is the FCP shown in the diagram in a line with the inverted L wire ?
2. Do you think a smaller T200-2  transformer would work  (QRP levels)  ?
Profuse thanks,
jim / W1FMR
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