Re: Topband: FT8 - How it really works

2018-12-20 Thread Patrik Hrvatin

Hi,Narroving filter in WSJT-X digi modes will degrade decodes! Best performance 
you'll get using wide open filters on you radio.I sugest you to look at the 
WSJT-X archives and find the answer to your question by the author it self - 
K1JT.As we are radio Amateurs i beleive its worth to experiment with the 
filters and it would be nice to see those results posted here.
So far i didnt try yet FT8 on 160m, i did it on on 6m during the summer season 
and 40 to 10m daily from home with simple wires. I prefer to work CW on 160m 
;)On 6m i have almost no noise, worked about 106 DXCC's in 3 months or less, 
200 NA stations and about 60 JAs in the log. Many of those are Topbanders.With 
modest setup, old IC706MK2 + 3cx800, 6el.YU7EF  and of course JTDX software 
(worth to try it).
160m and 6m are very different, starting from noise level, QSB and  propagation 
modes. Multiple receivers are needed with multiple JT program's running, each 
his own dedicated QTF direction. Otherwise you will loose a needed DX for sure. 
One thing we agreed b4 the season, that EU will transmit always on the 1st 
period. That was good decision to minimise local QRM. 

Best regards, MX and 73 9A5CW 

Poslano s pametnog telefona Samsung Galaxy.
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Topband: VE1ZZ sk

2018-10-19 Thread Patrik Hrvatin

Very sad news,Worked him several times on TB and 6m bands. Last qso in 2015 on 
R.I.P. SK TU .  .
Pat 9A5CW 

Poslano s pametnog telefona Samsung Galaxy.
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Topband: A35T on TB

2016-02-24 Thread Patrik Hrvatin
Hi all,
Yesterday they had good signal, constant 519 with good peaks.
But i think they dont have good RX, i did call for 10 or more minutes them 
without a single ? Sent by them, just loop CQ.

My 50cents,
73 Pat, 9a5cw
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