Topband: really weird propagation

2019-02-21 Thread N7DF via Topband
This morning I saw T31EU posted many times on DXSCAPE on 160 so I turned on the 
rig to listen for 1305 he was 20 over S9 but within a minute he had 
faded out completely..strangely enough I could not hear any of the stations 
calling him...within another couple of minutes his signals were back up and I 
noticed that he several times called stations who never came back to him..This 
pattern seemed to persist for the remainder of the morning until he faded out 
completely around 14:40.. reports a pending geomagnetic storm 
but nothing unusual at the time I was listening..there has been a prolonged 
period of over 20 days of zero sunspots so that probably has something to do 
with it..I do not think I will ever understand 160 meter propagation but that 
is one of the things that makes it so interesting
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Topband: propagation revisited

2019-01-29 Thread N7DF via Topband
after reading all the comments by others concerning their experiences with 
propagation during the cq160cw contest over the weekend i reviewed my log to 
see what was going on since my experience was so different---i found that, 
after i deducted the usual suspects that are always over s-9 nearly everything 
else was typical of spotlight effect---for instance in one 20 minute time slot 
18 out of 22 contacts were from WI and another time similar results from 
FL---remember that i only operated search and pounce--similar results were for 
PA and WA with surprisingly few CA and almost no northwest stations 
heard--practically no new england stations were heard--in fact nearly all the 
QSOs were from within 700 miles of my QTH--normally i hear and work many weaker 
stations that are well below s9 but they were simply not there to work--in fact 
it seemed like there was not as much activity as i expected and there were 
numerous large multikhz holes on the band which is hardly ever the case--both 
PJ2T and KV4FZ had the loudest signals i have ever heard from them while a JA 
opening simply did not occur---the only conclusion i can reach is that the 
geomagnetic storm reported on was affecting 160 meter 
propagation in an unusual way--- and only stations with certain transmission 
characteristics were propagating and their signals were not subject to the 
normal amount of adsorption --doing only  hunt and pounce gets pretty boring 
but i  am no good at QLF and do not type well left handed--if it was not for my 
AEA morse machine i would not be able to operate cw at all
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Topband: Fw: really good conditions

2019-01-27 Thread N7DF via Topband

   - Forwarded Message - From: N7DF To: TopBand List 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2019, 9:03:56 AM MSTSubject: 
really good conditions
Unbelievable signals in CQ160 this weekend..many stations 40over on my FT1000 
and several TX and AZ signals pegged the meter at 60 over…PJ2Twas 35 over most 
of the time…lost my receiving antennas to storms in Decemberand had to use cage 
only…still have right wrist in cast so have to hunt andpounce only QLF but had 
fun…73 Larry
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Topband: really good conditions

2019-01-27 Thread N7DF via Topband

Unbelievable signals in CQ160 this weekend..many stations 40over on my FT1000 
and several TX and AZ signals pegged the meter at 60 over…PJ2Twas 35 over most 
of the time…lost my receiving antennas to storms in Decemberand had to use cage 
only…still have right wrist in cast so have to hunt andpounce only QLF but had 
fun…73 Larry
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Topband: N7DF QLF CW in SP

2018-12-27 Thread N7DF via Topband
With my right wrist in a cast from surgery I will be doing search and pounce 
only  in the Stew Perry this weekend I might be a little slow in responding to 
reports so please bear with meHappy New Year to all73  Larry N7DF 
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Topband: roasting earthworms

2018-11-12 Thread N7DF via Topband
the morning after a wind and lightning storm i found that i had a 20 over nine 
power-line noise problem on 160 meters  on my triband beam it peaked north east 
on 20 meters     i waited a couple of days to do anything about it because i 
knew that our small electric cooperative was overwhelmed with repairs but when 
there was no improvement i took it on myself to try to locate the problem  
tuning my car radio to a blank space between two stations on am i drove north 
on the main road up our canyon   about a mile north the noise became very loud 
on the car radio and as i approached a side road it became overwhelming  as 
soon as i turned on the side road i saw the problem  the lower neutral wire was 
down and lying on the ground between the first two light poles on the spur line 
going down the road   i checked the first pole beyond the break and found that 
i could get a spark off the ground wire on the side of the pole   i called the 
electric cooperative and they sent out a crew and strung a new line between the 
poles   surprisingly none of the four residences on the quarter mile long line 
past the break had reported the downed line and had not experienced an outage 
of electric service  the 7200 volt transformers at each residence had been 
connected to the neutral side of the transmission line through the ground wires 
on the individual poles even though the ground conductivity here in the desert 
is extremely poor  after the new wires were installed the noise from that 
source was significantly reduced 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: yes virginia there is an antenna that works from 160 to 10

2018-10-04 Thread N7DF via Topband

637P-1/1A Transportable (fixed direction) Log Periodic Antenna
The 637P-1A  is a directional HF Antenna for tactical or fixed station use.  
It can be operated from 1.5-30 MHZ with a gain of 7.5 to 12 DB between 4-30 MHz 
and below 4 MHz, it has an unidirectional pattern.
The antenna is rated to accept power levels of 10 KW PEP or average.
Model OE-85 is rated for 3 KW and OE-86 is rated for 10 KW.
The only difference between the two models is the RF Connector on the balun.

