Re: Topband: 160 power

2017-03-22 Thread Mike via Topband
I don't disagree.  I guess my main point is that the lack of Rx/Tx  
"balance" in my station is so obvious that the improvement in Rx is by far the  
most important.  Once I improve my "ears" with the Rx array it will be  
interesting to see what I would need to do next, and whether further 
of $ should go toward expansion of Rx or Tx capability.  If better Tx is  the 
next step, then I'm sure 1500W will help; but I'd be interested in finding  
out whether going to a better Tx ant is next. If you look at cost/db then 
the  amp is the winner I think.  I would have to go to a phased vertical 
array  to significantly improve the Tx antenna.  I have the real estate, but  I 
suspect cost may be a significant factor. Don't know what it is about Top 
Band  but it seems to require just a bit more of everything (skill, excellent  
receiver, antennas, station design, etc) to be successful.  Hope I'm still  
improving all of the above well into old age.
I have noticed quite a bit more 160m activity this winter and dxpeditions  
seem to be concentrating more on 80 and 160.  I expected to get 5 or  10 new 
ones on 160m this winter and just make DXCC but have 22 new  ones. Even if 
conditions aren't actually significantly  improved perhaps the anticipation 
of same has markedly increased  activity.  Either way I'm having a great 
In a message dated 3/22/2017 11:55:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Mike says:
I wonder if 1500W would make a difference  when I can hear  better.  I doubt

What?  Mike,  1500 watts is 5 db more signal than you have now.  If you can 
hear  better, such that you aren't getting out well enough why would you 
think 5 db  more wouldn't benefit you?  5 db is HUGE.  You have down lots and  
lots of radials, to make your transmitting antenna more efficient.  Yes,  
by all means 5 db more transmit signal will be ...   wait, I  already 
said that.

Rick  K2XT
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Topband: 160 power

2017-03-21 Thread Mike via Topband
I've been on 160m for a little over 3 years and have 115 confirmed. Antenna 
 is an inverted L with the vertical portion up 60' with 60 120' radials and 
30  60' radials. QTH is in the middle of the Black Hole of DX in southern  
MI. I run 500W max. It is very clear to me that my main limitation is Rx.  
Bottom line is if I can hear them I can work them 99% of the time, even in 
large  pileups. On the other hand, if the pileup is not huge I've made it 
through  pileups QRP regularly to the Caribbean, KH6, and KH7, & SA, although 
 takes a bit more time and finesse.  I realize that I'm an alligator and  
don't call CQ with 500W.  A Hi-Z 8 element array is this summer's  project.  
I wonder if 1500W wiould make a difference when I can hear  better.  I doubt 
it. I think the next quantum leap in performance would be  a 2 or more 
element vertical TX array and diversity RX with beverages added to  the Hi-Z, 
and suspect the diversity RX will add more capability than the upgrade  in TX. 
 I'm looking forward to the next few years in sunspot minimum on Top  Band.
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Re: Topband: VP8STI 160 Meter Path

2016-01-21 Thread Mike via Topband
I'm in southern Michigan, just 10 miles north of the Indiana border.   I 
have an inverted L with the vertical portion up 65' and 90 radials of which 60 
 are 120'.  I could hear them, but not well enough to hear my call at 0100Z 
 and 0200Z.  At 0400Z they were 1-2 S units above my noise and I worked 
them  1st call--listening and panadapter showed few others calling.  30 minutes 
 later I heard them on 75m SSB and worked them 1st call.  A few minutes  
later I worked them on 40 CW after a couple of calls when both nights before I 
 was unable to work them on 40 through the EU and W1-4 wall.  Very strange, 
 usually the "Black Hole of DX" is quite deep here, but for once 
propagation  worked well for me.  A VERY nice night on the low bands.
In a message dated 1/21/2016 1:24:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

