Topband: topband noise update

2014-02-11 Thread Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
Here is an update on the noise.  I now believe is is close to a 60 cycle note 
when using the am mode.  Also using the E1 on its whip antenna and using the d 
cell internal power I tracked the noise all the way down to the bottom of the 
lw band to 118khz which is as far down as this receiver wil go.  On the 
broadcast band only very strong am stations can quiet the receiver.  I also 
tried  a small portable am fm sw radio with a loopstick for am and the noise is 
there and rotating the radio never changes the signal strength so it is 
everywhere.  I never noticed this noise a few months ago when I would dx on the 
broadcast band.
Should I bother the FCC with this?  Or call the power company to see if they 
have an idea?  Could this be video noise from bad cable leakage?  It is just 
This is not just a ham problem but makes broadcast band listening very poor 
also.  At 2.5mhz WWV covers the buzz at night with a very strong signal and by 
3mhz most of the noise is down to around s5 or lower.  Who knows what other 
services could be bothered.  Could this be noise from the smart electric 
meters?  I am not sure how they communicate but I would expect the frequency to 
be much higher.  I know every few blocks there is a box on the utility poles 
with a upside  down antenna which looks like a center loaded 800mhz type.  I am 
really upset that I cannot enjoy radio anymore when I am home at night..
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Low band noise

2014-02-11 Thread Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
I live in Waco Texas and there are no known windmils or inverters nearby that I 
know of.  I have a lowband noise that is pretty broadband starting around 1mhz 
on the am broadcast band and running almost non stop until around 2.5mhz or so. 
 It is a buzzing noise on am and a hetrodyne on ssb or cw.  Once in a while I 
hear what sounds like ascii  for a couple of seconds and returning to a solid 
carrier modulated with  a rough ac note around 200hz.  I took my E1 receiver on 
battery power around the house and could not pinpoint the problem so I turned 
the main breaker off killing the whole whuse but the buzzing was still there.  
So I took the portable receiver in my truck and drove around the neighborhood 
and the noise is still there everywhere I go.  Bear in mind I cannot hear much 
on 160 or the am band because the signal strength is at least S9 or more.  The 
noise did not go away driving around the block so I drove further to the edge 
of town to a rural area and the noise is sti
 ll there.  I did this a couple of nights ago and have not tried this in the 
daytime.  The weather has turned icy and cold so I will not try anymore until 
this next weekend when the temp goes bsack to the 70s.  I keep trying to find a 
good topband antenna but with this noise I will never hear much.  The noise is 
down a lot by 80 meters and not heard any further up the band.
Anyone else hear this?  WB5OXQ
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: I meant a full wave loop instead of a 4 square.

2012-12-25 Thread Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
I meant a full wave loop
If I can support a wire antenna at 50' or maybe more in tall pine trees and
have 1.9 acres of space to use which would work best.
Lots of tall pine trees on the lot.  I assume the trees in the center of the
square will really not be an interfearing factor.  If I feed with window
line will it work well for a multiband antenna?  I assume the inverted l
will need long radials to work well and that is possable, does the square
antenna also need radials and if so how oriented?  Prospected area of
installatiion south Florida.
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Topband: Inverted l or 4 square?

2012-12-25 Thread Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
If I can support a wire antenna at 50' or maybe more in tall pine trees and 
have 1.9 acres of space to use which would work best.
Lots of tall pine trees on the lot.  I assume the trees in the center of the 
square will really not be an interfearing factor.  If I feed with 
window line will it work well for a multiband antenna?  I assume the inverted l 
will need long radials to work well and that is possable, does the square 
antenna also need radials and if so how oriented?  Prospected area of 
installatiion south Florida.
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.