Re: Topband: QRP on 160?

2024-07-01 Thread Lee Hiers
I'm not on 160 right now, but spent an entire solar cycle at 5W.  That
includes a couple of ARRL contests where I was able to CQ effectively.  I
was using an inverted-L (about 65' up and 65' across) with only 3 radials
up about 12'.  No RX antenna - I figured as weak as I was that they weren't
needed.  I think I worked all states except HI and AK.  No EU that I recall.

It was more fun than I expected it to be!


Lee, AA4GA

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, 1:59 PM Radio KH6O  wrote:

> Is anyone regularly using say, 25W or less on 160?
> --
> 73,
> Jeff KH6O / 6
> _
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Re: Topband: Remotes

2024-02-06 Thread Lee Hiers
Here you go:

73 de Lee, AA4GA

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 5:37 PM Steve Harrison  wrote:

> On 2/6/2024 1:34 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> > Because of what I view as this abuse of the Bureau, I stopped sending
> > JA cards about ten years ago.
> Five years ago, when I was first beginning to finally accumulate paper
> cards for my finally-applied-for-first DXCC, thanks to OQRS (in the end,
> I did have to reluctantly use LoTW to apply), the JA cards were some of
> those my 98-yr-old father most liked to examine most closely. Unlike
> W/K/VE cards, I don't know that I've received all that many JA cards
> that looked exactly like one another, other than perhaps the
> usually-pastel colors.
> To me, the biggest problem with paper cards, these days, is finding the
> good ole-fashioned display sleeves with which to hang them on my walls.
> When visitors came to my shack, their eyes weren't drawn to the several
> CQ or ARRL contest certificates or other such mundane operating awards
> that mean nothing to anybody but another contester or DXer; instead,
> they almost immediately go over to awe at the various colorful QSL
> cards, many with pretty pictures on the front. When I would explain the
> ones for topband (obligatory topband content 8-), they would be
> astounded that one could actually talk to somebody halfway around the
> world almost on the AM broadcast band with just a little dinky wire
> antenna and the several pieces of equipment on my desk.
> Steve, K0XP
> _
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Re: Topband: ZD9W

2023-10-09 Thread Lee Hiers
I worked him on CW.  Granted, it was 15 meters, not 160.  But he is
operating CW, and is a good op.

73 de Lee, AA4GA

On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 12:29 PM Craig Clark  wrote:

> Looking at DX Summit it looks like FT* will be his preferred mode of
> operation.
> Not on digital. Any information on possible CW operation?
> Craig Clark
> K1QX
> 603-520-6577 cell
> 603-899-6103 home
> Sent from my iPad
> _
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Re: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2022-01-04 Thread Lee Hiers
On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 3:11 PM Roger Kennedy 

> Several people have messaged me direct, asking me to clarify what I mean by
> "Wednesday Night".
> I mean Wednesday evening and all night, ie through to Thursday morning.
> I personally find propagation is best to NA from around 0030Z, so that's
> when I tend to come on the band (rather than around our Sunrise on Thursday
> morning . . . but that is still what I call Wednesday night)

So, when you say 0030Z, you mean 0030Z on Thursday, correct?

73 de Lee, AA4GA
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 1810

2021-12-25 Thread Lee Hiers
Yes, changing one's log after the fact to cover up a violation is scienter
or guilty knowledge, meaning fraud.  DQ is the only appropriate action.

Lee, AA4GA

On Sat, Dec 25, 2021, 1:11 PM W0MU Mike Fatchett  wrote:

> If you have violated the terms of your license that should be a DQ.
> Changing the frequency makes it even worse as it was an attempt to cover
> up the action. If USA makes contacts out of band in CQ WW or ARRL DX
> what happens to them?  Are the QSO's simply removed and the op
> admonished for the issues or worse?
> For this contest, maybe the solution is to remove the bad contacts, warn
> all the participants and move on.  For those that altered their logs a
> DQ is fitting.
> W0MU
> On 12/25/2021 10:46 AM, Dan Flaig NP2J wrote:
> > My 2 cents
> >
> >
> > It makes sense to me to have the contest rules mirror the regulations
> > regarding frequency allocations.
> >
> > No one is asking the contest sponsors to regulate anything.
> > Enforcing a frequency rule in a contest is no different than enforcing
> > any other contest rule. If the rules are broken on purpose
> > disqualification should be enforced.
> >
> > If you just let anyone do anything what is to keep someone from
> > Running on 1798 kHz??
> > If a eu station works somebody on 1805 then changes log to say 1810
> > they obviously knew what they did was against the rules and are trying
> > to hide the fact.
> >
> > I doubt that the ability for us stations to work other US stations
> > below 1810 is any huge advantage.
> > I can understand why qrp stations in the US would like to use that
> > less crowed portion of the band.
> >
> > Seems to me either leave rules as they are and enforce no Europe qsos
> > below 1810 or change rules so no operation below 1810 is allowed.
> > Personally I like rules how they are but either way is fine with me.
> >
> > Thanks to Boring ARC and Tree for sponsoring this fantastic contest!
> >
> > 73
> > Dan k8rf/np2j
> > _
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