Re: Topband: CY9C critism

2024-09-03 Thread Mike VE9AA


What I've noticed here and on the packetclusters is the folks who tend 
to be the most judgmental are those that (generally speaking) have not 
ever operated on a remote Island before.(and put in the blood, sweat, 
tears and greenbacks to get there)

I can tell you from experience, it's never as easy as it seems and 
sometimes, you just have to roll with the punches and do the best you 
can. (and I think they are doing just that and more)

Relax and please give them a break.

You can do it better when you go.

Mike VE9AA

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: E51D and OHQP

2023-08-25 Thread Mike VE9AA

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes a low dipole CAN be useful on TB.
I worked 9M6 (from here in VE9) one morning(greyline) with a low full 
wave dipole up around 30-35' or so while other locals in VE1 and VE9 
were hearing virtually nothing.

Not every day that happens of course,(the inverted L usually outshines 
the DP 40:1 or so) and my local buddies thought I was joking when I 
announced on the packetcluster I had done it.

Run what ya brung seems to be the important thing.  I have similar 
stories where 6m DX has been worked with the most raggedy cross 
polarized low-ish pos antenna while high stacks heard almost nothing, so 
never say never when it comes to antennas or prop.

73, Mike VE9AA
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Impossible QSO's

2023-01-09 Thread Mike VE9AA
We made lots of Q's with great antennas, power and RF lcoation from 
CY0AA and CY9AA a lifetime ago. (late 1990's)

Still, we got QSL cards I had to toss for having "impossible times" on 
"2130z from W6 to GM0 would qualify"  It's barely greyline in 
Northern Maine. Full sun over 90% of the USA

I'm sorry, but you've been taken in. Either it's a 100% lie or he was 
using a remote somewhere if the Q did happen.

Mike VE9AA
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: ARRL 160

2022-12-07 Thread Mike VE9AA

Lee et al,

Which just goes to further prove my point.  The RBN (& skimmers) are 
truly wonderful tech, but they are not perfect even if your CW is (or 
nearly so).

  Please do not be surprised by the occasional bust or dupe if you are 
doing something "weird" with your callsign by adding 1/2 spaces, slowing 
letters down and whatnot.

Human brains may (or maynot) be able to deal with that somewhat better 
(up for debate - I personally dislike it done to most callsigns), but 
computers don't 'know' what the intent is with that type of sending.


I get spotted as KX4M and KK4TT all the time. It does not matter if I 
send by

hand or through N1MM / Winkeyer.

73 de Lee KX4TT

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 08:48:47 AM EST,  wrote:

Hi Ron,

The wrong call sign spotting and "run of dupes" happens a few times a
year to me.
Bob, KQ2M
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: What antenna would you build?

2022-03-24 Thread Mike VE9AA
I like 4-squares Dino.  I have them on 15, 20, 40, 80 and a small 2-el 
on 160...

I'm still looking for an ACB-10 (10 meters) (or equivalent) to complete 
the whole set.

If it were me, I'd build whatever it is VY2ZM is using. ( or 
2nd choice, K3LR


Mike VE9AA
If you may and you are willing to indulge me; if you were about to buy 
with no neighbors or restrictions and wanted to erect a serious 160M 

system, what would you build and why? We can pass on the Radio Arcala
discussion; nobody's that cool.
A loaded 4-square? 1/4 wave stick (or longer)? Phased dipoles? (fill in 

I've seen a 200' tower with three phased dipoles tilted on end. The end 
of one
side of the dipole was anchored and insulated at the top of the tower 
and came
down like guy cables. About half way down was the feedpoint, were an 

anchor cable continued down the same path to ground (like a guy cable).
However, the second half of the dipole was pulled back to the base of 

tower, from the center feedpoint insulator. It looked like an arrowboard
chevron or a regular dipole that was turned 90 degrees on its side. The 
was horizontal back to the tower. There were three of these spaced 120 
apart and fed with a phasing network to steer it. I understand it works 

So what would you build?
Dino - KX6D
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector