Re: Topband: 150 MESSAGES

2016-01-15 Thread Mort
"...If you don't like the topic and don't like the delete key, you can always 
unsubscribe ..."

How does one do that ?  I can't find out how to unsubscribe.

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: SAignal reporting

2016-01-08 Thread Mort
A contest program that interfaces with the rig could read AGC and be calibrated 
to give adequate signal-strength readings,  maybe not quite equal to a 
laboratory field-strength meter but better than auto-5NN.  Few things are more 
ludicrous than being given 5NN & then asked for four or five repeats,  as 
happens to us peasants with restricted antennas.

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew Beef

2016-01-08 Thread Mort
"...some folks cried fowl"

So,  did he chicken out ?

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew Beef

2016-01-08 Thread Mort
"...The days of "honest reports" in a contest? I am 63 years old, operated my 
first contest when I was 18 and I don't remember those days. You found out how 
well your station "got out" by how long you waited in the pileups and how much 
of the time you could call CQ. ..."

Well,  when I retired at 60,  because the employer decided that at this age,  
brain-rot sets in,  I spent three months of new-found 'spare' time typing my 
logs for the last 40 years.

Genuine RST seemed to appear in contests until the mid 70s.  Now,  stuck with a 
DOS log,  too old for exporting,  I blench at the thought of typing 62 
years'-worth,  especially as I've made more QSOs since retiring than before.  
When I win the lottery [my XYL believes in The Power of Positive Thinking;  I 
believe in Sod's Law]  yes,  when,  I shall employ a typist who might be able 
to do things even a modern Window$ log-prog can't,  too.

I shall also employ tramps [hobos] to march the streets with sandwich-boards 
proclaiming "Genuine RST or Nothing".

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew's Beef

2016-01-05 Thread Mort
GE & HNY 1

This might be relevant;  read on !

I work one or two in these 5NN shenanigans known as 'Contests',  because I've 
found somebody I want to work for other reasons.  I won't bore U with those, 
but if U R curious, might help. 

On getting a desperate E-mail form someone who'd called me,  during my annual 
6-months' stay on a remote Greek island in the Dodecanese (SV5) I learned 
something.  He needed me to make so many countries (bad,  non-PC word;  I 
should say 'Entities') in some foul contest he'd been in.  He stood fair to win 
his section,  but the adjudicators,  in their wisdom,  deemed the QSO invalid 
because I was the only,  sole,  unique reference to "SV5/G2JL" in all the logs, 
 THEREFORE,  he was a liar.  This annoyed me so much,  I both E-mailed & 
snail-mailed those adjudicators,  but he lost his claim.

So,  the moral of this is: "submit UR logs".

Unfortunately,  though I am literate in English English,  and manual 
telegraphy,  I am as a four-month-old brat in computing & still am stuck with 
my old DOS logger.  I can't face typing 60+ years' work into a modern program 
that takes a day to load in Window$,  but you fellows can export an ADIF log 
with ease,  even for one QSO.  Either that,  or don't make contest QSOs.

73 -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: SPTBDC Scheduling

2015-12-31 Thread Mort
*Flogging a dead horse* (alternatively *beating a dead horse*, or 
*beating a dead dog* in some parts of the Anglophone 
<> world) is an 
idiom <> that means a particular 
request or line of conversation is already foreclosed or otherwise 
resolved, and any attempt to continue it is futile; or that to continue 
in any endeavour (physical, mental, etc.) is a waste of time as the 
outcome is already decided.

Yes !

That sums up Top Band for me,  in a nutshell;  On the air 61 years,  and though 
I have 200 countries on 8 bands,  I'll never live to get 100 on 1.8 with a low 
"stealth" antenna & immense noise-levels.  I even need VK / ZL for WAC.  But 
then,  every time I call CQ I get told this is MY frequency.  Nevertheless,  I 
have PY and several Ws,  who must have liquid-helium cooled beverages.  But I 
prefer English unpasteurised warmish beer...

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: re topband QRP

2015-12-25 Thread Mort
"How else do I let you out there know I'm a QRP station."

You don't;  it's your choice,  or it's forced on U,  as many of us have high 
noise,  rabidly anti-ham councils,  vandalistic neighbours and so on.

There are poor,  inept, operators and have little time but we don't expect 
others to make special allowances for us.

That raises an interesting point;  what ARE we expected to do ?  It's like 
those ludicrous annoying "Baby on board" signs;  So what ?  It is known what 
causes it;  it's not my fault.

One is reminded of the offensively patronising farewell:  "Take care".

One is tempted to answer,  "Well,  I wasn't going to,  but since you order 

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op

2015-12-25 Thread Mort
I agree wholeheartedly;  It sticks in my craw when I hear oafs signing  "/QRP" 
and expecting others to take pity & do their work for them,  with 
liquid-helium-cooled stacked rhombics & so on.

Nobody returns to me when I sign "G2JL / PPA"  (pretty poor antenna).

I reckon anyone using QRP for reasons other than RFI or penury is a Masochist.  
As a Sadist,  I ought to be kind to Masochists,  but I have my limits,  like 
when my blood boils.

QAC  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m WAS

2015-12-17 Thread Mort
And U did it without a call-sign ?

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: QRP

2015-12-15 Thread Mort
Well,  IMO the problem with QRP QSO is definitely the increase in man-made 
noise.  We had a 10 Watt DC input to "the valve or valve energising the aerial" 
or as we must now say,  since American has displaced English, to "the tube or 
tubes energising the antenna".

Even so,  enthusiasts in good locations with space for an effective TX antenna 
achieved DXCC even observing that restriction. Beverages (except for 
tranquillising the operator) were seldom needed or used.  Nowadays,  anyone 
using QRP in a spacious location is either a Masochist,  or doomed to 

It is yet another aspect of inflation.  In my time,  a pint (568 ml) of beer in 
a pub has risen by a factor of 26...

73  -  Mort,  G2JL
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