The average VSWR is 2:1 and the Front to Back ratio is 7.5 db to 12 db 
depending on several factors.

It is 75' High (on a 80 foot mast) and requires a plot of land that is 310 feet 
by 200 Feet  
It is designed to be stowed in a frame 57" x 35.5 " x 92" and can transported 
by truck or air.
It weighs 1270 lbs.
I tonly costs $55,000
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Topband: 1984 CQ article on building a cage antenna

2018-09-18 Thread N7DF via Topband
There was a misprint in the article   It says in one place   20  4 cage wires   
it should have said  twentyfour cage wires  I do not know how the editors got 
it so wrong  the original manuscript had it correct   
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: alternative to shunt fed tower

2018-09-16 Thread N7DF via Topband
In the April 1984 issue of CQ magazine is an article on how to build a folded 
cage monopole around a tower with yagi antennas on top   You can get a copy 
from the CQ Magazine archives
CQ Magazine Archives - April 1984

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Topband: radial wire alternative

2018-09-07 Thread N7DF via Topband
This had worked well for radials in the desert of New Mexico both on the ground 
and elevated American FarmWorks Poly Wire, 1320 ft. at Tractor Supply Co.

The conductors are stainless steel and havr about the same ohmic resistance as 
galvanized wire
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Saved by my BOG

2018-08-21 Thread N7DF via Topband
This morningaround 1300Z i saw on dxscape  that tx5twas on 3655 ssb    since 80 
meters ssb was one of the two band modes I stillneed them on I thought to give 
it a try    on my cage all I heard was a constantunbroken static crash so I 
started switching around to different antennas tosee if I could hear them on 
anything  I found that my west facing experimentalBOG was the only thing 
that I could hear them on    this antenna has never worked very well 
foranything before so it was quite a surprise especially since in its 
presentconfiguration it violates  just about everythingI have read about BOGs   
it is about 300feet long made of twisted pair military communications wire 
lying on the groundand running downhill at right angles to an overhead 7500 
volt 3 phase powerlineand beside a barbed wire fence and a one inch diameter 
steel cable lying on theground marking the property line    it isunterminated 
and the receiving end is connected to a ten turn winding on aferrite core of 
unknown properties    the other end of the winding is connected tothe wire I 
dropped down into the abandoned well hole I commented about in anearlier post  
the secondary winding ofthe toroid is a hundred turns of wire connected through 
a length of rg6 coax toa polimar preamp  this configuration wasarrived at after 
various hookups with matching transformers and single wiretuners that gave the 
best signal to noise ratios over powerline noise on westcoast stations  but it 
never has workedfor anything else    another surprisingthing about the BOG is 
that it picks up a warbling signal around 7 mhz that I donot hear on any other 
antenna    30 milesto my west is the white sands missile range and there are 
frequently strange rf signalson hf  vhf  and uhf coming up from there  
including one time a multigigawatt EMP thatwiped out the programming on my 
ft1000mp but that is another story   anyway I got my qso with tx5t73 larry n7df
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: the problem is..

2018-08-05 Thread N7DF via Topband
most dxpeditions only spend one or two nights on 160 ssb because they have so 
few qsos on ssb and can work more stations on cw  and unless you are lucky 
enough to check those nights or spend all your time monitoring them you will 
miss it  if the pilot stations would announce on the reflector a day ahead of 
the planned 160 ssb date and time they would have a lot better response and a 
lot more people would have a chance to add a new one on 160 ssb
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Topband: spider article

2018-07-21 Thread N7DF via Topband
The link got left off  here it is

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Topband: spider web propagation

2018-07-20 Thread N7DF via Topband
how spiders help us understand electrical charges in the ionosphereSpiders and 
Space Weather

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Topband: beverage selector

2018-07-12 Thread N7DF via Topband
Visiting a contest station in the midwest a few years ago I noted the unique 
beverage selector switch  the various beverages were labeled  COKE  PEPSI 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: BUG (beverage underground)

