Topband: Update on Bob VK3ZL

2014-05-22 Thread Ron vk3io

Hello Top Band enthusiast.

Just to let you know, I did visit Bob, vk3zl who is in hospital 
recovering from his cancer operations.

He is seemed very chirpy and in pretty good spirits, for someone who has 
gone through his recent medical proceedures for his cancer condition and 
while I have not seen him for maybe five years, he instantly recognised 
me and my wife and remembered our names.

I think he may have completed his last medical proceedure just this week 
on Tuesday and so all going well, he will continue to recover in 
hospital or some sort of high care facility and build up his strength 
and learn to use his new attachments which will help him with his bodily 
functions and if all goes well he may be home by this Christmas.

His is in the Geelong General Hospital, which is about 300km East from 
his home and about 60km SW from Melbourne and so Jean, his wife is 
temporarily living at an accommodation unit very close to the hospital 
and while this is a bit costly, it makes it easier and more practical to 
visit him.

For the longer term outlook, probably early next year, he and Jean will 
probably have to sell up and move closer to a hospital or care facility, 
as their present qth is pretty much a long distance and isolated from 
such a facility.

During our chat, he more than once commented on the tremendous number of 
well wishes via email he has received and of course how he appreciated 
such thoughts and all your well wishes.

He still is eager to continue his electronic construction activity, but 
I think he understands that it won't be possible for him to continue 
building his prized high voltage valve amplifiers, as he has for the 
past twenty years or so and so I suggested he tries his hand at high 
power, much lower voltage and much safer, solid state amps.

His main thoughts are how to sell off all of his amplifier collection 
and part built valve amplifiers and components.

Unfortunately, I am not able to help much, as I live about  350km East 
from his QTH and I am still working in China for about six months of 
each year.

Cheers and 73's. from Ron.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: VK0M on 160m

2012-08-31 Thread Ron vk3io
With regards to VK0M on 160m, I am sure this will be difficult as I have 
been told that the big wire antennas that were on the island (Vee beam 
and Rhombics) have been taken down.

I have also been told by Kevin and Trevor that putting up any big 
antenna would not be permitted.

So maybe a temporary big vertical or inverted vee held up by balloon or 
kite maybe possible, if the operator down there had the enthusiasm or 
time to do such an experiement.

I also doubt if any operator (any technical staff on assignment) would 
take an amp down there, as they are limited by weight, for what they can 
take with them and so will probably be limted to 100w.

As far as VK0M is concerned the last AR stations down there were Trevor 
VK8TM who was VK0TH (2011-2012) and before him was Keven VK4KEV who was 
VK0KEV (2010-2011).

Before Trevor and Kevin was David VK0MT (2005), Allan VK0MM (2000), Tom 
VK0TS (1997), Graham VK0GC (1983, 1987, 1989) and So Jo VK0SJ (1986, who 
was very active and a big dx'er and back then they had access to the big 
vee beam/rhombics).

Of recent times, both Trevor and Kevin were more active, so maybe they 
had more free time or as their antennas were close to their 
accomodation. it was easier to operate, than in the old day's where they 
had to trek the remote radio hut and stay overnight.

Kevin said he had a 5 band vertical and a dipole.

I remember Kevin often called in on 40 and worked many USA and seemed to 
hear very well and got out pretty well with his 100w. I don't know if he 
had radials on his vertical and if so how many he had. I think he did 
come on 80 for VK's, but not on the dx window or cw.

I do remember Trevor doing a lot of 40m and 80 cw dx and digital modes, 
but I cannot remember what antenna he was using. Probably another 5 band 
vertical and I don't know how many radials he had. He did also seem to 
hear very well and worked many USA and Europe on 40 & 80 (and other 
bands of course) on cw and digi modes as well as ssb. He was the most 
active of recent VK0/M visitors.

I don't think either of them did anything on 160 or even listen there, 
due to the antenna restrictions. If you cannot put many radials out, 
then you will probably never get a short height vertical working on 160.

I think it would be a good idea to send either Kevin otr Trevor an email 
and find out what antennas they had and for other AR operational info.

Cheers, from Ron.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Solar Activity & Topband

2012-01-28 Thread Ron vk3io
I have been reading this thread of comments with interest and here are 
some of my observations.

 From down under, in VK3. during this contest so far, I have been very 
surprised at the good signals heard when compared to the recent pre 
contest days. That is to say, not great, but good to NA in general from 
east to west, carrabian and canada and good to JA and other Asia and 
good to the northern Europe region (but nothing from Africa or southern 
Europe, like Italy, Gemany or UK).

Interestingly signals were only good, not at my SR or NA SR time, but 
about 1 or 2 hours before the usual SR peak time and so this odd 
behaviour maybe be due to the recent solar activity.

Of course, this good signal time would normally be missed were it not 
for a contest and on a non contest day, operators would listen for the 
usual SR peak and be dissapointed and say TB is dead.

And as we know, TB can be very spotty, good signals in one location and 
poor in another nearby location and in our region last night there was 
only me and two VK6's and one ZL active, so we will never know the real 

Of course, in such a contest, there are always a few big signals who 
don't hear others calling, like me and I can only put that down to 
either bad qrn and qrm at their end or the use of directional rx 
antennas and not bothering to listen in my direction and this is always 
frustrating, but that is the reality of a contester down under.

I have been active this year a lot during the pre contest days and it 
seems of recent days it is normal for TB, to have one good day and then 
two or three bad days and so I never know what to expect for tomorrow. 
Maybe tomorrow will be a great day or maybe it will be worse or maybe I 
will be plagued with qrn from the storms up north in our tropical region.

So far, this contest has been much better when compared to a bad year, 
but no as good as a great year and hopefully it will continue to 
surprise me.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK