I completely agree with you Jim, AB3CV.

I am in more or less the same situation as you, too little footprint for
several serious beverages, single or phased, but instead the W1EW / VE6WZ 9
circle with only 120ft diameter is really an improvement here on a little
footprint.  Steve, VE6WZ has done so many great YouTube videos, not only on
the 9 circle subject, but other TopBand issues.
By the way I am using my 9 circle in diversity RX mode on the transceiver
with other small receive antennas, as short beverages, Bog's and DHDL, it
works great.
Sure long Beverage  (too long for my property), would outperform the 9
circle in the same direction, but then I need a serious big property to get
the opportunity to switch directions from several bev's.

Now we only need more activity on 160M CW, so we can have more fun, and
reason to play with antennas, hi.

Great job Steve, VE6WZ and ofcourse John, W1FV who optimized and
developed the smaller 9 circle.

Stig, OZ4MM

Den tir. 6. dec. 2022 kl. 05.49 skrev Joe <n...@mwt.net>:

> Any links to this system?
> Joe WB9SBD
> On 12/4/2022 1:34 PM, Jim Miller wrote:
> > Thanks to Steve's, VE6WZ, excellent YouTube videos, I decided to tackle a
> > better RX antenna. I've been using a 2 element array phased by an NCC-2
> > which is better than what I've had in the past (BOG, K9AY) but I wanted
> > better.
> >
> > After evaluating my space available and finding it too small I asked my
> > neighbor for seasonal use of their adjoining lot and they graciously
> > agreed! My N, NW and W elements are on their property.
> >
> > Steve's videos include KiCad files for the combiner and preamps and he
> was
> > very helpful by email with any of my questions.
> >
> > I just completed the array last night and got it on the air and I was
> > astonished by how well it worked.
> >
> > Of course it isn't going to create signals out of thin air but it is much
> > quieter due to better RDF and the front to back is very impressive.
> Strong
> > signals on the waterfall just disappear when the antenna is reversed!
> >
> > I'm very happy to get such an improved antenna for 80 and 160 in a 120ft
> > diameter circle!
> >
> > As a bonus I use it with PSTRotator and a USB controlled relay box so no
> > manual switch box is required on my desk. Just a mouse click selects the
> > desired direction or it can track my logger automatically.
> >
> > FYI, most of the cost is in the aluminum, the combiner and preamps were
> > pretty cheap to build.
> >
> > Many thanks to VE6WZ!!
> >
> > 73
> >
> > jim ab3cv
> > _________________
> > Searchable Archives:http://www.contesting.com/_topband  - Topband
> Reflector
> >
> _________________
> Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband
> Reflector
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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