2018-06-08 Thread N7DF via Topband
I recently had a 250 foot deep test well drilled near my hamshack and the well 
was powder dry all the way down so rather than waste a perfectly good hole in 
the ground I dropped a wire down it all the way to the bottom and hooked it up 
to my receiver  it was totally quiet of powerline noise while my above ground 
beverage had a 3 Db noise   The BUG did not pick up any radio signals either 
but you cannot have everything
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Topband: sorry wrong number

2018-05-31 Thread N7DF via Topband
should be 2068-625526

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Topband: more BOG wire

2018-05-31 Thread N7DF via Topband
just got latest Sportsman's Guide catalog   1640 foot roll of military 
communications wire for 20 dollars plus shipping  order number is 2068-635526 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: BOG wire

2018-03-29 Thread N7DF via Topband
1,640 feet of military surplus communications twisted pair wire $19.99 plus 
shipping item 2048-625526 
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Topband: unintended text

2018-01-30 Thread N7DF via Topband
sorry about all those question marks   I composed my text in Microsoft Office 
and copied it then pasted it into yahoo  I guess some of the characters are 
different between the two systems  73 Larry
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: thr rest of the n7df story

2018-01-30 Thread N7DF via Topband

 In my younger days I was anavid contester and especially welcomed the  
challengeof 160 meters   This was mostly the     result of acquiringseveral 
Collins   273W-1X antennas on a military surplus sale  which proved to be 
outstanding low  band    antennas after some minor modifications    Over the 
years I accumulated   towers and antennas to put together a serious   contest 
station  But my military   assignments prevented anything permanentuntil my 
retirement  I found a nice   little   acreage in the Sacramento Mountains 
ofsouth central New Mexico but it   unfortunatelyhad a lot of RFI from a 1950s 
era     power grid Even so I put up   some antennas   and  got on the air  
After my brother K0HGW joined me in  retirement we    bought a 140 acre tract 
of landin the Tularosa Basin that was   4 miles from the nearest power 
lines  The RFI noise   level was essentially zero and   we  startedbuilding our 
contest station   Weinstalled one of the Collins antennas   and a 3    
wavelength  beverage aimed at Europe  Then I had a stroke and my   brother was 
killed in a car wreck and thatended the    contest station antenna   building   
  I partially recovered from the stroke but haveresigned myself to just   
entering CW     contests  since I now have a speechimpediment from the stroke   
In fact my  neurologist tells me that this is very good     for my recovery 
from the stroke   Ispend most of my time on 160 with one of the Collins 
antennas from   my QTH in the     mountains  Ihave been trying to get 
around the noise problems   with a lot of cooperation from the 
electriccooperative     and various types of receiving arrays but it still gets 
up over S9a lot of the time   OK  -  so the   reason for this     
narrative is that I haveseveral towers and antennas that would   makea pretty 
respectable contest station and I am willing    to donate them to any   
groupthat will come get them  and put them touse  This includes two of the   
Collins antennas that    are worth $30,000 each    Ifanyone is interested 
they can    contactme at for details 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical

2018-01-29 Thread N7DF via Topband

From southcentral New Mexico working Europe on 160 meters is pretty much an 
exercise infrustration with a single vertical antenna. So I decided to see if I 
couldimprove on things by adding a parasitic reflector element to my cage 
antenna.  Since I could not find any specificinformation about doing this I 
decided to experiment a little and see what Icould come up with.  After looking 
at a lotof designs for two element antennas and taking into consideration the 
physicalparameters of being in a juniper forest I finally came up with a design 
that Icould build.  My antenna is a Collins27W-1X conical monopole fed with an 
MFJ 998 remote tuner located in a 120 footdiameter clearing. The parasitic 
reflector would be 88 feet southwest of the monopolein a small clearing.  From 
what I coulddetermine from various sources, in order for it to be effective at 
thatdistance, it would need to be resonant at 1.787 MHz to provide maximum gain 
at1.825 MHz.  The reflector elementconsisted of a 30 foot tall section of 2 
inch diameter irrigation pipe restingon a plexiglass sheet with a top hat wire 
strung at right angles to the linebetween the transmitting antenna and the 
reflector.  In the opposite direction a ground radial waslaid out along the 
ground surface.  Aftera lot of measuring with an antenna analyzer and cutting 
to length the top hatwire ended up as 86 feet 4 inches long and the ground 
radial at 112 feet 3inches to get resonance at 1.787 MHz. The bottom of the 
vertical is connectedto the ground radial with a clip lead so it can be taken 
out of the circuitwhen I want the monopole to be omnidirectional. The array 
turned out to be veryeffective in changing the pattern of the monopole and 
there is a markedimprovement on signals from the northeast both in North 
America and from Europeas realized in the recent 160 meter contest. The best 
measure, though, turned out to be courtesy of WD5COV who isabout 125 miles 
southwest from me.  Hissignal is usually about 40 over S9 when he has his 4 
square pointed myway.  After installing the parasiticelement his signal dropped 
to about 20 over S9 on peaks.  Unfortunately the antenna has not improved 
mynoise problems but that is another story.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: use the wasteland