The  whole band opening last night from NA to VP8STI on TB was rather  
bizarre.  The opening started in earnest with big signals coming  first in 
Maine.  The guys in 1 land reported signals rivaling  "locals."  The 
then started moving slowly and selectively  southward.  Guys in 2 land and 
then 3 land started working them next  and then into 5 land.  As the was 
opening into 5 land it also began  opening westward, but again, 
Stations in 8 and 9 land were  hearing and working them but not everywhere. 
I sat here in Iowa for over  three hours with virtually nothing from them 
all.  Finally about  0400 I began hearing them.  They slowly improved and, 
0424z I put  my call in and was answered immediately.  They continued to 
build  here peaking to S5-S6 around 0445z.  After that they slowly faded 
were gone here before their SS.  The opening appeared to be very  limited 
and, in some places, non-existent in 4 land.  A handful in 4  land made it, 
several using HWF for RX.  Several big stations  reported hearing little or 
no signal.  It seemed odd to be listening  to them here with S5 signals and 
the guys in the far SE and FL had none  (and they are 1200 or 1500 miles 
closer).  But perhaps the most  bizarre thing of all was K4SV and W4ZV 
to listen to the NORTH to  hear them with apparently no signal from the 
direct path.  It would  be interesting to know what mode of propagation 
was.  All in all  it was an odd night.  Nevertheless, a LOT of NA stations 
made it into  the log.  Joy for many but frustration remained for quite a  
few.  Antennas here a full size ground mounted four square for TX and  Hi-Z 
circle optimized for 160.
73. . . Dave, W0FLS, in Iowa
-  Original Message - 
From: "Joel Harrison" 
To:  "topband" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016  11:15 PM
Subject: Topband: VP8STI 160 Meter Path

> Tonight on  160 VP8STI had a good signal. Here in Arkansas their signal
> arrived  from the NE from around 0115z until around 0200z peaking around 5
> dB  above my noise floor. Around 0200z they went "QRX" for a few minutes.
>  When they returned their sig was much weaker and finally  faded.
> As the evening went on their sig returned around 0330z  here and was in 
> out of the noise, still peaking to the NE and  somethings shifting E to 
> Right About a half hour before their SR  the signal peaked to the SE and
> remained their until they faded into  the sunrise.
> Best signal level here was 10 dB above my noise  floor.
> Just wanted to pass that on for the folks (K9LA, W4ZV,  etc) that keep
> track of these paths for us.
> 73 Joel  W5ZN
>  _
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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Topband: K5P 160m run

2016-01-16 Thread Mike via Topband
What a run K5P has had on 160 the last 2 nights!  I run an inverted L  with 
the vertical portion up 65" and 90 radials of which 60 are 120'.  It's  not 
a bad Tx ant, but not so hot on Rx, and I need a bit better Wx to put up 
the  Hi-Z array I bought.  I usually hear stations in the pacific for 30- 60 
min  before my sunrise here in the black hole of DX in southern Michigan and 
they are  only workable for 15-30 min.  These guys were workable for hours 
prior to  my sunrise (worked them @ 0530 EST, 1030Z, 2.5h before sunrise, 550 
W) and  I heard them for an hour after when most stations fade within 
minutes after  sunrise.  Impressive.
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Topband: RG6 Coax and F connectors

2015-12-18 Thread Mike via Topband
I'm putting in a Hi-Z Rx array for 160m and at the suggestion of Lee K7TJR  
bought coax and F connectors at 3 Star, Inc  
Purchased  1000' of flooded direct bury quad shield RG6 (F677TSEF) for $70 and 
compression  F connectors for $0.28 apiece (PPC EX6WS).  Thought this might 
be  of value to others installing similar arrays.  Hope to get this in by the 
 Stew.  I have 77 worked on 160 on my inverted L in 2 years of Top Band  
operating and I sure hope this gets me to 100 (and 9 band DXCC), maybe even 
yet  this season. :)  Hope to pull Eugene RA0FF and others out of the  noise 
one morning--I can hear you are there, just not quite good enough to hear  my 
call.  Good luck and Happy Holidays to all.  
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