Re: Topband: W1BB (NOT K1BB, whoever that is)

2016-01-07 Thread K8MFO--- via Topband
I'm sure you also remember Waldo - W8ANO in Grafton, OH,  active on  the 
air from 1915 - 2002.Waldo was one of the first to make  160 WAC, as a 
result of working ZC4AK in  Cyprus.   Roger - VE3ZI told me that when he  
was in 5Z4 land a long time ago, Waldo was as loud as anyone from the USA.
Waldo had a 80 foot telephone pole in his backyard, with 600 ohm open wire  
line feeding a wire that could be used either as a dipole or  T.   Of 
course he had a good set of radials underneath the  pole.
Waldo and Willie - W8GDQ were close pals.One day 90 year  old Waldo 
went to visit 80 year old Willie.Willie told Waldo  that one of the top guy 
wires on his 100 foot tower needed replacing, and he was  worried his tower 
could come down..Waldo quickly climbed the  tower and replaced the guy 
wire!   To use an old term, Waldo was "as  tough as a nickel steak" ..
I feel very fortunate to have known both ANO and GDQ  ...Just like 
working DX on Top Band,  "LISTENING" to them brought many  rewards!
W2IU was also an old Ohio guy, originally licensed as W8JA in  Wooster.   
Whenever Sam hit his key back in the 20s and 30s, he could  energize his 
In a message dated 1/6/2016 2:14:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There  were several very active DX'ers on the east coast in the early 
some calls were W1HGT, W2EQS, and W2IU,  with W8FPU and W8GDQ active  from 
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Topband: Rodent Proof Tape

2015-11-13 Thread K8MFO--- via Topband
Those of us who live in the middle of a  forest are used to rodents chewing 
automotive wiring.Much of  the insulation these days is "soybean 
based",  which appeals to the palates  of many critters.Apparently the 
on Honda vehicles is  particularly delicious, because the company offers " 
rodent proof tape",   Honda part number 4019-2317.  The tape is laced with 
CAPSAICIN, a  primary ingredient in hot sauce,There are a number of Honda  
dealers who offer this product on eBay.The following URL  provides one 
The product is a bit PRICEY at $30 for a  20 meter (65 foot) roll, but it 
does seem to work.  I've not had a problem  with hungry rodents since having 
my mechanic use a couple of rolls on my exposed  vehicle wiring.  No 
reason it wouldn't work on  coax, rotor cable, or control lines.  
Don K8MFO  ... in the woods of  Amish Ohio
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