2017-11-29 Thread N7DF via Topband
since most of the band between 1900 and 2000 KHz is seldom used it seems that 
the best solution to the FT8 isue is to move contacts using this mode up to a 
frequency in this segment like 1980 or so.
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Topband: electromagnetic effects on space weather

2017-05-19 Thread N7DF via Topband
I wonder how much effect contest weekends have
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Topband: Heavy Metal

2017-04-11 Thread N7DF via Topband
Both of the broadcast transmitters have been sold73LarryN7DF
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Topband: Toroids

2016-10-01 Thread N7DF via Topband
I have had a large number of inquiries about the toroids.  Since these are 
special units and are quitevaluable, the choice of who I give them to has been 
based on what use they willbe put to.  I needed to know if they willbe actively 
used in developmental experimentation and if they will be madeavailable to 
other hams for experimentation and use.  W3LPL has asked for the toroids and 
based uponhis record of state of the art experimentation and development as 
well as hiscontributions to amateur radio and willingness to share the benefits 
of thematerial to the ham community the toroids will be shipped to him.  Thank 
you to everyone who responded to theentry on the reflector.    73  Larry N7DF
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: lots of toroids

2016-10-01 Thread N7DF via Topband
I have a box of toroid cores, ferrite rods and beads that  I would like to give 
to someone who is into serious experimenting.  This is from the personal 
workshop of Bill Amidon,  It contains over 100 toroid cores of every size and 
color imaginable. It weighs over 20 pounds and fits into a large size Priority 
Mail shipping box.  If anyone is interested please e-mail me.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: different propagation north vs south

2016-02-13 Thread N7DF via Topband
Some time ago there was a post about some research done on trans equatorial 
propagation that was done by a lady researcher in australiaFollowing up on her 
research in some of her published papers  she seemed to imply that the 
difference in polarity between the north pole and the south pole has a really 
significant effect on many aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum with regard 
to the incidence of coronal mass ejections, interaction between the terrestrial 
and the sun's magnetic field and cosmic ray impingement in the earth's 
atmosphere and geomagnetic field.With the  decrease in both terrestrial and 
solar magnetic field intensities detected in recent years some really strange 
things may be in the offing.I have lost the links that I once had to these 
references but a lot of the information is available from the website is a fascinating study to say the least and it seems like 
the topband is a good place to experience the weird effects that she was 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: A midsummer nights contest

2015-06-21 Thread N7DF via Topband
 With the QRN levels the lowest that had been seen in several weeks it looked 
promising when WD5R was banging in half an hour before sunset.  Five hours 
later with a stunning 12 contacts in the logs WD5R was still 20 over S9.   
Several weak, fluttering signals were being heard with occasional bursts of 
dits and dahs from meteor trails.  It was an interesting experience and I did 
not regret spending the time but I think I will wait until fall to spend much 
time on 160.  Maybe a brief excursion during field day.BTW check out the 
celestial light show in the western sky just after sunset.  he bright stars you 
see are Jupiter and Venus.  They will keep getting closer together each evening 
or the next several days and then begin pulling apart as Venus gradually 
becomes dimmer. 

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Topband: looking at the ionosphere

2015-06-02 Thread N7DF via Topband
 The VKs seem to be on the ball again    Actually looking at propagation as it 
is happening
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Topband: telegraphers abbreviations

2015-05-11 Thread N7DF via Topband
 Here is an interesting website that answers where a lot of CW abbreviations 
came from.  Text messages do not even compare
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Topband: just in time for CQWW

2014-10-24 Thread N7DF via Topband
At 2200Z an X6 class solar flare erupted directly in line with the earth.  
Major disruption of radio propagation can be expected for the next 6 to 10 
hours according to NASA.  If a CME results further effects may become effective 
during the next several days.  Check for developing 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: instant update on solar flare

2014-10-24 Thread N7DF via Topband
at 2210z the intensity of the flare was downgraded to an x1.9  still pretty bad 
for ionosphere though and the possibility of further flaring within the next 24 
hours is listed as around 40%
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Topband: what happened to SP

2014-10-20 Thread N7DF via Topband
The NASA solar observatory reported that an X1 class solar flare occurred at 
o500Z on October 19 resulting in a geomagnetic storm that lasted until 1100Z   
During this period earth's ionosphere was severely impacted and high frequency  
radio propagation interrupted
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Topband: where the lightning strikes

2014-07-02 Thread N7DF via Topband
A new real time lightning strike map page from germany
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